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Lori shrugged,"Dont s--- me buddy, you got yerself into this one, if you wouldnt have answred my question while ago we wouldnt be in this perdiciment!!, Great..... now theres uncle luther, cousins B.B, L.B, DIXIE too, amd the rest of the family to look forward to seeing again, ohh joy!!!!"

Luke looked to Lori and shook his head,"Well if you wouldnt have shouted at me in the beginning we wouldnt be having this conversation now!!"

Lori,"ohh yea Luke like you really wanted to be with me, you wanted to.....ewwww you know what just forget it!!!"

Luke looked to Lori and.......


Cooter had asked to phone call to Dixie,

"Yea Dix, this here's heres cooter,Im in jail and I was wonderin...........

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Luke looked to Lori, sighed and said in a harsher tone than he meant, "Ya know I really don't want to have any of these heart to hearts with you OR Your Family right now either!" He then said much more friendly, "But, ....... I think, ...... we need to get it sorted out some before your cousin upstairs puts this out to the whole county.

Little grumbled as he returned downstairs to call the judge to let him know he needed him to come set a bond, "I wished you people would pick better places to have these family conversations too. I'm not real fond of them either!"

It wasn't funny. God it wasn't funny but when Luke looked at Lori, they both couldn't help but laughing. Each time Luke would stop laughing he'd see Lori laughing so hard she was crying and would start again. Lori was trying to quiet laughing because it wasn't funny but she couldn't stop laughing at the entire time she'd been in Hazzard the strangest things had happened with the worst results.

As Little picked up the phone they were still laughing and laughing so hard he had to appoligize to the Judge for the noise, he finally said in a booming voice, "KNOCK IT OFF YOU TWO!!!" It worked for about five seconds before they bust back into laughter. "Judge Hardcastle said if you two like it so much here he can arrange for youto stay longer!" Well, that worked, for maybe ten seconds!

Luke's ribs were hurting from laughing so hard. He hadn't had one of these spells since he and Bo were trying to go to sleep one night he had been about 7.

Lori was laughing so hard she couldn't breath.


Dixie answered the phone and before she could say anything.

Cooter's voice came on the line saying, "Yea Dix, this here's heres Cooter. Im in jail and I was wonderin if you could come down here with some money? Go to the garage and get it."

"Cooter, you're where? What did Rosco dream up this time?" Dixie shouted.

"You heard me. It wasn't Rosco it was Sheriff Little. Just get the money." Cooter said in a very tense voice.

"I'm coming, already!" Dixie said hanging up the phone and wondering what in the world was going on, now!



Lori sat down and thought,"Luke, if uhh cooter's up there, then that means........"

Luke looked to Lori who had stopped laughing and got serious real quick. Lori shook her head and rubbed her legs, she was nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rockin chairs.

Luke asked her,"Whats wrong Lori?"


Dixie ran by the garage and told B.B and L.B what had happened she grabbed the money and ran to the jailhouse. "I got it Cooter, here!"

Cooter looked to Enos and Dixie walked over so Enos could release Cooter.

Dixie looked at Cooter and stomped her foot,"Cooter Davenport tell em whats going on now!!"

Cooter sighed as he didnt wanna talk about it. :GO ask yer popular cousin and LUKAS what they done. Dixie's heart sank as she ran downstairs to look to Luke who had heard his name, Lori snorted,"Ohh great more Davenports, I love my family soo much!!"

Dixie looked to Little ands hot him a look, Little had let her stay but only fer a couple of minutes," Tell me Luke what happened between you and Lori."

Lori stood up and stood against the wall listening she was ready to jump in anytime.



When Luke saw Dixie and the hurt expession on her face, he closed his eyes and he dropped his head and never said a word.

This wasn't missed by Lori. She had never seen Dixie so hurt and she saw Luke's heart break right there in front of her.

Dixie didn't need to hear anything from Luke to KNOW what had happened, but she was determined not to cry in front of Luke and for sure not in front of Lori. She had cried too many years already over Luke. She turned and calmly walked out of the jail and courhouse. She got in her car and layed a trail of rubber that would make the General Lee look bad as she pulled out.

The sound of which wasn't missed by Luke or Lori.

Luke walked over to the front of the cell and stood at the cell door for several minutes, then set down in the floor with his back to the corner pulling his knees to his chest. He could see Lori if he was looking at her but at the moment he seemed to be staring a hole in the wall. He was quiet for a long while before his choked up voice said, "Lori."

Lori looked over at Luke and saw pain.

"I can't do this. I just can't do this anymore. I love you with all my heart, but I am not in love with you. I, now, know how long you wanted the other night. I've already told you I'm sorry it wasn't special for you. I never intended for it to happen. I never intended to use you. I'm sorry that I did. Bottom line truth, ...................... I don't know if I'll ever settle down and get married, ..............................But if I do, she just ruined a good set of tires leaving. I knew she was the one when I was twenty years old. I've been a lot places, seen a lot of things, and, ............................ been with more than my fair share of the ladies, but Dixie's the one. I'm truely sorry, Lori. I swear I am."

When Lori blinked her tears away and regained her focus she saw that Luke's cheeks were wet from tears also. She seen Dixie's look on her face and she saw Luke's heart shadder into a million pieces before her when Dixie left without saying anything. She knew he was right. They were meant for each other, but she loved him. The lump in her throat felt like it was her heart there. She couldn't speak, didn't trust her voice, merly nodded, 'OK."


Cooter had stepped out onto the courthouse steps as Dixie peeled out. As he got to the garage LB and BB were watching her leave in a cloud of smoking tires.

"Fellas, did she say where she was going?" Cooter asked.

LB replied, "Didn't know she was back until we heard her peel out."

BB asked, "What is wrong?"

Cooter bit his tounge, "I let the cat outta the bag!"

LB's eye were wide, "So, Luke and Lori DID....."

Cooter glared, "Come on ya'll we got to find her and slow her down.

After several minutes without any luck finding Dixie, Cooter radioed, "Breaker, Breaker, Anybody out there seen that crazy sister of mine? She left outta here 'Hot'! She'll be in a Burgandy Thunder Chicken and that motor is fine so she's likely anywhere by now."

Bo Duke picked up the mic on the base station in the Duke kitchen, "Crazy C, I'll be down and gone looking for her. Is something wrong?"

Cooter replied, "That hunch we had, ....... Well, we were right, ........ Dixie knows!" He kept it short and sweet. He knew Bo would read the rest.

Bo turned and started for the door.

Jesse asked, "Bo?"

"I'll have to tell you later, promise!" Bo said as he kept going. He knew Dixie and if she knew this and couldn't get to Luke then she was likely driving fast enough to get hurt or hurt somebody. He hoped he knew where she was going. He pulled the General Lee into the 'parking' area at the lake. Sure enough Dixie's car was there. He radioed the others that he found her and she was OK. She was about twenty feet up against an old oak tree. Bo walked down to her, "Dixie?"

"You know" Bo nodded, 'yes' and set down beside her.

She looked Bo in the eyes and asked, "Why?"

Bo smiled weakly. He could have given her a million answers. None would help. None were any that she'd want to hear. All he could say was, "Luke will have to answer that one." He gently wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

It was all the invitation the Dixie needed. She turned to and held on for dear life as she fell totally apart on his shoulder.

All Bo knew to do with her crying liek she was, was to wrap his arms around her and hold her until she cried it out. He could only be there. He knew how lucky he was to have Beth and Dixie would be a good thing for Luke if he'd just open his eyes and stop all his running around and acting foolishly.


Lori looked down her chin in hand, she was thinking hard and long she shook her head and set down, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach causing her to puke again. Little looked at her and shook hi shead getting the mop,"Thats it Im calling Doc, you're sick and you need checked out."Lori rolled her eyes as she watched Little clean her mess up.

Sheriff little picked the phone up after locking Lori's door, that sent a cold chill through her. Sheriff Little dialed the number, Doc answered Sheriff told him about what Lori had been doing an dthe doc came right over.

The Doc looked to Lori and asked her what was wrong,"Well Doc, ive been getting sick of the mornings and upset to my stomach, then all of a sudden i feel fine during the evenings.

Doc shook his head,"I think I may know whats wrong with you, Sheriff have someone come to relieve you and whatch Luke, you gotta coem to my office so I can do some "tests"

Lori raised her eyebrows,"TESTS"

"what kinda tests?"

DOc nodded to Little and little clapped the duffs on her bringing her out of the cell.

Now fellas that got Luke's attention.

Lori looked to Doc as she climbed into the police car,"Doc, am I alright?"

Doc smiled,"Just symptoms of being preganant is alk."

Lori screamed out, youd think Bo and Dixie could hear,"WHAT?!!!!!!!! ILL KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!"

Luke heard it and wondered what was wrong.


At the Doc's office Lori had been there about an hour or so waiting fer the results when the Doc came back in he looked to her and smiled,"Congratulations Miss Davenport, you're pregnant."

Lori fainted on the bed befor she screamed out, Little looked to the door and as the Doc motioned for him to take her, he looked to Little Ill need you to bring her in at least once a month.

Little nodded, picking her up and walking out. He put her in the cop car and sped off.


Lori woke up at the jail, and shook he rhead,"Little looks like you're gonna be keepin me longer, cause when I get my hands on that Duke down there im gonna kill em'!!!

Little started laughing,"Looks like everyone wants to do that nowadays doesn't it?"

Lori had to laugh alittle at it.

Sheriff walked her down putting her in her cells her arms crossed. her cheeks set and her foot tapping, looking to Luke who was on his feet loking to her.

"Well?" Lue asked.

Lori calmed down and walked to the cell,"Come here a mintue Luke."

Luke did so, slowly but surely.

Lori reached through the bars and picked him up by his sgirt collar lifting him off the florr a little ways.


Little looked in and started beating her door"Put him down, Ill keep you in here til yer 90 years old the way you act!"

Luke rubbed his neck alittle,"WHAT?!!"

Lori looked to Luke,"Funny you should ask that cause im gonna tell ya, Dixie aint gonna be too thrilled, neither will my uncle or cousins fer that fact, they'll have everyone of us davenports in jail, after you."

Luke shook his head,"What else is new?"

Lori laughed,"IM PREGNANT!!! THATS WHATS NEW!!!!!"

Little flipped over in his chair as Luke looked at Lori stunned.

"OHHHH it certainly was special in that cabin Luke, It most certainly WAS!!!!!"



Cooter being near the Doc's office had saw Lori go in and sheriff Little carry her out.

Cooter sighed and got on the CB,"B.B, L.B we gotts get to that jail house now, Little just brung Lori to the Doc's office and it didnt look to good."

B.B AND L.B nodded to each other and followed Cooter, Dixie hadnt heard the conversation, but guess who was in range bout the time Cooter had said that, Luther Davenport, the man himself. Luther looked through his mirror and sped on going to Cooter's farm to see were everyone was at,"Lori had better be alright or Cooter'll get it if he let something happen to her!" "or Dixie for that matter."


Luke's mouth opened several times but no sound came out. To Lori, she remembered the look as one he'd often gave Uncle Jesse when Bo had managed to get them into trouble and Jesse was blaming it on Luke cause he knew better and was older. It was sorta the same look he'd given Jesse when Jesse found the slot machines in the barn and Jesse found out they stole a truck and a load of slot machines. Finally he managed to form a couple words, "I, ....... didn't,.... don't,..... "

Lori's foot was still tapping, "Yes, ....... you did."

"That's not what I was trying to SAY!" Luke glared.

All this was witnessed by Sheriff Little. He was going to have to tell Hogg that he sorta enjoyed the over time here in Hazzard. He hadn't had a dull moment since he'd been here and had even got to make an arrest right in the jail.

Luke tried this again a lot more quieter in hopes of having something between them that two counties wouldn't know by sunset, "It can't be from what four nights ago? I mean, ........ come on now Lori, ....... Surely it ain't....."

"YOURS?" Lori almost screamed, "Yes, Luke. As much as you and my cousins like to think of me a WHORE, I'm NOT. And I certainly wasn't pregnant when I got here! Since you likely won't believe that either, well I do have proof of that if you are wanting to deny what went on at the cabin."

Luke wasn't doing to well in the talking this out phase, "Lori, I never said I denied anything. He--, I don't know this stuff. I didn't think you could tell for awhile afterwards."

The look on her face said, 'He was a MAN and she'd 'give' him that one'. She replied, "A doctor can."

Luke replied much, much, more calmly than he was, "Ok, alright." He figured if she was pregnant and it was hitting her this hard already then she surely didn't need to be this upset. But, he knew better than to tell or even ask her to calm down right now.


Luther Davenport was about ten years younger than Jesse Duke. He had grown up hard as a dirt poor farm boy who'd taken an interest in cars. He had become the best mechanic in three states and worked by day on the revenurers and law enforcement agents cars that were trying so hard to stop the moonshining in the area. He worked after hours at the garage or his home and even sometimes at his customers home to provide a good home for his wife who had been born with "The silver spoon". She had come from a 'good' family and though they loved each other deeply he often felt he wasn't in 'her' class. She objected to him making 'dirty' money from the moonshiners. Said the money they paid him with was gotten illegally. They separated when Dixie had been three. She went with her mother and Cooter stayed with his Dad. The two never divorced, just chose to live apart.

He was concerned about Lori from Cooter's radio call o LB and BB. He had thought he would be more worried about Dixie. Figured he'd spent the whole time trying to convince her to stay away from Luke Duke. They had sure had their differences but other than Cooter he was the best wrecker driver he'd ever had, even after Dixie left town and Luke returned from the Marines, Luther had let him drive for him, though it was never quiet the same after he felt Luke had betrayed his trust.

The radio call said something about the jail. 'What has that girl done this time. I hope she ain't been running shine again.' was his thougths as he enter Hazzard Square he hoped to catch Cooter and the others before they went to the jail.

He pulled up to the garage.........



Lori went and set down on the bed,"Lordie me, Uncle Luther'll kill me, Cooter and L.B ADN B.B AND DIXIE!!!"

she rocked back and forth her head on her knees.


He pulled up at the garage and saw Cooter and L.B and B.B pull in there.

"Uncle Luther, that you?"

Luther looked to them,"Yes, howdy boys, Son? whats Lori done now?"

Cooter swallowed realyl hard we're on our way over there right now, ya wann come to dad?"

Luther nodded getting in his car to and driving off. Whenthey arrived at the jail the Davenport men walked down the stairs,"Loren Davenport? Honey ya'll right?"

Lori's eyes shot up and she headed fer he rdoor, "Im fine Uncle Luther. B.B L.B COOTER!!!"

They all walked over to her, Luther looked to Luke,"What are doing in here?"

Luke looked down and slowly stood up, Lori watched him outta the corner of her eyes, looking to Cooter who had looked to her and asked..........


Luke added to her comment, "No they won't touch you. The entire bunch and Jesse will be too busy, ........... killing me!" Jesse had talked to him and the others since they were about 8 about being responsible and using protection. Which he 'THOUGHT' he had used, but maybe he'd been a lot too drunk to use it effectively. Luke swore just thinking about telling Jesse. He'd been a Marine and seen combat. He'd jumed out of prefectly good airplanes into forest fires. He'd rather face any of that ten times fold as tell Jesse THIS, but he hoped he'd be able to tell him himself.


Cooter who had looked to her and asked, "Are you really OK? I saw you come from Doc's"

Lori wasno't ready for this and lied, "Yeah, I'm fine. Doc just wanted to make sure it was strep and had to run tests." She shot Little a look that told him she didn't want THE information out yet.

Luther wanted to know what he was doing here. Luke had dealt with the man years ago and wasn't looking forward to this now, he offered a small amount of the truth, "We were TRYING to keep each other out of trouble, Luther. It sorta blew up in our face."

"Who started the trouble to begin with?" Luther asked still looking at Luke.

"Depends on how far back you wanta go. Right now it's a toss up between Dixie, Lori and myself, but you'd likely prefer to blame me." Luke said honestly.

Luther asked, "So when do we get to set and hear the rest of the story?"

Luke sighed, "Oh, say about another 25 days."

Lori could have shot him on the spot, but he had managed to dodge the main issue. For that she was thankful.


Lori sighed, thanking god that Luke had just saved them.

Luther nodded to Luke,"Well then that settles it B.B,L.B, we're staying the remaining days sos we can hear the story.

Cooter nodded agreeing as hed love to see Luke and Lori try to get their way outta this one.

Luke and Lori both gasped and looked at each other, Lori looked to Luke with a Look that could kill.

"But Uncle Luther......

Lori said trying to change his mind.

"NO buts miss. Loren, we're staying and thats final, it wouldn't be a Davenport family reunion without ya now would it?"

Lori dropped her head.

"Yer tryin to make me feel guilty aint ya uncle?"

Luther smiled and nodded to her, Luke just sighed.

Cooter looked to everyone and motioned fer them "lets go"

Everyone gave Lori a hug and nodded to Luke.

Lori looked to Luke,"Welp now hwo we gonna get outa this one?"



Meanwhile back at the garage the phone rang, B.B answered it,"Hello?"

"Bobbie Lee, That you??"

It was Lori's dad.

B.B said...........


Meanwhile, Dixie had cried herself out and told Bo that she had thought that Luke would see Lori as a one night stand and them be back to her. She thought she could handle that. "Now, I'm not so sure of anything. What if he decides he likes her better OR that she was better than me?"

Bo sighed, he would love to wring Luke's neck about now. He was never good at these things and now he was dealing with Luke's 'sins'. "Dixie, I'm sure things will work out. First, thing is for Luke to get home then ya'll can work things out. Why don't we head over to the farm and you can talk to Beth, Daisy and Uncle Jesse if it'd make you feel better."

Dixie straightened herself up enough to drive and said, "OK. Bo thanks for being here for me, when Luke wasn't ."

"Honey, that's not a problem." Bo replied.


Luke replied, "Lori I don't see 'getting outta' anything. 'If' and don't take that wrong, its just that I'm still trying to get used to the idea. If you are, then we're into a lot more than either os us barganed for. Telling both families is just the beginning, but I'd like to wait at least until we get outta here to start telling anybody. That will give us both a little time to at least get used to the idea."

Lori replied..............


Lori replied,"Yea Luke, this is gonna be hard fer me to tell cooter, he-- he probably wouldve seen it comin anyways,if not from you from another man."

Luke looked to Lori and shook his head,"Lori, I dont think you're a whore, it wouldn't be right fer me too think that, thats hypocricy."

Lori smiled alittle"Thanks Luke, the doc said not to be too worried though i may be pregnant, hes waitin on the last results, he said it take about a week to come back."

Luke nodded,"Well, we'll hope fer the best and pray ya aint."

Lori nodded and looked at him,"Luke..."

she said with a tear in her eye,"im scared Luke....if I am that jepordizes our families relationships with each other and that jepordizes yers and dixie's"

Luke walked to the bars and put his hands on her arms and gently said,"Dont worry, yea it will change alot of things but we have to accept that."

Lori turned from him,"Luke you dont get it, if i am, then you'll avoid me and i have to raise this youngin by myself, Cooter and all the other Davenports and Dukes will hate me."

Lori began to cry again.



B.B said,"Cousin Bobbie Lee, what do you want?

"Well uhh Lori's here."

"Really? I....."


Cooter looked to B.B "who was that?"

B.B looked to Luther,"Yer brother."

Luther kicked Cooter's tow truck,"WHAT IN SAM HILL DOES HE WONT?"

B.B looked around and then back to Luther,"he wants to come back to Hazzard and visit Lori to see how shes holding up.



Luke looked her in the eyes and said firmly, “Lori, if you are pregnant with my child, nothing in this world would keep me from taking care of it. You should know that Jesse raised me better than that.â€

Lori knew he was right. She also noticed that he didn’t include her in that statement at all.

Cooter said, “He wants to come see how Lori’s holdin’ up? You didn’t tell him she’s in jail did you?†Then he thought out loud, “He’ll have a fit for sure!â€

Dixie pulled behind Bo at the Duke farm. Jesse was out on the front porch peeling apples. He saw the look on Bo’s face it had trouble written all over it. But, Dixie’s expression was far worse. Something was definitely up.

Bo suggested, “Dixie why don’t ya get you something to drink before you talk to Uncle Jesse.â€

She knew he likely wanted to talk to Jesse first so she’d co-operate. “OK.â€

When Dixie entered the house, Bo sighed loudly.

Jesse asked, “Trouble?†He hadn’t liked the way Luke wouldn’t look at him at the jail when Cooter was trying to get them to tell him what had happened at the cabin.

Bo replied, “We got TROUBLE!†He sighed again, “Luke and Lori, ……. Ah, …. Well,…..â€

Jesse replied, “Don’t you dare tell me they escaped again.â€

Bo replied matter of factly, “Worse, they well, Slept together at the cabin. Dixie knows.â€




Bo looked at his uncles hurtful and scornful face,"Im not lying uncle jesse they really did."

Uncle Jesse looked to Bo,"Anything else they did?"

Bo shrugged I aint so sure bout that uncle, I mean Luke was drunk."

Jesse looked to Bo,"Go in there adn keep Dixie occupied, Ill call em.


Unlce Jesse stormed into the house Bo following behind to talk to Dixie, Uncle Jesse reached for the phone and dialed the jails number.


In the jail Lori sat on the bunk and never spoke to Luke, she didn't want to anymore, if she was she didn't want to bother his plans with Dixie and ruin it...


Loir knew she shouldn't have said the things she did, she knew it would hurt Luke even idf he didnt show it,"Im sorry Luke, I gota t emper and a half on me, im sorry I didnt....

Luke stopped her,"No yer right................


Luther looked down at the ground,"If he comes back, thats it, Lori will never forgivr us, but we cant ignore him, he is a Davenport.

B.B looked to L.B then to Cooter he was right they couldnt stop him,"Dad youd better call him back then and tell him, dotn say nothing to him though bout anything."Cooter said looking to his father.

Luther thought on Cooter's spoken aloud thought,"Cooter, If he never cared fer her then why should he care now, hes probably gotten into some trouble of hid own, again, and needs Lori's help,again, same old same old everytimes Cooter, Bobbie Lee will never change, he barely could take care of yer other two cousins, Jeeter Jr. and Taylor! let alone poor little lori, thats the whole reasona s to why she came to live with us, her father didn't care, he already had his boy there he didnt need another one."


At the same time the conversation was going on at the garage about Bobbie Lee's coming in B.L. Davenport L.B.'s little sister was crossing the state line she'd been upto Nashville to see the Grand Ole Opry. A country tune played quietly on the radio and she hummed along wondering who would make it to the reunion and who wouldn't this year.

"Wonder who's already there and who's in trouble for what?" said aloud to herself with a chuckle.

Cooter kept looking at the clock on the wall B.L. was supposed to have been back already and yet she wasn't he swore he'd kill her if she was late or just didn't show up.

"If she don't get here soon so help me I'll...." he trailed off muttering angrily.

Just as Cooter's making his threats a silver 1970 GTO pulls up in front of the garage and out gets B.L. her long dark blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. Walking into the garage silently the men not paying attention to her arrival announces herself.

"Hey I made it"

B.B. turns scooping her up in a big bear hug......

"Well I'll be doggone it's lil B.L. how ya been girl?"

B.L. gasped for breath and answered "I'm ok, B.B. ya crushin' my gizzard"

B.B put her down with a sheepish grin only for her to be scooped up in another bear hug and spun around this time from L.B. making her laugh.

"Hey sis"

"Hi bro" B.L. hugged him back.....


Jesse called the jail to see who was working as the regular visiting hours were up for the day. Enos answered the phone, "Hazzard County Jail Deputy Enos Straight speaking."

"Enos, this is Jesse Duke." Jesse said gruffly.

"Oh, hey Mr. Jesse, say hey to Daisy for me." Enos replied.

"I will, but I need an important favor from you." Jesse stated calming down just enough to coax Enos into this.

Enos replied, "I'll do what I can."

Jesse asked, "If I were to make a special trip to town, would you let me speak to Luke for just a few minutes? It's important enough for me to ask you to do it."

Enos knew Jesse Duke well and for him to ask Enos to bend the visitation hours he knew it must be important. He replied, "Well, I'm here until midnight then Sheriff Little will be back, but yes sir as long as you get here before then."

Jesse replied, "Thank you Enos. I'll be on my way and bending a few speeding laws and straightening a few curves I should be there in about fifteen minutes." Then, he had a thought, "Oh, and Enos, please don't tell them I'm coming."

Now Enos thought that was strange but replied, "Ok, if you say so. Don't forget ......." The phone on the other end disconnected. That was strange too. The Deputy may be naive but he knew something was going on with Luke and Lori. They had been talking quiet a bit since he had been there. Lori seemed angery and Luke seemed very stressed. The few times he'd went upstairs he had even heard them yelling at each other. But, when he was at the desk which was in the same room except for the bars, they had talked softly though some of the conversations seemed angry. At the moment Luke was setting on the bunk with his back to Enos which was unusal. Lori was setting on her bunk facing Luke and Enos.


Luke stopped her,"No yer right about some of those things." Luke tried to continue in a low tone of voice since Enos was at the desk. All he needed was for Enos to get hold of this and he'd accidently tel the entire County. Fortunately Lori seemed to realize the same thing as she had held her outbursts until he'd went upstairs. "But, Lori you aren't even giving me a chance to think about this lodgically before you are jumping to conclussions. I never said that I wouldn't be there for the ....." he whispered, "baby or you. I just said I'd take care of it." He returned to his normal tone of voice, "Can you just let me think for a bit?"


At that moment Jesse came down the steps and walked over the bars, "Think? Think about what? I would have thought you lost that ability here lately."

Enos could see that Jesse was upset.

Luke stood up quickly and stepped toward the cell door. Though he was standing back just a bit out of Jesse reach purposely. He tried to think of what he'd been saying and figure how much Jesse heard. "Jesse? I thought visiting......" He stalled but the surprise of seeing Jesse showed, but he also saw Jesse's no nonsense mood and decided it best to answer the question given. "What to do about Luther and the others staying until we get out of here to explain why we are here to them personally." Luke hoped this worked and that Jesse didn't see though his round about truth.

Lori had jumped up also but she stepped almost up against the wall. She couldn't wait to be out of this cage! She felt like a scared rabbit with everything that was going on and every relative she ever knew being in Hazzard at one time.

Jesse contined in the same tone, "You know we never did finish our talk the other day. I've been busy with you not home and figured it could WAIT, but now I think we'd best do us some talking." He pulled up a chair and asked, "You wouldn't want to explain a few things to me would you?"

Luke felt he'd just enter an interogation room. No he didn't WANT to explain anything to anybody especially right NOW. But, he knew 'no' wasn't the answer to tell Jesse right now. Many other answers were trying to escape his mouth (Do I have a choice -- he knew he didn't. Might as well -- not good either. Shoot -- bad idea right now as Jesse looked like he might want to.), but Luke was wise enough to keep them to himself, but he having an extremely hard time thinking of an answer that Jesse would except, finally he sighed heavily and said defeatidly, "Ok." Luke had too much going on in his mind to put the pieces together that Dixie or Cooter had told Jesse about him and Lori. All he knew right now was that he wanted to be any other place but here and just have some time to clear his swimming, hurting head."

"What went on the night Lori broke you out of here?" Jesse asked firmly.


Luke swalloed hard and decided it was time, he had no choice," The night Lori broke me out, we pulled off to talk about some things, our feelings, and her car had broken down, I decided to take her to the cabin and wait til morning."

Jesse stared at Luke intently,"Lori, is that what happened?"

Lori looked to jesse,"Yessir."

Jesse then asked Luke,"AND?!.........."

Luke swallowed,"Uncle jesse....we.....uh....er.....we did some things that we regret."

Lori nodded and a tear rolled down her cheek, Jesse rubbed his head and pointed his finger at Luke,"So thats it? youd hurt Dixie like that, and ruin what family bond you had here with Lori?"



L.B looked to B.L,"welp sis, woulda made it here sooner you'd been in on alll the action!!!

Cooter looked to L.B,"L.B I THOUGHT WE SAID NOT YET!!!"

B.L looked to them confused,"What did I miss?"


B.L. looked at them confused"what did I miss?"

B.B. looked at her and then at Cooter then L.B. Cooter shrugged L.B. done had her curiosity up now might as well tell her.

L.B. continued having Cooter's consent even if it was rather reluctant.

"Well sis cousin Lori's got herself arrested and so's Luke Duke."

B.L. grins and shakes her head Lori always manages to find trouble but then she noticed noone else was amused.

"What'd they do?" asked curiously


L.B shook hi shead,"That we aint ot sure of ourselves, we gotta wait 25 more days til they can tell us, thats when they get out, guess who called though?"

B.L looked surprised,"Who?"

Cooter looked at her and sighed,"Bobbie Lee."

B.L looked to Cooter,"Uncle Bobbie Lee called, what did he want?"

Cooter shook his head,"Wanted to come back to see Lori and see how she was holding up, get a chance t' make things right with her."

B.L shook her head,"What does he wont her to do know?"

B.B laughed at the sarcastic remark his cousin had made.

"Weres dix at ya'll?" B.L asked in wonder?

"shes at the Dukes farm, taking her mind off of things."



BL's brow creased there was something they weren't telling her

"Taking her mind off what things?"

L.B. put his hand on B.L's shoulder and sighed

"Welp sis it's a long sorted tale...Ya see...."

Cooter jumped in then he had been there right from the start

"Dixie came back hopin to find out if Luke still had feelin's for her. Well Lori has apparently liked Luke fer a long time and she decided ta play her hand. So in a nut shell Dix and Lori's been competin' for Luke's attention then Luke got arrested for a fight at the Boar's Nest with Earnie Ledbetter.*

At this point in the story B.L. interrupted Cooter

"That don't surprise me so how come Lori's in jail if it was Luke that was fighting?"

B.B. took over and told her......


B.B took over and told her,"Thats what we're trying to figure out now cousin, theys somethig they aint tellin us ,but we do have a hunch."

B.L tapped her foot,"Well?"

Cooter sighed,"Luke and Lori might have played their hand a bit too far catch my drift?"

B.L stoped dead her mouth dropped,"Cooter, yer kiddin me?"

Cooter:nope sure aint, and with all thats goin on Bobbie Lee decides to show up and thats gonna rile Lori more to the point were shes gonna murder someone."

B.L sorta laughed at the statement,"I could see her doing that."


Luke looked about as defeated as he felt right now. He sighed and replied, "Uncle Jesse it just happened. This is something I admit I didn't think through at all." He looked at Lori and gave her an appolgizing look, "I know that I've kicked myself for it a hundred times over. I know that hurts you to hear but I know you have done the same thing."

Jesse replied, "Luke do you realize just how many people's lives and friendships you have put on the line with that one nights actions?"

Luke knew that Jesse would lay the majority of the blame on his shoulders but it had took them both. "Yes, sir."

"I don't think you do. This thing will effect all of us not just you two and Dixie. Whom, I don't have to tell you is very hurt by this." Jesse explained.

Luke replied, "I heard her leave here. Where is she?"

Jesse explained, "Bo found her and brought her to the farm."

Luke was relieved to hear she was off the road and with 'family' 'Yeah', he thought, 'my family is her family too, da-- it!' "Will ya have Bo look at her tires before she leaves? She layed enough rubber out there to need new ones."

"Like you care?" Jesse asked.

Luke replied, "Yes, I do care. I came to that conclusion, " he paused, "as she was leaving."

Jesse asked him, "So she was here and you told her?"

Luke nodded 'no', "She was here. I didn't have to tell her." This was getting harder and harder and the hard part hadn't even been talked about, "Cooter came down, heard us 'discussing' the situation, threatened to kill me, was arrested, Lori showed up -- I guess to get him, I heard my name from Cooter, Dixie came down and took one look at me and KNEW." He said in one breath.

Enos was taking this all in.

Jesse asked Luke, "I can take it you were 'careful' at least?"

'Sh--!!!' Luke thought. He couldn't look Jesse in the eye, and right now he was wishing he could crawl under the floor that he was staring at.



B.L sorta laughed at the statement,"I could see her doing that."

Cooter replied, "Ah, yeah, .....me too that's what worries me!"

BL was persistant, "If Luke was in the fight, how did Lori get arrested??? "

LB replied, letting THE cat outta the bag, "He-- he ain't the only one, Sis! Cooter was arrested too!"

Cooter replied, "Thanks, cuz! Want to hang out the rest of my stained underwear too????"

LB looked kinda embarassed, "Sorry, Coot.!"

BL was LOVING THIS, "REALLY? What on Earth could YOU have done????" She WISHED she'd have driven faster! She had missed a lot this year!


Jesse asked, "Luke?"

Luke was still looking at the floor, but answered, "I'm AFRAID that you'll have to ask Lori THAT. I had quiet a bit to drink at the Boar's Nest BEFORE this all happened and was well on my way 'out' when Lori woke me up to leave...." he looked around, "Here. Once we were at the cabin, I found a bit to 'sip on' when I saw the sleeping bags still where I left them."

Jesse replied.........


At the Duke farm, Bo had got Daisy's attention, "Help me keep Dixie busy. Jesse went to talk to Luke. I'll explain later what's up, but Dixie knows Luke has done something that MAY cause problems for them."

Daisy replied, "That's kinda broad there, Bo, but I'll do what I can."


Meanwhile, Luther called Bobby Lee to tell him that he was a Davenport and was Welcome, though he explained that he must expect that everyone MAY not be glad to see him there."

Bobby Lee replied, "Hey, I know I'm THE Blacksheep and may not be welcomed with opened arms, but I want to be there this year. Hear there's gonna be a great turnout of Davenports that I haven't seen in years. Besides 'the boys' want to see everyone, so we'll be on our way in a bit. Tell Lori that I'll see her soon!"

Luther replied after hanging up the phone, "Oh, Boy!"



Lori got up from the bunk interuppting the conversation,"Luke you liar!!!"

She had her hands on her hips,"All of its true up until the point before the boars nest, course ya know bout the fight, but I bet Lukas here failed to tell ya HE was the one who drug me out of the Boar's Nest because he thought Ernie and Dixie fooled around, then he went outside found Ernie and started fighting AGAIN!!!, then thats were I went and broke him outta jail!!"

Uncle Jesse,"Well something must have went on in there then, Luke whu wouldnt you tell em that part??"

Luke hung his head," By the way Uncle Jesse ask show side stud over there if HE did use protection, I know he didn't!!! Might not believe me though!!!!!

Uncle Jesse hung his head," Luke, I thought I taught you and YOU Lori, better than that?, guess you dont have time to listen to an old fool like me."

Luke and Lori both................


The cousins looked to each other,"What?"

Luther hung his head,"Hes coming!!"

Cooter walked out of the garage and looked to the jail,"Whos gonna tell her?"


Luke and Lori both hung their heads shamefully it was true Jesse had taught them both better than not to use protection. Luke swallowed hard he knew it was more his fault than Lori's if he hadn't been drunk he wouldn't have done anything with her he now realized that after watching Dixie peel out the way she had earlier.

"I'm sorry Uncle Jesse" Luke apologized quietly

Uncle Jesse raised his head to look at the two young people behind the bars and shook his head sadly.

"Sorry ain't gonna change things Luke, it won't keep Lori from being with child and it won't mend Dixie's broken heart.


In the meantime back at the ranch Daisy had went to find Dixie and 'distract' her as best she could. Finding the other woman on the porch Daisy moved beside her and put an arm around her shoulders.

"Hey Dix let's pack a picnic get Beth and go swimmin' just us girls like we used to."

Dixie shook her head though she wasn't in the mood all she could think about was what she had heard in the jail.

"C'mon Honey it'll do ya good to get out for a while."

Dixie thought about it and said.............


Cooter walked out of the garage and looked at the jail "Who's gonna tell her?"

The other three Davenport cousins had followed him out and was following his gaze across at the jail none of them relishing the idea of telling Lori that Bobbie Lee was coming to the reunion she wasn't going to take it well most likely on top of everything else that had gone on.

"I'll tell her" BL piped up just a little too gleefully she was enjoying all this way too much and while she didn't like the way her Uncle Bobbie Lee had always treated Lori the fact was the two girls didn't always get along most of the time it was like oil and water between them.

L.B. stared at B.L. with a frown and finally said. "Sis you got a mean streak a mile wide."

"I'm not being mean" BL countered LB she then shrugged and said "Somebody's got to tell her and none of you three wants to do ya?"

Cooter shook his head he sure as heck didn't want to be the one to tell Lori and from the look on B.B.'s face he didn't either so that left Luther and BL to do the dirty work.........


LB was thinking of his three girl cousins. BL and Lori were the same age with Dixie a bit younger. It had been years since all three were together and with the way BL and Lori always got along and the fact that Dixie and Lori were at it already, he sure hoped he wasn't in real close by when they got together out side of that jail over there. The older boys and the Duke cousins had taught the girls how to protect themselves in case one of the guys wasn't around when they had trouble. Facts were the girls could fight -- and they found dirty, but they all three seemed to play dirty pool with each other, but all would tell you that that family was important to them. He guessed it may be better for them to like each other from a distance instead of all being together, especially for any lenght of time. Yes, BL had a mean streak a mile wide but she was also as onery as a stripped snake!

Cooter thought that Luther, him or BB should talk to Lori but he remembed the last time he was at the jail. "Look BL if you really want to tell her you can but go easy huh? I really can't go over there right now because if I get my hands on Luke I'll hurt him!" Cooter said letting another cat outta the bag. He was doing a good job of that lately. He knew that BL was going to be full of questions now.

She replied, "Yeah, Cooter, I talk to her. I haven't seen her in awhile and seeing her behind bars will be an added bonus!" She laughed. The, realized what Cooter had said, "Hurt Luke? What's up with that? He's your best friend!"


When Lori called Luke a liar, he saw the look Jesse gave him. He shot her a 'Thank You' look. As in Thank You for signing my death certificate. She should know, you don't ever lie to Jesse. He hadn't he had just started the story after the fight. But, just for that split second Jesse thought he had. Then, she went on to act like she was telling something, He paused in thought, about him using protection, he had just told Jesse to ask her. He thought he had at least 'attempted' to but knew he was drunk and wasn't sure if he failed to use it or just managed to not use it as safely as he had. All he needed her to do now was to tell Jesse she was likely pregnant. He'd already summized that she could be......Luke finally looked up to try to straighen things out so Jesse wouldn't think he was being lied to. Luke knew why she brought up the two fights at the Boar's Nest, "Uncle Jesse," he said softly, "Lori is right, but I didn't lie to you. With everything going on it had slipped my mind that Ernie and I had gotten into it inside the Boar's Nest. Yes, the fight was over Ernie letting me think that he and Dixie had done something. Maybe thinking that Dixie had been with Ernie played a part in what later happened between me and Lori." Now that he was really thinking back on it, maybe that had been in the back of his mind while they were at the cabin.

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