Garrett Duke Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *catches the look between Daney and Garrett, doing quick math* Keep her on ice, but not heah. I don't want Garrett knowin' where to find her too easily. *gives a sidelong glance at Garrett* Just another piece of insurance. Ah'm sure Daney don't want nothin' to happen to you...and you wouldn't want anythang to happen to Daney.*Gives Brian a hard look* She didn't do nothing to you. Keep her outta this. *Eyes Daney with sympathy, hoping she'll be OK. Eyes Brian harshly once more. * Where we going?
Brian Coltrane Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *Gives Brian a hard look* She didn't do nothing to you. Keep her outta this. *Eyes Daney with sympathy, hoping she'll be OK. Eyes Brian harshly once more. * Where we going?Don't be so quick to judge me, Garrett. This "Lord of the Outlaws" thang ain't a gig for the faint-hearted. Daney will be fine, unless Lukas has to spank her or somethin', which wouldn't phase her anyhow.*gestures Garrett towards the exit* And to answer your question, we're not goin' too far from town. I just got a couple more thangs to line up before ah confront Chet again. And then this thang will end....howevah he chooses it to end.
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *quick nod, crooking a finger at Daney, giving her a chance to come easily* C'mon. Let's get going, girl.I'll get the car. *moving off toward the door, keeping an eye on everyone in the room*
Lukas_KD Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 Don't be so quick to judge me, Garrett. This "Lord of the Outlaws" thang ain't a gig for the faint-hearted. Daney will be fine, unless Lukas has to spank her or somethin', which wouldn't phase her anyhow.*gestures Garrett towards the exit* And to answer your question, we're not goin' too far from town. I just got a couple more thangs to line up before ah confront Chet again. And then this thang will end....howevah he chooses it to end.*an open snort of amusement, wry, at the idea of having to spank Daney... though the "grown woman" phease that first came to mind may or may not be apt. Grasping Daney's upper arm, I manuever her around the end of a bed closer toward the door and Bo, though pausing back a safe distance away from Brian and Garrett*
Garrett Duke Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *Watches them move Daney while silently following Brian to the door.* Well let's go and get all this over with.(Well I have to go for a while...may or may not be back on later. Sorry if there is any inconvenience.)
Cowboy Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *Begins tear apart my cell again, ripping into anything and everything possible. Im locked in, caged up, my best friend is missing, stolen and I have no idea where he is. The dread and pain of loosing my colts sire Red returns, afraid I will too loose my colt. My wrists bleed now from the thrashing and yanking, but I dont care.Returns to the cell door with the hand twisted metal to try to unlock it again, but my hands tremble and the metal just is not the tool I need to get out of here. Throws the metal and continues my wrath upon the contents of the cell.*
pendragon1980 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 Alright, if anyone need's a doctor or medical help, you know where to find me. Meanwhile...*sighs, stepping up close to the blackclad man*…at least let me bid you goodbye, and take a token of good luck. *curls hands around Brian's head, bringing his head down for a brief, gentle kiss* Just come back to me in one piece. *smiles, ruffling the dark hair, then looking to the other men in the room* Take care of him for me and please be careful, I don't want any of my friends as my patients.
Lukas_KD Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 Alright, if anyone need's a doctor or medical help, you know where to find me. Meanwhile...*sighs, stepping up close to the blackclad man*…at least let me bid you goodbye, and take a token of good luck. *curls hands around Brian's head, bringing his head down for a brief, gentle kiss* Just come back to me in one piece. *smiles, ruffling the dark hair, then looking to the other men in the room* Take care of him for me and please be careful, I don't want any of my friends as my patients.*slight smile, watching* We'll try.
Brian Coltrane Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 Alright, if anyone need's a doctor or medical help, you know where to find me. Meanwhile...*sighs, stepping up close to the blackclad man*…at least let me bid you goodbye, and take a token of good luck. *curls hands around Brian's head, bringing his head down for a brief, gentle kiss* Just come back to me in one piece. *smiles, ruffling the dark hair, then looking to the other men in the room* Take care of him for me and please be careful, I don't want any of my friends as my patients.---Mmf ! *taken aback by the kiss, surprised, and it ends just as own body is taking keen interest in following that line of action. Returns the kiss, and feels some regret at this mess...*Ah'll come back, Doc. I swear.... *swallowing back whatever else could be said...not wanting to dwell on the number of things that could go wrong, with this scheme. Instead, ushers Garrett out the door, and follows him, heading for the black Chevy that waits at the curb*
MaryAnne Posted March 1, 2010 Author Posted March 1, 2010 *Begins tear apart my cell again, ripping into anything and everything possible. Im locked in, caged up, my best friend is missing, stolen and I have no idea where he is. The dread and pain of loosing my colts sire Red returns, afraid I will too loose my colt. My wrists bleed now from the thrashing and yanking, but I dont care.Returns to the cell door with the hand twisted metal to try to unlock it again, but my hands tremble and the metal just is not the tool I need to get out of here. Throws the metal and continues my wrath upon the contents of the cell.**with dart gun in hand, returns to the booking room. Hears another round of destruction being done to the cell downstairs. With gun held at the ready, begins to descend the stairs...*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *slight smile, watching* We'll try.*Leading the way out to the cars, knowing Luke has Daney well in hand. Starts up the orange Charger*
Cowboy Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *Throws anything and everything at the bars when I hear polished police issued shoes coming down the stairs. I know that sound well enough but I have no idea what she has instore. But what I have in store is to be sure she sees my wrath. I continue throwing things agains the iron bars. The blood flows down my forearms now, I have my sleeved pushed up to my elbows and it soaks the ends of them.*
DaneyDuke Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 ---Mmf ! *taken aback by the kiss, surprised, and it ends just as own body is taking keen interest in following that line of action. Returns the kiss, and feels some regret at this mess...*Ah'll come back, Doc. I swear.... *swallowing back whatever else could be said...not wanting to dwell on the number of things that could go wrong, with this scheme. Instead, ushers Garrett out the door, and follows him, heading for the black Chevy that waits at the curb**Wonders why no one tried harder to talk Brian out of this plan. Doesn't regret not telling Garrett about certain history. Glances at Luke* Instead of watching me, shouldn't you & Bo be checking on MaryAnne and Chet?*asks quietly*
pendragon1980 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *follows the men outside, standing on the front porch, leaning against the rail, watching them leave, hoping for the best, fearing for the worst*
MaryAnne Posted March 1, 2010 Author Posted March 1, 2010 *Throws anything and everything at the bars when I hear polished police issued shoes coming down the stairs. I know that sound well enough but I have no idea what she has instore. But what I have in store is to be sure she sees my wrath. I continue throwing things agains the iron bars.**hears the crashing of things against the bars and steps off the last step, walking into the cell area. Holds up the tranquilizer gun as Chet continues his destruction of the cell. The burned sheet is still on the floor near the singed chair. The cell area looks like a warzone...**stands in front of the cell, but back far enough to not be hit by any debris.* AWRIGHT, CHET! I've had just about enough of you... *aims the dart gun at the Duke* (Freeze frame. TO BE CONTINUED. I know me and my famous cliffhangers... LOL)
Lukas_KD Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *Wonders why no one tried harder to talk Brian out of this plan. Doesn't regret not telling Garrett about certain history. Glances at Luke* Instead of watching me, shouldn't you & Bo be checking on MaryAnne and Chet?*asks quietly*MaryAnne can take care of herself. *stated with a calm that's close to icy... glancing out ahead to see Bo's already started the General up, and using a firm grip to aim Daney in that direction with a final glance toward Brian, Alex, and Garrett to make sure they've gotten out alright* And Chet's locked in a jail cell. I ain't too worried about them right now.
Cowboy Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *Freezes like a wolf in the cross hairs, mouth ajar in a heavy pant, teeth bared. See the gun and my brow tightens furrowing deep, mismatched eyes glazed over in a glint of furry.* Go on! Shoot me! A excolent way to ensure your damn cousins saftey! *Snarls, thinking its a regular gun.*(Dangit... just dangit... *holds onto the cliff tightly until tomarrow*)
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 MaryAnne can take care of herself. *stated with a calm that's close to icy... glancing out ahead to see Bo's already started the General up, and using a firm grip to aim Daney in that direction with a final glance toward Brian, Alex, and Garrett to make sure they've gotten out alright* And Chet's locked in a jail cell. I ain't too worried about them right now.*revving the engine, anxious to be going, even if I don't know where that is to be yet. I'm upset and frustrated and just want to get moving.*
DaneyDuke Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *revving the engine, anxious to be going, even if I don't know where that is to be yet. I'm upset and frustrated and just want to get moving.**listens to the General's engine and glances at Bo in the driver's seat.*I'm not going to cause trouble. I-*steps on Luke's foot to make him release the hold. Runs toward Garrett's motorcycle instead of the courthouse.*
Lukas_KD Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *listens to the General's engine and glances at Bo in the driver's seat.*I'm not going to cause trouble. I-*steps on Luke's foot to make him release the hold. Runs toward Garrett's motorcycle instead of the courthouse.**swearing sharp and hard, giving a single hop in the first stride of a run, but then regaining my stride, sprinting after the short-legged girl as quick as I possibly can, hollering, just in case he could get near enough* Bo....!!*one arm manages to reach out and catch at the back of Daney's jacket then, fingers slipping, then a fierce leap managing a fingertip-grasp, just enough to haul her back and to the side, both Dukes tumbling to the pavement rolling hard enough to leave abrasions... the older, male, of the two furiously grabbing at Daney's leg again as she tries to scramble away*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *listens to the General's engine and glances at Bo in the driver's seat.*I'm not going to cause trouble. I-*steps on Luke's foot to make him release the hold. Runs toward Garrett's motorcycle instead of the courthouse.**seeing Daney on the move, drops the car into gear, spinning my tires as I do a one-eighty and head in the direction Daney is running, knowing I can get there faster in the car than by foot.*
pendragon1980 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *seeing the commotion to the side, growls and sprints down the pavement to assist Lukas* That does it...*crouched down to press her weight down to Daney's shoulder's, effectively pinning the woman to the ground* Daney Duke, don't make me sedate you!
Lukas_KD Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *seeing the commotion to the side, growls and sprints down the pavement to assist Lukas* That does it...*crouched down to press her weight down to Daney's shoulder's, effectively pinning the woman to the ground* Daney Duke, don't make me sedate you!*rolling over with a short groan, pushing myself up from the asphalt to my knees, then straightening that way, wiping grit from stinging palms onto my jeans with a glance to the Doc* Oh, feel free *spat... then a deeper breath taken* Thanks, Chance. I guess we know what side she's on for sure now, don't we? *tossing a glance over my shoulder toward Brian and Alex*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *rolling over with a short groan, pushing myself up from the asphalt to my knees, then straightening that way, wiping grit from stinging palms onto my jeans with a glance to the Doc* Oh, feel free *spat... then a deeper breath taken* Thanks, Chance. I guess we know what side she's on for sure now, don't we? *tossing a glance over my shoulder toward Brian and Alex**screeching to a stop just as Chance pins Daney and jumping out of the car.* Dang it, Daney. *growled* Yeah, I guess we know who's side she's on. *having heard Luke's last comment.*
pendragon1980 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 (I'm gonna have to request this portion be halted for the night too, as both laptop and author are running out of juice)
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