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Well, I reckon that about covers the bets, though anybody is free to get in on them at any time. Meanwhile, Alex the Underwear Dog and I have a matter of honor to settle. Defend yerself, Lassie.

Underwear? Ok, I don't wanna know... especially about the speed of lightning and definitely not about the roar of thunder.

Well, I reckon that about covers the bets, though anybody is free to get in on them at any time. Meanwhile, Alex the Underwear Dog and I have a matter of honor to settle. Defend yerself, Lassie.

Lassie? Is that all you got there Rin-Tin-Tin? Defend myself against what?

Against this! *lunges forward, grabs Alex in a headlock, and soundly bites him across the bridge of the nose* Grrrrrr!

*Gasps at the headlock then cries out to the bite on the nose...grabs the arm around the neck then elbows Brian in the side, when he releases the bite, turns and bites Brian on the side of the neck right near the shoulder*

*Gasps at the headlock then cries out to the bite on the nose...grabs the arm around the neck then elbows Brian in the side, when he releases the bite, turns and bites Brian on the side of the neck right near the shoulder*

OW! *yelps at the bite, then hooks a boot behind Alex's leg and sweeps it out from under him, causing both combatants to fall back and hit the ground. With the fall causing the release of the bite, issues a return chomp to Alex, this time getting ahold of an ear* GRRRRRRR!!

*sits down next to Mufn with own bag of popcorn, watchin' the fight* Ooo! That's gotta hurt! :popcorn:

*lightly elbows MaryAnne to get her attention*

Ain't you glad we don't get ourselves into situations like this? *pauses a minute* At least, not with any regularity...

OW! *yelps at the bite, then hooks a boot behind Alex's leg and sweeps it out from under him, causing both combatants to fall back and hit the ground. With the fall causing the release of the bite, issues a return chomp to Alex, this time getting ahold of an ear* GRRRRRRR!!

I've heard of Puss in Boots, but not Dog in Boots.

OW! *yelps at the bite, then hooks a boot behind Alex's leg and sweeps it out from under him, causing both combatants to fall back and hit the ground. With the fall causing the release of the bite, issues a return chomp to Alex, this time getting ahold of an ear* GRRRRRRR!!

*the leg gets kicked out,both man falling backwards, releasing the bite, crying out as the ear is the next thing bitten...gritting teeth...reaching with the hand, fingers pinching Brian's nose...after a moment's lack of air, the bite is released, the blond man turning head and grabbing onto Brian's ear with teeth...making a growling noise*

*Sits down beside muffn and Maryanne watching the festivities*

*Hands some sodas over to MaryAnne and BL to enjoy.*

:soda: :soda:

So far it looks like an even match, tho' things could change pretty quickly.

*lightly elbows MaryAnne to get her attention*

Ain't you glad we don't get ourselves into situations like this? *pauses a minute* At least, not with any regularity...

Amen! ;)

*the leg gets kicked out,both man falling backwards, releasing the bite, crying out as the ear is the next thing bitten...gritting teeth...reaching with the hand, fingers pinching Brian's nose...after a moment's lack of air, the bite is released, the blond man turning head and grabbing onto Brian's ear with teeth...making a growling noise*

GAAAHH!! I don't need no ear piercin'! And quit breathin' in it, thank ya very much! *reaches over and puts entire hand over Alex's face, shoving him away, which causes the teeth to scrape over ear a bit painfully* @#$%&!!! Awright, Snoopy, how ya like this one? *grabs one of Alex's arms, pushes up the sleeve, and helps self to a hearty bite of one forearm, grabbing it with teeth and giving it a shake* GRR-RRR-RRRGH!

GAAAHH!! I don't need no ear piercin'! And quit breathin' in it, thank ya very much! *reaches over and puts entire hand over Alex's face, shoving him away, which causes the teeth to scrape over ear a bit painfully* @#$%&!!! Awright, Snoopy, how ya like this one? *grabs one of Alex's arms, pushes up the sleeve, and helps self to a hearty bite of one forearm, grabbing it with teeth and giving it a shake* GRR-RRR-RRRGH!

*regains balance after being shoved, reaching up to rub the ear and the bridge of the nose* Snoopy? If Im Snoopy youre MarmaDuke! *barely gets the word out when the sleeve is tugged up and the Coltrane teeth sink into an arm..* Ow! Damn it!! *cries out as the arm gets shaken, the whole body jostling with the motion..gritting teeth* oh yeah? Well two can play at that game...*cranes neck seeing the open part of the black jacket and tugs a lapel back with only free hand spotting the upper arm as its exposed and sinks teeth into it, blond head moving back and forth...*

EEEYAAAAGH!! *ceases own assault and puts full attention on dislodging Alex from own hide* Awright, time out! *whistles loudly, making a "T" sign with hands*

*sighs as the bite is released then releases hold on the Coltrane arm...taking a moment to rub at own bitten arm....*

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