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I hope someone can help you croth. I'm not sure that I understand your question. What kind of models do you mean? I remember a few months ago, Emy-Rae Duke was asking about the floor plans for the Duke's house.

I just wanted to welcome you to the HazzardNet. It's always nice to meet a new friend who loves the Dukes. We hope you stay awhile. This is a great place.

  • 2 months later...

Awwww its easy to do a floor plan of the house really....well kinda lol. Eaisiest way to do it is to create it in the game 'The Sims 2' and look at various angles of the house in the DVD's. Main things to remember are:

Lounge/kitchen/Dining area = 1 big room.

Front and back porch

3 bedrooms - Daisy, The Boys and Jesse's.

1 Bathroom, probably very small.

Daisy's room most commonly is the room that links to the lounge - look to Undercover Dukes and Diamonds in the Rough for conformation as she goes in there herself.

Boys Room and Jesse's are down the hallway leading off from the lounge, by the front door leading onto the front porch.

Mainly use your imagination, because the farmhouse changed so much through the seasons you cant really get a definitive floor plan to be honest. But its always fun to try!! :D

Awwww its easy to do a floor plan of the house really....well kinda lol. Eaisiest way to do it is to create it in the game 'The Sims 2' and look at various angles of the house in the DVD's. Main things to remember are:

Lounge/kitchen/Dining area = 1 big room.

Front and back porch

3 bedrooms - Daisy, The Boys and Jesse's.

1 Bathroom, probably very small.

Daisy's room most commonly is the room that links to the lounge - look to Undercover Dukes and Diamonds in the Rough for conformation as she goes in there herself.

Boys Room and Jesse's are down the hallway leading off from the lounge, by the front door leading onto the front porch.

Mainly use your imagination, because the farmhouse changed so much through the seasons you cant really get a definitive floor plan to be honest. But its always fun to try!! :D

I'm sorry Bo but I have to disagree with you just a little, the livingroom, kitchen/dining is not all one big room there is clearly a doorway leading from the kitchen/dining to the livingroom. I think they may have had a guest room in one corner of the livingroom but probably wrong I need to check that out lol.

3 Bedrooms for sure: Daisy's by the front door, Jesse's directly across the livingroom you can see it from the kitchen on several episodes. Boy's are at the end of the hall we see in at least one episode just can't recall which one it is right now lol. But your right the bathroom is probably really small and somewhere along the hall.

Posted (edited)

BL's correct

heres the run you enter the kitchen. you see the table and straight in front of you is the broom closet or a way that leads outside. you make a 90 degree turn to your rightt. you have a clear view of the living room AND you can see another room ( in some episodes) which is Jesses room. (in later episodes it was gone)

you enter the living room to your right is two windows to your left is a small halway you turn so you are facing the hall, there are two doors on the left. One is the coat closet. the other is a bedroom. soposidly the boys. you walk ddown the hallway heading to the thrid bedroom. its daisys room ( as seen in the episode where Jesse lost his sight, it was a Coy and vance episode) there werent no bathrooms..or at least I havent seen an episode with one.

Edited by Emy-Rae Duke
BL's correct

heres the run you enter the kitchen. you see the table and straight in front of you is the broom closet or a way that leads outside. you make a 90 degree turn to your rightt. you have a clear view of the living room AND you can see another room ( in some episodes) which is Jesses room. (in later episodes it was gone)

you enter the living room to your right is two windows to your left is a small halway you turn so you are facing the hall, there are two doors on the left. One is the coat closet. the other is a bedroom. soposidly the boys. you walk ddown the hallway heading to the thrid bedroom. its daisys room ( as seen in the episode where Jesse lost his sight, it was a Coy and vance episode) there werent no bathrooms..or at least I havent seen an episode with one.

It wasn't shown but it was mentioned. Bo blew up the outhouse and one of the boys wondered why they still had it because they had indoor plumbing for so many years.


And the rooms change season to season which is why I said you can't lay out a definitive plan of the house. Cause in the two episodes I mentioned the room that is attatched to the living room is Daisy's room. In others its different. A lot of building it is guess work, based on the shape of the outside of the farm. Doesn't really matter where you put the rooms so long as you remember that there's 3 of them needed LOL

And the rooms change season to season which is why I said you can't lay out a definitive plan of the house. Cause in the two episodes I mentioned the room that is attatched to the living room is Daisy's room. In others its different. A lot of building it is guess work, based on the shape of the outside of the farm. Doesn't really matter where you put the rooms so long as you remember that there's 3 of them needed LOL

Intersecting, about the floor plan right now.


I haven't paid a lot of attention to the floor plan but I'm sure it's just like making a Hazzard County road map. Since there are so many inconsistencies, you reach a point where you just decide to do the best with what you know and deal with the inconsistencies by making it the way you want to make it.

For example, let's just say that "Strange Visitor to Hazzard" was your LEAST liked episode and the bathroom was large but on your favorite episode you noticed the bathroom was small, then give the Dukes a small bathroom.


Sorry Emy, I didn't mean to cause confusion. I was just creating a hypothetical situation to make a point. I doubt the bathroom was shown on that episode.

To rephrase the point, remember that mapmaking (or floor plan making) is supposed to be fun. Due to the inconsistencies, you'd drive yourself crazy if you tried to be 100% accurate. It's simply not possible.

I'm sure everybody's heard the saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Well I have another famous saying "When the writers of the The Dukes of Hazzard give you inconsistencies, be flexible and creative when making a map"

(Okay maybe it's not that famous but it should be..LOL)


I made this plan a few months ago. The left side is pretty accurate, the right (bedroom area) is one possible layout. In the show itself, there are many inconsistensies there, this is the closest I could get it...



Very nice wekke!! I love it!!

Thanks so much for posting this. How did you figure out how to put this in the form of a post?

It's so awesome that you love the Dukes of Hazzard enough to take the time to make a floor plan like this!! I love this website!


Nice work, Wekke! Thank-you for sharing your work with us and for taking the time to draw the floor plan! You put a lot of detail within it...a lot of detail I hadn't even realized was in the house.

I sure could have used the floor plan before I started writing my stories...or at least my series that I had started. Their house as well as other establishments or what not in town always seemed to change from season to season. Or at least way different from the first five episodes that they aired in Georgia. Their inconsistancies make it hard to use much detail within my story without worrying that I have got it all wrong. Which according to your floor plan, I have the house wrong in a few areas.

Great job on the floor plan and thanks again for sharing it with us. I enjoyed it very much.

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