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The Deputy has spoken!

And havin' considered the laws of probability involved here, and my own "no reset button, play at your own risk" code...

I think we'll carry on right where we left off. I'm gonna suggest that Alex is the next post, to set things back into motion. ( Note, we're not gonna "cue" specific people in this thang, because then if somebody can't be online at that time, it can hold things up. )

Alex, if you'd do the honors.... Chet, I'd suggest posting after him to show your arrival, and we'll fall into sync from there.

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Garrett, save your breath.. *goes and gets the wounded man up, opens the passenger door and opens it then helps Garrett in.. then quickly turns and grabs Brian and hauls him up and puts in the passenger side and closes the door, runs around and gets into the driver side* Im going to the clinic! *fires up Diablo and puts it in gear, then hit the gas taking off down the street*

*heads for the clinic, watching Chet also following in the rearview mirror... glancing at both Brian and Garrett* just hold on boys... *says, seeing the clinic up ahead and comes to screeching hault...shuts the engine down, blowing the horn a couple of times then gets out, running around to the other side of the car and opens the door, gently grabbing Garrett and lifting him...*sees Chet coming and calls out to him* Get Brian! *heads up the porch steps*


Ive got him! *Swings off my horse dropping the reins so that the animal will stay where its at. Rushes to the side of the car and ducks in gently and very carefully lifting Brian in my arms. Takes quick steps behind Alex, following him into the clinic.*

Ive got him! *Swings off my horse dropping the reins so that the animal will stay where its at. Rushes to the side of the car and ducks in gently and very carefully lifting Brian in my arms. Takes quick steps behind Alex, following him into the clinic.*

*gets to the door, then looks up at the clinich, all is dark... the honking horn rousing no one to open the door for them... turns to see Chet* Watch yourself... *backs up a few steps then braces Garrett as best he can then brings right leg up hard, boot aimed right at the lock, the door splintering as its kicked open...then goes inside quickly...turning the corner heading for the room with the beds and tables and lays Garrett down, then yanks open his shirt to see how bad the wound is then turns to Chet* Lay Brian down on a table... *sees the oozing wound and goes to the big medical cabinet and opens it, getting some gauze and slaps it on the wound, putting pressure on it...*


*Seeing the black car, followed by the galloping horse, head in the direction of the clinic, jumping into the General Lee and following the others toward the clinic. Seeing the open door and heading up the steps, following the sounds of rustling coming from down the hall. Stepping into the treatment room, glancing between the men on the table, not sure who's worse off. Finally walking over to Brian, where Chet has laid him on one of the tables.* Brian Coltrane...*sigh, picking up his wrist to check for a pulse, then checking his head to see the extent of the injuries.*

*Seeing the black car, followed by the galloping horse, head in the direction of the clinic, jumping into the General Lee and following the others toward the clinic. Seeing the open door and heading up the steps, following the sounds of rustling coming from down the hall. Stepping into the treatment room, glancing between the men on the table, not sure who's worse off. Finally walking over to Brian, where Chet has laid him on one of the tables.* Brian Coltrane...*sigh, picking up his wrist to check for a pulse, then checking his head to see the extent of the injuries.*

*pulls the gauze away then leans over looking at the wound* Disinfectant...a suter kit... hes going to need blood... *takes off leather jacket and slings it over the nearest table then looks around for the fridge* Doc keeps the blood somewhere. *Spots the fridge and goes to it and take out O blood, then goes to the medical cabinet and takes out the necessary equipment to give Garrett the blood...*

*pulls the gauze away then leans over looking at the wound* Disinfectant...a suter kit... hes going to need blood... *takes off leather jacket and slings it over the nearest table then looks around for the fridge* Doc keeps the blood somewhere. *Spots the fridge and goes to it and take out O blood, then goes to the medical cabinet and takes out the necessary equipment to give Garrett the blood...*

Alex, what do you need me to do? *glancing at the other blond while checking on Brian*


*Looks between the two tables quickly then back at Brian. Yanks my own heavy jacket off and tosses it out of the way. Follows Alex to a supply cabinet and begins digging through it. Comes back with gause, disinfectant, a suter kit and tape.

Grabs some oxygen and gets a mask on Brian hoping it will assist him. Goes to work cleaning up his head, cleansing the wounds and stitching them with shakey hands. Swallows hard glancing at Beau.*

*Looks between the two tables quickly then back at Brian. Yanks my own heavy jacket off and tosses it out of the way. Follows Alex to a supply cabinet and begins digging through it. Comes back with gause, disinfectant, a suter kit and tape.

Grabs some oxygen and gets a mask on Brian hoping it will assist him. Goes to work cleaning up his head, cleansing the wounds and stitching them with shakey hands. Swallows hard glancing at Beau.*

I'll help Alex. *going over to the other table, getting more of the needed supplies.* Alex, give me that...you're going to need to do the sewing

*Looks between the two tables quickly then back at Brian. Yanks my own heavy jacket off and tosses it out of the way. Follows Alex to a supply cabinet and begins digging through it. Comes back with gause, disinfectant, a suter kit and tape.

Grabs some oxygen and gets a mask on Brian hoping it will assist him. Goes to work cleaning up his head, cleansing the wounds and stitching them with shakey hands. Swallows hard glancing at Beau.*

Thanks Chet... *sets everything down on the tray near Garrett and grabs some disinfectant, pouring it into Garrett's wound and puts gloves on, getting the suture kit and unrolls it...* I cant give him blood yet, not till hes stitched up.. *leans over pressing fingers around the hole...* no bullet...probably passed right through the meat...*gets the gauze wiping the disinfectant off the wound and pinches the skin closed, then gets the suture and begins to stitch up the wound..*


*Gets the supplies together to start a IV on Brian, hanging the bag above his head on a upside down hook like stand. Gently opens Brian's black leather jacket and peals it down his arms and off his body. Works his right sleeve up and wraps a rubber band like tie above his elbow. Watches as a large vein comes more visible to the surface. Wipes the swet from my face on my arm and carefully enters the vein with a needle to start the line, getting it transfurred smoothly. Double checks the line then covers the Coltrane man with his own jacket and a warm blanket.*

*Gets the supplies together to start a IV on Brian, hanging the bag above his head on a upside down hook like stand. Gently opens Brian's black leather jacket and peals it down his arms and off his body. Works his right sleeve up and wraps a rubber band like tie above his elbow. Watches as a large vein comes more visible to the surface. Wipes the swet from my face on my arm and carefully enters the vein with a needle to start the line, getting it transfurred smoothly. Double checks the line then covers the Coltrane man with his own jacket and a warm blanket.*

*continues sewing, making the stitches as straight as possible, taking a moment to turn head, wiping brow with arm* check his pupils Chet... hes got oxygen on right?


Yes, hes got Oxygen. *Grabs a pen light from a counter in the lab and gently checks Brians eyes with it. Fully expecting to see pupils enlarged caused by a concussion.*

Yes, hes got Oxygen. *Grabs a pen light from a counter in the lab and gently checks Brians eyes with it. Fully expecting to see pupils enlarged caused by a concussion.*

*puts in the last stitch then cuts the thread, then looks at Bo* come over here Bo.. hold Garrett on his side so I can get the other hole...*reloads the needle with more thread and gets the scissors and cuts the shirt enough to see the matching hole in the back...*


*Having left the police station to walk to a friend's house that lives in town. Passes by where Chet's horse is. Noticing the door is open. Steps quietly into the clinic and down the hall. Instead of a potential robbery scene, peeks in to find the threesome working on Brian and Garrett. Careful not to make any noise to distract Bo, Chet or Alex.*

*puts in the last stitch then cuts the thread, then looks at Bo* come over here Bo.. hold Garrett on his side so I can get the other hole...*reloads the needle with more thread and gets the scissors and cuts the shirt enough to see the matching hole in the back...*

Sure, Alex. *moving to the other side of the table, gently holding Garrett on his side so that Alex can work on closing the wound on his back.*

Sure, Alex. *moving to the other side of the table, gently holding Garrett on his side so that Alex can work on closing the wound on his back.*

Thanks Bo.. *gets the disinfectant and pours it on the hole, then dabs it with the gauze, gets needle again and pinches the skin closed* Soon as I get this hole closed Ill give him some blood, that should make him stable... *begins sewing up the second hole in Garrett*


*Leaves Brian to aid Alex and Beau, coming to the table side.* What can I get you Alex? How can I help? *Mismatched eyes intent on the blonde man.*

*Leaves Brian to aid Alex and Beau, coming to the table side.* What can I get you Alex? How can I help? *Mismatched eyes intent on the blonde man.*

*looks up a moment and nods* yeah get him ready for blood... *leans over seeing the IV in Brian and nods* good work... Garrett should be okay after I close this hole, the blood will stabilize him...

*looks up a moment and nods* yeah get him ready for blood... *leans over seeing the IV in Brian and nods* good work... Garrett should be okay after I close this hole, the blood will stabilize him...

Let's hope. *quietly, shaking head at the circumstances around this patching up.*


*Nods sharply in response to Alex. Gathers IV supplies again, getting a hanger for the blood bag. Gently pushes Garretts sleeve up and swabs the crook of his elbow. Waits with the rubber band tie and the IV line for Alex's okay to continue.*

*Nods sharply in response to Alex. Gathers IV supplies again, getting a hanger for the blood bag. Gently pushes Garretts sleeve up and swabs the crook of his elbow. Waits with the rubber band tie and the IV line for Alex's okay to continue.*

*makes the stitches straight, hands steady, the hole finally closed with one last stitch and cuts the thread giving a sigh as the needle is set down... gets gauze to cover the back and carefully rolls Garrett onto his back, then covers the chest hole with gauze too, securing it with tape* Done! Go ahead and give him the juice Chet...


Alright. *Ties the band above Garrett's elbow and waits for the vein. Takes a deep breath and gently sticks the vein with the needle, starting the IV line. Checks the line entirely, taping the IV to his arm with care.* All set.

Alright. *Ties the band above Garrett's elbow and waits for the vein. Takes a deep breath and gently sticks the vein with the needle, starting the IV line. Checks the line entirely, taping the IV to his arm with care.* All set.

Looks good. *looking from Chet to Alex* I just hope it's enough...for both of them.

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