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I heard that Tom suffered a black eye in the first reunion movie they tried to cover it up by putting make-up on but if look close at the last scene when him and john are standing in front of the bus you can see it . And they also tried to hide it by making him stand sideways in that scene when Rosco is confessing his crime to mama jo ". I also heard from john himself that Tom is accident prone he has fallen down in his own bathtub at his apartment.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah! And also in one of the seasons, 3 I think it is because its on that commentary. If You look, Tom has a scar on his head that wasn't there before. That's where he crashed his little Ford thingy down the side of an embankment and walked to work. lmao

  • 6 months later...
Yeah! And also in one of the seasons, 3 I think it is because its on that commentary. If You look, Tom has a scar on his head that wasn't there before. That's where he crashed his little Ford thingy down the side of an embankment and walked to work. lmao

little ford thingy huh BoJames? LOL!!! yea I heard bout him being accidnet prone and in one of the episodes he had a black eye, I believe it was in In this Corner, Luke Duke..it was!! I think he actually got hit?


Ah yeah but that wasn't no accident really, Tom was really getting wailed on by that boxer. He said he had a headache for three weeks afterwards...poor guy. In another episode, Tom has a cold bless his heart lol


Bein a Duke is tough work...John still has a scar on his chest from when he wrestled that alligator on the show... and I remember John saying that at one time Tom went to slide in through the window as always and the lock mechanism wasn't sanded down properly or something....It cut open his back. OUCH!!! Poor Tom... he does seem to be the most accident prone of the two... bless his heart


That reminds me of the Murphy's Law thing they did once. Does anyone remember how it went? For some reason I'm thinking it's from the first season. Waylon named several people and their laws vetoing other laws etc. Hmmm....a little help here....who remembers that? I'm gone.


I believe there was amentioning of that in 'Repo Men,' but i'm not sure if it was that ep or not. I believe Murphy's law is if something can go wrong, it will.

There was another scene in an ep where Bo and Luke are talking and neither of them know who Murphy of Murphy's law was. I can't remember exactly how it went, but it was on of their more nieve moments in my own opinion. It was a cute scene.


I remember them talking about Murphy and think Bo ask if he a Nascar Driver.

In whinch Luke replies he must be

I also remember there be a law called Enos law in whinch states when dukes are trouble Enos usually show up which then has to be cancled by daisy law.

at least I think that how it went. Been while since Seen the episode with it in it.


Yeah, that epiosde conversation goes like this.

Luke: If anything can go wrong you can be double damn sure it will...that's murphy's law...

Bo: This guy Murphy...was he a race car driver?

Luke: Must be.,..everyone talks about him...

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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