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Congratulations on getting the General road-worthy TomBo. I'm sure you are deservedly thrilled. You'd better get those turn signals and brake lights fixed....remember Rosco is around every corner. I'd hate to see him throw you in the slammer. After all, this is one of my favorite threads!!!! I don't think Rosco would give you internet access!!


Internet access from the Hazzard County jail? Are you kidding? You think Boss is gonna foot the bill for that?! LOL

Your General looks awesome, TomBo! And congrats on the successful 20 mile road test. Yeehaaww!!


well I took it on a major journey today 300 or so Miles up & back to Hazzard Homecoming here in Avandale NJ. Byron & Don Pedro were both there so here they are with MY GENREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






Here's Byron & I in my General Lee !!!!



Now speaking of ole Rosco trying to catch me well there was a NJ State Trooper that arrived &.... well..... I asked & much to my suprise he said, "sure, where do ya want me to do this for ya at ?" I was like OVER THERE! & ran to get my car!


Then Byron saw what was going on & bam cameras were flashing all over with my General Lee as the (co)-star!!!!!!!! I could not stop smiling!



Great pictures TomBo. It sure was nice to see current pics of Coy and Sheriff Little. I hope Big Ed didn't get mad and rip any fenders off your General. He still looks like he'd have no problem doing it. Your General is a thing of beauty!!! Well done!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

As you can see I used Dynomat xtreme on the the roof also. Salesman assuers me that it'll stay where it was placed. I sure hope so lol. I also placed my "high" speakes under the headliner. They are small, real small & were put in w/2part epoxy (you can see the speaker wires runnin along the roof line in the one pic & the lil area where the Dynomat was cut away is where they went.





While I was coming home from the event where Byron & Don were there was a lake in a guys front yard & I just HAD to stop & take a few pix heres the result...


my new screen saver lol...

That's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen!!!! It looks like a picture taken in heaven!:innocent:

Why thank you ever so much DixieRoss & just for that heres a few more from that imprompt pic session on the side of the hwy that afternoon!




Great pictures TomBo. It sure was nice to see current pics of Coy and Sheriff Little. I hope Big Ed didn't get mad and rip any fenders off your General. He still looks like he'd have no problem doing it. Your General is a thing of beauty!!! Well done!!!

I am trying to get my posts that high but still have a ways to go and hopes to get there soon maybe! YEEHAW!

  • 2 weeks later...

Took it to a parade Saturday night & won in the Antique/Classic car catagory. Did not even know there was a competition but it was nice to hear I won. They have a trophy presentation in a few weeks. I cannot wait to have my son go up to get his trophy! He is gonna flip! (oh in the pix below thats him in there sound asleep lol)

Heres a few pix from the parade

local cops wanted to pretend to pull me over & tale a few cell phone shots with their phones & I was like SURE & snapped a few myself in the staging area b4 the parade!






This car is too much fun!

Took it to that parade you see above & won

Then this past Saturday I took it to Barrington harvest festival & won Ladies Choice (one of the 3 bigger trophies there)

OK Then I left that show & went to Atco ave annual Fall cruise night & won Best of show over 60 some cars!

GQQD TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I told ya that car is going to be fun. The parade looked like a blast. Gotta love the cops wanting to in on the fun. Now they say they pulled over the General.

I LOVE the pics of the GL by the pond. The rays shining down on the car are too perfect. God was shining down on you that day.

How much more work do you have to complete? Are you going to store it for the winter?

I'm gone


I told ya that car is going to be fun. The parade looked like a blast. Gotta love the cops wanting to in on the fun. Now they say they pulled over the General.

I LOVE the pics of the GL by the pond. The rays shining down on the car are too perfect. God was shining down on you that day.

How much more work do you have to complete? Are you going to store it for the winter?

I'm gone


Capt. I have lotsa details to do & now the weather is gettin C O L D E R I am not in the mood LOL. I am just thrilled to have that car in the garage. I open the door sometimes & look in there & just smile. Weird yea but so satisfying, its such a relief to have it back again at my home....ok nuff about that.

Your "?" well my list is:

need to find out why headlights are so dim & solve that

driver side mirror

door lock kit

engine harness

fix radio shortin out on me

glove box inside cardboard, got it just have to put it in

i am in need of a pod for my headlights

f & b bumperettes

I'm sure theres more LOL

I can't thank you enough for sharing your General with all of us TomBo. He's become a member of our Hazzardnet family. Those picts of him by the pond are SPECTACULAR!!!!


Thank you buddy.

I almost feel like a book has been thought of written published & sold & now I got nuttin to write or share LOL.

The pond pictures. I went to a show in North Jersey when I saw Don Pedro & Byron & while on the way to the show in the morning I saw it out of the corner of my eye & was like MAN that would be a great photo opt.

Coming home I passed it & said NA I gotta go back & slowed down backed up & lost my buddy in the meantime in front of me. Snapped the shots & got lucky is all. Even the camera was borrowed LOL.

Oh & the pond is in front of a house up there just on the side of a guys driveway!

TomBo, I added up all those things that you had to repair on your General Lee and it comes to $43.71 down at the Hazzard Garage (tell Cooter that RogerDuke sent you)

LOL nice one oh I so wish there was such a place in all reality but alas, LOL.

take a 5 or 6 in front of that price & welcome ack to reality!

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