Southernpride Posted March 28, 2005 Posted March 28, 2005 It is getting to really grate on my nerves that we have not even seen so much as a teaser trailer for the new movie. I have seen teasers for two movies coming out in early fall!! Come on! Quote
Divia Posted March 28, 2005 Posted March 28, 2005 Yeah, Southernpride has a point. Thats what gets me. I mean for all the big summer movies we've seen SOMETHING. And as Jessica Simpson said "they have high expectations" for thismovie. She was even talkin "sequel" on Leno. Well, if thats the case and they have such confidence in this movie lets see something. I just dont get it. Quote
Julieduke Posted April 4, 2005 Posted April 4, 2005 How can they talking sequel if they don't even know how the first movie is going to do? Quote
Divia Posted April 4, 2005 Posted April 4, 2005 well, they have high hopes for it and if it does well they want a sequel. Quote
Klownikus Posted April 5, 2005 Posted April 5, 2005 Im just wondering if they are not showing any trailers because they are not going to have the rebel flag on the the Genral Lee!!!I for one will be really upset if the flag is not there!!!!!!!!!!I find it interesting that no one has really considered the values that were accepted when the show was made as opposed to the values that are commonly accepted in our society today. While there were obviously symbols of racism present in the show, what has impressed me the most in reviewing the first two season, are the amazingly mysogynistic attidues expressed throughout. Sure, Daisy is presented as a strong female character whom often outwits her male couterparts, but consider the overall treatment of women on the show. There is a distictive aura of ass slapping and giggling and while that may have been considered excellent prime time material in 1979, I wonder if the mysterious stranger that will surely arrive at some point is going to pinch Jessica Simpson's ass and tell her to hurry along while the boys handle things. I think it is also pretty funny that the Dukes are presented as heros, but in fact are often behaving in criminal activities. In the very first show they commit grand theft when they highjack a truck for absolutly no reason, and it seems like they engage in some criminal act at least once an episode. Of course it is always for some overall good cause. Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE the Dukes and feel that these things contributed to it being such a classic show. I'm just curious to see how these sort of fundamental elements of the show are going to be represented 25 years down the line with changing social dynamics in mind.Who know's? Maybe they just won't give a f*** and it will be an ass grabbing, rednecking, good 'ol hoedown.I'm sure we'll all see.Yee-haw. Quote
MaryAnne Posted April 5, 2005 Posted April 5, 2005 There is a distictive aura of ass slapping and giggling and while that may have been considered excellent prime time material in 1979, I wonder if the mysterious stranger that will surely arrive at some point is going to pinch Jessica Simpson's ass and tell her to hurry along while the boys handle things. Huh? I think it is also pretty funny that the Dukes are presented as heros, but in fact are often behaving in criminal activities. In the very first show they commit grand theft when they highjack a truck for absolutly no reason, and it seems like they engage in some criminal act at least once an episode. Of course it is always for some overall good cause. True, but Jesse gave them hell for it remember. "You stole these machines and a truck?""Well no! Um...yeah. Well...we left the truck infront of the sherrif's office.""And what about these?""Well, we were thinking---""Young man, you think again!! You know good and well this family don't hold to no gambling!"Ect. ect...Anyway, yeah the boys were constantly breaking the law but in the grand scheme of things in Hazzard County, Boss and Rosco's own twisting of the law usually forced the Dukes to have to break some law in order to set things right again. Anyway, I see your point. In this era of "family values" and "polticial correctness," technically speaking the Dukes has some elements to it that would make it nobody's darling. But all things considered, the Dukes is tame and clean compared to stuff on television now. Quote
BCDR05 Posted April 6, 2005 Posted April 6, 2005 I don't know about you guys, but I find very clever how they counstructed the original 'dukes of hazzard' tv series around the general lee and it's very real background. That takes alot of thought Quote
The Voice Man of Hazzard Posted April 8, 2005 Posted April 8, 2005 Howdy. I've been waiting for this opportunity and I thought I'd share my thoughts regarding the new movie. On the pro side, I am looking forward to seeing a new movie about the Dukes of Hazzard. Ever since the release of the Starsky and Hutch movie, I was wondering how they'd treat the Dukes. When it comes to the cast, I can only approve of three. Believe it or not, I am looking forward to seeing Seann William Scott as Bo Duke. Now I know that he is known as Stifler from the American Pie trilogy, but I think he has the right look for a guy who loves to race cars and chase women. I will admit however, that when I heard he was going to be Bo, I had this image of Bo Stifler Duke jumping the General Lee. You would hear the dixie horn followed by him saying F____ers!!!!!!!! I look at Willie Nelson's casting as Uncle Jesse as a tribute to his friendship with Waylon Jennings. And Burt Reynolds as Boss Hogg, while it physically makes no sense at all for Boss to be tall and thin, I feel it's a tribute to a tribute since Burt's name was mentioned a few times around during the show, which was made during his heyday in movies.LUKE: Burt Reynolds never seemed to get lostBO: Well he's got a mustache!or Cooter in Repo Men saying: What you think ole Burt Reynolds would do in a time like this?Besides, if Burt does have the mustache, it will look like the Bandit went into politics.On the con side, I have no opinion of Johnny Knoxville as Luke Duke, so I have to remain neutral. As for Rosco, I'm a bit annoyed that he is being treated like a minor character and we don't even know how this MC Gainey guy is going to portray him. The biggest fault with the movie is with Daisy Duke. I'm sorry, but I don't like Jessica Simpson. In fact, I totally despise her with a fierce passion. Now I'm not going to bash Jessica. I've seen a lot of that and I'm not going to get caught up in it. It's not that Daisy Duke will be a blonde that bothers me. Guy Waldron's original image of Daisy was blonde. To me, it's that they've chosen a blonde who either is dumb or acts like it, like that "Chicken of the Sea" line I've heard about on that dumb reality show that she and that husband of hers do. I refuse to watch it. My ideal choice for Daisy Duke would have either been Kristin Kreuk from Smallville or country singer Getchen Wilson. I look at her and I see the modern Daisy Duke in her and her songs like Redneck Woman and Homewrecker. But actually, Daisy and Rosco are the only things I'm dreading about the movie. Otherwise, I'm anxious to see it. I'm especially looking forward to seeing former Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter as Uncle Jesse's girlfriend since I recently acquired the Wonder Woman DVDs. But that is my opinion of the movie. A neutral one. Regarding Jessica Simpson, I'm not outt to bash her and upset Jessica's fans. It is only my opinion and nothing more. For Jessica's fans, I'll only say that maybe Jessica will surprise us as Daisy Duke. Only time will tell.Cheers.Will RodgersThe Voice Man Quote
Happy Pants Posted April 8, 2005 Posted April 8, 2005 Hello Hazard Fans,I am a new member here and I appreciate the chance to post messages and to have my questions I hope answered.I am still feeling out this website so If some of this post is not in relation to the question at hand...I apologize.I do want to say that I love this site in terms of the content and news of the Dukes and the new movie. I think the actors they have hired to play the dukes are good. Not the greatest but I think I am being a little prejudice since deep down I cant think about anyone replacing the older and original actors. I love the series and may have missed only a few eposides. As far as the movie, it would help if the filming company released a few more production stills and even a teaser trailier so that we may have some evidence of what we are going to witness when this movie hits the big screen. I also wanted to ask a few inquiries. Does this website have any actual clips of the dukes series anywhere and can we find it anywhere on the web?Secondly,I have seen the description on this site of daisy duke and it is very accurate, except for one thing. I dont see where she is described that she can shoot like annie oakley. I actually saw this description from a dukes interview awhile back. And in comparison to the new movie, I have read that Jessica Simpson had some driving stunt lessons for the movie, but no mention of any shooting lessons or skills and if it is in the movie at all.Anyhow I want to thank you again for letting me in as a member and if I can help in anyway please anyone e-mail me. I look forward to any replies to this post.See ya all. Quote
fathead Posted April 8, 2005 Posted April 8, 2005 ...I will admit however, that when I heard he was going to be Bo, I had this image of Bo Stifler Duke jumping the General Lee. You would hear the dixie horn followed by him saying F____ers!!!!!!!!Hahahahaha! Funniest thing I've seen on this forum... Quote
MaryAnne Posted April 8, 2005 Posted April 8, 2005 I have seen the description on this site of daisy duke and it is very accurate, except for one thing. I dont see where she is described that she can shoot like annie oakley. Happy Pants,Welcome to HNet! You know, I went back and looked at that description we did for Daisy and you're right. We left out the attributes as described by the Balladeer, that Daisy could "drive like Richard Petty, shoot like Annie Oakley and knows all the words to Dolly Parton songs..."Now, granted we didn't see Daisy do all that much shootin' on the show. But if you've ever seen the episode 'The Big Heist' and she points the rifle at wasshisface, I'd speculate the Annie Oakley description to be right. Even if she never pulled the trigger. ROFLMe thinks I'll go back in and fix that. LOLMaryAnne Quote
Dale The Bold Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 Anyway, yeah the boys were constantly breaking the law but in the grand scheme of things in Hazzard County, Boss and Rosco's own twisting of the law usually forced the Dukes to have to break some law in order to set things right again. Anyway, I see your point. In this era of "family values" and "polticial correctness," technically speaking the Dukes has some elements to it that would make it nobody's darling. But all things considered, the Dukes is tame and clean compared to stuff on television now.In One Armed Bandits, they stole Boss Hogg's illegal slot machines. They were breaking the law, but it was in order to prevent someone else from breaking the law. And they gave those slot machines to charity. So they stole from the corrupted rich and gave to the poor. Like Robin Hood, only in a modern setting. Technically, Robin Hood was a thief, but if you break the law for the better good, you're a hero. Heck, even the American Revolution was a bunch of lawless rebels standing up agaisnt the government. I think a person who could stop a crook, but chooses not to is guilty by their inaction. The moral of the story...fight the system. 8) Quote
Happy Pants Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 Hiya all,Thats cool for changing daisy dukes profile. The only eposide she was shooting in was the one called "officer daisy duke". But did anyone hear if Jessica Simpson is going to match that characteristic of daisy??Or if she is taking lessons to do it .? Quote
Scott Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 I won't say much about what I may or may not have seen one weekend...but I sure hope Jessica Simpson can shoot a gun. Cuz she can't drive worth squat. She broke an "unbreakable" car one day. Not that I saw this cruelty to a Ga. State patrol Crown Vic. When you see the movie, look how tough those police cars were in the movie. They were intentionally hurt but kept going. JS was in one for two minutes at her stunt driving lesson and all that was left was some head scratchin'. Quote
korean_cowboy Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 Here's my thoughts on the movie. First lets start with the cast,Jessica Simpson, Stiffler, and Johnny Knoxville?? that by itself is a recipe for desaster. Next the director, the same guy that did "Starsky and Hutch", ...and we all know how well that did. And To finish, the original cast,there's a reason why Ben Jones, John Schneider, Top Wopat, etc. won't make a cameo in the movie, and have said that they don't wan't anything to do with it. I'll save my money for the next season to be released on DVD. Quote
Dale The Bold Posted April 20, 2005 Posted April 20, 2005 I'll save my money for the next season to be released on DVD.All the fans need to do this, especially since Season Three comes with a free movie ticket. So there's no need to boycott the movie.What exactly does "possum on a gumbush" mean in this poll? Is it "possum on a gumbush, I'm excited" or "possum on a gumbush, how could they DO this?!" Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted April 20, 2005 Posted April 20, 2005 Next the director, the same guy that did "Starsky and Hutch", ...and we all know how well that did. Just to clarify - "Starsky & Hutch" was directed by Todd Phillips, who, in my opinion would have made a better director for the Dukes movie. At least he understood that he was working with something that had a large fan following and he didn't alienate the S&H fans before they even started. The movie wasn't high drama, but at least it was funny. Just my opinion.LS3 Quote
redneck236 Posted April 21, 2005 Posted April 21, 2005 I think my sentiments on this "Dude where's my General Lee" movie are well documented now, but you have rasied a point that I only touched on in a previous post as to why this movie should and will tank. My first and primary concern about this movie is I am a proud Southerner,(At least I was born there, and my G,G,Granddady was a CS Veteran) and the Dukes of Hazzard was one of the only pro-Southern TV shows that I can ever think of, so much so, that back when the show aired there were kids all across this vast nation that were carrying lunch boxes to school with the Dukes of Hazzard on it as well as a Confederate Battleflag, and everything was COOL! Even James Best (Rosco) said recently, the DOH was a Southern show, made no apologies for it, it didn't offend anyone and people loved it. Well, all that changed somehow these days, and from the reviews I have read, and part of the script I have seen, they tear all that to shreds and the General Lee is now a big mistake or misunderstanding that Bo and Luke end up apologizing for. That is enough for me to puke, so they lost my family's $30 when that happend, but even if I forget that whole "Patronizing and making fun of Southerners" issue and I try to look at what this new movie is from purely an objective marketing stand point, the movie fails again, miserabley. This movie would be like a Star Wars movie that was geared towards a "Sea Biscuit" fandome. When a Star Wars or Star Trek movie comes out, you can always predict that those die hard fans dressed in space suits are going to be found sleeping out days before the movie, because it's THEIR movie, and sure the fans will judge it and compare it against the movies of the past. What we have in the this Dukes movie, or I forgot, the "Dude Where's my General Lee", is a total stray from gearing it towards the true fans of the series. If anything, they have offended and upset us to say the least, instead they hedge all their bets on a crowd that never watched the old series, and will somehow be "captured" by the great acting and antics of a attractive pop singer that is afraid to get a little dirt or mud on her, and the fine acting of a "Jack ass" and throw it together in some sort of Southern "Hillbilly" fast and the furious. It's a double loosing proposition, even a bad Star Wars movie will sell tickets to Star Wars fans. This movie is making no attempt to hold onto it's original fans, on the contrary they are alienating and trashing "us" and gearing for the under 20-something crowd that rather see a movie with a fast Mitsubishi not a fine tuned V8 muscle car. They think someone else is going to be sitting in the movie house on opening day, instead on depending on the faithful to be there because if they had really made a Dukes of Hazzard movie, we would have had to be there, even if it stinks up the place. I know some of you won't listen to the warnings from me and many on here, and sometime during the summer after this movie comes out many of you will be singing the same tune as me, that's all well and good, but by then, these people who have destroyed an "institution" will already have your money in their pockets and that is all they are really concerned about, not the posterity of the true "Dukes of Hazzard". Quote
Julieduke Posted April 21, 2005 Posted April 21, 2005 Did anybody know that Jessica Simpson recorded a duet wilth Willie Nelson for the Soundtrack? Quote
kilgore Posted April 22, 2005 Posted April 22, 2005 i have a open mind about the dukes movie but like some im a little worried that these fools will totally mess up somthing so good oh by the way my great grampa served inthe 10th ky so the stars and bars is held in hight esteam in my house just like ol'e glory Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 I've seen some of the advertisements for the movie and it seems to me like they are trashing Bo and Luke and making them both look like a couple of idiots which they were never like that in the series and I'm not even sure I'm gonna go see it Quote
snaplesugar Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 I probably will see it but i couldn't possibly be as good as the sires! Quote
snaplesugar Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 I probably will see it but i couldn't possibly be as good as the sires! Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 Hey everybody, I'm new, but I'm gonna give ya my two pennies anyway(Sorry canadaian pennies are only worth 1 cent US) Hee Hee.Any way, I think the new Dukes of Hazzard movie looks trashy and is a disgrace to the original. I watched the trailer yesterday and just about fell out of my chair I was so shocked at the way my favorite show was going to be portryred on the big screen. I think I'm gonna write my own script and send it to WB antbody wanna help? Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 Hey everybody, I'm new, but I'm gonna give ya my two pennies anyway(Sorry canadaian pennies are only worth 1 cent US) Hee Hee.Any way, I think the new Dukes of Hazzard movie looks trashy and is a disgrace to the original. I watched the trailer yesterday and just about fell out of my chair I was so shocked at the way my favorite show was going to be portryred on the big screen. I think I'm gonna write my own script and send it to WB antbody wanna help? Quote
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