Rosco_Lover Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Yep, I did. By falling off a ladder and breaking my foot. I did it really good this time. Had screws put in. So, now im sitting on my butt for 4 weeks.I'll have Brian to wait on me I guess. MaryAnne needs an break. Quote
General Grant Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Oooo! Khee! Khee! I love it! I love it!I was wondering if a thread like this would be posted soon!! I've had my fair share of Rosco Moments, too! Lately I am finding that if I start falling or drop something, I start giving the Rosco "Oooo!" Which gets a few grins from the rest of the family because they know that I've gotten into something and just about got hurt!!Anyway, I hope that your foot gets better soon, and it doesn't hurt too much. It really sounds like it hurts!! I hope that you weren't on that ladder in the snow/rain!! General Grant Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted March 18, 2008 Posted March 18, 2008 I've had my fair share of Rosco moments too...November 2nd, 2007 I was on crutches for 2 months. How you might ask: I stepped off the porch wrong and rolled my foot inward, creating a partial tear to my CFL and ATF Ligaments... yes, ATF stands for more than Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms.Then, few weeks ago, I step on a branch and give it a fresh mild twist. No injury, just in pain for a day or two.Same day as my injury is revisited, my supervisor had two Rosco moments as well earlier in the day:We go to a park to get a tree, turns out he forgot the chainsaw so we go to get one. On the way, he decides to show me where the beaver we got problems with is living. On the way through the field, I tell him, we may want to stop and walk so we don't get stuck. He says nah, he won't get stuck. What does he do? Get stuck. We have to call a coworker out, and he comes out in the tractor. We didn't expect him to come out in the tractor, but it was a good thing he did: He got stuck. He hits four wheel drive (Which he should have been in in the first place!) and gets himself unstuck after a few minutes, and has to pull us out another way. THEN after we get the tree from the other park which our park manages, he decided we were going to pick up sticks... riiight... and he leaves the truck in drive and doesn't set the parking break. Truck takes off without us. he stops it about 2 feet from running into a tree.State of Delaware's Rosco Moments:Can't buy work truck's that are 4x4 for the parks. F-350 at work doesn't have 4 wheel drive.My point: everyone has Rosco moments!Hope you get better soon. Quote
Rosco_Lover Posted March 18, 2008 Author Posted March 18, 2008 Sounds like a doozy from what country girl said. LOL.Grant - I drop stuff all the time. I'm such a clutz. Quote
Julieduke Posted March 18, 2008 Posted March 18, 2008 Sounds like a doozy from what country girl said. LOL.Grant - I drop stuff all the time. I'm such a clutz.Well here's Rosco moment and it happened February 22nd, 2008 and it just happened that the week before he visited my store and got some of our famous McDonald's coffee.Well, I had set up the sauces and and had everything going smoothly or so I thought it was and well somehow the bottom of my work shirt sleeve got caught in the trigger of Mac Sauce gun and there was sauce on the table, the floor, the walls the ceiling and you know my manager didn't appreciate the humor I had found in what happened. Well it got cleaned up and the maintance guy Bill cleaned the ceiling's seeing how I don't like ladders as well.Everybody that we or my brother tells this story cracks up in laughter let me know what you think of this right here. It was like a Classic Sitcom scene at one time, but I don't know what tv show that would be in thow.P.S. The Sauce gun did a perfect 360 spin in the air and it just might be on youtube one day look out for the flying Mac Sauce and the next time you order a Big Mac think of this right here. Quote
General Grant Posted March 18, 2008 Posted March 18, 2008 Oh, don't worry Roscolover! I think I could out do you on the "Clutz Factor"! For me it isn't just dropping things, though. I trip, run into things, you name it, I've probably done it at one time or another! Even when I'm riding my horse, he just loves to run right under a low tree branch, he clears it... I don't! I get laughed at for that every summer at least once! anyway, that was a good story, Julie! Did you give your boss the ol' Rosco laugh after that happened? I'll catch y'all around Hazzard!General Grant Quote
Laura Duke Posted March 18, 2008 Posted March 18, 2008 Ouch to everyone! Some of the stuff that you've went through sounds terrible-especially from Roscolover. Is the foot looking or feeling any better? General-funny story! Same with you to Julie, I liked yours!So, I guess this is the spot to admit your Rosco moments, while letting everyone else laugh at you in the process and share there stories so that you can laugh at them? Well, I guess that (gulp) I have a couple, too:My Dad needed help holding a plastic PVC plumbing pipe. The pipe was on a wooden step behind his work trailer. He had a saw and started cutting through the pipe. I was on the wooden step holding the pipe with my one foot, when I decided that it was getting boring to just stand here, and it would be much more fun if I tried to balance on the pipe. So, I used both of my feet to hold the pipe. Well, that didn't work to great. I fell of the steps and hit my head smack into some metal on the trailer, and fell into some mud. Boy, did that ever hurt! I'm suprised i didn't get a concussion!Or.....The time that I was getting a trailer to hook onto our four-wheeler. There was a bit of a slope and done this little (I mean, really small) slope is our horse pasture. Well, the trailer was parked at an angle, and I thought that it would be much easier if I turned the trailer straighter so it was purpendicular to our gravel driveway. So, I turned it. (Mind you, there's a slope!) Well, as soon as I did that, the trailer started rolling down. I'm sitting there trying to fight this trailer, and it keep rolling down. So, I eventually get dragged by this trailer, and inches before it hits the fence, it finally stops. So, I'm on the ground being hauled by this trailer, still in shock, I get up, dust myself off. I then look around to see if someone saw. Well, my Dad saw, but I didn't know he did at the time. I kind of chuckled, and went on my way.So, I can understand perfectly: I've had my Rosco moments too, and I still am doing them! Laura DukeP.S. Thanks to Roscolover for starting this post, I bet that it's going to be a really fun one! Quote
Julieduke Posted March 18, 2008 Posted March 18, 2008 Ouch to everyone! Some of the stuff that you've went through sounds terrible-especially from Roscolover. Is the foot looking or feeling any better? General-funny story! Same with you to Julie, I liked yours!So, I guess this is the spot to admit your Rosco moments, while letting everyone else laugh at you in the process and share there stories so that you can laugh at them? Well, I guess that (gulp) I have a couple, too:My Dad needed help holding a plastic PVC plumbing pipe. The pipe was on a wooden step behind his work trailer. He had a saw and started cutting through the pipe. I was on the wooden step holding the pipe with my one foot, when I decided that it was getting boring to just stand here, and it would be much more fun if I tried to balance on the pipe. So, I used both of my feet to hold the pipe. Well, that didn't work to great. I fell of the steps and hit my head smack into some metal on the trailer, and fell into some mud. Boy, did that ever hurt! I'm suprised i didn't get a concussion!Or.....The time that I was getting a trailer to hook onto our four-wheeler. There was a bit of a slope and done this little (I mean, really small) slope is our horse pasture. Well, the trailer was parked at an angle, and I thought that it would be much easier if I turned the trailer straighter so it was purpendicular to our gravel driveway. So, I turned it. (Mind you, there's a slope!) Well, as soon as I did that, the trailer started rolling down. I'm sitting there trying to fight this trailer, and it keep rolling down. So, I eventually get dragged by this trailer, and inches before it hits the fence, it finally stops. So, I'm on the ground being hauled by this trailer, still in shock, I get up, dust myself off. I then look around to see if someone saw. Well, my Dad saw, but I didn't know he did at the time. I kind of chuckled, and went on my way.So, I can understand perfectly: I've had my Rosco moments too, and I still am doing them! Laura DukeP.S. Thanks to Roscolover for starting this post, I bet that it's going to be a really fun one!I got a couple from when I was fifteen years old, you see our backporch was bad and nobody knew it until my right foot fell through. Well, I gracefully picked myself back and walked back into the house and told my father what happened.And this is happen summer of 1991, I was fifteen not quite sixteen yet and my parents were looking at used cars. Well I was looking a Olds version of my father allreadry had only two years older and the salesmen didn't know the key was in the car and I accidently gassed the car, and did one those moves like Bo do it one the first couple of episodes,and my parents sadly didn't buy that beautliful white Oldsmobile but the salesmen was mad at me. Quote
Julieduke Posted March 18, 2008 Posted March 18, 2008 Oh, don't worry Roscolover! I think I could out do you on the "Clutz Factor"! For me it isn't just dropping things, though. I trip, run into things, you name it, I've probably done it at one time or another! Even when I'm riding my horse, he just loves to run right under a low tree branch, he clears it... I don't! I get laughed at for that every summer at least once! anyway, that was a good story, Julie! Did you give your boss the ol' Rosco laugh after that happened? I'll catch y'all around Hazzard!General GrantNo, but she sent me home because they didn't find it as funny but they probaly laughed later but nobody went wearing the Mac Sauce unless the bought a sandwich and it spilled.Here's one my little brother did, well he was testing the tarter sauce gun and he see's if the trigger is working and he had it angled quite a bit and this girl named Rachel was working on fries and he accidently squeezed the trigger and a drop of tarter landed on her shoulder. Doug says this was a accident but what does everybody think of that one right there. lol. Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted March 19, 2008 Posted March 19, 2008 I had another moment the other day... Yesterday infact. I was walking through the formal gardens at work, walked under a Cornus sp. tree... er... Dogwood, and ran smack into a branch, eye level. Some reason, I never seen it even though I should have! It was 'bout a half an inch in diameter.I've run into Vertical 2 x 4's, I can't throw the direction I want (but I can shoot a gun and aim perfectly, go figure), other trees, walls, stair rails, and a ton of other things... usually if I'm not wearing my glasses (yesterday I was wearing them). Quote
LoriDavenport Posted March 19, 2008 Posted March 19, 2008 Gah...I have Rosco moments everyday. Big stupid me was cleaning out some horse stalls and I stepped backwards on a rake and it popped up and knocked me in back of the head. Split my brains out.. Quote
Rosco_Lover Posted March 19, 2008 Author Posted March 19, 2008 Ouch to everyone! Some of the stuff that you've went through sounds terrible-especially from Roscolover. Is the foot looking or feeling any better? General-funny story! Same with you to Julie, I liked yours!So, I guess this is the spot to admit your Rosco moments, while letting everyone else laugh at you in the process and share there stories so that you can laugh at them? Well, I guess that (gulp) I have a couple, too:My Dad needed help holding a plastic PVC plumbing pipe. The pipe was on a wooden step behind his work trailer. He had a saw and started cutting through the pipe. I was on the wooden step holding the pipe with my one foot, when I decided that it was getting boring to just stand here, and it would be much more fun if I tried to balance on the pipe. So, I used both of my feet to hold the pipe. Well, that didn't work to great. I fell of the steps and hit my head smack into some metal on the trailer, and fell into some mud. Boy, did that ever hurt! I'm suprised i didn't get a concussion!Or.....The time that I was getting a trailer to hook onto our four-wheeler. There was a bit of a slope and done this little (I mean, really small) slope is our horse pasture. Well, the trailer was parked at an angle, and I thought that it would be much easier if I turned the trailer straighter so it was purpendicular to our gravel driveway. So, I turned it. (Mind you, there's a slope!) Well, as soon as I did that, the trailer started rolling down. I'm sitting there trying to fight this trailer, and it keep rolling down. So, I eventually get dragged by this trailer, and inches before it hits the fence, it finally stops. So, I'm on the ground being hauled by this trailer, still in shock, I get up, dust myself off. I then look around to see if someone saw. Well, my Dad saw, but I didn't know he did at the time. I kind of chuckled, and went on my way.So, I can understand perfectly: I've had my Rosco moments too, and I still am doing them! Laura DukeP.S. Thanks to Roscolover for starting this post, I bet that it's going to be a really fun one!Sure thing. Quote
Rosco_Lover Posted March 19, 2008 Author Posted March 19, 2008 Oh, and Laura... My foot is way better I feel no pain now. Quote
redneck woman Posted March 19, 2008 Posted March 19, 2008 My mom had a Rosco moment times two the other day. The first incident happened as she was vacuumming the hallway. Somehow, and I'm not sure how, she tripped over her upright vacuum and fell on her bad knee. The second incident, just a little later, happened in the kitchen. She was making a pineapple upside down cake in one of her iron skillets. She flipped the cake out onto a plate to cool, but it didn't land centered on the plate. So she jiggled the plate to center the cake, but the cake jiggled faster than she thought it would. It slid right on over to the other side of the plate and burned her hand. As soon as she felt the burn she jiggled the plate the other way and the cake slid right back to the other side and burned that hand too. At that point she set the plate down and told the cake it could stay that way. She's okay, the burns really weren't anything to worry about. And she's laughing about it now that I've given her my sympathy. It was just funny the way she told it over the phone and stressed the word jiggled. Quote
Laura Duke Posted March 19, 2008 Posted March 19, 2008 Well, I thought right-this is turning out to be a great thread, Roscolover! It gives us something funny to tell everyone, and for everyone to laugh-but hey, it's a popular thing: It's a Rosco moment! Khee! Khee! Julie: Funny stories! I don't know, i think that maybe your brother did it on purpose.Roscolover: I'm SO relieved to hear that your foot is not in pain. Can you move around a little more? Are your 4 weeks of sitting finally lifted?Lori: Great story. I had to chuckle on that one! I can just imagine that happening. But, is your head feeling better? I'm sure that really hurt!Laura Duke Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted March 19, 2008 Posted March 19, 2008 Okay Guys, none of these Rosco moments for me...but my sister...well she has a few Rosco stupid moments and guliable moments...she's 14 and yet...1. When asked who the first man on the moon was responded with: Buzz Lightyear...enough said on this.2. Upon seeing a pile of memory pillows (the ones that mould to the shape of your head when you lie on it): How does sleeping on those help your memory..3. And perhaps the greatest of all...Apparently according to her science teacher...Jelly Babies (a sweet incase no one knows what they are, kinda like gummie bears) have an enzyme in them that means they can feel things.... >.< So apparently Jelly babies are alive...WATCH OUT PEOPLE!!! lmao Quote
Julieduke Posted March 20, 2008 Posted March 20, 2008 Well, I thought right-this is turning out to be a great thread, Roscolover! It gives us something funny to tell everyone, and for everyone to laugh-but hey, it's a popular thing: It's a Rosco moment! Khee! Khee! Julie: Funny stories! I don't know, i think that maybe your brother did it on purpose.Roscolover: I'm SO relieved to hear that your foot is not in pain. Can you move around a little more? Are your 4 weeks of sitting finally lifted?Lori: Great story. I had to chuckle on that one! I can just imagine that happening. But, is your head feeling better? I'm sure that really hurt!Laura DukeThank You, Thank You Very Much. Quote
Rosco_Lover Posted March 20, 2008 Author Posted March 20, 2008 Well, I thought right-this is turning out to be a great thread, Roscolover! It gives us something funny to tell everyone, and for everyone to laugh-but hey, it's a popular thing: It's a Rosco moment! Khee! Khee! Julie: Funny stories! I don't know, i think that maybe your brother did it on purpose.Roscolover: I'm SO relieved to hear that your foot is not in pain. Can you move around a little more? Are your 4 weeks of sitting finally lifted?Lori: Great story. I had to chuckle on that one! I can just imagine that happening. But, is your head feeling better? I'm sure that really hurt!Laura Duke I can move around on crutches about it. Just cant put pressure on the foot. Quote
Laura Duke Posted March 20, 2008 Posted March 20, 2008 BoJames-great stories! You, not have any Rosco moments? Hmm.....I'm not sure if that's 100% accurate. Roscolover-I'm glad to hear that you are improving day by day. But, I've still been thinking how difficult and frustrating it must be for you. Just to walk down a set of stairs must be so hard to do. At times, it's probably overwhelming. But, I'm sure that things will look up for you really soon.Keep sharing your stories-Roscolover started a wonderful thread!Laura Duke Quote
RogerDuke Posted March 21, 2008 Posted March 21, 2008 Sorry to hear about your accident Rosco_Lover. Look at the bright side of it. You don't need to be able to walk to use Hazzardnet or watch those Dukes DVDs. I wish you a quick recovery. Hang in there buddy. I'm gone. Quote
Rosco_Lover Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 BoJames-great stories! You, not have any Rosco moments? Hmm.....I'm not sure if that's 100% accurate. Roscolover-I'm glad to hear that you are improving day by day. But, I've still been thinking how difficult and frustrating it must be for you. Just to walk down a set of stairs must be so hard to do. At times, it's probably overwhelming. But, I'm sure that things will look up for you really soon.Keep sharing your stories-Roscolover started a wonderful thread!Laura DukeProbably use wheelchair for stairs. Quote
Rosco_Lover Posted March 21, 2008 Author Posted March 21, 2008 Sorry to hear about your accident Rosco_Lover. Look at the bright side of it. You don't need to be able to walk to use Hazzardnet or watch those Dukes DVDs. I wish you a quick recovery. Hang in there buddy. I'm gone.True there! and thanks for the kind words. =] Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted March 21, 2008 Posted March 21, 2008 Probably use wheelchair for stairs.Uh... is that even possible without going kersplat? Quote
General Grant Posted March 23, 2008 Posted March 23, 2008 I was kind of wondering that myself!!Anyway, I was glad to hear that you are feeling better, Rosco! Khee! Hope you keep improving, and don't go using that ladder for a while!General Grant Quote
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