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And I mean kinda. Being told that you are laid off is not a good feeling... A feeling of failure. Even though I know that in this circumstance they were the idiots not me.

As some of you know I have been looking for another job for the last year because the new boss made my life miserable. I definitely would have preferred giving my resignation instead but my boss...er..former boss was faster than me unfortunately.

On the brighter side at least know I can go to job interviews anytime I want. No more sneaking around.

Oh well one door closes, others will open.

In the meantime of the 3 adm. assistants in the office, 1 is on medical leave until next year, the other is going on maternity leave for 1 year and I'm gone. Hahaha. Good luck boys. You're gonna need it.

I know they already hired someone and they are going to rearrange the tasks again. I actually knew of the new person before being told I was gone.


Sorry to hear about that. My husband's going through the same type of situation too. He had a bad work environment and wanted to leave on his own terms, but there was so little work for his department that they beat him to the punch and laid him off.

Hopefully you'll find something better soon. Good luck!


Hey North!!

I am so sorry to hear about your job, but it appears that all of your fellow Hazzardites are cheering you on! I have total confidence that you will find a job soon, and you'll probably be much happier. But please, don't settle for a job that will not make you as happy as you can be at a job. I'm sure it is hard to go to work day in and day out at a job that you absolutely hate and one that you dwell on so much it almost seems to take over your life. If you ever want to talk, feel free to private message me.

Just from talking and chatting with you on this site, you seem like a really great person with a lot of talent, and I have all the confidence that you will find a job to suit your needs. But, find one that makes you happy, and one that has people you respect and admire.

Again, I am sorry to hear about your job loss, but I am sure you will find one even better. Never give up hope.

General Grant


I'm sure it is hard to go to work day in and day out at a job that you absolutely hate and one that you dwell on so much it almost seems to take over your life.

YES YES YES !! That is exactly what happened!! I was so insulted to see my beloved job go a 25 years kid with no experience (as capable and talented as she is) and for for being demoted for no reason that it did indeed take over my life. I just couldn't get over it. I cried A LOT!

I'm OK now though. Finally got over it. Almost. I could still easily get myself worked up if I thought about it too much. Vent a little.

That said, thank you everyone for the kinds words of encouragement. I was so stunned Friday I just felt like I had to tell somebody somewhere.

And I mean kinda. Being told that you are laid off is not a good feeling... A feeling of failure. Even though I know that in this circumstance they were the idiots not me.

As some of you know I have been looking for another job for the last year because the new boss made my life miserable. I definitely would have preferred giving my resignation instead but my boss...er..former boss was faster than me unfortunately.

On the brighter side at least know I can go to job interviews anytime I want. No more sneaking around.

Oh well one door closes, others will open.

In the meantime of the 3 adm. assistants in the office, 1 is on medical leave until next year, the other is going on maternity leave for 1 year and I'm gone. Hahaha. Good luck boys. You're gonna need it.

I know they already hired someone and they are going to rearrange the tasks again. I actually knew of the new person before being told I was gone.

Sorry to hear about it, here's to new and better job in the future.


Hi Noth!

I'm glad that you are feeling better about your job. I am certain that you will find a job soon that will be better suited to your needs, and that will make you happy in the long run. I'm sure that the only reason that an inexperienced person got the job was money, they are probably cheaper to hire. Don't feel insulted about that at all. If you wanted out of that job so bad, I am sure that you'll look back at this as a relief and wonder how you lived life just dwelling on that job. I have a relative going through the "hate work dwell on it 24/7" phase. I'm trying to talk her into finding a job that is better suited to her. It is hard watching someone you care about go through that.

At the time you probably didn't even realize that you dwelled on it that much, but looking back you are probably starting to realize how much that job ruled you. I know things will be tough financially for a while, but I am sure you are much happier without a job you hate hanging over your head, right?

Just don't jump back into another job, seek out all of your options, and find one that will make you happy, and never sacrifice your morals or happiness for the sake of money!!

Anyway, I am so happy to hear that you are getting back from that shock (I am sure it was a BIG one, too!) and that you are feeling better. Hope to hear even better news soon!

General Grant

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