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Here I am...late as always. I am so failing at this. ;( But tomorrow Speed Weeks start! WOO HOO! The Clash is tomorrow at 3 (I think) on FS1 and qualifying for the Daytona 500 is tomorrow as well sometime. Thursday is the two small races to see who will get the pole for Daytona 500 (Feb. 18th!). Is it possible that I may actually survive my NASCAR withdrawals this year? This has got to be the longest off season...ever. Well other than baseball. I don't know if I'll be able to survive my baseball withdrawals...46 more days until opening season. I'm pathetic, I know. But I love my NASCAR and my baseball. 

So with NASCAR here...lets talk fantasy sports. I have some sad and unforunate news. Yahoo fantasy has decided to end their fantasy auto racing leagues. Yeah...I'm upset about it too. So I had to look elsewhere. NASCAR.com has their own NASCAR fantasy leagues that are free that is called Fantasy Live. I have created a league on there and so far it is just me, my cousin, and his friend. I would love to have more players if I can get them. Let me  know if you want to join. It is free and looks fun. A lot like Yahoo but this year they are having it so that you will get the same points as the driver gets. So I think that would make it nice and easier. Plus you can switch your garage driver for your driver up until the third segment. So far I have only found out out how to invite people by email, so if you want to join, please PM your email address and I will be glad to send you an invite.


Also with Yahoo...I will have my own fantasy baseball league again this year. It was really fun last year. Please let me know if you want to join and PM your email address to me and I will send you an invite whenever they open the leagues up this year.


Back to Danica...she will be in the Daytona 500 for all who are intrested. Be her last NASCAR race. Don't know what she has planned for afterwards. Other than dating Aaron Rodgers. UGH. How can she trade on the Bears like that? ;) 


Keep it between the ditches y'all (stay warm!) 


I understand why you are getting excited about NASCAR but don't understand why you are getting excited about baseball since the Pirates are going to crush the Cubs every time they play. I want to join both leagues but will only join baseball if you can make the draft 4:00 Eastern Standard Time (5:00 at the latest) on a weekday since I have limited access to a computer and I can't count on this tablet to be reliable. I will send you a PM. 


Are you sure Roger? The Cubs just signed Yu Darvish...lol. The Cubs are going all the way this year. I will see what I can do about draft times. Most people I know locally that are in it have kids which is why I normally do it later so the kiddos would be in bed.Maybe a friday afternoon. 

As for NASCAR...Alex Bowman just snagged the pole for the Daytona 500 next weekend. Alex Bowman took over Dale Earnhardt Jr 88 car. The Clash will be later this afternoon.


I see that YAHOO hasn't yet opened up for baseball. Please don't worry about me not being able to draft. I know you have a lot of friends in it and I don't want to disrupt your plans. Before I join let me know what time you selected and if I can make it I will join. I've been in leagues before where the computer picked my players and I hated it. I do want to join the NASCAR league though. 


I wouldn't care either way. What I don't like to see is girls playing football or wrestling boys in high school. When someone says I'm wrong for feeling that way I always say this...."My father taught me that boys should never hit girls. Are you saying my dad was an idiot for teaching me that?"

On 16/02/2018 at 8:01 PM, RogerDuke said:

I wouldn't care either way. What I don't like to see is girls playing football or wrestling boys in high school. When someone says I'm wrong for feeling that way I always say this...."My father taught me that boys should never hit girls. Are you saying my dad was an idiot for teaching me that?"

Without wanting to get too serious, there's a big difference between boys hitting girls (or girls hitting boys) and girls competing against boys, even in contact sports. If both parties are willing participants, I don't have a problem with it.

Regarding female drivers in NASCAR, I don't see why there shouldn't be more. As long as they're given an equal chance in the lower ranks, the best ones should come through. I know some people have said that Danica's only in NASCAR for the novelty factor because she's a woman. I'd accept that if she came last every week, but while she's never looked like winning the series, she beats a lot of male drivers on a regular basis.

Speaking of women in motorsport, I don't know how well the story has been reported in the US, but F1 has announced that they will no longer be using "grid girls" this season. The grid girls, sometimes is pretty scanty costumes, were used for promotional tasks as well as holding the drivers' number boards on the grid and lining the route to the winner's podium. They will be replaced by "grid kids", who will be aspiring young drivers from junior categories. Read more here.


To answer the question about more females in NASCAR. I don't have a problem if they are male or female as long as they are selected to drive due to their talent and not just because they are female. I don't mean anything against Danica, but she was picked from the Nationwide Series over other drivers who won races and the championship while she has no wins. I feel like she got into NASCAR because of her name and the fact she would bring money and fans with her. I understand that, but  also feel like it's not fair for others who was more deserving of the ride. Like I said, I mean nothing against Danica. She brought a lot to the sport and I wish her well with Daytona and the rest of her life.

But on a more serious note...y'all know what tomorrow is? IT'S DAYTONA DAY!!!! It's finally here...my countdown has went from like 90 days to 1. Tomorrow it will be 0. :D So far Daytona hasn't been too kind to Jimmie Johnson. He wrecked out in both the pre season race last week and in his dual race on Thursday. Sadly I missed the duals due to not having cable. Ryan Blaney and Chase Elliott won so they will be starting out front tomorrow. 

So who y'all rooting for this season? I'm sticking with Jimmie Johnson and Chase Elliott. Though am looking forward to seeing what Alex Bowman and William Byron will do for Hendrick as well. I'm all team Hendrick! :) 

Tomorrow is the day y'all!

37 minutes ago, Joseph said:


Yay another Jimmie Johnson fan! :D Jeff Gordon will always be my all time favorite driver, but JJ comes very close to it as my second favorite. So now I go for Jimmie Johnsonn and Chase Elliott. ;) 

5 hours ago, HossC said:
5 hours ago, HossC said:

Without wanting to get too serious, there's a big difference between boys hitting girls (or girls hitting boys) and girls competing against boys, even in contact sports. If both parties are willing participants, I don't have a problem with it.


I understand why you feel that way and I respect that but I just think it puts the boy in a lose-lose situation. If he beats the girl in a wrestling match he gets teased by his teammates and if he loses he gets teased even worse. If the boy has a father like mine who taught him to not hurt girls how can he be expected to put his heart into it when he has to get physical with them? That also puts him in a lose-lose situation. Society is setting a double standard. With all the latest social movements encouraging men to treat women with more respect we are also teaching our boys that it is fine to tackle them, crush them, pin them and dominate over them in an athletic event while adults cheer. These mixed signals are confusing to young men. It was so simple in my day....respect girls and don't hurt them. 


6 hours ago, HossC said:

Speaking of women in motorsport, I don't know how well the story has been reported in the US, but F1 has announced that they will no longer be using "grid girls" this season. The grid girls, sometimes is pretty scanty costumes, were used for promotional tasks as well as holding the drivers' number boards on the grid and lining the route to the winner's podium. They will be replaced by "grid kids", who will be aspiring young drivers from junior categories. Read more here.

6 hours ago, HossC said:

Speaking of women in motorsport, I don't know how well the story has been reported in the US, but F1 has announced that they will no longer be using "grid girls" this season. The grid girls, sometimes is pretty scanty costumes, were used for promotional tasks as well as holding the drivers' number boards on the grid and lining the route to the winner's podium. They will be replaced by "grid kids", who will be aspiring young drivers from junior categories. Read more here.

I predict that 20 years from now there will be no more cheerleaders in sporting events here in the US either. I realize cheerleaders and grid girls have different jobs but this is a trend. It will likely filter into movies as well. NPR reported that there are no sexy girls in the movie "Black Panther" because it sends the wrong message about girls. This first started in the 1960s. I remember when young women were discouraged from wearing mini skirts because that distracted from their intelligence. Mini skirts then faded away. I'm not sure if it was because they were no longer politically correct or if it was simply because all fashion trends fade away. 


5 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

I predict that 20 years from now there will be no more cheerleaders in sporting events here in the US either. I realize cheerleaders and grid girls have different jobs but this is a trend.

Are you forgetting that George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Franklin D. Roosevelt were all cheerleaders at college. It's still possible for any cheerleader to grow up and become President* ;).

* So long as they're at least thirty-five years old, a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years and a natural-born citizen.

6 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

I understand why you feel that way and I respect that but I just think it puts the boy in a lose-lose situation. If he beats the girl in a wrestling match he gets teased by his teammates and if he loses he gets teased even worse. If the boy has a father like mine who taught him to not hurt girls how can he be expected to put his heart into it when he has to get physical with them? That also puts him in a lose-lose situation. Society is setting a double standard. With all the latest social movements encouraging men to treat women with more respect we are also teaching our boys that it is fine to tackle them, crush them, pin them and dominate over them in an athletic event while adults cheer. These mixed signals are confusing to young men. It was so simple in my day....respect girls and don't hurt them. 

Maybe you've identified the problem, Roger. The male wrestler is teased because his female opponent isn't seen as a worthy adversary by his teammates, despite the fact that she's probably trained at least as hard as him. I'm not familiar with mixed competitions (I'm not a wrestling fan), but if wrestling is the profession that a woman has chosen, surely the best way to respect her is to treat her as an equal to the other competitors. Then, the stigma of "losing to a a girl" will become a thing of the past (it's not going to happen overnight). They can be a threat to your chances of winning without being a threat to your masculinity.

If the boys are encouraged to respect all of their opponents, I don't think that's setting a bad example. Hurting someone within the confines of a sporting event, whilst obeying all the associated rules, is very different from hurting someone in normal life. Note that I've carefully used the word "someone", because the latest reports I've read over here suggest that over 40% of domestic violence is now against men, so both sides need to be educated about respect.


All good points Hoss. Sometimes political correctness mixing with biology can be confusing. I suppose we should get back on the subject of the NASCAR thread. It is the big day after all. My apologies for getting off subject.

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