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A Whiskey Runner's Romance

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Lori stopped to see Luke greet her,"Go ahead Luke, tell me, i know i already know that you don't love me because you don't want nothing serious, i understand Luke you don't have to tell me. You don't want a relationship the way I want one and that's alright with me, just please let me go and get me a beer or two to think things over, please?" Lori sad through teary eyes but no one could tell. She spoke with the kindest voice and softest eyes, as she shook her head and backed on out.

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Lori stopped, she pulled back in and hopped out lookin at Luke,"Luke, wait, i guess i ain't been to fair to no one, but i guess i would just go ahead and say what you was gonna say. But i could give ya a break every now and then, so im sorry and if ya got anything to say to me, ok i guess im ready to finally face the music.

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Lor swallowed really hard, the man she loved just broke her heart, she looked down her eyes squeezed shut, she quickly looked up and smiled, about to cry, but never did."Ok, I understand. i wish i could say the same Luke, but i can't. She hopped back in Midnight Rider and drove off, crying, she almosr ra into a tree but wasnt afraid none.after what luke had said she wasnt really all that ready to hear it but she had to get it over with. From there on out it was nothing but bitterness and meaness. ariving at the Boar's nest, it was all she could from crying in public. she couldnt help it she drank one right after another, until she just fell over, asleep.

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Bo jumped as he saw Luke slam his fist on the General's roof and stalk to his room. He knew what Lori's reaction had been and he shook his head. He went to their room and said to Luke.

"Luke...listen...don't bother with Lori alright...if she wants to act like a two year old an' run off cryin' because she can't have her own way then let her do it...if something happens to he outta her own stupidity because she can't handle rejection like a sensible adult then that's her problem....you couldn't keep stringing her along Luke..."

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Lori woke up in the boar's nest about an hour or two later looking around seeing were she was she had a headache from all the commotion. Lori got up staggered alittle and walked outside into the hot air, she felt a little sick but she could handle it. She got into Midnight Rider and headed on flying past the Duke farm getting a hurting feeling in her stomach. She shook her head thinking,"I told you Lori, you should've never told him, you knew what would happen, Don't listen to Bo ever again." she said with a little laugh,she figured that this would be the last time she'd ever talk to them again. Unless one of them came to Cooter's Garage, which was were she was heading. When she pulled in she walked over to Cooter, knowing, from the look on his face he knew what went on.Cooter looked at her and said,"I coulda told ya not to have told him. in a little sing-song voice.Lori shot him a look and said,"I need some work to do, may i assist you with your carwork."Cooter looked at her and said,"sure if you can do the job right."Lori rolled her eyes and went to work on a vehicle parked there. Cooter knew were she went to when the boys had arrived home but he wasn't about to say anything to her.

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Lori couldnt stand it anymore.She slammed the hood down and screamed and cussed. "God how stupid was I Cooter?!!!! I mean I knew about Candy i should be one to know whats its like to be ready to be married and then poof!!! "Lori wasn't mad at Luke she really wasn't or Bo. Cooter looked at her and said,"You were gonna get married? To who Lori you never..."Lori looked at him and said,"I've said too much... i gotta go." Lori headed out to go back to cooter's house, she hopped in Midnight Rider, and sped faster than she ever had before.She fishtailed it through curves and let it rip in straight stretches, she zipped past the dukes farm not even giving it a second glance. All she knew wqas she had enough of getting her heart broken. First she had gotten dropped by the man she loved the first time around for another woman, she was all ready to marry him, she swore to herself she wouldn't fall inlove anymore but it happened she fell inlove with Luke and now she can't fall out of love with him!! she hopped out of Midnight Rider and Jumped on the porch and just set down with her head in her hands. She thought to herself,"My heart can't possibly break anymore, when it wasn't even whole to start with."

Cooter was tempted to go and ask Luke if she had ever told him anything. but wasn't sure if he should or not. He knew that Luke would be as shook up as Lori. Cooter wanted to anyways. Cooter got on the CB and sent out a message to the boys,"breaker one, breaker one, i might be crazy but i aint dumb this heres crazzzzy cooter, Luke you got your ears on?" I need to ask you something, come back." "Luke if you get this meet me outside out at ya'lls farm i gotta talk to ya about Lori you may not be in no shape or form to talk but theres something she brung up to me and i need to know about it and im wondering if she told you before all this happened."

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cooter said,"alright daisy, i think it'd be best i talk to you anyways.. im on my way there meet me outside at ya'lls farm, im gone!"

cooter was speeding through curves and over hills when he finally arrived at the dukes farm."Hey Daisy, did Lori say anything about loving someone before Luke? Did she say anything at all to you about getting married, ya see she brung it to my attention at the garage and i was wondering if she had said anythng to you about it, she'd tell you before she would anyone else." "Quite frankly im worried about her myself... Not over Luke she seems to be handling that pretty well, its just the one before him.

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Lori, meanwhile was at the house sitting on the porch when she heard the phone ring,"Hello?, this is Lori, really?!! ok ill have to talk it over with my cousin first. thank you so much, good-bye!" "YEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWW!!!!," Lori let otu a rebel yell and jumped up and down... that was a talent scout who had observed her in the boar's nest one night, they had asked her to come to nashville to do a showcase. Lori flew out to Midnight Rider and sped down the road when she came across the Dukes farmhouse she saw Cooter there and Daisy she pulled in looking around for Luke and Bo, she knew they'd kill her if they saw her out there. She got out and walked over to Cooter and daisy. Howdy guys, uhhh just sos ya'll know i aint here to cause nothing just to say that,Cooter if you wont be too hurt with me, I'll be headin in to Nashville here in a couple of days, a talent scout called, they observed me at the boar's nest and had called to tell me they wanted me to do a showcase for them." Lori hung her head, she knew Luke was probably hurt worser she just wanted to know that they all would still be friends if she left for Nashville. She hoped in a way that Luke would walk out so she could talk to him and explain things and apologize.

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Lori smiled and gave Daisy a hug, Cooter put on a smile and said,"Well, do what ya gotta do."Lori with a tear in her eye said,"But i dont want to leave you all alone."Cooter exlamied he'd be fine. Lori shrugged and with a big sigh she looked at Daisy and said,"Yea, but I don't want to leave without telling Bo and Luke good-bye, but I know that they don't want to talk tome. I honeslty do understand that if Luke doesn't love me then its alright i'll manage i'm a big girl."

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Lori shook her head and a tear came to her eye,"I know daisy, i knew about Candy, if thats the direction you're headin in, Bo told me, i knew then that i shouldn't have told him but i had too, it hwelped me in the long run really, Daisy if at all anytime today Luke feels any better, please tell him and Bo both to go to Cooter's Garage, I'll hit two birds with one stone." that is if you don't care too. And if he doesn't feel like it tell him i really do understand and im not mad, im just glad to know that after i told him that he still liked me." Lori had a smile across her face and told Cooter to head on to the garage, she'd follow him.

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