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  • 1 year later...

I'd started this thread a couple years ago with the classic "White Trash Christmas" cartoon. ( The link still works, btw.)

Recently I was digging around for more holiday shenanigans, and found more offensive humor for the season. Here we see the dark side of Rudolph and his dentally-demented elf buddy, Hermie, as they rise in the ranks of the North Pole's criminal underworld....


  • 1 year later...
I'd started this thread a couple years ago with the classic "White Trash Christmas" cartoon. ( The link still works, btw.)

Recently I was digging around for more holiday shenanigans, and found more offensive humor for the season. Here we see the dark side of Rudolph and his dentally-demented elf buddy, Hermie, as they rise in the ranks of the North Pole's criminal underworld....


That was just... disturbing. LOL.

Here's a classic, eh.


I'd started this thread a couple years ago with the classic "White Trash Christmas" cartoon. ( The link still works, btw.)

Recently I was digging around for more holiday shenanigans, and found more offensive humor for the season. Here we see the dark side of Rudolph and his dentally-demented elf buddy, Hermie, as they rise in the ranks of the North Pole's criminal underworld....


Oh man that was awesome! Don Rudolph... *laughs*


Heh, I enjoyed Mufn's Bob & Doug find. Gotta hand it to Canadians, they drink almost as much as people from -

Well anyhow! It's time for even more Christmas shenanigans. I was gonna post this over on another thread, but then I decided to park it here and keep all my worst stuff all in the same neck of the woods.

Here we have a Letter From Santa. Folks, he's havin' a tough time this year....

I'm writing this note to warn you

That the recession has taken away

The things that I find most essential

My reindeer, my workshop, my sleigh.

I now make my rounds on a donkey

He's old and he's stubborn and slow -

So if you don't see me this Christmas,

I'll be out on my ass in the snow.


Bahaha! Mufn, those were a hoot. Awright, since we've gone this far, we might as well throw in Jeff Foxworty's 12 days o' Christmas!

I watched that earlier today and then Alex IM'd it to me! LOL.

Fiiiiiiive flannel shirts.

  • 2 weeks later...

I spewed my coffee on the Rudolph and Hermie one. I love Jeff Foxworthy and Jeff Dunham. I bought one of his DVD's for my husband for Christmas. I do have to admit though......

Growing up, the whole town would tour the local trailer park on Christmas Eve to view the Christmas lights.

  • 1 year later...

Brian's original link now appears to be dead, but going by the description, I'm guessing that it's this:

Here's some new ones:

Weird Al Yankovic - Christmas At Ground Zero

Please note: this song is from 1986, so has nothing to do with 9/11.

The video for this version is a simple slide show, but the image used at 0:26 convinced me to use this one over the others :).

Brian's original link now appears to be dead, but going by the description, I'm guessing that it's this:

Here's some new ones:

Weird Al Yankovic - Christmas At Ground Zero

Please note: this song is from 1986, so has nothing to do with 9/11.

The video for this version is a simple slide show, but the image used at 0:26 convinced me to use this one over the others :).

Dude. You have proven yourself as truly naughty for digging up "White Trash Christmas" and these other items of questionable holiday merit.

If fact, you're at the top of my naughty list! If somebody else doesn't prove themselves naughtier than you between now and Christmas, you will receive a special dishonorable mention in our Newsletter, and a suitable token of my esteem.


This isn't a white trash video, but it is a Christmas video that amused me. Ever wondered what the Christmas story would be like with modern technology?:

It must be Christmas - I saw our local cops (or 'gardai' to give them their proper name) selling donuts today (it was for charity).

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