Brian Coltrane Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *smiles at Garrett listening to the medical expert* Would you like me to get you a magazine?( offstage reaction to this one: bahahahaha!! Yeah, git him Better Homes and Hillbillies...)
pendragon1980 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *looks at Doc as Brian speaks, nodding in agreement...* Yeah Ill get you out of them... *he looks around and goes to the medical cabinet and opens the door, searcing around finding a pair of surgical pliers and goes back to the cuffed Coltrane...leans over and uses the pliers to bend open one of the chains on the cuffs...though Brian is cuffed he's no longer attached to the rail* There... *sets the pliers down* Yeah I think its time to go...*sighs, not entirely happy, voice softens* I know you wouldn't do any of that, Brian, I thought I was communicating that, and you are welcome to stay her as long as you want. I trust you. *watching this, makes no move to stop them*I won't stop you, I know you're in good hands with Alex..but still...please be careful.
Brian Coltrane Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *looks at Doc as Brian speaks, nodding in agreement...* Yeah Ill get you out of them... *he looks around and goes to the medical cabinet and opens the door, searcing around finding a pair of surgical pliers and goes back to the cuffed Coltrane...leans over and uses the pliers to bend open one of the chains on the cuffs...though Brian is cuffed he's no longer attached to the rail* There... *sets the pliers down* Yeah I think its time to go...*with Alex's help, sits fully upright, swinging legs over the end of thre medical table, grimacing in pain. Still wearing one handcuff around one wrist, no longer restrained, but having the metal cuff as a souveiner. Braces self a minute as the room does a slow spin, the fading effect of the morphine and the pain making an unpleasant mix* *answers Doc, temper fading a little* Yeah, yeah, ah'll be careful. And I'll be careful with any passengers I take along.*looks from Alex, to Garrett*
pendragon1980 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *nods* Okay, because I want you back at the clinic, but as a date, not a patient. *pauses* Maybe I should still go to the jail to gauge Chet's status.
AlexJackson Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *with Alex's help, sits fully upright, swinging legs over the end of thre medical table, grimacing in pain. Still wearing one handcuff around one wrist, no longer restrained, but having the metal cuff as a souveiner. Braces self a minute as the room does a slow spin, the fading effect of the morphine and the pain making an unpleasant mix* *answers Doc, temper fading a little* Yeah, yeah, ah'll be careful. And I'll be careful with any passengers I take along.*looks from Alex, to Garrett**turns and gets Brian's jacket hanging on a hook and helps Brian slip into it...then moves to stand next to him and puts an arm around the waist* Lets get out off this table...just lean into me... *helps Brian get from the table to the floor*
Cowboy Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *Pulls the cot apart, literally dismantalling it, but theres not much to it. Paces the cell a few moments pondering looking around, spots some coated wires that run along the wall to the left of the cell. Bites my lip debating, goes back to the cot and works until I get a piece of metal off of it. Wraps one end of the metal in fabric and works my hand cuffed hands through the bars. Examins the wires for a moment then begins to chop at them with the piece of metal from the cot until there severed. The wires throw sparks and I wiggle and hurry to get my hands away.Rounds up a sheet from the cot and anything else that will burn. Chops at the wires until I get more sparks, more and more that land on the sheet below until finally theres a flame. Reaches through the bars and pushes the burning sheet as far away from the cell as possible letting it spread to some furniture. Backs up to the back of the cell and watches it all burn. The fire alarm rings in the old building, wailing loudly.*
MaryAnne Posted March 1, 2010 Author Posted March 1, 2010 *Pulls the cot apart, literally dismantalling it, but theres not much to it. Paces the cell a few moments pondering looking around, spots some coated wires that run along the wall to the left of the cell. Bites my lip debating, goes back to the cot and works until I get a piece of metal off of it. Wraps one end of the metal in fabric and works my hand cuffed hands through the bars. Examins the wires for a moment then begins to chop at them with the piece of metal from the cot until there severed. The wires throw sparks and I wiggle and hurry to get my hands away.Rounds up a sheet from the cot and anything else that will burn. Chops at the wires until I get more sparks, more and more that land on the sheet below until finally theres a flame. Reaches through the bars and pushes the burning sheet as far away from the cell as possible letting it spread to some furniture. Backs up to the back of the cell and watches it all burn. The fire alarm rings in the old building, wailing loudly.**Had only gone as far as the hallway outside the booking room when the fire alarm started wailing. Spins around and runs back to the booking room, up the few steps and to the door that leads to the downstairs cells.**the smell of smoke hits MaryAnne half way down the stairs. She turns and runs back up to grab a fire extinguisher in the booking room. Runs back down the stairs and into the cell area. Sees the fire on the floor and catching to a chair. Sprays the fire extinguisher on the fire, the white foam battling back the flames. After a few moments the fire goes out, but to make sure, blasts it a few more seconds* *The fire out, turns to face Chet, standing in his destroyed cell, still locked up. Still cuffed. Thoroughly annoyed now, turns the fire extinguisher on him and blasts him through the bars with the fire extinguisher*Keep it up, Chet. *growls* Just keep it up...*stares him down for several long seconds, then turns and storms up the stairs*
DaneyDuke Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *nods* Okay, because I want you back at the clinic, but as a date, not a patient. *pauses* Maybe I should still go to the jail to gauge Chet's status.Someone should go and soon *glances from Chance at Brian and Alex, thinking of the worse thing Chet could do at the moment.* Before Chet does something like start a fire in that old building... *speaks quietly*
Garrett Duke Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *with Alex's help, sits fully upright, swinging legs over the end of thre medical table, grimacing in pain. Still wearing one handcuff around one wrist, no longer restrained, but having the metal cuff as a souveiner. Braces self a minute as the room does a slow spin, the fading effect of the morphine and the pain making an unpleasant mix* *answers Doc, temper fading a little* Yeah, yeah, ah'll be careful. And I'll be careful with any passengers I take along.*looks from Alex, to Garrett**Watches them quietly for a moment* And I thought Brian's injuries where worse off than mine...with getting ran over by a horse and all. And yet. . . *Lets thoughts dangle quietly for a moment and turns to Daney* Thanks for the offer Daney, but be kinda hard to look at a magazine with my hands tied down like this.
Cowboy Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *Curses and throws things in the cell utterly pissed off. Paces the cell almost running in circles, starts tearing into things again trying to find something to unlock my cell with. Worked some small pieces of wire like metal off the cot and bends it and works it until I think it might work. Leans against the bars and works the piece of bent metal into the lock patiently trying to find the right angle.*(I have to take a brief break and feed my horse be back in about 35-40 minutes.)
Brian Coltrane Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *turns and gets Brian's jacket hanging on a hook and helps Brian slip into it...then moves to stand next to him and puts an arm around the waist* Lets get out off this table...just lean into me... *helps Brian get from the table to the floor**accepts Alex's help to get off the table, wincing while straightening up. Answers Doc* Ah'd prefer to be back heah under better circumstances, yeah. Meantime, though, do me a favor. Stay far away from Chet Duke, unless MaryAnne herself orders medical attention for 'em. Chet ain't to be trusted under any circumstances, and he don't care who, or what, he wrecks. *taking a few experimental steps, trying not to breathe too deeply. Looks at Garrett again, and slowly walks over to him. Places hands on the bed rail, leaning on it a bit, anything to keep own body weight from resting down on the ribcage* And you,, ah'm not gonna torture you. I ain't gonna kill ya. I won't even muss up your hair, if you cooperate. But I need you, as a hostage. You don't have to like it, but if you truly surrendered to me earlier in this thang....I expect you to have honor enuff conduct yerself as befittin' of a prisoner of war. If you can't do that, tell me now.
AlexJackson Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *accepts Alex's help to get off the table, wincing while straightening up. Answers Doc* Ah'd prefer to be back heah under better circumstances, yeah. Meantime, though, do me a favor. Stay far away from Chet Duke, unless MaryAnne herself orders medical attention for 'em. Chet ain't to be trusted under any circumstances, and he don't care who, or what, he wrecks. *taking a few experimental steps, trying not to breathe too deeply. Looks at Garrett again, and slowly walks over to him. Places hands on the bed rail, leaning on it a bit, anything to keep own body weight from resting down on the ribcage* And you,, ah'm not gonna torture you. I ain't gonna kill ya. I won't even muss up your hair, if you cooperate. But I need you, as a hostage. You don't have to like it, but if you truly surrendered to me earlier in this thang....I expect you to have honor enuff conduct yerself as befittin' of a prisoner of war. If you can't do that, tell me now.*helping Brian move then watches as he talks to Garrett, giving a nod as to using Garrett as a hostage...*
Garrett Duke Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *accepts Alex's help to get off the table, wincing while straightening up. Answers Doc* Ah'd prefer to be back heah under better circumstances, yeah. Meantime, though, do me a favor. Stay far away from Chet Duke, unless MaryAnne herself orders medical attention for 'em. Chet ain't to be trusted under any circumstances, and he don't care who, or what, he wrecks. *taking a few experimental steps, trying not to breathe too deeply. Looks at Garrett again, and slowly walks over to him. Places hands on the bed rail, leaning on it a bit, anything to keep own body weight from resting down on the ribcage* And you,, ah'm not gonna torture you. I ain't gonna kill ya. I won't even muss up your hair, if you cooperate. But I need you, as a hostage. You don't have to like it, but if you truly surrendered to me earlier in this thang....I expect you to have honor enuff conduct yerself as befittin' of a prisoner of war. If you can't do that, tell me now.*Breathes in deeply, ignoring pain while eyeing Brian* Well, as you pointed out, I tol' you earlier that I surrendered *pauses thoughtfully for a moment, eyes remaining on Brian* so here I am.
MaryAnne Posted March 1, 2010 Author Posted March 1, 2010 *Curses and throws things in the cell utterly pissed off. Paces the cell almost running in circles, starts tearing into things again trying to find something to unlock my cell with. Worked some small pieces of wire like metal off the cot and bends it and works it until I think it might work. Leans against the bars and works the piece of bent metal into the lock patiently trying to find the right angle.*(I have to take a brief break and feed my horse be back in about 35-40 minutes.)*the fire alarm is still blaring through out the building. MaryAnne hurries out of the booking room to the hallway and goes down it and around a corner to find the fire alarm box. Takes a key from her gunbelt, opens the box and punches buttons until the alarm is finally silenced* *returns to the booking room, in time to hear the tail end of Chet's tirade and destruction downstairs. When things go quiet, figures it's not a good thing. Thinks for a moment of someway to calm the beast....**Suddenly inspired, MaryAnne turns and leaves the booking room, hurrying down the hall to the game warden's office. Enters the office and looks around.**After a brief search, finds what she's looking for. The dart and vials of tranquilzer are placed on Val's desk. A dart gun is found as well. Recalls watching Val load one of these guns once and finds a sheet with dosage amounts based on weight.**Prepares the dart, injecting the tranquilzer into it. Loads the dart into the gun, a pistol styled weapon and caps it**It was the only chance she had to calm the beast....*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *Breathes in deeply, ignoring pain while eyeing Brian* Well, as you pointed out, I tol' you earlier that I surrendered *pauses thoughtfully for a moment, eyes remaining on Brian* so here I am.*dark eyes looking down at Garrett, showing no him a slight smile* That's the spirit. Awright. *reaches down to unbuckle the restraining medical straps* Move nice and easy when ya git tricks, and no hurtin' yerself worse, either. *nods to Alex* Go 'round front and git Diablo fired up. You're gonna need to drive, way ah'm feelin'. I'll be out with Garrett in a minute.
AlexJackson Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *dark eyes looking down at Garrett, showing no him a slight smile* That's the spirit. Awright. *reaches down to unbuckle the restraining medical straps* Move nice and easy when ya git tricks, and no hurtin' yerself worse, either. *nods to Alex* Go 'round front and git Diablo fired up. You're gonna need to drive, way ah'm feelin'. I'll be out with Garrett in a minute.*lets Brian go and nods* all right just be careful... *eyes Garrett, giving him a silent look as to not try anything as he heads for the door... goes outside and down the porch steps. Diable is still parked there and opens the driver door, gets in and starts it up, then glances at the door waiting for Brian and Garrett*
DaneyDuke Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *dark eyes looking down at Garrett, showing no him a slight smile* That's the spirit. Awright. *reaches down to unbuckle the restraining medical straps* Move nice and easy when ya git tricks, and no hurtin' yerself worse, either. *nods to Alex* Go 'round front and git Diablo fired up. You're gonna need to drive, way ah'm feelin'. I'll be out with Garrett in a minute.Diablo looked like he might be getting a flat*thinks silently. Hazel eyes dart to Garrett, tries not to react in any other way to the kidnapping.*
Garrett Duke Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *dark eyes looking down at Garrett, showing no him a slight smile* That's the spirit. Awright. *reaches down to unbuckle the restraining medical straps* Move nice and easy when ya git tricks, and no hurtin' yerself worse, either. *nods to Alex* Go 'round front and git Diablo fired up. You're gonna need to drive, way ah'm feelin'. I'll be out with Garrett in a minute.*Watches Brian unbuckling the restraints and quickly rubs arms where the pressure had been at before stiffly sitting up. Once more, ignore the pain screaming in chest, slowly begin to as Brian had instructed to do.*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *Watches Brian unbuckling the restraints and quickly rubs arms where the pressure had been at before stiffly sitting up. Once more, ignore the pain screaming in chest, slowly begin to as Brian had instructed to do.*That's it, slow n' easy. You start bleedin' again, you ain't goin' nowhere but back into Doc's hands. *sees Daney smirking out of corner of eye* Bo, Lukas...will one of you keep an eye on that she-rat? She used to be on mah side, but s' clear to me lately she's changed allegiences.
Garrett Duke Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 That's it, slow n' easy. You start bleedin' again, you ain't goin' nowhere but back into Doc's hands. *sees Daney smirking out of corner of eye* Bo, Lukas...will one of you keep an eye on that she-rat? She used to be on mah side, but s' clear to me lately she's changed allegiences.*Nods at Brian quietly before making eye contact momentarily at Daney before nodding at her.*
Lukas_KD Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 That's it, slow n' easy. You start bleedin' again, you ain't goin' nowhere but back into Doc's hands. *sees Daney smirking out of corner of eye* Bo, Lukas...will one of you keep an eye on that she-rat? She used to be on mah side, but s' clear to me lately she's changed allegiences.*having been watching from by the door, now giving a slight nod, turning a steady, calculating stare on Daney... and a very slight smile* She ain't goin' nowheres, Brian. Where do you want her; here? *even if it is a bit hard to watch the other men racing off into danger when two of them are still badly injured...*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *having been watching from by the door, now giving a slight nod, turning a steady, calculating stare on Daney... and a very slight smile* She ain't goin' nowheres, Brian. Where do you want her; here? *even if it is a bit hard to watch the other men racing off into danger when two of them are still badly injured...**nodding* Yeah, we'll make sure she stays out of it. *turning a hard gaze of my own on the young woman*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *having been watching from by the door, now giving a slight nod, turning a steady, calculating stare on Daney... and a very slight smile* She ain't goin' nowheres, Brian. Where do you want her; here? *even if it is a bit hard to watch the other men racing off into danger when two of them are still badly injured...**catches the look between Daney and Garrett, doing quick math* Keep her on ice, but not heah. I don't want Garrett knowin' where to find her too easily. *gives a sidelong glance at Garrett* Just another piece of insurance. Ah'm sure Daney don't want nothin' to happen to you...and you wouldn't want anythang to happen to Daney.
Lukas_KD Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *catches the look between Daney and Garrett, doing quick math* Keep her on ice, but not heah. I don't want Garrett knowin' where to find her too easily. *gives a sidelong glance at Garrett* Just another piece of insurance. Ah'm sure Daney don't want nothin' to happen to you...and you wouldn't want anythang to happen to Daney.*quick nod, crooking a finger at Daney, giving her a chance to come easily* C'mon. Let's get going, girl.
pendragon1980 Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 *watching the action* Is there anything I can do? Besides staying well away from Chet?
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