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i was just wondering because this morning, i went to go get the guy who works for us for lunch, and on our way to the house, i fishtailed, in the John Deere Gator. now i know that Bo and Luke do that a lot, and i was just wondering if anybody else suffered from DDS Duke Driving Syndrome. when i took him back to the tractor, he asked me if i wanted to be a racecar driver when i grow up. i said maybe. i'll take anybodys thoughts on this

Catch ya on the flip flop:rofl:


Well, you said you'll take anybody's thoughts so here's mine...."BE CAREFUL". The Dukes is such a fun show to love that's it's easy to pretend that you're really in Hazzard County. I know I used to struggle with "DDS" but speaking as an old ridge runner who has seen too many good folks die in accidents, I can tell you that you really need to know what you're doing and even then, there are no gaurantees. My best friend (who was also my cousin) was killed in 1979, coincidently right after the show first came out. Thank God, his accident wasn't influenced by television or movies but things like that can happen. Imagine Bo dying in an accident and how much Luke would hurt the rest of his life. Since you're young, you would hurt lots of people forever if you don't play it smart. If any of you other Hazzardites are home on this Hazzardnet, please join me in encouraging this youngster to play it safe. I'm gone.


thanks for the thoughts. you are so right about playin' it safe like that. my brother's friend had a 4 wheeler accident a long time ago, and from what i heard, it wasn't all that good. he turned out alright. that would be so sad if Bo died. :(: poor Lukas. anyway. i guess i was just lucky.


Sometime ago i put a post on my blog about this argument.

Well, the Dukes a little influenced my driving style, but not so much to be... "crazy": I'm always trying to be carefull


well whenever im in town and i see the cops in there ive always got this feeling that fer sum reason or another that there gonna pull us over, and sadly i aint old enough to drive but whenever i see the cops i tell dad to speed up and run from them... that could be a bad thing. i hope i dont have DDS when ever i drive, cuz if i do, whatch out hazard theres a new Bo and Luke in town lol.


i definitaly suffer from DDS. my dad calls me Bo even though im a girl. but i've had it since i was little.lol before i even knew the Dukes existed.i guess it's in my blood. u should see some pictures of what my grandpa did to cars when he was younger.lol. i can't drive yet but i drive go-karts and golf carts and im always crashing my bike. i've crashed 3 times so far this summer.lol but i've been lucky that i've never done anything serious. my aunt was in an accident when she was younger and she still wakes up screaming. im careful though. im also lucky that our sheriff is a cross between Roscoe and Barney Fife.lol. me and my friends have had to out run him on our bikes before.=P my dad calls me Bo even though im a girl.


me and my cuzin together, now theres the dukes lol!!i do suffer from DDS whenever im with them, its like my mom says, im luke, my cuzin david is Bo, and my cuzin amanda is Daisy, we out ran the cops and hid out one time on a fourwheeler, my cuzin was drivin i was in behind him, i told him to speed it up and go up the side of a mountain and hide out lol.


My name is MaryAnne and I suffer from DDS. Khee!

I'll admit, I like to drive fast. LOL. Not really really fast, (tho' highway driving is fun. Khee!) but I ain't one of those ten mile below the limit people. My brother always says "hang on cousin" when I go through a turn just a wee bit too fast. LOL.

Actually, watching the Dukes I think made me hone my driving skills a little better tho'. I don't set out to drive recklessly. Bo and Luke didn't just one day become really good drivers, they learned and developed their skills over time. Although I know well enough that you can't jump a car like they did on the show and still drive around normally, I know that in order to drive like the Dukes you have to respect the vehicle you're driving, pay attention to it, know what it's capable and not capable of and of course, be paying attention to traffic. When I drive I'm completely in a "zone" because I'm watching traffic ahead of me, behind me, beside me. The important thing is to be safe because you never know what other people are doing on the road. (Yapping on a cell phone, putting on make up, eating, painting their toenails, getting dressed, drinking coffee, writing a report, shaving, fixing their hair....and often this is all at once.)

If you have the urge to spin your wheels a bit, find a big empty parking lot first. LOL

And if the cops are chasing you, please pull over. More than likely that ain't Rosco back there. LOL


well I always carefully drive because of watch Nascar and dukes's drive.. but I pretty good drive no police trouble since... and we have some few roundbounds near my home on north and south Ridgeview... be carefully turn without stop and watch out for others cars coming ... I pretty good drive turn it.. on slowing with no stop.. :)

  • 5 months later...

Now i have about one year and a half my license. When I had it, i didn't watch The Dukes of Hazzard yet. But last year it all started. I wasn't that scared anymore in my car. Six months ago i bought my own car and i was scared again, it was just like the first day i rode in my car, but i immediately thought of the Dukes and it all changed. I like to drive really fast now. It's really a lot of fun.


It may be a lot of fun but it is dangerous too.....they had stunt drivers that drove that fast for them, you dont. Theres only one you and you cant replace that. Be careful driving fast, not only will you get ole Rosco or Enos on ya tail but you can easily wrap it around a tree too.



Good advice Lori. My best friend (who was also my cousin) was killed one mile from my house in August of 1979. He was driving too fast. I just called my aunt (his mom) a couple weeks ago, like I do on his birthday every year. The sharp pain of something like that goes away eventually but the dull, nagging pain never leaves. It will effect all of us for the rest of our lives. The accident was so violent that he never suffered but all of us must learn from things like that to keep our loved ones from having to suffer. R.I.P. Bobby. I miss you.


My cousin was killed on prom night for driving fast. Yes Roger, the pain eventually dies down some, but it still drags on in your heart.. Im afraid of water because of my uncle, he drowned. So I dont know how to swim and I wont learn. I know I totally got off track on this lol sorry ya'll...but please just be careful.


Lori, I just wanted to add that I think it's great that you responded to Amelia like you did. Too many times in today's society people are afraid to get involved. Of course we all love watching the folks of Hazzard drive fast but reality is another story. Instead of looking the other way, you took a risk and give a fellow Hazzardite some good advice because you care. Uncle Jesse would be proud.


Hey, ya'll!

Well, I'll admit my faults. When it comes to driving on the road (with a car of course), I'm a cautious little grannie. :lol: But, if I'm using my four-wheeler out in the field, in the middle of no where, I tend to accelerate. So, yes, the Dukes affect my driving in a field. Plus, my four wheeler has an orange color to it, so I like to pretend I'm driving the General, I even try to imitate the Dixie horn on the General! :) But, I guess driving about 20-25 miles on a four wheeler isn't that fast, but I sure do have a good time, and I think it's fast-for me at least!:)

I do agree that ya'll should be cautious driving on a road with a car, that's a whole different story. Does everyone see why I call RogerDuke Uncle Jesse? He always keeps everyone in line just like Uncle Jesse. :)

I was SO, SO sorry to hear about your cousins, Roger and LoriDavenport-I was so upset to hear that. I felt like I just lost a very close member, too. Knowing how great you too are, they must have been two wonderful, kind people. I hope that, even though it's been a while, I hope that both of you are handling this tragic loss alright. Hang in there! And don't be afraid to lean on others you love.

Laura Duke


Hey Y'all!

Wow! There are a lot of posts here, with a lot of different opinions.

As for mine... I am a country person, my neighbor is a (probably third generation!) farmer, so I have been driving for a long Time. So after haying one time, he let my drive his truck! A manual, that was fun! Whether it be the four wheeler, the BroncoXLT(my baby!) the Blazer(my other Baby), my neighbors truck(the Blue Bomber!) or the mowers, I have been driving a while. So, when I am driving in the hay fields, I will admit, I tend to drive like a Duke, or Davenport. Fortunately, I don't (yet) drive like Rosco or Enos!

I don't think I was as fast of a driver before I saw the Dukes. Now, with the fourwheeler(Suzie) I tend to find a nice clear spot, usually in the driveway, because we have a big driveway, and do donuts! But, a car in traffic is much, much different. I like to think that I am a cautious, but not overly-cautious driver.

Switching gears, here... About your cousins, Lori and Roger. I am sorry. I am sure that it must be hard to live with the memory of that. Esspecially if you saw it happen. Roger, that is very thoughtful of you to call your aunt every year on Bobby's birthday. I believe it that the pain stays, it only lessens as time goes on. I have never lost anyone in an accident like that. I am glad that the pain has lessened. You are both very strong people to be able to pick up your life, and move on, but not forget.

I feel like I lost a close friend. You are both great people, and I would like you to know that if there is anything you ever need to talk about, I, and I am sure Laura, and a lot of the fellow Hazzardites, are in your corner. I hope that during the "rough spots" of the whole tragic situation, you had some one you could lean on for support and some one to just listen. I agree with what Laura said, that knowin' you both, your cousins must have been two great people. I am honored that you feel like you could talk about it with us all. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I apreciate it very much. I wish you both well.

Yes, Laura I see why Roger is called Uncle Jesse. I know on occasion I need people to keep me in line! Thank you Roger! So, if Roger is Uncle Jesse, does that make Lori Luke? Seein' as how the aviators match!

General Grant


General Grant, you are NOT the only person to call me Luke!!! they always tell me I have the smarts and brains like Luke...specially at school, I can make some of the things I say soooo believable...just Like Luke would hehehe..and as for Roger being Uncle Jesse....to be honest, on here hes like Uncle Jesse to me, and Im sure he is to many other Hazzardites too!! so Im Luke and Roger is Uncle Jesse!! woot! lol

p.s. got a new nickname in school....possum...LOL

  • 3 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Definately, I've taken my lil Ford Aspire(assfire) and slid it around corners on dirt roads, or sliding into my drive-way... its not really a spin the tires type of car but it can slide around and I definately attribute that to my watching the Dukes since I was a lil kid. Plus my dad drives like that all the time


Hey Y'all!

Lori- why on earth do people call you possum?! Are you always saying Possum on a gumbush, or something? It sounds like you must have a good time at school!

Anyway, this is a fun thread, and thank you to whoever started it!

General Grant

  • 2 years later...

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