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Guest DanielPHorse
*Sighs thinking a moment* Aww man thats a good question.. *strokes chin a moment* Well...maybe a few hundred dollars...*he reaches into his pocket to see how much money hes got...*

*Daniel opens his parfleche* I think I have some that I will be happy to give you as well, buck, if it will help. *He hands Alex four twenties that he finds* Is that enough to make it?

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*Daniel opens his parfleche* I think I have some that I will be happy to give you as well, buck, if it will help. *He hands Alex four twenties that he finds* Is that enough to make it?

*also digs out some twenties and hands them to Daniel* Well lets hope its enough to get Chet out and away from MaryAnne... *turns and walks him to the door* We'll be waiting, and if anyone asks about that horse, deny everything!

Guest DanielPHorse
*also digs out some twenties and hands them to Daniel* Well lets hope its enough to get Chet out and away from MaryAnne... *turns and walks him to the door* We'll be waiting, and if anyone asks about that horse, deny everything!

*Daniel nods and smiles a little* What horse?

*Daniel nods and smiles a little* What horse?

*Gives Daniel a thumbs up* Perfect! *watches as Daniel walks out then sits back down with Brian and Garrett lighting a fresh cigarette...*


*Lays unconscious now, the drugs became too much for my body and I have passed out. Laying slumped on my side with both arms strait out in front of me and still cuffed together at the wrist. *


*Drives through the country side of the county looking for Chet's missing horse. Pulling upto the old Indian caves, gets out of Cooter's pick up going into the mouth of the cave, no horse in sight but something else big and hairy lives in there prompting a quick exit the search continuing.*

Guest DanielPHorse

*After leaving the cabin, Daniel whistles for Swift and mounts up, heading for town. He arrives awhile later, leaving Swift ground-tied in front of the building, knowing no one can take him--the horse is named Swift for a reason. He goes into the courthouse in search of MaryAnne*

Daney, why don't you just relax, huh? We'll be there soon enough. *edgy with her repeated glances to the CB. Not that anyone could find us right now - except an old ridge runner - and the only two I know of left in the county are in this car.*

I'll try,*sigh and offer an explanation*Was suppose to start a new investigation today. I'm not used to being a hostage. I wish they'd get in contact soon, so we know they're alright.*Not quite ready to share other thoughts with Bo and Luke.*

I'll try,*sigh and offer an explanation*Was suppose to start a new investigation today. I'm not used to being a hostage. I wish they'd get in contact soon, so we know they're alright.*Not quite ready to share other thoughts with Bo and Luke.*

*a sideways look... Duke curiosity about "investigation" niggling, but I fight it back; it don't have bearing on the here and now, and I don't particularly want to get into that kind of conversation* It'll wait. It'll have to wait. As for "they", if you're talking about Coltranes and Co., I'm sure they're just fine. *lack of news often being good news, in Brian's case...* Just cool your engine and sit.

*a sideways look... Duke curiosity about "investigation" niggling, but I fight it back; it don't have bearing on the here and now, and I don't particularly want to get into that kind of conversation* It'll wait. It'll have to wait. As for "they", if you're talking about Coltranes and Co., I'm sure they're just fine. *lack of news often being good news, in Brian's case...* Just cool your engine and sit.

*nodding at Luke's words, rounding a couple of more corners, then finally pulling off onto another cow path, another half mile goes by and a small cabin comes into view, peeking through the trees, I slow down as we approach, keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings. At long last I pull to a stop in front of the old, run-down, cabin and glance toward Luke and Daney.* Here we are.


*having said nothing while Alex instructed Daniel....waits until the tawny natve is on his way, before turning wearily to Alex*

What the hell did you just do? I don't want Chet physically brought heah, I sure as hell don't want Daniel trying to tie him up, and you just took Plan A and smashed it to smithereens.

*stands up, painfully* I ...friggin'...told you, I was meeting Chet A-LONE. That means, No Alex. No Garrett. No nobody. You knew mah intentions, and dis-ree-garded 'em. You also put Daniel at risk, which is unacceptable. Lettin' Daniel just deal with MaryAnne and split, is one thang. Havin' him try to drag Chet's lumpy carcass all the way heah, on horseback, alone, was nevah the idea.

*pacing, agitated* Maybe you're interested in mah title for yourself, eh? Only reason I can figure, that you changed the game plan. Well, buddy, ah'm about to change it even more.

*suddenly pivots towards Alex, right hand flashing to inner jacket pocket, the snub-nosed .38 drawn and aimed at him, the motion choppy, given the injuries, but still effective. Clicks back the hammer to show that yes, this is all business*

*speaks to Garrett without taking eyes off of Alex* Garrett, git a couple of pieces of rope and tie Alex to the chair.

*keeps a dark-eyed stare on Alex, own eyes holding more than one kind of pain...*


*Eyes Brian questionably for a short moment before stiffly standing up to walk over to a closet to find plenty of rope. Taking it over to Alex, I forcefully sit him down onto a sturdy chair and begin to tie him tightly onto it. His legs tied to the legs of the chair while his hands tied tightly behind his back and onto the back of the chair, making tight knots.* Hope ya know, I'm only following instructions. *Whispers into Alex's ear* Though can't say I feel too bad about doing so either. *Small grin while taking in my art work upon Alex before taking a step back and looking at Brian.* How's that?

*Eyes Brian questionably for a short moment before stiffly standing up to walk over to a closet to find plenty of rope. Taking it over to Alex, I forcefully sit him down onto a sturdy chair and begin to tie him tightly onto it. His legs tied to the legs of the chair while his hands tied tightly behind his back and onto the back of the chair, making tight knots.* Hope ya know, I'm only following instructions. *Whispers into Alex's ear* Though can't say I feel too bad about doing so either. *Small grin while taking in my art work upon Alex before taking a step back and looking at Brian.* How's that?

*examines Garrett's handiwork, giving a curt nod* Your Boy Scout background is good for one thang, anyhow. *tucks the gun away now that Alex is secured*

Sorry we can't stick around to keep you company, Alex. But when Daniel comes back, with or without Chet, dependin' on his luck, he can let you go.

*nodding at Luke's words, rounding a couple of more corners, then finally pulling off onto another cow path, another half mile goes by and a small cabin comes into view, peeking through the trees, I slow down as we approach, keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings. At long last I pull to a stop in front of the old, run-down, cabin and glance toward Luke and Daney.* Here we are.

*unaware of the events unfolding at another cabin in a different corner of the woods, I climb out of the Charger after a short, cautious look around, satisfying myself that we are indeed alone - not in the apparent company of bank robbers, moonshiners, or whoever else might lurk in such a place as this - other than Dukes. I bend to reach back in, grabbing ahold of Daney's jacket, not willing to give her the space to run, and hold on while she climbs out. I wait then for Bo to lead the way toward the old cabin, once Jesse's in his youth, then I follow behind, keeping Daney securely between us and in my grasp*

Watch for critters in there. *spoken to my cousin with a deceptive ease*

*examines Garrett's handiwork, giving a curt nod* Your Boy Scout background is good for one thang, anyhow. *tucks the gun away now that Alex is secured*

Sorry we can't stick around to keep you company, Alex. But when Daniel comes back, with or without Chet, dependin' on his luck, he can let you go.

*Takes a step back while shaking head slightly towards Brian's remark, though remains silent. Takes a look at Alex and then at Brian, silently questioning what's going on or what may happen next.*

*examines Garrett's handiwork, giving a curt nod* Your Boy Scout background is good for one thang, anyhow. *tucks the gun away now that Alex is secured*

Sorry we can't stick around to keep you company, Alex. But when Daniel comes back, with or without Chet, dependin' on his luck, he can let you go.

*Says nothing and does nothing as Garrett does the tying, though the urge to snap his neck is strong...then turns to listen to Brian* Youre going to trust Chet's brother.. yeah whos going to need the luck here Brian, me or you? And considering you cant even walk a straight line upright...*shakes head* I think youre under estimating Daniel and over estimating MaryAnne...But go on, go ahead and have your showdown, just remember Chet got your title from MaryAnne and hes not going to let it go without a fight...

*Says nothing and does nothing as Garrett does the tying, though the urge to snap his neck is strong...then turns to listen to Brian* Youre going to trust Chet's brother.. yeah whos going to need the luck here Brian, me or you? And considering you cant even walk a straight line upright...*shakes head* I think youre under estimating Daniel and over estimating MaryAnne...But go on, go ahead and have your showdown, just remember Chet your title from MaryAnne and hes not going to let it go without a fight...

*short snarl of anger* And you considered yourself mah partner in crime. If you could only heah yourself, Mr. Arrogance. You nevah even had the details of mah scheme, but you overrode it for your own notions. I can't abide a traitor.

*unaware of the events unfolding at another cabin in a different corner of the woods, I climb out of the Charger after a short, cautious look around, satisfying myself that we are indeed alone - not in the apparent company of bank robbers, moonshiners, or whoever else might lurk in such a place as this - other than Dukes. I bend to reach back in, grabbing ahold of Daney's jacket, not willing to give her the space to run, and hold on while she climbs out. I wait then for Bo to lead the way toward the old cabin, once Jesse's in his youth, then I follow behind, keeping Daney securely between us and in my grasp*

Watch for critters in there. *spoken to my cousin with a deceptive ease*

*watching warily as Luke gets Daney out of the car, I round the back of the car and grab my bow and arrows and a flashlight from the trunk, rejoining Luke, keeping well ahead of Daney.* Right *in response to Luke's warning. Cautiously approaching the cabin, I open the door and swing the flashlight in a wide arc inside, I hear a bit of scurrying and see a mouse dive for a hole in the corner.* Nothing but a couple of mice. The place is a mess though. *Inside it's plain to see that a family of mice has called this place home for a while. There's a broom in the corner that can be used to clean up, a small table in the center of the room with a rusty lantern that probably doesn't work on it. Along the back wall are a couple of cots, their mattresses old and lumpy-looking. Next to the door the small old wood stove looks serviceable enough, and there are enough trees nearby that will provide wood, if the need arises.*

*short snarl of anger* And you considered yourself mah partner in crime. If you could only heah yourself, Mr. Arrogance. You nevah even had the details of mah scheme, but you overrode it for your own notions. I can't abide a traitor.

*shakes head* Going off half cocked and injured and I'm the arrogant one? Right...*looks away, the traitor comment cutting deep...* think what you want, all I know is youre leaving behind people that can help you...

*watching warily as Luke gets Daney out of the car, I round the back of the car and grab my bow and arrows and a flashlight from the trunk, rejoining Luke, keeping well ahead of Daney.* Right *in response to Luke's warning. Cautiously approaching the cabin, I open the door and swing the flashlight in a wide arc inside, I hear a bit of scurrying and see a mouse dive for a hole in the corner.* Nothing but a couple of mice. The place is a mess though. *Inside it's plain to see that a family of mice has called this place home for a while. There's a broom in the corner that can be used to clean up, a small table in the center of the room with a rusty lantern that probably doesn't work on it. Along the back wall are a couple of cots, their mattresses old and lumpy-looking. Next to the door the small old wood stove looks serviceable enough, and there are enough trees nearby that will provide wood, if the need arises.*

*stepping inside carefully, glancing down to check for any gaps in the floor, then pushing Daney ahead of me again* It'll do. Would ya get that rope outta the trunk, cousin? We'll truss her up, then set up camp.

*shakes head* Going off half cocked and injured and I'm the arrogant one? Right...*looks away, the traitor comment cutting deep...* think what you want, all I know is youre leaving behind people that can help you...

*mad as hell, now, not having been in the best condition anyhow* You were an important part of mah plan, until you forced me to change plans! You could at least have the good grace to apologize for undercuttin' mah scheme! Now if somethin' does happen, because I had to turn thangs inside out....

*lowers voice* ...you can thank yerself. Mr. I-Know-A-Better-Plan.

*mad as hell, now, not having been in the best condition anyhow* You were an important part of mah plan, until you forced me to change plans! You could at least have the good grace to apologize for undercuttin' mah scheme! Now if somethin' does happen, because I had to turn thangs inside out....

*lowers voice* ...you can thank yerself. Mr. I-Know-A-Better-Plan.

*turns dark eyes to look at Brian, the gaze intense* Its your choice to walk out that door...Your choice to go.

*turns dark eyes to look at Brian, the gaze intense* Its your choice to walk out that door...Your choice to go.

*growls, aiming a backhand at Alex, drawing back right arm....*

*...but then drops it, the blow undelivered. Instead, says,*


*and with these perhaps being the last words that will ever be said to Alex, storms out of the cabin, with Garrett in tow*

*growls, aiming a backhand at Alex, drawing back right arm....*

*...but then drops it, the blow undelivered. Instead, says,*


*and with these perhaps being the last words that will ever be said to Alex, storms out of the cabin, with Garrett in tow*

*Watches the argument between the two quietly in corner, keeping thoughts to self, before silently following Brian out the front door as was motioned to do.*

*growls, aiming a backhand at Alex, drawing back right arm....*

*...but then drops it, the blow undelivered. Instead, says,*


*and with these perhaps being the last words that will ever be said to Alex, storms out of the cabin, with Garrett in tow*

*doesnt flinch at the near smack, watching Brian take off with Garrett... gives a sigh* Damn stupid... *voice trails off, whispering a bunch of colorful words to describe the situation and looks around...then looks down, legs are tied to the chair as well...moves legs a little then braces boots to the floor of the cabin and stands up chair and all...turns to see a wall and grins a little..*

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