LoriDavenport Posted August 30, 2007 Author Report Posted August 30, 2007 Lori looked to Luke and smirked evilishy at him,"MY TURN NOW!"Luke hung his head.Lori looked to Bobbie Lee,"Well dad, it wasnt no moonshine thats fer sure, I broke Luke here outta jail and me and him got stranded and well......youve prolly heard all the rest aint ya?"Bobbie Lee looked to her,"No, I iant ya alright?"Dixie looked down as she saw the glare in Lori's eyes looking over her shoulder to Luke," Nope i believe im pregnant, congrats!! yer a grandparent!! and no ya cant set bail, we'll be out in a couple of weeks.Bobbie Lee looked to Luke,"He the father er something?"Lori looked to him and smirked again,"He sure is dad, and it was accidental too mind you, never meant fer ti to happen!"Dixie looked to Lori, how could she be soo crule to Luke like that?Lori looked at Dixie,"whats wrong cousin cat got yer toungue?"Dixie replied,"N...No Lori whats wrong with you?"Lori shook her head,"Tell ya the truth I dont know myself cousin."then Lori thought, h--- she still loved Luke, but she never admitted to it, she had to think up of something wuick to save him cause sure enough one of em would start on him. Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted August 30, 2007 Report Posted August 30, 2007 (Note: I am borrowing the character Konrad Duke thanks to his creator for the loan. I have altered their usual relationship with each other to fit this story.)BL opened her mouth to speak again getting another glare from Luther and LB but she didn't let that stop her and again she said this time loud enough for Lori and Luke both to hear. "Looks like me and Beth was the only ones to find a Duke man that could be loyal." She was speaking of her husband Konrad Duke which was Luke's cousin the same age as herself,Lori and Luke. He was also the brother of Daisy but had been raised in Atlanta by an aunt on their mother's side but had moved to Hazzard two years ago. Bo was already married to Beth and they lived with Daisy and Luke with Uncle Jesse so rather than to add another mouth to feed Konrad had come to the Davenport farm looking for room and board which he'd been given in the guestroom and that had lead to him and BL getting married about 6 months ago. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 30, 2007 Report Posted August 30, 2007 Dixie looked at BL and said, "What the ------- are you talking about?"At Dixie's out burst Enos ducked.BL started to reply.Dixie looked at Luke who nodded, 'yes'. "They were married in Choctaw about six months ago."Lori ................ Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted August 30, 2007 Report Posted August 30, 2007 BL looked back at them all waiting for some kind of reaction from the rest the only one who had said anything had been Dixie. The look on Dixie's face was one of hurt and shock she had meant for it to be a happy announcement but instead she'd blurted it out to hurt Lori mostly but in doing so she had hurt Dixie too. Lori was turning several shades of red again BL's little announcement had cut her to the quick. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have blurted that out like that." BL apologized.Luther was stunned for a split second then found his tongue forgetting about the situation with Luke and Lori for the moment he hugged BL tightly and kissed the top of her head. "Congratulations cupcake" he said using his pet name for her.Next thing she knew BB had her lifted up off the ground the same way he had when she arrived hugging her for all she was worth. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Author Report Posted August 31, 2007 Lori looked to BL,"OHHH YOU WAIT, YOULL PAY FER THAT COMMENT COUSIN!!!"Lori still had fire in her eyes and was getting upset and angry all over again.B.L just snorted and snickered. Lori looked to her feet,"Luke id like y shoes back please my feets ice cold!"Luke slowly got up and quckly placed the shoes on the other side dodging from her. Lori reached down and picked up her shoes slinging them towards BL!!! the entire Davenport clan spread out throught the jail sheriif Little not getting invovled. Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 BL dodged the first shoe but the second one caught her right square in the stomach, she was tough though and caught it like a football not even winded by the impact."HA HA ya gotta do better than that cousin." Luke had backed up against the wall in the corner when the other Davenports scattered the last thing he wanted was to be in the line of Lori's fire if she managed to get hold of BL.Lori glared at BL looking around for something else to throw at her spiteful cousin. Dixie looked at BL and stated calmly although she was anything but calm on the inside. "that was a low blow cuz." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 Luke knew he shouldn't have given her those blamed shoes back! Little didn't say a word about the Davenports scattering to keep from getting hit with the shoes, but he then said, "Ok, folks, we've had enough excitment for tonight."Bobbie Lee said, "Give me just a minute, Deputy. I'd like to find out this man's intentions towards my daughter if she is with child." Little replied, "It's Sheriff. But I'll give YOU about five minutes. The rest of you need to head out before I lock this one up too."Luke KNEW this conversation was coming his way! Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 BL once again shot off her mouth refusing to leave as Sheriff Little had requested she was on a roll."Ya never cared before why wouldja care now?" Bobbie Lee glanced at her and hung his head she was right. Then he looked at Luke and asked the question Luke dreaded most. "Luke what are your intentions toward Lori if there is a child?" Luke swallowed and looked Bobbie Lee in the eye what he was about to say was going to hurt Lori but it was a realization he'd come to when Dixie had peeled out earlier. "I will take care of the child but..." he gave Lori an apologetic look before continuing"....sorry Lor I love Dixie I have for a long time and always will I just lost sight of that when I thought she'd been with Ernie that night and I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing so went and did something stupid." Lori...... Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Author Report Posted August 31, 2007 Lori just stared at the floor ignoring Luke's comment,"HUH?" she said like she never even heard him,she did, but wasn't about to say nothing she looked to Dixie and back away,"Hes all yours cousin, have fun."Bobbie Lee saw how hurt Lori was she'd had that look on her when ehr mother passed."Lori, honey, ya aint alright now are ya? You had that same hurt look on ya like you had when yer mom passed, whenever you get out we can talk about it if ya like."Jeeter Jr. walked over to her, theyd always been soo close, "Yea sis, we can talk."Lori turned and for the first time she smiled a weak smile."Alright brother."she went and set on th ebed Dixie opened her mouth,"I aint got nothing I want to hear you say right nwo Dixie, sorry you couldnt have been the one to be screwed over,literally, in the cabin adn have his kid..sucks bein you dont it?"Luke hung his head, same as dixie. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 "Lori, you haven't heard me say I wanted him or his child since this whole mess started." Dixie said coldly to Lori but looked at Luke. She almost said something about finding Ernie to hurt Luke back, but he was too smart to think she'd go out with him again after he lied on her.Luther stepped, "Duke, she may have finally got some since where you're concerned. I tried to tell her when she was sixteen that you'd only hurt her."Luke said glumly, "And, I guess I finally did just that." How did he know she'd be 'difficult'? Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 Cooter nodded answer the question for his father but didn't say anything he just turned and went upstairs he couldn't stand there and look at Luke anymore or he'd do more than throw shoes at him. BB followed leaving LB to bring up the rear and get BL out of there before she got herself into big trouble."C'mon sis let's go" LB said tugging on BL's arm toward the stairs. BL however wasn't ready to go just yet she wrenched her arm free of LB's hold and said. "Yup you shore did Lucas, boy when you mess up you believe in going whole hog doncha?"Then she looked at Lori and delivered one final blow to her cousin "But then it take TWO to do what ya'll did I should know I'm happily married. And this little country girl know's how to rock her man's world." she smirked a little. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Author Report Posted August 31, 2007 Lori jumped up and smirked back,"Whatch yer back cousin, ole konrad better know how to protect ya cause when i get otu im gonna rock YOUR world!"B.L would be the first Lori would get as soon as she got out, then shed more than likely kill luke!Jeeter looked to his cousin and help LB pull he rup the steps her still ranting on and on. "DONT YOU KNOW HOW TO SHUT UP FER A CHANGE BL?!!"Lori hollered out as she rolled ehr eyes going back to her bunk and laying down. Sheriff Little looked at her, Lori saw him and shot him alook, Little quickly looked away. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 Dixie silently turned to walk out. If BL started with her it would be on. She did hear what Luke said but he was taking a lot for granted! A HE-- of a lot!! He just thinks he can get her cousin pregnant and she'll forget all about it. He had another thing coming, but wouldn't give Lori the pleasure of hearing them go at it.Sheriff Little was glad that everyone had left accept for Luther and and Bobbie Lee.Bobbie Lee said looking at Luke, "I know you don't I?"Luke replied, "Well, you should since my Uncle helped raise Lori.""Duke?" Bobbie Lee said, "Jesse Duke is your Uncle? Which boy are you?""Luke." he said."Well, if Jesse's your uncle I shouldn't have anything to worry about. I wasn't there for my daughter, but I won't take you hurting her." Bobbie Lee said.Luther had to add, "Well, Bobbie Lee you could be wrong there. He disrespected me when Dixie was sixteen.""Ya know no one in Hazzard has brought that up in YEARS! But, I've heard it one time too many in the last week! Luther you know Da-- well that I thought she was 18. And it wsn't like either one of you daughters weren't more than willing. That's what Lori and me was talking about prior to the incident. How she had wanted to be with me since we were younger but never made a move because of Dixie whom I THOUGHT might have went out with one heck of a jerk!" Luke finally let go. He'd had about as much as he was gonna take. It wasn't missed by Enos who nudged Sheriff Little. Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 Finally tired of pulling BL along LB and Jeeter had just simply picked her up one taking her legs the other her upper body carrying her from the courhouse still ranting. "LET GOA ME YOU TWO BEFORE I KNOCK YA BLOCKS OFF!!" They didn't put her down though just kept right on carrying her across the square back toward the garage. "Cool it BL you've caused enough trouble today." LB told her firmly holding tight.Sheriff Little glared at Enos he'd had just about enough of all this and if anyone of these trouble makers came in here again and started something he had half a mind to lock them up for disturbing the peace. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Author Report Posted August 31, 2007 Lori looked to her uncle, Luke was right. I t was brung up too many times ths past week and she was all because of it. Luther looked to Lori,"So you actually had FEELINGS for him??"Lori nooded,"yessir I do...I mean I did."Lori shook her head,"Me and Luke had talked about it and I knew exactly the consequences. Now there aitn no sense in no one going after him and trying to kill him, not even me...it wont help nothing and it sures to heck wont help poor ole luke none, now uncle luther, it does take two to....yea you know..... now uncle luther you aint bein fair to luke none what so ever, he may have been caught with Dixie but h--- uncle luther, looka tthis way she aint in the position im in now is she?"Luke looked to Lori,"I can han......."Lori looked to Luke,"SHut up fer a minute Luke, I know you can handle it, but its time i spoke my piece, it aint right luke my uncle treatin you that way when its all gosh d--- water under the bridge!!!"Luke shut up and looked to Luther,"Loren Crystal Davenport? what has gotten int you?" Luthe rasked.Lori shook he rhead,"Im tired of hearing this BS going on about Luke and Dixie its all over, said, and done!!! He loves ehr Uncle Luther!! you loved Cooter and Dixie's mother didnt you?!!!, cant you leave them two alone and let them be?!!!!"Luther hung his head and knew Lori was right, Luke couldnt believe what he was hearing, Bobbie Lee smiled and put his hand on Lori's shoulder, "Thats my girl, I know Uncle Jesse raised you right."Lori looked to Luther,"Now I want to see Uncle Jesse i want to have the same talk to him as well."Luke looked to her and.......... Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 Luke looked to her and said, "Lori it's not neccessary." He looked at Luther square in the eyes, "If people would mind their own business, I'm sure Lori and I can work something out here IF she is pregnant. This could all be for nothing." He could hope anyway, "If you would have et me marry Dixie years ago this wouldn't be happening now."Luther put his figure in Luke's face, "If you marry either of these girls and you betray them you'll answer to me."Luke took that. He nodded and said, "IF I ever get married it will be for keeps and I'll even hold you to your promise."Luther .........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cooter grabs LB, "We got to keep these girls separated when Lori gets out."LB said, "You have got that right!" Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Author Report Posted August 31, 2007 Lori shook her head,"Dont look fer em to marry no one, you think i like gettin ym heart broken all over again? i swear hwo much more can it possible break?"Lori looked down,"Fer the record Uncle Luther, if ya want me to, soon as i get outta this h--- hole, Ill go and live with you fer awhile, and probably fer good."Luke looked down and back to Lori,"lori dont start..."Loir turned her head,"I dont wanna hear ti Luke you already stopped me into leaving once before and I dont know why, you iant about to this time."Luther nodded and smiled,"Sure thing, soon as ya get out to keep ya'll from killing each other we'll leave."Lori smiled thanking god it was onyl a couple more weeks!Lori"by th way luke tell uncle jesse if i am pregant dont worry you dont have to help."Luke............ Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 Luther nodded he would indeed make good on that promise to LukeBack at the garage the 'boys' were keeping an eye on BL Jeeter and LB had deposited her in the chair at the desk LB giving her a look that dared her to move. B.B. had been appointed head body guard and he was sitting part way on the corner of the desk to make sure his younger cousin stayed put. Jeeter was leaning against the front of a car that was parked in the garage still processing everything that had been said over at the jail. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 Luke said to Lori, "If you'd hush a minute and listen to me you might get a better offer than you'd expect." Luther looked at Bobbie Lee, "I think we might want to go so she can find out his offer IF she'll listen. But, HOney mine is standing."Bobbie Lee nodded and both older Davenports made their way up the stairs.Little promptly locked the gate behind him as he followed them up the steps to lock the front door. Though all this 'drama' was interesting he'd had enough!Luke plopped down on his bunk and let out a sigh. He was relieved they were all gone. Now if Lori just give him a little peace. He knew it was far too much to ask for tonight. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Author Report Posted August 31, 2007 Lori watched them leave,"Yep and thats the offer I intend to keep to Uncle Luther." she hollered up there to him,she didnt want to hear nothing Luke had to say, she quietly climbed in the bed and laid down. Shed think of how tomorrow was gonna go another time right now all she wished was to be outta this place and gone. Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 Luke looked over at Lori when she layed down he had expected her to tear into him again once her family was gone. She wasn't going to it seemed so he put his arm over his eyes and closed them with a heavy sigh he wished this would all be over soon but it wouldn't be even close to over until they knew for sure whether Lori was pregnant or not. Luther and Bobbie lee strolled back over to the garage where the others were waiting BL still in the chair with BB standing guard. The others scattered around the garage in various places. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 Except for Dixie who had sat plopped down on a bumper outside in the darkness to think. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sheriff Little came back down stairs carrying four cups of coffee. Enos let him back in the gate. Little walked over to the bars, "Here Duke, thought this might help." Then said, "Miss, I've got one for you too, but if he wears it I primise you'll not be happy." This was by far the only kindness Sheriff Little had shown anyone ever while on duty. he handed the last cup to Enos. Luke gladly accepted the coffee, "Thanks Sheriff, ah, ..... Could I get some paper and a pen?"Lori ............... Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Author Report Posted August 31, 2007 Lori looked to Little,"No thank ya sir, better not or Luke'll be wearing it." Lori said with a smirk. Sheriff Little sat it on the tray in the cell. Luke kept his eye on it and didnt move,"So what was that offer you had Luke, im curious!"Luke looked to her and said...... Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Report Posted August 31, 2007 Luke looked to her and said, "I was going to say," He wished he could talk to Dixie about this before he said it and wished he knew if she really was pregnant, but here he went, "That if you are and wanted to stay at the farm I'll talk to Jesse. I'll leave if that would make you feel better and if you don't my help raising the child and you don't think I'll be there for it, then I'd raise him or her myself."Both Enos and Little couldn't help but hear that and both their eyes opened wide as Boss's dinner plates.Lori............ Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 31, 2007 Author Report Posted August 31, 2007 Lori droped to the floor,"WHAT??!!! Luke, I d love to you know that but..I..cant..itll hurt Dixie, hey reckon we can get her over here and talk to her?"Luke looked to Lori amazed that she had agreed but somewaht knew she would,"Well we can sure try."Lori looked to Sheriff Little and tried to bargain with him,"Sheriff, this is uhh a uhh family emergency I need to talk to my cousin Dixie if ya dotn mind, please itll only take a few minutes and there aint gonna be no drama, now dotnt makeme takemy shoes off again ro ill....."Sheriff Little rooled his eyes, he couldnt stand it when she did that he wasnt about to get her riled up, he dialed cooters garages number. Quote
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