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Yes folks, Chet Duke is in jail for vehicular assualt with a horse. Amongst other crimes as committed in the Arrest Brian Coltrane! thread.

He's really living up to this whole outlaw thang ain't he?

Previously, in our ongoing saga, after being placed in jail and managing to shift is hand cuffed hands from behind him to infront of him, Deputy MaryAnne Coltrane checked up on her prisoner....

*she was more than surprised to see Chet standing, pacing and with his arms now infront of him, his wrists still cuffed. It was amazing enough she had hefted the 200 plus pound Duke into the back of her patrol car. How the heck he maneuvered his arms around himself was beyond her*

Well. I dunno how the hell you did that without dislocatin' a shoulder or something but if you get any crazy ideas to try to bust out of this jail you better forget about it...

...Because I don't take too kindly when folks escape from my jail...

(And the saga continues!)

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*Watches the deputy quietly for a few long moments.*

Im not going anywhere, I may be a big man but Im flexable and Ive worn cuffs a few times. *Smirks.* Besides, now that Im in here I'll let you deal with Brian and Alex wanting my hide. You do protect your prisoners dont ya MaryAnne?

*Leans against the bars at the front of the cell.*

*Watches the deputy quietly for a few long moments.*

Im not going anywhere, I may be a big man but Im flexable and Ive worn cuffs a few times. *Smirks.* Besides, now that Im in here I'll let you deal with Brian and Alex wanting my hide. You do protect your prisoners dont ya MaryAnne?

*Leans against the bars at the front of the cell.*

*smirks right back* No, Chet. I leave the place completely unguarded. I'm gonna go hand Alex a bazooka and tell him to come right on over here.

Of course I protect my prisoners! Why do you think I went through all the hassle to toss your butt in here? I'll deal with Brian and Alex. If I have to, I can have the cell upstairs fixed and toss the both of them right back in there again.

Thing is, I won't have any peace in this jail if I do that. So instead I'm gonna be trying to find a way to resolve this mess.

Guest DanielPHorse

*A medium-sized and slender youth with blonde hair down to his shoulders,wearing jeans and a simple chambray shirt accented with bright beadwork at the collar, climbs the steps to the clinic. He pauses at the door and then pokes his head in cautiously, rapping gently on the doorframe with his right hand. He sees Alex, sitting next to one of the beds, and Brian laying in it, seemingly still* Al-ex? It is me. It is Daniel. May I come in, buck?

*A medium-sized and slender youth with blonde hair down to his shoulders,wearing jeans and a simple chambray shirt accented with bright beadwork at the collar, climbs the steps to the clinic. He pauses at the door and then pokes his head in cautiously, rapping gently on the doorframe with his right hand. He sees Alex, sitting next to one of the beds, and Brian laying in it, seemingly still* Al-ex? It is me. It is Daniel. May I come in, buck?

*sitting in the chair next to Brian's bed and looks up at the knock, hearing the voice and grins* Daniel! *waves him inside*

Guest DanielPHorse

*The half-Cheyenne smiles and walks in* Thank you, buck! I have been out of town, but when I heard that Brian had been hurt, I had to come back. *He goes over to the bed* I heard what Chet Duke did. *His hand falls to the big buckknife in its leather and buckskin sheath on his belt* I want to take his ugly scalp for it!

*The half-Cheyenne smiles and walks in* Thank you, buck! I have been out of town, but when I heard that Brian had been hurt, I had to come back. *He goes over to the bed* I heard what Chet Duke did. *His hand falls to the big buckknife in its leather and buckskin sheath on his belt* I want to take his ugly scalp for it!

*looks at Daniel with a grim smile* Your words are music to mah ears. But I can't have you gettin' into that kinda trouble, Daniel. But you bein' heah does give me a helluva idea.

*looks from Daniel, to Alex, the Coltrane gears in head starting to grind* What's the one thang Chet might value even more than Garrett, heah?

*The half-Cheyenne smiles and walks in* Thank you, buck! I have been out of town, but when I heard that Brian had been hurt, I had to come back. *He goes over to the bed* I heard what Chet Duke did. *His hand falls to the big buckknife in its leather and buckskin sheath on his belt* I want to take his ugly scalp for it!

*grins at the touch to the knife* I like the way you think Daniel...*but then the smile fades and give a sigh then glances at the bed with Brian in it* But unfortunately MaryAnne locked him up so I dont think she'll approve of a scalping... *nods in agreement to Brian* yeah and we dont want you in trouble Daniel...

*hears Brian's question* Thats easy, his horse...

*grins at the touch to the knife* I like the way you think Daniel...*but then the smile fades and give a sigh then glances at the bed with Brian in it* But unfortunately MaryAnne locked him up so I dont think she'll approve of a scalping... *nods in agreement to Brian* yeah and we dont want you in trouble Daniel...

*hears Brian's question* Thats easy, his horse...

*smiling at the young Cheyenne as he comes in, shaking head again at this whole mess, then listening as Daniel and Brian speak.*

*grins at the touch to the knife* I like the way you think Daniel...*but then the smile fades and give a sigh then glances at the bed with Brian in it* But unfortunately MaryAnne locked him up so I dont think she'll approve of a scalping... *nods in agreement to Brian* yeah and we dont want you in trouble Daniel...

*hears Brian's question* Thats easy, his horse...

His horse, yeah. *nods sharply, grinning* And since Garrett don't wanna play hostage, I think we have ourselves another chess piece to play.

*looks over to Bo, who is listening unobtrusively* You were there when she brought Chet in. That horse of his, anywhere around?

Guest DanielPHorse

*Smiles at Bo and nods hello to him, and then looks back to Brian and Alex*

Trouble does not worry me, my friends. I have been in its company before. *Looks over at Garret Duke in the next bed and scowls* If Chet is not here, perhaps I should take that one's scalp, instead! But I agree with Al-ex . . . Chet does prize his pony above many other things.

His horse, yeah. *nods sharply, grinning* And since Garrett don't wanna play hostage, I think we have ourselves another chess piece to play.

*looks over to Bo, who is listening unobtrusively* You were there when she brought Chet in. That horse of his, anywhere around?

*nodding* Yeah, we told Chet we'd take care of him. I took him just to the outskirts of town, a friend had an empty field. He's about five minutes away, on foot.


*walking in, in time to hear this... glancing back and forth briefly, quickly, wary. Too many innocent animals have been lost to punish Chet, in past* You wouldn't actually...


*had been listening in, interested, looks down at Brian* You just remember with all your scheming, you're still hurt and need to be careful.

If I need to gets another set of ACE wraps out, its gonna to do something much more persuasive than wrapping ribs or a wild Friday night date.


Im sorry MaryAnne, I didnt mean that ya left it completely ungaurded... I guess I ment do you think you'll beable to keep your cousin and his looney blonde side kick out of here. *Paces.*

You know how hurt Brian was by me taking his title, this wont end until hes chewed up and spat out a right good piece of me.


*Shakes my head slowly leaning on the front bars.* Nah BL, I reckon Ive got you in enough trouble over the years. Unless ya got a batch of fresh chocolate chips laying around er.... *Raises brow.* How about a cig and a lighter? I could really use a smoke.

*had been listening in, interested, looks down at Brian* You just remember with all your scheming, you're still hurt and need to be careful.

If I need to gets another set of ACE wraps out, its gonna to do something much more persuasive than wrapping ribs or a wild Friday night date.

Easy now, Doc...*smiles* I ain't goin' nowhere, while MaryAnne still has mah wrist handcuffed to the table heah. *pulls it up with a rattle* Maybe we can make the most of that situation later, if you're careful with me. *flirting shamelessly, but then clears throat, remembering presence of others*

And Lukas, don't worry. S' true I shot a horse out from under Chet once, but he damn well had it comin' at the time. It ain't mah normal way, though, and it's not really what I got in my mind right now.

*looks to Daniel* S' been said that there's no horse theif like an Injun horse thief. I'd like to count coup on Chet, and I can't think of a better way to start, than by horse-nappin'. Think you could do me a little favor there, Daniel, and round up that erstwhile e-quine?

Easy now, Doc...*smiles* I ain't goin' nowhere, while MaryAnne still has mah wrist handcuffed to the table heah. *pulls it up with a rattle* Maybe we can make the most of that situation later, if you're careful with me. *flirting shamelessly, but then clears throat, remembering presence of others*

And Lukas, don't worry. S' true I shot a horse out from under Chet once, but he damn well had it comin' at the time. It ain't mah normal way, though, and it's not really what I got in my mind right now.

*looks to Daniel* S' been said that there's no horse theif like an Injun horse thief. I'd like to count coup on Chet, and I can't think of a better way to start, than by horse-nappin'. Think you could do me a little favor there, Daniel, and round up that erstwhile e-quine?

*nods in agreement to Brian* Of course we wouldnt hurt the horse...*hears what Brian says next and grins* Ah, a worthy substitute for Garrett!

Guest DanielPHorse
Easy now, Doc...*smiles* I ain't goin' nowhere, while MaryAnne still has mah wrist handcuffed to the table heah. *pulls it up with a rattle* Maybe we can make the most of that situation later, if you're careful with me. *flirting shamelessly, but then clears throat, remembering presence of others*

And Lukas, don't worry. S' true I shot a horse out from under Chet once, but he damn well had it comin' at the time. It ain't mah normal way, though, and it's not really what I got in my mind right now.

*looks to Daniel* S' been said that there's no horse theif like an Injun horse thief. I'd like to count coup on Chet, and I can't think of a better way to start, than by horse-nappin'. Think you could do me a little favor there, Daniel, and round up that erstwhile e-quine?

*Daniel nods, and while he doesn't often smile openly, humor lights up his blue-green eyes briefly* What has been said is true, buck! Aee, yes I can take the pony. It would be my pleasure to help you count coup on that coyote after what he has done to you!

*Shakes my head slowly leaning on the front bars.* Nah BL, I reckon Ive got you in enough trouble over the years. Unless ya got a batch of fresh chocolate chips laying around er.... *Raises brow.* How about a cig and a lighter? I could really use a smoke.

*chuckles* I might have some *shakes my head* sorry I don't smoke.

Easy now, Doc...*smiles* I ain't goin' nowhere, while MaryAnne still has mah wrist handcuffed to the table heah. *pulls it up with a rattle* Maybe we can make the most of that situation later, if you're careful with me. *flirting shamelessly, but then clears throat, remembering presence of others*

*nods* I'll hold you to that. Anything I can do to help the mischief making?


*Smiles alittle at BL.* Thats alright no worries, thanks for thinking of me though.


*The equine that is being spoke of trots around the empty winter pasture, occasionally pausing to lower his head and sniff the ground pawing at it. He snorts and tosses his head at every passing sound.

Hes of Thoroughbred breed and half loco to those that dont know him. Sired by the mighty "Big Red", standing in about 17 hands and baring his fathers fiery red coat and four striking white socks with a thick bold white blaze down his face. He blows a hot steamy breath into the night, nearvous in the unfamiliar pasture.

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