Brian Coltrane Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 Oh... I mind. *Lunges forward and reaches through the bars and wacks Alex over the head with the handle of the pistol rendering Alex unconscious. Throws myself against the cell door with all my might, slamming against Brian with every muscle in my body.* (All 225 pounds of me.)*hears the loud thunk as the gun handle hits Alex, seeing the blonde-haired man slump immediately. But there's no time to help him as the hard shove against the bars causes an instinctive reaction. Knowing full well Chet is armed and that standing still will get me the same treatment or worse, flys forward and runs for the short steps by the booking desk. Knows Chet has to step around Alex's body and that Alex, in a way, is still helping, his dead weight making it hard to push that door open too fast**plants hands on the small iron railing by the stairs and vaults over them, landing on the main floor like a cat and running like hell upon landing. Bolts through the double doors of the booking room, hitting them hard enough to send them smacking into the walls. Only thought is to get away enough to get to own car, get to own weapon, cursing the fact it wasn't on me when all of this started...*
Cowboy Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 *Once Brian bolts, lets him go watching for a moment. Pushes Alex's butt outta the way with the door then drags him into the cell and with a tool from my pocket locks him back up. Pockets my gun and exits the booking room, but goes the opposite way down the hall way. Climbs out the window at the end of the hall, hits the ground running. Runs to my horse who stands loyally waiting in the dark at the rear of the garage. Mounts up and rides away into the darkness.*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 *Once Brian bolts, lets him go watching for a moment. Pushes Alex's butt outta the way with the door then drags him into the cell and with a tool from my pocket locks him back up. Pockets my gun and exits the booking room, but goes the opposite way down the hall way. Climbs out the window at the end of the hall, hits the ground running. Runs to my horse who stands loyally waiting in the dark at the rear of the garage. Mounts up and rides away into the darkness.**makes it to Diablo, the big Chevy parked along the front curb of the courthouse. Dives into the front seat and leans flat across it, opening the glovebox with a quick pound of the fist. Snatches up the gun from inside of it, and lays flat another moment, breathing hard, listening....**...and hears, after a couple minutes, the unexpected sound of hoofbeats on the street. Sits up behind the wheel and fires up Diablo with a roar. Rolls down the window to be able to follow the sound of the galloping horse, driving with left hand, gun held at ready in the right...*
Cowboy Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 *Hears the roar of the mighty Chevy engine on my back trail and although I know it could be deadly for my horse and I, veers into a heavily wooded forest. Jumping a ditch and galloping hard into the dense thicket.*(G'nyte, will continue tomarrow. Perhaps on a different board? )
Brian Coltrane Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 (Will people who are only here on Hazzardnet get an invite to read?)( All I know, is MaryAnne is gonna have an unmitigated fit. No, I didn't get any writing done tonight on the bail stories, because..umm....well, ya see... GAH.)( We'll carry on right here, unless we decide it's wiser to move it. I think I'd better git something legit done really dang soon tho'.)
Garrett Duke Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 *Listens into conversation and watches events through jail window before watching them driving/riding by the alley where I sit on my motorcycle to shake head in disbelief while lighting cigarette.* Well if he wants to leave me outta this, then hopefully he can find his way outta of it on his own. *Whispers under breath to self before inhaling smoke from cigarette and blowing it out* At least I'm on the top of someone's list...I feel special! *With the excitement out of site, drives motorcycle away from the jail*
MaryAnne Posted February 19, 2010 Author Posted February 19, 2010 *long after all the commotion has passed, strolls into the booking room hours later and realizes immediately that something's wrong.**looks toward the jail cell and sees Alex is the only one inside. Gives an unhappy sigh and walks toward the cell, noticing scratch marks on the lock. It had been jimmied.**Inside the cell, Alex is.....*
AlexJackson Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 *long after all the commotion has passed, strolls into the booking room hours later and realizes immediately that something's wrong.**looks toward the jail cell and sees Alex is the only one inside. Gives an unhappy sigh and walks toward the cell, noticing scratch marks on the lock. It had been jimmied.**Inside the cell, Alex is.....**lying on the cell floor where dumped by Chet... head moves from side to side, as the part of head that was cracked with the gun touches the cold floor, the pain radiating from it forces the blond man's eyes open...blinks a moment then eyes narrow... remember what happened and sits up fast* Brian.... *looks around then groans touching side of head feeling the lump there* aww hell.... *leans with back to a cot, rubbing hand over eyes*
MaryAnne Posted February 19, 2010 Author Posted February 19, 2010 *lying on the cell floor where dumped by Chet... head moves from side to side, as the part of head that was cracked with the gun touches the cold floor, the pain radiating from it forces the blond man's eyes open...blinks a moment then eyes narrow... remember what happened and sits up fast* Brian.... *looks around then groans touching side of head feeling the lump there* aww hell.... *leans with back to a cot, rubbing hand over eyes**one very unhappy deputy steps up to the cell and squats down to look at Alex* I'll give you a minute to unscramble your brains and then you can tell me what the hell happened here.
AlexJackson Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 *one very unhappy deputy steps up to the cell and squats down to look at Alex* I'll give you a minute to unscramble your brains and then you can tell me what the hell happened here.*uncover eyes seeing the not so pleased Deputy* I dont need a minute.. *sighs as he gets up and sits on the cot* Chet showed up after you left, he had tools and he opened the cell and let Brian and I out... he said he was doing it for a showdown with him or something stupid.. I didnt trust him... Brian and I rushed him and got him back in here, but he was armed and threatened to shoot Brian if we didnt let him out...*pauses a moment sighing* I guess he knocked me out at that point...*looks up at MaryAnne...*
MaryAnne Posted February 19, 2010 Author Posted February 19, 2010 *uncover eyes seeing the not so pleased Deputy* I dont need a minute.. *sighs as he gets up and sits on the cot* Chet showed up after you left, he had tools and he opened the cell and let Brian and I out... he said he was doing it for a showdown with him or something stupid.. I didnt trust him... Brian and I rushed him and got him back in here, but he was armed and threatened to shoot Brian if we didnt let him out...*pauses a moment sighing* I guess he knocked me out at that point...*looks up at MaryAnne...**nods and stands up straight giving another sigh* Somehow I'm not surprised by any of that. I'm sure there's a dozen witnesses here who can attest to all that. *turns and paces a few steps away from the cell* And, I'm sure, nobody knows where Brian n' Chet are at this moment...
AlexJackson Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 *nods and stands up straight giving another sigh* Somehow I'm not surprised by any of that. I'm sure there's a dozen witnesses here who can attest to all that. *turns and paces a few steps away from the cell* And, I'm sure, nobody knows where Brian n' Chet are at this moment...I wish I did...*says in a low tone...* I dont trust Chet and with Garrett too..*sighs shaking head* Lord knows what Brian is up against, Chet already threatened to shoot him... *glance at the Deputy* Im sorry MaryAnne...*says sincerely*
MaryAnne Posted February 19, 2010 Author Posted February 19, 2010 I wish I did...*says in a low tone...* I dont trust Chet and with Garrett too..*sighs shaking head* Lord knows what Brian is up against, Chet already threatened to shoot him... *glance at the Deputy* Im sorry MaryAnne...*says sincerely*Not as sorry as Brian n' Chet are gonna be... *turns back to the cell and puts key in the lock. It's difficult to turn after having been jimmied but the lock releases. Opens the door and steps aside* Go on. Git. You still owe me dinner, but we'll do that when I'm more pleasant company...
AlexJackson Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 Not as sorry as Brian n' Chet are gonna be... *turns back to the cell and puts key in the lock. It's difficult to turn after having been jimmied but the lock releases. Opens the door and steps aside* Go on. Git. You still owe me dinner, but we'll do that when I'm more pleasant company...*eyebrows go up, standing up slowly, then glances at the open door...* Not that I dont appreciate that youre letting me go and we will do dinner but, I want to help you find Brian...
Brian Coltrane Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 * before MaryAnne had discovered Alex, a black Chevy was prowling the roads around the woodland where Chet had slipped away. There was no way to follow Chet directly, and circling the area had proved useless. Chet could hide out in there for some time, or simply gallop away in the opposite direction of the Chevy's path* *after time spent in fruitless search through half of Hazzard County, Diablo heads slowly back towards town. There's no clear idea what to do next; the one logical thought was to check on Alex and make sure he's okay.**but at the sight of MaryAnne's patrol car sitting in front of the courthouse, feels a pang of dread* She aint' gonna understand this one... maybe ah better keep on drivin'...
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 *eyebrows go up, standing up slowly, then glances at the open door...* Not that I dont appreciate that youre letting me go and we will do dinner but, I want to help you find Brian...*watching the conversation between the deputy and blond man* I'll help any way I can too, MaryAnne. *setting aside the welding kit, it's not going to do much good the way the lock was jimmied*
pendragon1980 Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 (Spend a week moving into a new home and look what happean, Doc will be at the clinic if anyone needs medical attention, safe haven or any of the above)
MaryAnne Posted February 19, 2010 Author Posted February 19, 2010 *eyebrows go up, standing up slowly, then glances at the open door...* Not that I dont appreciate that youre letting me go and we will do dinner but, I want to help you find Brian...Well there's just one problem with that, Alex. I'm not gonna go lookin' for him. See, I figured his pie in the sky bail wasn't gonna come to pass anyway, I knew he'd look for some way to break out. Afterall, why write a silly little story to get out of jail when you can just bust out and create chaos? *waves a hand in a forget-about-it fashion* Eh, let 'em have his fun. He'll be back. Hopefully in a enough of one piece so I can kick his posterior all over the place.
AlexJackson Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 Well there's just one problem with that, Alex. I'm not gonna go lookin' for him. See, I figured his pie in the sky bail wasn't gonna come to pass anyway, I knew he'd look for some way to break out. Afterall, why write a silly little story to get out of jail when you can just bust out and create chaos? *waves a hand in a forget-about-it fashion* Eh, let 'em have his fun. He'll be back. Hopefully in a enough of one piece so I can kick his posterior all over the place.*steps out of the cell, facing the Deputy* All right... I understand, but if you dont mind, Id like to try and find him, at least cover his back so it evens up the odds... *gives a smile..* We'll have that nice dinner, I promise...*reaches out to touch her shoulder and gives it a squeeze then turns and heads out of the courthouse...opens the doors and pause a moment to breathe in the night air, then proceeds down the steps*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 *steps out of the cell, facing the Deputy* All right... I understand, but if you dont mind, Id like to try and find him, at least cover his back so it evens up the odds... *gives a smile..* We'll have that nice dinner, I promise...*reaches out to touch her shoulder and gives it a squeeze then turns and heads out of the courthouse...opens the doors and pause a moment to breathe in the night air, then proceeds down the steps**having parked Diablo on the other side of the town square, sees Alex trotting down the courthouse steps. Starts Diablo up, letting the sound of the motor speak for own location. Keeps a distance from the courthouse, though, not taking the chance of driving up to it just yet*
AlexJackson Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 *having parked Diablo on the other side of the town square, sees Alex trotting down the courthouse steps. Starts Diablo up, letting the sound of the motor speak for own location. Keeps a distance from the courthouse, though, not taking the chance of driving up to it just yet**stops at the bottom of the steps and looks around then stops, hearing something and turns in the direction its coming from, hearing the engine and grins* Diablo... *starts to jog toward the sound, crossing the square then the grin widens seeing the black Impala* oh yeah!! *heading for the driver side window, knowing whos behind the wheel and feeling relief...*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 *steps at the bottom of the steps and looks around then stops, hearing something and turns in the direction its coming from, hearing the engine and grins* Diablo... *starts to jog toward the sound, crossing the square then the grin widens seeing the black Impala* oh yeah!! *heading for the driver side window, knowing whos behind the wheel and feeling relief...**rolls the window down, giving Alex an unexpected greeting by the way of....*Do you have any common sense at all?! Walkin' down the steps like you ain't got a care in the world?! Chet n' Garrett could be anywhere! And how the hell did you get out, anyway?
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 *Looking around the courthouse, not seeing anything to do at the moment, picking up the welding kit and heading out the door again, pausing as I hear the rumbling engine and see the unmistakable shape of the blond man standing next to the large black car.*
AlexJackson Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 *rolls the window down, giving Alex an unexpected greeting by the way of....*Do you have any common sense at all?! Walkin' down the steps like you ain't got a care in the world?! Chet n' Garrett could be anywhere! And how the hell did you get out, anyway?Good to see you in one piece too... *shakes head but still cant help but smile a little* and as for my great escape, its called, your cousin opened the door...
Brian Coltrane Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 Good to see you in one piece too... *shakes head but still cant help but smile a little* and as for my great escape, its called, your cousin opened the door...Either she took pity on you and your scuffed up head, or....she's mad as hell and didn't wanna look at you anymore.
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