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It seems to me you're helping fan the flames higher...

People like you? And by that, what do you mean??? Exactly what would you call people like "us"? Oh I see, it's time to point fingers and blame things on others, kids!

Roger,Garrett, and I all three are having, or rather was, having a 'respective' debate....no one is stepping on anyone's toes with negativity...


Well Captain, if you could have resisted you wouldn't have clicked on the thread.

If you could have resisted, you wouldn't have posted.

By saying the you can't resist I was NOT being critical....(since I can relate to clicking on the thread even though something inside me questions that decision.)

I'll make you a deal. Let's see who can resist posting on this thread longest, you or me. If you accept, please post "I ACCEPT" and nothing else on your next post. As soon as I see you have typed that in, I won't post on this thread anymore. Maybe we can slow down the momentum of hard feelings that seems to be building.

This would set an example to everyone else that this thread has been overdone and should be put to rest. However, the bottom line is that the nature of a thread like this is to voice an opinion and if you and I boycott it with a personal contest, we'll have to accept that we can't change other people if they want to participate


Haha...That was a good one. Needed a good laugh this morning.

How come when ever a person talks about liking the movie or has something positive to say about it, it always turns into a complaintfest? There are numerous threads where that has happened and most likely it will continue to happen. Why don't "those" people adhere to "Ignore it and it will go away...and if it doesn't, don't click on the thread" ?

Think what you want of me , I could care less. I don't start threads or post much on here because of this BS. I have a very proud member of Hazzardnet for a long, long time and will continue to do so. But when it comes to reading the same crap over and over it gets tiring when people start to post about how they hated it or it isn't Hazzard or what would Uncle Jesse think, blah blah blah...I don't care if anyone hatd the movie that is YOUR opinion.

Why do always have to start a new thread debating the movie? Like I said there are too many of these, at least that is my opinion. How many times can you "debate" and "respectfully" throw dislike to the movie?

Have a nice day.

I'm gone


Well Captain, if you could have resisted you wouldn't have clicked on the thread.

If you could have resisted, you wouldn't have posted.

By saying the you can't resist I was NOT being critical....(since I can relate to clicking on the thread even though something inside me questions that decision.)

I'll make you a deal. Let's see who can resist posting on this thread longest, you or me. If you accept, please post "I ACCEPT" and nothing else on your next post. As soon as I see you have typed that in, I won't post on this thread anymore. Maybe we can slow down the momentum of hard feelings that seems to be building.

This would set an example to everyone else that this thread has been overdone and should be put to rest. However, the bottom line is that the nature of a thread like this is to voice an opinion and if you and I boycott it with a personal contest, we'll have to accept that we can't change other people if they want to participate

I must have posted around the same time as you. This wasn't there when I was typing.

I agree with what you you said about it being overdone. It has 4 years of this nonsense. Too many threads that turned bad.


I'm gone



I don't understand why we can't discuss a subject without having to fight over it or feel as if we are getting targetted for our opinions. We all have our own opinions. Just because someone else's is different, it don't make it wrong, nor does it mean we are arguing with you when someone else states their own opinion. Everyone has their own opinion, it is what makes everyone unique. If we all agreed that the movie was awesome and perfect, then there wouldn't be much to talk about. We should be able to discuss the movie and our own opinion without targetting anyone or arguing with someone else with their opinion. Everyone should respect the other's opinion no matter what you feel about the subject.

The movie has its positives and negatives to it. I am not a big fan of it, but I don't mean no disrespect to the movie or anyone who likes it.

OK I think I have had my two cents worth in on the subject. I for one don't like seeing all the arguing over something as small as the movie.

Well, Lori, what do you have in mind?


What I told you last night someone should do.

Lock the thread. I sent a message to MaryAnne, if she doesn't lock it, then we should just ignore this frivolous thread period. I'm tired of fighting a losing battle. It's like arguing with a brick wall. You get no wheres.


Ah here we go again. I KNEW there was a reason I was ignoring this thread! LOL

Somebody suggested I should check it out tho', bein' as I'm a moderator and Deputy and yamma, yamma and it appeared things were gettin' a tad bit out of hand.

Ha. What else is new?

So I rounded up my gun and my nightstick heah and I figured I was gonna have to rough some people up. I also figured if I mentioned these terms that would get Alex's attention because we know he's always looking for a beating.

So then I came in here and took a look around and gave everybody the hairy eyeball and weilded gun in one hand and nightstick in the other.

Then I considered mah options. (Whups! Shhh, Brian! Not yet!)

I reckon I could lock the thread but then somebody could just start a new one and continue on. So I'll leave it as is for now. It's obvious this will become one of those Issues of Never Ending Debate.

Look y'all, everybody's a critic. Y'all are entitled to how you feel about the movie. You liked it, you hated it. Whatever.

What's REALLY funny is when y'all start kickin' dirt over each other shoes in the name of "respecting opinions." Y'all are freakin' hilarious in that department.

So, I'm just gonna ask really nicely and sweetly....


...or else.

(Said with lots of niceness and sweetness to it.)




Anyone mind if I give my opinion?

Okay, well... here goes. It is what it is... the movie happened, we can't change that, the only thing we can do is get past it and move on if thats what it takes. (whether it is good or bad is debateable and entirely open or discussion)

I really do like everyone's opinion and it is so interesting to me how so many people from so many backgrounds can enjoy the same show for so many different reasons, so I think it is interesting how those people who have the show (the Dukes) in common perceive the remake, but I completely understand how everyone can get worked up on the topic, and how feelings can become hurt on it. So, in an effort to not start World War Three (though by now it must be a much higher number!) Here is something to brighten everyone's day, or at least attempt to........ :D SMILE! This whole debate certainly isn't worth getting all upset over.

Well, that was my opinion, hopefully I didnt' say anything out of line, but if I did, just let me know.

Have a wonderful rest of the day, and a terrific week.


General Grant

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