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Knight Rider returns back to tv on Febr 17, 2008

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  • 2 weeks later...

Team Knight Rider insinuated Michael had a daughter. Why the need to have an estranged son? They could have given the new vehicle a different moniker.

Giving Michael Knight a kid, calling the car KITT, being a continuation... hmm.

If it does become a tv series, maybe they can get Ann Turkel for a guest apperance. She was a terrific villianess on the original series.

Team Knight Rider insinuated Michael had a daughter. Why the need to have an estranged son? They could have given the new vehicle a different moniker.

Giving Michael Knight a kid, calling the car KITT, being a continuation... hmm.

Because Team Knight Rider sucked. Any continuity from that show wouldn't be a help.

Because Team Knight Rider sucked. Any continuity from that show wouldn't be a help.

Speaking of David Hasselhoff the actor and author now did you know that he has something in commmon with President Kennedy. Their both Irish-Catholic and he was born blonde and blue eyed and in his autobiography he has section when he was living in Florida he has a pet Alligator and it got loose in the house and was terrifying one of his four sisters.

Speaking of David Hasselhoff the actor and author now did you know that he has something in commmon with President Kennedy. Their both Irish-Catholic and he was born blonde and blue eyed and in his autobiography he has section when he was living in Florida he has a pet Alligator and it got loose in the house and was terrifying one of his four sisters.

And David Hasselhoff's first wife looked like Marilyn Monroe who was President Kennedy's mistress but of course that was a secret but everybody knew it because the alligator squealed.

that is so gona suck, KITT has to be a Pontiac, the original pontiac, the only new look KITT I would accept is this version of him!


I just found out something intersecting about the Knight Rider pilot from 1982 did you know that Larry Anderson played Micheal Arthur Long.

that is so gona suck, KITT has to be a Pontiac, the original pontiac, the only new look KITT I would accept is this version of him!

I totally agree that KITT should stay a Pontiac. Ford ponied up the money, however, to make KITT a Mustang. Sadly...General Motors didn't have any current Pontiacs with the kind of muscle and eye-catching style the show was hoping for. So that sorta clinched it.

Still, they coulda used a Corvette or something. The only thing I'll give the Mustang deal, is that the 'Stang has a retro-look that "feels" more muscle car-ish, even if it's not how I think KITT would look.

On an aside, I wish Dodge wouldn't have botched the modern-day version of the Charger so bad. Ford, at least, got it right when they brought back a classic name. They didn't try to make the Mustang a 4-door sedan that was basically a Taurus with a different front end. Unlike Dodge's effort at crossbreeding a Stratus and an Intrepid and then hacking off the nose.

  • 3 weeks later...


Posted Feb 07, 2008

~(FROM VARIETY) – Val Kilmer has been cast as the voice of KITT, the car in NBC's Knight Rider revival, which airs Feb. 17. The actor replaces Will Arnett, who had actually filmed all his parts as the car's voice, but then had to pull out due to contractual reasons. The problem lies in that Arnett does voiceover work for GMC Trucks, and because KITT is a Ford Mustang, GM asked the actor to step down. ''I was very excited at the prospect of playing the part of KITT in the new Knight Rider movie," Arnett said. ''However, because of a long relationship with General Motors as the voice of GMC Trucks, I had to respectfully withdraw from the project.'' ~

Copyright © 2008 Entertainment Weekly and Time Inc.


Hey Y'all!

It looks like we have a good amount of opinions from both sides. That is a great thing!! Well, here goes my opinion, now that I have managed to calm myself down about the whole prospect, and I don't yell at the TV everytime I see a comercial for Knight Rider!

I think that the series was great. But, like all things, it came to an end. They should have just let us fans with the happy memories from the series. As I did state earlier in the thread, I am still extremely upset about the whole thing (although I have managed to calm down) and I think the show will stink. I am also disappointed in the choices of some of the producers. I mean, a Ford, come on! I have nothing against fords, I like them, but you do not make KITT a ford and expect all of the fans to like it! That'd be like trading the original General Lee for a Ford Tauras! It's just downright mind-boggling! I simply don't understand it...

With that said, I agree with Brian that the new Chargers really do no justice! The original Charger was a sleek looking car, these are just big, boxy, wide, and ugly! Yuck! And double Yuck! about what they did to KITT! They defaced him!

I will give the show a chance, and watch it, but I still say I won't like it!

Anyway, y'all, thanks for listening, and for giving your opinions. I always apreciate reading your opinions.

So, I'll catch y'all later!

General Grant


Whoa whoa...

First of all... I think bring back Knight Rider and passing on the torch is goin to be interesting. I know the former 90's movies were crappy but Im gonna give this one a good chance, Ive seen previews alot around here on TV for it and it looks HOTT. With two T's.

Secondly.... Yeah its alittle bit of a bummer that Kitt's gonna be a Stang. But you gotta admit, the new Stangs are more beautiful then the passed ones. I mean look at the 96", piece of crap, unless you muscle then up with a killer engine they didnt even uphold the Mustang name.

Heres a few cars they shoulda considered. An dont no one bust a gaskette over a Chevy.

2009 Chevy Camaro

2009 Challeneger

There both very hot cars. Also if they had waited alil longer on producing this Knight Rider they WOULD have had a crack at a new PONTIAC! A hot muscle Pontiac.



Heres my idea of a Kitt... even though I still say the Shelby aint all that bad. But Im a Chevy Fan so I gotta post this here.

Yes my author did this, she aint much for photoshop but it dont look too gawd aweful.

This is a 2009 Yenko Camaro




Oh, I saw the previews, I think that i am in for a LONG ride with this one. I think it will be so horrible that I might be forced to break out the Emergency box of Kleenex!

KITT should not be the Knight Industries Three Thousand, and Should not be a mustang. KITT is The Knight Industires Two Thousand, a Trans Am, and that is that! Even the new laser looks horrible! They Defaced KITT! I know, I know, I said I was calming down, but I saw the car on the Today Show and my blood pressure sky rocketed!!!

Anyway, I will watch it Sunday night,(oh, no, I don't know if I'll make the chat then :( ) But I don't think I am going to take to this now "Knight Rider" thing. I say just leave the series alone and let me have my happy memories!

Well, I respect everyone elses' opinions. I'll try to stop sounding like a fanatic, and won't say a word until Moday, after I see the show...

Why bother watching on premiere night if it's being reaired 6 days later?

Watch it on premiere night if you wanna see it for yourself and not have a hundred tv reviews about it first. If ya can't watch it on premier night, then watch it the next week.

I think what's happened is twofold: available broadcast content is lean due to the long-runnign writer's strike - and also, a lot of the KR buzz is just starting to "catch." NBC is making a huge push on this show and Ford is backing it with serious money.

Dukes fans could only dream of WB ever giving Dukes of Hazzard such good promotion. It's enough to piss ya off.

Yet in a way this does help the chances for more Dukes. We posted a new homepage article on all of that, along with a couple pics and a YouTube promo vid.


Even IF this does well. I don't see it influencing WB to do any more Dukes projects.I think all these rumors about a new Dukes series are all bunk. WB had their chance twice and failed miserably.If they had any plans to do more why did they auction off all the vehicles needed to do a weekly series or even a mini-series which was rumored.There would be more than just rumors by now. I've made this argument before.The main thing is MONEY. Ford is supplying the cars probably free as part of the deal. That cost can be used on special effects and other stuff thus a cost effective budget..There is nobody making 69 Chargers so where you gonna get cars? It wouldn't be cost effective.Maintainance and so forth would be just too costly to do a weekly series.Don't even think about replacing General Lee either that won't work no matter how much you argue it might. You won't get the hardcore guys like me to watch..I've checked all the actors IMDB profiles from both Dukes movies and there are no near future Dukes projects listed. So even if rumors are true, what another re-cast another origin of General Lee? Gee that's all we need. I don't see the hardcore KITT fans liking this new one either as I've seen mostly negative feedback on this new KITT. I disagree about the promoting thing Brian. They promoted the heck out of both Dukes movies and USA promoted the heck out of the first one being on their network.


I am a little nervous about a new Dukes series. Like General Grant said, what if the General Lee is a Taurus? I guess it doesn't matter because I know I wouldn't watch it anyway. The only way it would have a chance of succeeding with the majority of older original series fans would be if they gave it a decent sense of family values and if they had original cast members on it. Perhaps they could have Bo, Luke and Daisy raising Jeb Stuart Dukes 3 kids on the farm (after Jeb was tragically killed) Okay, so maybe not...but you get the idea...the more original series actors blended in, the better....


A NEW Dukes series??? Well if this don't beat all, don't they notice a pattern here, if we don't like the new movies, why would we watch the series? Now, I might give it a chance if it has a good set of values, like RogerDuke said, but, to be honest, I can't see the General as any other car than a 1969 dodge charger, im sorry I just can't picture it.

The only way it would have a chance of succeeding with the majority of older original series fans would be if they gave it a decent sense of family values ...

That's where they have failed twice Roger. I don't trust WB anymore with the franchise. Replacing General Lee with a new car and new name or changing General Lee into a newer car is out of the question. You can see how upset some are getting about this new KITT.Imagine if they change or replace General Lee. It won't work period. I wouldn't care how much they cleaned it up or if all the original cast was involved. If General Lee is changed or replaced it is doomed for failure. I understand your passion Roger. You want the Dukes franchise to continue. I do too IF it was done correctly but as I've said they've had 2 opportunities and failed.WB has tarnished the Dukes legacy IMO. Maybe it's time we just leave well enough alone and let them live on in the 7 seasons on DVD.

A NEW Dukes series??? Well if this don't beat all, don't they notice a pattern here, if we don't like the new movies, why would we watch the series? Now, I might give it a chance if it has a good set of values, like RogerDuke said, but, to be honest, I can't see the General as any other car than a 1969 dodge charger, im sorry I just can't picture it.

I've gotta point out this much. For all the " I don't like it" reactions the 2005 movie had, and "The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning" had, guess what.

People watched it anyway. Taking it in reverse order, "The Beginning" was one of the highest rated programs that ABC Family Channel ever aired; it solidly captured the demographic category of male viewers aged 18 to 35, which it was aimed at - and did respectably well across other audience categories.

The 2005 Dukes movie has been bashed by most of us here at HNet, but that didn't stop the movie from grossing around 80 million in it's original theater run, and another 30 million in DVD sales and rentals during 2006. I don't have the cable broadcast demographic ratings, but I'm willing to bet it did just fine.

Ya know, back when the Dukes of Hazzard 2005 movie was a production rumor, and there was talk of Britney Spears being Daisy, and there was no casting going on, nothing - HNet stuck it's neck out and reported what was flying around. And as the plans for the movie went forward, we reported it on our forums and homepage. We reported the lawsuit that nearly kept the movie out of theaters, we reported the opening weekend gross, we reported the fan reactions and then the rumors of Sean William Scott refusing to ever do another "Bo Duke" role.

All we're doing now, is the same thing we did then - reporting the first, early rumors. Fans in Florida reported seeing General Lee filming activity as recently as last month. HNet can't promise what it means - we can only report it as we've heard it.

Personally I don't think the concept of a new Dukes project is all that far-fetched nor impossible. Everything WB does with The Dukes of Hazzard, no matter how much they hose it up - still translates into money in the bank.



never said it was impossible or far-fetched. Heck, since they took the Dukes of air, im willing to give it a try.To be honest it just might be interesting to see what they can come up with, now that I gave my last reply a second thought.

Just like I gave the 2005 Dukes movie a try, its not bad really, and it did good with the ratings too, i got it on DVD, It was funny to me. I haven't got to watch the Beginning movie yet, I dunno maybe I should watch it and give it a try see if it is any good.

Just like the new Knight Rider movie, old things can change....heck might even make em better with the new technology we have now.


Okay, Okay, I said I wouldn't say anything until after Knight Rider premiered, but I have to, seein' as how we kind of switched gears!

I tend to agree with TimDuke, I don't think that Knight Rider will catch with hardcore fans of the original series, like myself. Which I am sure that with all of the ranting and raving I did in previous posts (which I apologize if I got upset) you all figured I was a fan of the original series. Anyways, enough about poor KITT (although the newer version should be kitt! ) until after I see it tonight.

On to the Dukes... No offense Brian, but if that is supposed to be the General Lee, he looks awful! I totally agree, Roger. I would maybe watch a new show of the Dukes, just to see if it was any good. I did so with the movie starring Jessica Simpson and Willie Nelson (and the rest that I am not sure who they are, sorry!) I thought it was a horrible representation of what the Dukes are all about. Although, I can understand if they got that idea if they watched only the first episode. But even "One Armed Bandits" wasn't that bad! Give me them ol' family morals and values that were in the original and I'd be quite happy! Although I think I have to disagree about the original actors. No offense meant here... I love the Dukes of Hazzard, and the original actors. But, I think that they should have left well enough alone after the series (and maybe the reunion movies) After all Uncle Jesse and Boss Hogg aren't ever going to be in the shows anymore if they ever do another reunion. For me that takes out half the fun already. No one can ever come close to Boss' 50% of 50% of 50% saying! And there isn't an actor I know of today that can be as spunky and loving all at the same time and seem so real as Denver!

Okay y'all. That is my thought on the subject. Hopefully I didn't jump to any conclusions, or come back later and reread everything only to realize that I should have thought this over more carefully. I know I have said this before, but I really do appreciate everyone's opinions and just the whole way you present them. You don't cut others down, but you make your opinions known. It is great how y'all can do that!

General Grant

Oh, TimDuke... in that last post you wrote when you said: "You can see how upset some are getting about this new KITT." were you referring to me?!? :)

Sorry if it is that obvious that I am upset about that... I am really trying to remain calm. :)

Okay, Okay, I said I wouldn't say anything until after Knight Rider premiered, but I have to, seein' as how we kind of switched gears!

I tend to agree with TimDuke, I don't think that Knight Rider will catch with hardcore fans of the original series, like myself. Which I am sure that with all of the ranting and raving I did in previous posts (which I apologize if I got upset) you all figured I was a fan of the original series. Anyways, enough about poor KITT (although the newer version should be kitt! ) until after I see it tonight.

On to the Dukes... No offense Brian, but if that is supposed to be the General Lee, he looks awful! I totally agree, Roger. I would maybe watch a new show of the Dukes, just to see if it was any good. I did so with the movie starring Jessica Simpson and Willie Nelson (and the rest that I am not sure who they are, sorry!) I thought it was a horrible representation of what the Dukes are all about. Although, I can understand if they got that idea if they watched only the first episode. But even "One Armed Bandits" wasn't that bad! Give me them ol' family morals and values that were in the original and I'd be quite happy! Although I think I have to disagree about the original actors. No offense meant here... I love the Dukes of Hazzard, and the original actors. But, I think that they should have left well enough alone after the series (and maybe the reunion movies) After all Uncle Jesse and Boss Hogg aren't ever going to be in the shows anymore if they ever do another reunion. For me that takes out half the fun already. No one can ever come close to Boss' 50% of 50% of 50% saying! And there isn't an actor I know of today that can be as spunky and loving all at the same time and seem so real as Denver!

Okay y'all. That is my thought on the subject. Hopefully I didn't jump to any conclusions, or come back later and reread everything only to realize that I should have thought this over more carefully. I know I have said this before, but I really do appreciate everyone's opinions and just the whole way you present them. You don't cut others down, but you make your opinions known. It is great how y'all can do that!

General Grant

Oh, TimDuke... in that last post you wrote when you said: "You can see how upset some are getting about this new KITT." were you referring to me?!? :)

Sorry if it is that obvious that I am upset about that... I am really trying to remain calm. :)

Well, I'm taping and I am fan of both show. And the token of the reunion movies I have the Columbia House videos and the two movies that they had made it was as good as the original but I had seen the first movie because of Burt Reynolds it's amazing in 27 years he went from being the Bandit to being the Boss.

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