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Heh heh, I don't think you'll be alone Alex. I think Kay Darleen Duke didn't get a story in either (unless I'm wrong and I've missed something. Kay Darleen ya out there?).

I've got your Grinch avatar already picked out, Alex. You'll have to wear it until....hmmm.....New Years? That sound fair?

I'm working on posting the stories as we speak! We have seven stories all told. Khee!! I'll letcha all know as soon as they're posted!

Heh heh, I don't think you'll be alone Alex. I think Kay Darleen Duke didn't get a story in either (unless I'm wrong and I've missed something. Kay Darleen ya out there?).

I've got your Grinch avatar already picked out, Alex. You'll have to wear it until....hmmm.....New Years? That sound fair?

I'm working on posting the stories as we speak! We have seven stories all told. Khee!! I'll letcha all know as soon as they're posted!

*laughs* okay...are you going to replace it or do I do it or what?


Ah, that's probably why I didn't get it. My email is maryacltrn @ yahoo.com (without the spaces). Can you try and send it again? I will post it up and you won't have to wear the grinch avatar!

Alex, however, will. And I will be replacing it shortly. (Make sure ya keep a copy of what you're currently using Alex if you wanna have it back again).

Ah, that's probably why I didn't get it. My email is maryacltrn @ yahoo.com (without the spaces). Can you try and send it again? I will post it up and you won't have to wear the grinch avatar!

Alex, however, will. And I will be replacing it shortly. (Make sure ya keep a copy of what you're currently using Alex if you wanna have it back again).

Okay! *chuckles* I wonder if Ill look good in green? *winks*

Ok, now that we got the Christmas challenge done, I propose a Valentine's Day challenge. Woo woo!! *ahem* LOL.

Valentine's Day?! Geeze...

More like 'Singles Awareness Day'....

MM what do you have in mind for a challenge, besides it be a Valentines story?

LOL, Val... now come on... singles need lovin' too.

Yes, singles need lovin'... Lovin' of the fact that they are single! Hehe!

I have a saying for that;

It's better to have loved and lost than to be stuck waking up to a psycho every morning.

This is why animals like deer, cows, horses, oh... and Duke boys, don't get married.


Hmmmm! A Valentine's challenge! Well now I could see something of a story for that. Involving a man...

...in a grey suit....

...and sunglasses. Yeah, I can see 'em in sunglasses. Aviators...


...I think this could work...


Hmmmm! A Valentine's challenge! Well now I could see something of a story for that. Involving a man...

...in a grey suit....

...and sunglasses. Yeah, I can see 'em in sunglasses. Aviators...


...I think this could work...


Yeah...I agree! Lets do a V-Day challenge! If you dont get the story in on time, you get an avatar of a broken heart!! What do you guys think? *laughs*

Hmmmm! A Valentine's challenge! Well now I could see something of a story for that. Involving a man...

...in a grey suit....

...and sunglasses. Yeah, I can see 'em in sunglasses. Aviators...


...I think this could work...


Well, he's gotta show up in Hazzard first! Khee!

Well, he's gotta show up in Hazzard first! Khee!

That's true. And he hasn't yet, I think his flight got dee-layed. LOL

Yeah...I agree! Lets do a V-Day challenge! If you dont get the story in on time, you get an avatar of a broken heart!! What do you guys think? *laughs*

Ya might be on to somethin' there Alex! LOL I'll probably put something more o-fficial together after the first of the year. The challenges so far are getting good responses so, why not keep it up? Khee!


Ya might be on to somethin' there Alex! LOL I'll probably put something more o-fficial together after the first of the year. The challenges so far are getting good responses so, why not keep it up? Khee!

Considering I haven't finished the Halloween story, I shouldn't enter a Valentine's challenge, but... count me in. I happen to be somethin' of an authority on romance.

What's the audience rating on these stories? NC-17??

Considering I haven't finished the Halloween story, I shouldn't enter a Valentine's challenge, but... count me in. I happen to be somethin' of an authority on romance.

What's the audience rating on these stories? NC-17??

Heh! I knew this was one challenge ya couldn't pass up, cousin. LOL.

Errr.. we might have to make a special red light district for your fic, Brian. Gotta protect the younguns here. SNORT.

Heh! I knew this was one challenge ya couldn't pass up, cousin. LOL.

Errr.. we might have to make a special red light district for your fic, Brian. Gotta protect the younguns here. SNORT.

Oh, I can keep it clean. Or clean enuff. No worries! I might be on the ragged edge of our censor guidelines, but I think we'll be awright.

We just need a snappy slogan for our contest. Sounds like we're gonna have heart avatars invovled too....hmm. "Get a heart on for Valentine's Day."

Oh, I can keep it clean. Or clean enuff. No worries! I might be on the ragged edge of our censor guidelines, but I think we'll be awright.

We just need a snappy slogan for our contest. Sounds like we're gonna have heart avatars invovled too....hmm. "Get a heart on for Valentine's Day."

"Don't go breakin' mah heart... I won't go breakin' yer heart..." Cue Elton....

Hmmmm! A Valentine's challenge! Well now I could see something of a story for that. Involving a man...

...in a grey suit....

...and sunglasses. Yeah, I can see 'em in sunglasses. Aviators...


...I think this could work...


<thinks> Kelly Robinson? Bill Maxwell? I hope MaryAnne has fun.

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