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ok Im gonna say this, If it werent for the movie I won't have been a Dukes fan... when I first saw the movie I actually liked it I did.

I also Loves Dukes of Hazzard Beginnings its really cool. the boys were kinda cute. Daisy needed a fuller figure but im not hating on it.

I know they didnt stick to the story line ad I know some of y'all basically wanna kill Jessica for taking the role but if you were an actor won't you have taken the job?

Just think of it as a family whose last name was Dukes instead of the Dukes of hazzard everyone knows.

ok Im gonna say this, If it werent for the movie I won't have been a Dukes fan... when I first saw the movie I actually liked it I did.

I also Loves Dukes of Hazzard Beginnings its really cool. the boys were kinda cute. Daisy needed a fuller figure but im not hating on it.

I know they didnt stick to the story line ad I know some of y'all basically wanna kill Jessica for taking the role but if you were an actor won't you have taken the job?

Just think of it as a family whose last name was Dukes instead of the Dukes of hazzard everyone knows.

the movies were okay, i didnt particularly like them, but i aint gonna try to trash them


Well Emy, I don't like anything that was made after season 7 (even the reunion shows with the real Dukes in them) but you have a really good point. There probably aren't too many people like you out there who were drawn to the original series after seeing the Jessica Simpson version and the horrible "Beginning" movie where they found the General at the bottom of a river but if those things caused you and other people to become fans of the original series then I guess it's time for me to change my tune and say that it wasn't all bad after all. Thanks for giving me a different perspective. I'll still never watch them again but at least I feel a little better about them.

If anybody else became a fan of the original Dukes series after watching more modern versions, it would be interesting to hear your perspective too. Thanks Emy!!


welcome and p.s. I didnt really like the reunion movies that much either..after the way how frail Jesse looked amd the kids left i mean i know he wont stop them from their dreams but I think it would be better if they lived really close or something.

heh same thing with me and X-men I became an X-men fan thanks to the unpopular X-men:evolution, I still remember the day I became an X-men fan, Monday April 14th 2003, 3:45pm the first scene I saw was storm flying over toad and toad said. " huh...wierd." .... episode season 1 episode 1 Strategy X. on Cartoon network.....ah memories. ^_^

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Y'all!

Just thought I'd chime in on this one...

Well, before I saw the new dukes movie, I had seen the series, but was not yet a devoted fan. Well, let me tell you... had I not seen what the real Dukes show was all about, I would not have watched it (the series) after seeing the movies. They were aweful! But, that is just my opinion. Maybe I'm just slow, but I just did not get the connection between the series and the new show. But, the movie did make me appreciate the series a lot more.

I do agree with you, Roger, I didn't care much for the two reunion movies. To me, the chemistry just wasn't there, and I didn't really think the plot was much to brag about. I felt like they just shoved the originals onto a set and didn't really put any thought behind what was happening. I don't know, that is just my opinion. I guess nothing beats the original...

Now, I'm not trying to "trash" the new movies or upset anyone, or anything like that, but I guess this is my very frank opinion of the movies: While the Dukes of Hazzard (esspecially the early seasons) does have some implications that I think would be better left out as well as some scantly dressed characters, I think the movies went above and beyond anything that could be considered decent. I just didn't like them. But I only saw the first new movie with Jessica Simpson and Willie Nelson. I haven't seen anything other than that.

But, I know that there are people who did (or do) like them, and I think that is great that they found a movie that they like. Good for them! I do think it is great how the people who do like the new movies are so patient with folks like me who tend to get just a little passionate about the topic. I think the fans of the new show handle themselves with such grace and patience on this topic. So, for that, thank you! You truly deserve a round of applause for putting up with it all!

Again, that is just my opinion.

Looking forward to hearing more on this. It is very interesting to hear everyone's perspective.

General Grant

  • 2 weeks later...

I sat down today and watched the Dukes of Hazzard movie, with jessica simpson and johnny knoxville. Guys, we've been focusing on the negative and have been complaining about that. This doesn't make me less of a Dukes fan if I say I like this movie now. I purposely sat down to watch to see if there was any good points to this movie. And, I found some.

The plot line of the movie was good, you have to admit to that. It would seem like something the Dukes would have to do. And there was some characters that had their parts down.

Jessica Simpson, I know, will never be catherine bach, BUT she wasn't that bad of a Daisy either. I mean, in the Boar's Nest in the very first episode did she not step on this guy's foot because he touched her? And what did Jessica Simpson do? She punched the man that touched her. And with the bikini scene, what's so different about Daisy in the episode of Limo one is missing, showing Enos her underwear? There's not a difference.

I can't say that Bo and Luke's characters were on the money, I mean they made Bo look like a pure moron. But, if you remember, in the first season, didn't Bo act a little unintelligent, I guess would be the word. I mean think of the conversation he had with Jill, the only thing they were trying to point out to us was that Luke was the smarter of the two cousins. Cooter would have given the keys to either one of the boys I know, but the directors knew that Luke in the original series didn't drive the general all that much, hence why Bo was the better driver. And I'll admit that Bo was much more popular with the ladies than Luke was and Bo wasn't completely stuck on racing and constantly thinking about it. But, didn't you ever wonder what it would be like to be a Duke? I mean, for Johnny and Sean that might have been a dream come true. For Jessica, being Daisy Duke might have been a dream come true for her too. Put yourself in their shoes and I guarantee you people would be doing the same thing we've been doing which is pessimistic critiscm.

Boss Hogg's character wasn't exactly what I'd call right on the money, but it wasn't totally off either. Though him and Rosco would have shown Jesse respect, I mean with the way they made Uncle Jesse in this movie, would you show something like that respect? I wouldn't.

This movie, in my opinion, isn't that bad. It's a whole heck of a lot better than the Beginning movie, from what I saw of that movie none of the characters were even close. Sure, in this one there was a lot of things we could have done without, like the cussing, Uncle Jesse being more like the patriarch he should have been, but you also have to remember that this movie was created to entertain the teenage/young adult groups.

I know that no matter what, none of you will see the good in this movie no matter what and I understand being one of those who said negative comments about it. Once giving it another try and focusing on the good points it has, it was a good movie, in my opinion.


Even though I disagree with you Lori I do admire you for standing up for what you believe in and taking the time to write such a lengthy post.

I think it's awesome that you focus on the positive but I just couldn't find too may positive things to focus on when I saw it. There were a few though.

What bothered me the most is what they had to do to sell the movie to the younger generation. I'm saddened that a large percentage of teenagers can't enjoy a movie unless it's loaded with immorality. Thankfully, that generalization doesn't apply to the younger folks here on the HazzardNet.

It's up to people like you Lori to carry on The Dukes tradition long after folks like me have passed on to Hazzard Heaven. Thanks to youngsters like you, I feel good knowing that my favorite show is timeless.


Nice post Lori. It is great that you are focusing on the positive on the movie...which for me was kinda hard to find. Then again, there will never be anyone or anything that could ever come close to being as good as Tom, John, Cathy, Denver, James, and Sorrell was in the Dukes. They are a cast that is very unreplaceable in my opinion, no matter how hard they tried (though in my opinion, they didn't try very hard for the first movie at least - I refused to watch the second movie). In my opinion, it was a bad idea trying to make the movie in the first place, because to me, nothing but the originals will do for the Dukes. They are what made the Dukes great all those years ago and are still the ones that make the show still great today.

I will admit, the plot/story line was a classic Duke plot and that I liked about it. At least the plot was Hazzard-like and the car scenes were awesome. Burt Reynolds I thought did a great and respectable job at playing Boss Hogg.

That said, all the other characters were way out of character and there was A LOT of stuff that should never have been put in there or associated with the Dukes. It is very sad that they need that stuff to sell to the younger people today or to anyone.

Once again, this is all of my opinion and I apologize if it makes anyone upset. It is just how I felt about the movie. I had went to see in the theater only to try to prove myself wrong about the movie and from the first scene of the movie, I could tell that I wasn't wrong at all about how I felt about it. Even if they stuck to character and held all the values that the original show had, I would have a hard time liking it due to it not being the original actors/actress and so forth. But it was way out of character and I found little to no value in the movie.

As I said earlier, I did like your post and did like to see someone finding something positive of the movie. I am glad to see someone giving it a try. Thank-you Lori for your post.


I will agree with you that no one can replace the originals, they cant even in my heart. They should have left the dukes alone after the two reunion movies...what was done was done, the dukes needed a rest. And yes Roger it is sad about what they have to put in movies these days just so the younger generation will watch it. It sickens me. But, like I said, I did find some good points and saw through to what the directors were trying to tell us with how the characters acted, etc, and to some of the epsiodes they referred to, or at least tried to refer to. :)

The original dukes, like you said Garrett, is an irreplaceable cast but at least the actors got to have fun being who everyone whos a duke fan has dreamed of being or being like. Whether we like the movie or not. :)

The only thing I really wish they wouldn't have done was made Jesse's character the way they did. I was so mad when I seen that I began cussing myself! That was not what a patriarch of a family should be like! Denver Pyle probably turned over in his grave.

I know Im making this post turn out to be a contradiction! or atleast sound like one! :D But Jesse and Rosco were really the only two characters I didn't like. And Cooter too, they really turned him into...well...I dunno what...but at least SOME characters knew what they were doing. I mean, I absolutely loath Jessica Simpson, but she did have Daisy's character, in my opinion, pretty much down. (minus the part where she's talking about rosco and boss trying to find the steele)

Well, Ive spoken my piece on it, heh.

Dukes (original) shall live on forever!



Don't get me started on how they protrayed Uncle Jesse on the movie. He would roll over in his grave seeing what they did to his character. He was definately not doing a good job at playing the patriarch part by doing things and saying things he would have wooped the boys if they even thought of doing it! Though I didn't think anyone had stuck to character in the movie, which had upset me, it was Jesse's character that had upset me the most in the movie.

As I said, Lori, I am glad that you were able to see past the negativity on the movie and beyond everyone else's negative and angry repsonses of the movie. It is great that someone has found something in the movie that they like and are willing to back it up. It is great to see you sticking up for what you feel and all that. I highly respect your opinion, as you should know by now, and what you think. Thank-you for posting here.

Well there is my two cents worth...for the little that it is worth. I better shut up before I continue to ramble on and on about this subject. I don't mean no disrespect to the movie or the actors or anyone who likes the movie, all that I have stated is all of my own opinion. One that won't change, but none the less, it is only my opinion.


I think I said the same stuff about liking the movie for about 4 years now. But all I got was bashed and looked down upon for not "true" Dukes fan. Oh well. I will always have a blast watching the movie (rated version only).

And like I always said nothing will replace the original. But I can still enjoy the 05 movie.

I'm gone



Well whoever bashed you for liking the movie...and saying that you wasn't a true dukes fan was obviously not a true fan their selves. Uncle Jesse always taught the boys to do unto others as you would have done to you...and to respect other peoples opinions. (not sure if he taught them the last one, but i would assume so!) So, don't feel bad. You can be a true dukes fan and still watch this movie, cause I can and I am. And it doesn't matter what other people say or think.

same thing with me and my love of Coy and Vance Duke, i know some members absolutely HATE coy and Vance but i saw scr*w them lol

i dont hate Coy and Vance, there okay, now i dont completley hate Jessica Simpson, i like one of her songs Come On Over, she didnt make a good Daisy, but acting is her carrerr and no one can do nothin about it


Lori, I like you so much so I'm not really too excited about debating but since we have so much respect for each other, I don't think I'll upset you by saying this.

1) I agree that Uncle Jesse taught his kids the Golden Rule

2) I agree that Uncle Jesse would not want to bash anybody.

3) I agree that nobody on this website should bash anybody for liking the movie

4) I agree that we should RESPECTFULLY disagree with each other on this issue.

5) I agree that you can be a true Dukes fan and still like the movie

Now, can I get you to agree with me on something?

If Jesse would have seen this movie at the Hazzard Theater he wouldn't have liked it at all. Sure, he would have enjoyed a few scenes and not bashed people who liked it, but overall, he would have RESPECTFULLY given it two thumbs down.

Lori, I like you so much so I'm not really too excited about debating but since we have so much respect for each other, I don't think I'll upset you by saying this.

1) I agree that Uncle Jesse taught his kids the Golden Rule

2) I agree that Uncle Jesse would not want to bash anybody.

3) I agree that nobody on this website should bash anybody for liking the movie

4) I agree that we should RESPECTFULLY disagree with each other on this issue.

5) I agree that you can be a true Dukes fan and still like the movie

Now, can I get you to agree with me on something?

If Jesse would have seen this movie at the Hazzard Theater he wouldn't have liked it at all. Sure, he would have enjoyed a few scenes and not bashed people who liked it, but overall, he would have RESPECTFULLY given it two thumbs down.

yes and then he would have moved on and not brung it up again about the movie, lol


Well this is a debative thread thats sole purpose is to discuss things about this movie. I suggest that if you don't like this movie or you don't like talking about it and reading other peoples' opinions on it...then, simply don't come to this thread. Threads like this one is created for a reason, some members like to discuss such things like this.


Couldn't agree more with you Lori. It always seems to be that when you discuss the 05 movie it always turns negative as the majoity on here like to do that.

There are some things I would have liked to see different in the movie but as a "modern day" Dukes I think it was more realistic ( settings, cars, real roads, things like that) than the TV series. The TV series is one of my all time favorites.

I'm gone



That was a pretty funny quote by daisyxenos. I sure got a chuckle out of it.

I never bring the subject up but I can't seem to resist responding whenever someone else does.

I agree with you Lori. There's an old saying...

"Ignore it and it will go away". I guess we could add to that and make it a modern saying..

"Ignore it and it will go away...and if it doesn't, don't click on the thread"

I can see why Captain can't resist though. I know I can't.


Oh no, not me who can't resist...It is people like you that can't ever let things be and have to keep fanning the flames. That is all I ever point out in these threads that keep up the negativity.

Can't ya'll just let it be?

I'm gone


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