RogerDuke Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 What do you mean? I've been known to use several lines to harass Meadowmuffin, several paragraphs to harass MaryAnne and several pages to harass Brian. But then again, I only tease people that I like. That's why I'm always so polite to you Alex. Quote
AlexJackson Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 Thats true, you do tend to harass a lot of people, but I wouldnt say you were polite to me Roger! Course you dont harass me as often as you do the others! *laughs* Skipper Duke 1 Quote
MaryAnne Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 I dunno what happend dukefan but it's showing now! what happened to my reply to MaryAnne???? Quote
MaryAnne Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 I will be the first to admit that Ive broken dozens of rules over the years and been banned more times then the Outlaw Lord himself. (We'll have to tally that up and figure that one out for the hell of it sometime Brian, but my bets are I got ya beat.) Anyway, even right now, I agree with BL that were breaking the RR rule with "Wanted: Dead or Alive". BUT, we became very wary of allowing anyone else into the story because the vast major of writers that are now on the RR board cant keep in the form of writing that USED to be the nature of a RR. So yeah were in the wrong, but can you blame us? I have to say that if half the people who used to participate in the old RR's were to return, they would be utterly appauled with the current existance of the RR boards. I only wish enough of them were still around and would speak up, I cant possibly be the only 'older' memeber that misses the days of "Buckshot" and so many other old style RR's. MaryAnne, MeadowMufn, if you wish, I... dont mind if Wanted Dead or Alive is moved, but if it aint hurting nothing I'd sure like to have it left there. Im so glad that this is finally been put in the open, maybe, just maybe if the RR is cleaned up and changed alil more authors who used to enjoy it will find there way back. Im really at an end as to what to suggest for new rules, I just dont know. I think just tightening up on designated boards for different kinds of stories would make a big difference. )~* ChetYour "Wanted" story really should be in the Fics in Progress section, if you're not allowing anyone else to post to it. Sorry. LOL. I probably shouldn't make an exception as I've allowed exceptions all this time and this is why we're in the mess we're in! I'm going to move the thread and leave a temporary redirect.Meantime, to add to what Mufn said, yes our forums program has a lot of tools that we can use to exercise our rights as citizens and vote. LOL. There's the Rate Thread feature, there's also the reputation feature. If really feel that somebody's post to a story was inconsistent with the story line or totally offbase, (or you think it was brilliant!) you can approve or disapprove with the post and also comment on it.At the top of each person's post, on the right hand side, there's the number of the post and then there's a little scale of justice next to that. Click on that and drop down box will show. Simply click either you approve or disapprove and you can type a comment (optional). The reputation thing is what causes the black/green/red boxes that some people have. You can imagine the red boxes are not good. LOLAlso, again like Mufn said, don't be afraid to tell us admins what's going on or if you're not happy with something. If we don't know, we assume everything's hunky dory and then when we find out it's not it could be too late. We don't want that. We wanna keep HNet an enjoyable place for y'all and there's no reason that a few bad apples should be ruinin' if for everyone else. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 Ok, I've read or looked at this entire thread. I learned a lot. First thanks to BoJamesDuke for her comments on mine and Bethie88's stories. When we atrated writing them they were open and therefore posted in the right place, however after a couple totally way off posts we started 'cueing' each other. So like Chet and BL if you want to move Going Home, Going Home Again, Going Home 3 and Danged fool it is fine with me, too."Another thing I'd like to mention is, at the top of every thread in the forums, there's a "Rate Thread" option where you can rate the quality of the thread from 1 to 5 stars. I think this is an option we should utilize in the FF/RR section. If a thread gets a certain amount of stars under 3, we will move the thread to an "archive" section where the authors may still work on it, but it will not be in the main FF/RR section and will not show up in the latest threads on the main page of HazzardNet. Essentially, we will be giving members a vote in the quality of the Round Robins. The admins will make final decisions, but will take these votes into account when we decide whether or not to move a thread." I have never paid attention to the rating option, BUT I WILL FROM NOW ON!! On Dukes Goes to Dallas I even pm'd one of the writers and showed them like 4 posts put together and made in to paragraphs and how it would read better.As for daisydukeXenosstrait sounding as if she was forced to sign the petition. SIgning it is one thing continueing to post things like "She laughed" OR "He smiled" as an entire post needs to stop!!!And there are several writers that are involved in 5-7 or more 'stories' at once. HOW can you possible keep up with a story line in that many stories???? MaryAnne if you are moving our stories where they go how about moving someo of the RP's that are not stories where they go? See we aren't unreasonable. DixieDavenport Quote
Cowboy Posted September 24, 2009 Author Posted September 24, 2009 Yeah... like Dixie said. If Wanted Dead or Alive cant be an exception, then all these RP stories need to be moved to. Ive begged, Ive done everything I can to help DaisyXEnos to not continue doing this and if so continue it where it belongs. I dont mind that Wanted Dead or Alive got moved, its where it belongs now, but RPs in the RR board just aint where they belong either. Also it would take me an entire day of effort to make a vote over all the posts that dont make sense or go along with the stories around here anymore. People just are not working to gether like they once did, ya'll need to converse alittle outside of the story, and say "hey how about I do this, what are you gonna do next?" Work together! Its not rocket science. }~*Chet Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 Yeah... like Dixie said. If Wanted Dead or Alive cant be an exception, then all these RP stories need to be moved to. Ive begged, Ive done everything I can to help DaisyXEnos to not continue doing this and if so continue it where it belongs. I dont mind that Wanted Dead or Alive got moved, its where it belongs now, but RPs in the RR board just aint where they belong either. Also it would take me an entire day of effort to make a vote over all the posts that dont make sense or go along with the stories around here anymore. People just are not working to gether like they once did, ya'll need to converse alittle outside of the story, and say "hey how about I do this, what are you gonna do next?" Work together! Its not rocket science. }~*ChetI never said or wanted to try to sound like I was forced to sign, I know I wasn't and I wasn't trying to sound like I was. Quote
dukefan Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 I dunno what happend dukefan but it's showing now! Yeah I see it too now, how weird??? Quote
dukefan Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 Did you post again after the first initial one? It might not have went through sometimes that happens to me.BLIt is showing now B.L... Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 I've read through this thread and thought about now I guess I will throw in my two cents...I admit...I have used one-liners before...I really try not to, but sometimes it makes for a smooth transition so the other person can continue....and my one liners tend to be more than three or four words... As Mary Anne said, there may be on occasion a time when something like that is my aunt used to say, "There should be a place for everything and everything in its place."For me though, I take my writing very seriously...I am choosy about who I write with, who I RP with and even the stories I read. I am definately not easy to please. I am a teacher after all...As such, if I see a story that is one liner after one liner, or jumps from one thought to another, it drives me crazy. It just makes for poor writing...the readers get bored...and chances are...when you do so many one liners, the "flow" is not there, making it very hard to read.Don't get me wrong, I am by no means a writing expert. But I have written enough to know what makes for a good story, and constant one liners do not. Besides...I think Hazzardnet is a quality site...I think the admin strives to keep quality high on the threads and with the members. I think the fan fics andd rrs should be no exception to that. Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 I totally agree with you DaisyMae Hazzardnet is defenitely a quality site. I have visited others that as my gramma would say "can't hold a candle to hnet". And I think we should make sure that the fanfics whether in the rr or other areas are of good quality that everyone can be proud of. Quote
MaryAnne Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 Agreed. I should clarify as well that I'm no expert on writing either, but I've been around the internet long enough, I've been writing long enough and I've seen enough of other fandoms and sites to know what works and what doesn't. An additional note, I've amended the Story Ideas/Fics in Progress section to also say Collaborative Efforts. As I'm sure y'all can tell I've been cleaning out the RR section here and moving fics over to the Collaborative Efforts section. Just so y'all know, the redirects will be good for a month and then will fall off. I also want to add that I appreciate everyone's thoughts on this so far and that things have remained constructive and civil. LOL. Thank ya. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Two peanuts were walking down the street in a bad part of town, one was a-salted. Say NO to one-liners!!! Quote
MaryAnne Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Two peanuts were walking down the street in a bad part of town, one was a-salted. Say NO to one-liners!!!And that folks is a fine example of why we need to say no to one liners....Here's another...I tried sniffing Coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose. Say NO to one liners... Quote
Meadowmufn Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 The word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary.Say NO to one-liners. Quote
MaryAnne Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 The word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary.Say NO to one-liners.It isn't? Seriously??? Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 This horse walks into a bar, and the bartender goes, "Why the long face?"Say NO to one-liners! Quote
Meadowmufn Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 I went to a general store and they wouldn't let me buy anything specific.Say NO to one-liners! Quote
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 I really hope you three aren't comparing the one liners in the other threads to those horrible statements. Seriously. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 I really hope you three aren't comparing the one liners in the other threads to those horrible statements. Seriously.I've no idea. I've been gone weeks at a time, for months at a stretch. I just jumped on this thread and started some jokes to be a smarty-pants because it said "say no to one-liners." One-liners are a popular form of casual humor. Just like my job description. I don't think we've made any horrible statements. Bad jokes, yes, statements, no. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 All you need for a clear conscience is a bad memory. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 A clear mind is easy with an empty head. Quote
Meadowmufn Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 All you need for a clear conscience is a bad memory.My conscience is clear! Quote
DaneyDuke Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 I agree with BL that were breaking the RR rule with "Wanted: Dead or Alive". BUT, we became very wary of allowing anyone else into the story because the vast major of writers that are now on the RR board cant keep in the form of writing that USED to be the nature of a RR. I cant possibly be the only 'older' memeber that misses the days of "Buckshot" and so many other old style RR's. )~* ChetWould've been nice if Buckshot had been finished. One liner stories are similar to how a tv or movie script are written. In 2000 or 2001, there was an rr that had one liners and descriptive writing. At the time, didn't know many people and scared. The basic theme was to have fun and not be serious! Almost a decade later, remember the friendship & encouragement that strangers gave, than what happened in the adventure. I respect everyone's feelings on the manner whether they agree or not. Daney Quote
Val Strate Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Would've been nice if Buckshot had been finished. One liner stories are similar to how a tv or movie script are written. In 2000 or 2001, there was an rr that had one liners and descriptive writing. At the time, didn't know many people and scared. The basic theme was to have fun and not be serious! Almost a decade later, remember the friendship & encouragement that strangers gave, than what happened in the adventure. I respect everyone's feelings on the manner whether they agree or not. DaneyYet again, leave it to Daney to be a fence sitter. Say NO to one-liners. Quote
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