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Jesse continues walking, stepping over sticks and logs while moving branches out of the way that would otherwise hit his face. The sound of the running water subsides as the trio approach a slower part of the creek. Jesse finds the place he was looking for after walking through the woods 5 minutes. He notices a large dry log that runs parrallel to the creek and sits down in the middle and nods to his nephews to take a seat on opposite sides of him. After they comply, one of the boys notices that Jesse's eyes are starting to gloss over with moisture. The change in Jesse's eyes was so slight that anybody else might not have noticed but the boys knew their uncle's face.....

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Jesse *adjusts red hat and takes deep breath* I didn't bring you boys here because yer bickerin'. I know you boys git over it quick. I brought you here because this is my favorite spot in the world ta think and I got a heap of thinkin' to do.

*takes another deep breath and tries to maintain control*

We're losing the farm.

*lowers face into cupped hands*


*does a double take* Wh-what... *he had known that money was tight...tighter than it had ever been...that was what had led him to resorting to do what he had done in order to get Bo a birthday present. But now none of that seemed important. He4 glanced at Bo able to tell that his cousin was visibly shaken* What?! *asks again*


It ain't what yer thinkin' boys. We've had money problems before but this is something worse. *stands up with back to gently flowing creek and faces his nephews still sitting down and now looking understandibly alarmed* Clears throat


*had been looking at the floor since they had arrived, but his head had snapped up quick at the news. Looking to his Uncle, his jaw hung open, he watched as Jesse stood up, shaking his head a little.*

"We can't be losin' it Uncle Jesse...we can't its our home! It has been since we was little, an' yers fer longer!"


Jesse *still standing with back to creek facing seated boys*

*takes another thoughtful deep breath*

Well boys, I ain't sure what's goin' on myself. All I know is that I got a certified letter in the mail saying that our farm is being taken by somethin' called Eminent Domain. It seems that Boss Hogg has some plans for it. He won't tell me what's going on but this time he has the Federal US of A government behind him. I did some calling to Capitol City and some other folks and it seems as if we don't have a chance boys. I hate to say it but I think this is really the end.

*hangs head and takes spot on the log*


I don't think we'll have much of a choice Bo. If Boss has the US of A government behind him we might be outta luck.

*gets up*

If you boys don't mind, I'm a heading up to the shallow part upstream to cross and walking home. I got some thinkin' ta do.

*walks a few steps then turns around*

You boys know why this is my favorite spot? *wipes tear from eye* This is where I proposed to yer Aunt Lavinia.

*The boys remained silent until Jesse disappeared into the trees.*


*looks over to Bo; if they were going to fight this thing they had to be on the same side; as Luke knew from his time in the Marines, a divided unit would easily fall...so, though he still was upset, he decided to try*

Bo...Bo I know yer mad still...but...but we need to be together on this...an' I never meant to hurt ya...*adds honestly*

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