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Oh I don't know *shrugs shoulders* Seems round here so long as yer last name's Duke and you go around provokin' the law, your gonna be eating chipped beef for dinner. haha

But on the other hand, y'all are right.. It is pretty quiet around here... *Looks around suspiciously*

*Whispers to GLG* Well if it all is due to my last name...perhaps I'll change my last name before breaking into the bank. Then maybe I'll be having pizza tonight instead of chipped beef. ;)

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Okay Garrett I'm in but only if you'll agree to my terms.

Otherwise you're on your own with this heist.

1) Only take the bag of money with the little Confederate flag sticker on the top. That's the money that Boss has scammed from the taxpayers of Hazzard County.

2) Give half of it to the Hazzard Orphanage and split the other half between all the other Hazzard charities

3) Don't get caught

4) If you agree to those above terms, let me know what I can do to help

(By the way, I was just kidding about wanting money for a dirt bike. Emma is going to let me borrow her spare Yamaha for the weekend)


*Questionable look* You are asking a whole lot of me to break in there and to give it all away afterwards. Afterall, the whole plan of this was so I could buy me that new Harley I saw on sale in Atlanta. *Shrugs* Oh well it is for a good cause and I'm sure Jesse'd be real proud to know I gave it to his favorite charities in Hazzard. Plus it'd be fun to slip back into a life of crime to see the reaction it'd bring. :D

*nods* OK Roger it's a deal...Just the bag with the Confederate sticker and to give it to the charities you listed.

I'll need something to break in with and for you to guard it while I'm in there. That way if you see someone you can give me a signal of some sort to get out or to hide. Then maybe later to help distribute the money.

Well they had a pretty fancy looking dirtbike on sale next to the Harley, bet Miz Tisdale would be real impressed with that. ;)


Hmmmm, I got this here rusty cro-bar in the back of the pick-up but I really think you should wait until a little later. Cletus is on night patrol tonight but he usually falls asleep in his patrol car in front of Rhuebottom's Store around midnight.

Thanks fer the offer with the fancy dirtbike but fancy stuff is fer city folk who don't git things muddy.

Hmmmm, I got this here rusty cro-bar in the back of the pick-up but I really think you should wait until a little later. Cletus is on night patrol tonight but he usually falls asleep in his patrol car in front of Rhuebottom's Store around midnight.

Thanks fer the offer with the fancy dirtbike but fancy stuff is fer city folk who don't git things muddy.

*Nods* Ok. You give me the word and I'll go...

As for the dirt bike - it's only as fancy as you make it. Might make it more fun to get the fancy dirt bike muddy just to see how it'll handle. ;)

*Whispers to GLG* Well if it all is due to my last name...perhaps I'll change my last name before breaking into the bank. Then maybe I'll be having pizza tonight instead of chipped beef. ;)

I wouldn't doubt it.. ;) haha


(later that night after Cletus fell asleep in the patrol car)

"Here's you cro-bar Garrett. I'll stand watch out here. Don't ferget to turn your walkie talkie on"

*nervousely looks down each street*


*Takes cro bar and nods* Thanks. *Turns walkie talkie on and places it back inside my coat before taking my own look up and down the street.* Keep your eyes open and keep me posted on any movement. I'm trustin' you, Roger. *Gives confident nod again at Roger before I slowly step away to slowly walk up the steps of the bank. Take another long look around before turning back around to face the closed door. Holding cro-bar tightly in hand, smash it against the large window and watch as the glass shatter at my feet before switching hands with the cro-bar and carefully place my hand in through the open hole. Feeling around on the inside of the door, I breathe in deeply as I unlock the door and remove my hand from the glass to open the door a few inches to disappear within the dark building of the bank.*


*After dropping off Sue Anne from a crazy night at the Boars Nest, T.J. is strolling back towards his pick-up where it is parked on a side street across from the bank. He hears the unmistakable sound of glass shattering.* What the heck?

*He abandons his original course and tip toes up the street, sticking to the shadows, avoiding the light cast off by the old street lights. He reaches the corner drug store, taking refuge behind the deep door frame, pressing his back into the wall as to not be seen. He looks around the corner to the bank. As his eyes get more adjusted to his dark surroundings, he is able to make out a dark figure on the steps of the bank, arm... through the window? Packing something that looked vary similar to the snipe he kept on the headache rack of his big truck, but smaller... a cro-bar possibly?* Huh. *The figure has got the door open now and is slipping inside. T.J. looks around at the area outside the bank, seeing if the dark figure has an accomplice outside waiting for him. Not seeing anything, he moves out from the safety of the shadows and slinks across the street.*


*Unaware of what's going on outside, I await a moment as my eyes adjust to the darkness before walking farther into the bank and behind the teller's counters to where the big bolted door rests. Eyeing it momentarily before I pull out a thick wad of explosives out of my inside pocket that I had been carrying before I tightly tight it onto the lock part of the door. Eyeing the dark room, I take several steps back before I am across the room before I silently count down before a loud blast comes from the explosives to enlight the dark building for a long moment before it fades away. Breathing in deeply, I quickly walk back to the bolted door to tug harshly at the door and breath out heavily in relief as the door easily slides open. I eye the large closet walk in room full of shelved bags of money to send excitement through me at all I could do with all the money, only to remind myself that I am only here for the stickered bag that belongs to Boss. With an ornery smile on face, I step into the room to look through the bags, looking for the bag I had been instructioned to get.*


* After cringing at the sound of glass breaking Roger wonders why Garrett didn't simply use the cro-bar to pry the door open.

Later when the explosion went off he realized the glass breaking didn't really matter anyways since the explosion was so much louder. He starts to second guess his decision of getting involved with this but justice must be served and Boss sure wouldn't voluntarily give up his ill-gotten gains.

Focusing too much on the bank, Roger fails to notice the lone figure lurking around. As luck would have it, when TJ snuck across the street, Roger was looking in two other directions*

*talking in walkie talkie*

"Guardian angel to bandit, what's taking so long?"


*Finding the bag with the sticker on it, I slowly bend down to pick it up just as I hear my walkie talkie start going off. Lifting the bag and walking out of the vault, I take the walkie talkie out of my inner pocket.* I got it and am on my way out. See anything out there? That...um...explosion was louder than expected. *Bag of money thrown over shoulder, I quickly walk over to the door through the shadows.*


*When the explosion goes off T.J. leaps behind a parked car and hits the sidewalk hard on his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. He blinks his eyes rapidly, trying to get over the little bit of shock caused by the explosion.* "Guardian angel to bandit, what's taking so long?" *T.J. jumps a little at the sound of another voice in the dark, none too far away neither.*"I got it and am on my way out. See anything out there? That...um...explosion was louder than expected." *whispering to himself* Yeah, no duh! *Pushes himself up off of the hard sidewalk into a kneeling position, listening for any other sounds from the robbers accomplice.*


*I silently make my way to the door, thinking of the mistakes I've made thus far into my robbery, as I slowly open it and step back out into the chilly night air to close the door and relock it through the window. Seeing a truck parked across the street, begin to wonder and worry if it was there before I had went in or not. Inhaling deeply I glance up and down the darkened street before I slowly walk down the stairs, wondering why Roger hasn't responded yet.* Guardian Angel, this is Bandit, *I whisper into the walkie talkie* You hear me? I'm out of the bank, you see anyone? *Places walkie talkie into pocket while eyeing the location of where I am to meet Roger at. Nodding to myself as I see no one in sight, begin to walk over there.*


After asking Garrett what was taking so long, I noticed someone in the shadows.

I turned the walkie-talkie off so the stranger wouldn't hear a response....then I realized the stranger probably heard me talking into it.

Sneaking into the black 1965 Ford Mustang getaway car, I close the door quietly and grab for the key, waiting to fire it up at the first sight of Garrett.

I have one eye looking in the direction of the bank and the other toward the direction I sighted the shadowey figure.


*Seeing the get away car, I quickly walk over the car where I open the driver seat to quickly climb in and throw the bag of money at my feet. Closing the door, I turn to Roger.* Why didn't you respond? How was I to know if the coast was clear or not if you don't tell me? *Shrugs* Oh well I got the bag we planned to grab so let's get outta here so we can figure out what money goes to where. If we ain't keepin' the money, then the sooner we get rid of it, the better.


*I started up the powerful engine without responding to Garrett. I threw it in gear and starting squeeling tires, figuring the noise couldn't possibly be louder than the explosion was.

All that was on my mind now was distance. The more distance I put between here and somewhere else, the better.

As we rocketed off, my eye caught the mysterious figure who was now standing on the sidewalk less than 100 feet in front of me. For a second I stopped thinking about distance and started wondering who he was and....even more important....what was his next move.*

"We have company!" I exclaimed to Garrett.


*Listening to the loud squeal of the tires and the engine, my thoughts listen into the silence that is trapped within the car, wondering what's going on with my partner in crime. If he has had second thoughts upon our robbery and if it was my loud mistakes that enforced them on him. Only send my worry of what he plans on doing with me now if he has had second thoughts on the whole operation. I turn to face Roger as he speaks up to break the silence between us and his words send chills of fear down my back.* Company? *I ask as I nervously glance around and as I glance in the rear window, I see the dark shadow of a man standing there.* We got company...unless you want us to be room mates at the Hazzard jail, you better get this thing going. And fast!


*The backs of our heads are pressed against the head rests as the Mustang accelerates, tires still squeeling*

"I don't know who that feller is but I ain't staying around to find out!"

*engine misfires but then seems to correct itself.

My eyes widen with alarm at the unexpected engine hesitation*


*Standing up from where he had hidden behind the car, T.J. notices a figure in a black, fast-looking car. They have probably spotted him already, judging by the fidgetyness of the figure in the driver’s seat. In a quick glance toward the bank, he sees the suspect slinking out of the bank and toward the get away car.* Why do I get in predicaments like this? *he whispers to himself. As the bank robber gets close to the car, T.J. hears the 5000 pounds of made-in-America muscle fire behind him. Without thinking, he takes a run toward the street, sliding over the hood of the car between him and the pavement. He hits the ground just in time to hear tires screaming and to see an obviously surprised bank-robber plop himself down inside the vehicle. Gears shifting, headlights bright in his eyes, T.J.'s feet do all the thinking that he hasn't gotten around to thinking about yet, propelling his long body back onto the hood of the car that he had just slid over to avoid getting hit by the bank robbing duo. The car flew by him. He was alive, but apparently still stupid as he found his way back off the car and began running full tilt towards his pick-up. The smell of burning rubber burning the inside of his nose as he tries to turn-up his own turbo chargers to propel the slick cowboy boots forward faster. He finally reaches his pick-up. He swings the door open and jumps in. The door slams shut, his foot on the clutch, hand on the ignition, and he is on the chase. The loud crack of a backfire, or possibly a gun shot, rings through the night.* Either that car ain't as pretty under the hood as it is above, or these guys mean business! *He throws the gear shifter expertly, accelerating quickly. He hits the headlights. Must have been his first suspicion, the black get away car isn't as far away as he thought it would have been by now. Shifting into fifth gear, he punches the gas in the old pick-up truck, hitting its top speed of 85 mph. He is catching up to the robbers.* Oh boy, *he says under his breath* Hope they ain't to big to take on by myself.


*A mile out of town I really start to panic. The Mustang has been running fine for months and for some reason picked now to start acting up. I turn to Garret for a split second before looking back at the road*

"I can't figure out what's wrong. If this old Stang doesn't git it together, we might be looking at 20 years in the state pen."

*takes a panicky deep breath after looking in the rear view mirror*

"It's gotta be the fuel pump or carb. I changed the fuel filter last week."

*as if that weren't enough, two deer stood on the dark road as I rounded the curve. I hit the brakes hard, causing the back end to fishtail*


*cusses angrily under breathe as I hold onto the door, my eyes go to the deer out front to the back window to see the truck getting closer.* Ok Roger *Voice calm despite the inner turmoil* Slow it down a bit, I'll jump out with the money. *Looks out window at the deep ditches besides the road* Yeah that's it *Says aloud though talking to self. Turning to Roger, continue.* Slow it down and I'll jump and side track the guy in the truck. You keep on going. Either he'll be bought off or I'll convince him to forget the whole thing. If that don't work, *pauses and shrugs* I guess I'm on my way to jail. It won't be the first time. *Lets out a long breath of air I'd been holding. It wasn't suppose to work this way.* I won't say a word about you, I promise. You can trust me...you should know that by now. If they don't let it slip, I'll convince 'em I forced you to drive. It was my brilliant idea, it should be me to take the fall for it. *Looks out the back window at the truck before looking ahead at the deer. *Just don't hit the deer, they'd kill your car!


*luckily the deer aren't hurt and run off unharmed.

I start to accelerate quickly then look to Garrett before focusing on the road again*

"Please tell me you weren't serious about jumping out. We don't know anything about this feller. What if he pulls over and shoots you to git the money? I really think we should stick together.

If this old horse starts behaving like he should, that pick-em-up truck will be eating dust real quick like. If it doesn't and he catches us, at least we have each other."


*Eyes Roger for a long time, thinking of what he had said.* Look Roger, I appreciate your help here and your loyalty of sticking together, but this was my idea. There is no way I am going to allow you to go down for it alongside of me. *Pauses to glance back at the old truck* And yeah you could out run that piece of garbage with your hands tied behind your back if it wasn't acting up, but it is. And you're right...I don't know a thing about him and he may try to shoot me, but if he wants the money that bad, then he can have it...it'd be on his hands not ours anymore. *Turns back around to face Roger* You don't have to worry about me, I can handle myself if need be. I just don't want you gettin' arrested or worse because of me


*right after Garrett finished speaking, the mighty Mustang got his strength back and surged ahead like a dragster. The truck was left behind without a prayer of catching the now healthy muscle car....or did it have a prayer?

I let out a mild yeehaww but it was not without concern. Whatever caused it to sputter could happen again. Worse yet, it could stall altogether. Only time would tell. For the moment the Mustang was pulling away and that was all that mattered.*

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