Sway Duke Posted August 2, 2004 Posted August 2, 2004 After a call to Cooter's Place, and some research, I will go ahead and confirm to all of you that the Confederate Flag will not, I repeat WILL NOT be on the 68/69 Dodge Charger. It will have the 01, and the General Lee name, but NO flag. How yall like them apples? Kinda tart ain't they? Leaves a bad taste in my mouth to be quite honest. Political Correctness can kiss my Rebel Arse. I will be avidly PROTESTING this movie in my area. Quote
travelerF150 Posted August 2, 2004 Posted August 2, 2004 That's odd cause just a week ago on the Speed channel they showed W.B.'s concept for the car and it was exactly the same except it had 18 inch chrome rims and a crome bumper guard. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted August 3, 2004 Posted August 3, 2004 Sway/Cameron Morrison, Who exactly was it that you spoke to at Cooter’s Place that gave you the information? What websites did you go to for research? Thank you, Daney Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted August 3, 2004 Posted August 3, 2004 I saw the same thing on Speed too....Still not sure on the chrome though..... Quote
Dee Duke Posted August 7, 2004 Posted August 7, 2004 I think people need to get over the rebel flag or atleast just for this movie. If the General Lee doesn't have the flag on the roof, then why even call it the General Lee. Wouldn't people get made that's it call the General Lee since it was fought for the South. So it's now just a charger with 01 on it, that's not the Lee if it doesn't have the flag. What's the deal with the crome? If they make it a Next Generation Dukes I.......... will still see it but I won't be happy Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted August 7, 2004 Posted August 7, 2004 Welcome to Hazzaed(net) Dee....I think the General Lee is as much part of the Dukes and America. It is a car that almost everyone knows about, eeven if they never saw the show, they know where it was from. Hollywood can do anything they want. BUT to take the flag off the car , in my opinion only, will make people , like me, think twice about the movie in that we all know what the car should look like. The General Lee is as much a star of that show as the actors. Look at the movie Starsky & Hutch, they used the same car from the TV show, because people are familiar with the car. The flag needs to be there. Either way , the studio will do what it wants..Darrell Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted August 9, 2004 Posted August 9, 2004 Here's some logic that I hope Hollywood thinks about.A few months ago, the General Lee was named as the top "car star" of all time. It ranked higher than the Batmobile, higher than anything else that came before or after it. Yep, the General Lee is clearly the most popular TV car on the planet. And that's with the flag on the roof. Gee, it can't be offending THAT MANY PEOPLE!! Plus, Ertl makes toy models of this car. With the flag. Has for years. They sell a lot of them. I think any offense factor of the rebel flag, lies within who is carrying it. Not the flag itself. O' course, this is my own simplistic view, and my own personal opinion. Ironically, while Hollywood might be overly concerned about any possible offense created by this flag painted on a car....they're crankin' out movies with tons of swearing, sex, drug references, and graphic violence. Anything goes in a movie, so long as you don't have THAT flag on a car. Eeeek. Better unplug that Dixie horn, too. And just for safety's sake, let's relocate Hazzard to New York state. The Dukes of Albany. Awright, I'd better shaddap. Brian Quote
Sway Duke Posted August 9, 2004 Author Posted August 9, 2004 Here's some logic that I hope Hollywood thinks about.A few months ago, the General Lee was named as the top "car star" of all time. It ranked higher than the Batmobile, higher than anything else that came before or after it. Yep, the General Lee is clearly the most popular TV car on the planet. And that's with the flag on the roof. Gee, it can't be offending THAT MANY PEOPLE!! Plus, Ertl makes toy models of this car. With the flag. Has for years. They sell a lot of them. I think any offense factor of the rebel flag, lies within who is carrying it. Not the flag itself. O' course, this is my own simplistic view, and my own personal opinion. Ironically, while Hollywood might be overly concerned about any possible offense created by this flag painted on a car....they're crankin' out movies with tons of swearing, sex, drug references, and graphic violence. Anything goes in a movie, so long as you don't have THAT flag on a car. Eeeek. Better unplug that Dixie horn, too. And just for safety's sake, let's relocate Hazzard to New York state. The Dukes of Albany. Awright, I'd better shaddap. BrianNow that yall, is a good rant. You make me proud Brian. Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted August 9, 2004 Posted August 9, 2004 Brian....That was a mighty good read...Very ,very good.... Quote
Meadowmufn Posted August 10, 2004 Posted August 10, 2004 Since the folks makin' the movie are givin' time to the political correctness police, shouldn't they have to give equal time to those who can explain why it's not right to have the General Lee without that flag?It's like a peacock without its feathers.It's like a hotdog without the bun.It's like Wisconsin WITHOUT CHEESE (or brats, or beer)!It's like Snap, without Crackle and Pop.It's like Yin without Yang.It just doesn't work.Perhaps they should give Bri 5 minutes at the beginning of the movie to rant. =) Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted August 10, 2004 Posted August 10, 2004 Meadowmufn....Again that is too good...If the car is so recognizable all over the world, then why mess with it at all? I know it is not as good a point as what Brian an Meadowmufn wrote, but I tried....Darrell Quote
inga Posted August 10, 2004 Posted August 10, 2004 Wow, Brian, that is terrific logic in favor of the flag! Great post. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted August 11, 2004 Posted August 11, 2004 Thank ya, everyone. It ain't often I'm known for logic, but this issue just strikes a chord with me.I think WB needs to take a good, long look at all the Dukes merchandise that's been cranked out for the past two decades r'' so. Does that dreaded rebel flag appear on anything? *gasp* Yeah, the flag appears on damn near everything. Especially seein' as how it was on the car all these years. Man, bet that flag bein' on so much stuff hurt merchandise sales. NOT!! Take a deep look into the cash register, Warner Bros. How much have you made from this car? ERTL went so far as to make the rebel flag part of it's packaging on the 1:18 scale die casts, the 1:24 scale die casts, and the 3-car "hot pursuit set." Oh, and that promo picture on the front of the Dukes DVD...eeek, we can still tell that's a rebel flag Daisy is laying on!! Oh man, nobody will buy it if THIS gets out. Riiiight.The same promo shot appears on the Columbia House VHS releases of the Dukes series. ( back cover, upper left.) Darned if the rebel flag ain't part of the old Dukes CD cover, too. Goodness, how'd that happen.Maybe because ya'll been marketin' the hell out of it for damn near 25 YEARS?! And now this flag is a problem? Can't have it in the video game? Can't have it in the movie? Taking the flag off the General's roof now, is nothing more than a hollow gesture of political correctness, to a radical wing that is gonna find somethin' to protest no matter what the hell ya do. ( Next thing ya know, a Southern accent is gonna be illegal, and then what? Ah'll be in big trouble, ya'll. )Warner Bros, if you deface the General Lee, and strip the car of the very emblem that it's namesake fought for....ya'll are the biggest, most complete bunch of hypocrites that ever walked this earth. Do you want to make a real gesture to whatever groups are offended by the flag on the car? Then why don't you donate just a little bit of that merchandising fortune to a charitable cause of the self-same groups? College fund, political hope chest, whatever. THAT would be a gesture! Warner Bros, you ain't gonna please anybody with this one. How about you decide in favor of the fans who have consistently forked out big bucks for your products? Why don't you try, just for the sake o' novelty, to do somethin' that would make the fans of the show happy? The hell with everybody else.We're the ones buyin' the tickets...the toys...the CD's...the posters. Be honest, the folks who nevah dug the show nevah will. Those offended by the show or anythin' in it, always will be offended. Those of us that love the show...always will. Be good to us.Brian Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted August 11, 2004 Posted August 11, 2004 Brian I don't think anyone coulda said it better than that...Any chance you want to send it in to WB or whoever is making the movie? I wish those people would read the forums and such to see how the fans feel about it. Maybe in the shortterm they are trying to please the politically correct public, BUT in the long run ,maybe, merchandising and marketing might fall short . I think if the studio will try to capitlize on the merchandising, after al this is the DOH, a great number of fans will be turned off. The fans know what the car should look like and to see something that is different with the DOH name on it will not sell well , in my opinion. Take for example the movie Godzilla . All the hype and secrecy about what Godzilla looked liked til the movie came out..Godzilla was different than waht everyone grew up with. The movie was a bomb. All the toys and figures did not sell well at all. That was Hollywood trying to reinvent the wheel, thinking they could make a better product. Well guess hwar , Hollywood was wrong. I know the Godzilla part might be extreme , but I feel if they change something we(well most of us are)are familiar with then it might be a bit of a let down..Darrell Quote
RebellWolfUT Posted August 12, 2004 Posted August 12, 2004 Somehow I hear a charge for The Hazzard Knytes to get involved here. I agree, the General Lee and all Hazzard type rides should display the Confederate Flag. While the symbol does reflect the KKK and other type things it is not that in this case. Calling all Duke fans, we should all write whomever is behind the idea of not using the flag on top of ye ole General, and say put it back on. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 Let's step back a bit.The flag does NOT represent the KKK. Tho' various hate groups have used it. Worth noting that the same hate groups also fly the US flag at their functions and consider themselves the ultimate patriots. ( When in actuality, they're the ultimate idiots.) The rebel flag began as the standard of the Army of Nothern Virginia. It was, and is, purely a "battle" flag, when you boil everything down. (The national flag of the Confederate States of America was an unremarkable blue bedsheet. ) Anyhow, other Confederate units began incorporating the battle standard into their own colors, and the Confederate states added it within their own flags. The brightness of the rebel flag and it's simple design made it highly visible on the battlefield; it was for this reason, perhaps, that it became the herald of the Confederate army.Movin' back up to modern times...about three years ago, the state of GA removed the rebel colors from their state flag, after being put under political pressure and economic threat by special interest groups. Meanwhile, other southern states continue to have their same state flags -with the bit o' rebel intact - as they did since the 1860's. And here we are today, still fightin' over the flag. Does it represent heritage, or hate? Courage, or treason? The fact that it represents battle, and therefore conflict, cannot be denied. Southern troops were oft barefoot, under-supplied, and half-starved. This flag was all they had when Union guns were blazing. The rebel flag represented the fighting spirit of the common solider; it was the embodiment of his will to live against overwhelming odds; it was his oath of loyalty to his home state; it was his pledge to protect the soil that sustained his family.Given the motives of the average Confederate soldier - namely, to survive and to protect his home - this flag should be remembered. To remove all traces of it, is to deny the events of history; more, it only serves to reinforce the distortions of the groups who have wronged it in their use. Brian Quote
Sway Duke Posted August 13, 2004 Author Posted August 13, 2004 Let's step back a bit.The flag does NOT represent the KKK. Tho' various hate groups have used it. Worth noting that the same hate groups also fly the US flag at their functions and consider themselves the ultimate patriots. ( When in actuality, they're the ultimate idiots.) The rebel flag began as the standard of the Army of Nothern Virginia. It was, and is, purely a "battle" flag, when you boil everything down. (The national flag of the Confederate States of America was an unremarkable blue bedsheet. ) Anyhow, other Confederate units began incorporating the battle standard into their own colors, and the Confederate states added it within their own flags. The brightness of the rebel flag and it's simple design made it highly visible on the battlefield; it was for this reason, perhaps, that it became the herald of the Confederate army.Movin' back up to modern times...about three years ago, the state of GA removed the rebel colors from their state flag, after being put under political pressure and economic threat by special interest groups. Meanwhile, other southern states continue to have their same state flags -with the bit o' rebel intact - as they did since the 1860's. And here we are today, still fightin' over the flag. Does it represent heritage, or hate? Courage, or treason? The fact that it represents battle, and therefore conflict, cannot be denied. Southern troops were oft barefoot, under-supplied, and half-starved. This flag was all they had when Union guns were blazing. The rebel flag represented the fighting spirit of the common solider; it was the embodiment of his will to live against overwhelming odds; it was his oath of loyalty to his home state; it was his pledge to protect the soil that sustained his family.Given the motives of the average Confederate soldier - namely, to survive and to protect his home - this flag should be remembered. To remove all traces of it, is to deny the events of history; more, it only serves to reinforce the distortions of the groups who have wronged it in their use. BrianThe damage has already been done. The same points you have brought up, have already been brought up time and again. History was written by the winning side, and adopted as popular belief. For every One person who knows the truth, there is ten more ready and willing to believe the lie. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted August 14, 2004 Posted August 14, 2004 If history was written by the winnin' side, how the hell would I know the truth? How would you? Unless that's a time-travel device in your pocket. Speakin' for myself personally, I wasn't around in the 1860's or durin' the reconsitution era. But no one has ever accused my knowledge of the period of bein' shallow...or biased. No one on HazzardNet is yer enemy. And if you feel otherwise, I'm sorry. Of all the things Dukes of Hazzard was about....it was NOT about a division of people. Bo and Luke didn't stroll around hatin' Yankees. We don't, either. Brian Quote
Sway Duke Posted August 15, 2004 Author Posted August 15, 2004 If history was written by the winnin' side, how the hell would I know the truth? How would you? Unless that's a time-travel device in your pocket. Speakin' for myself personally, I wasn't around in the 1860's or durin' the reconsitution era. But no one has ever accused my knowledge of the period of bein' shallow...or biased. No one on HazzardNet is yer enemy. And if you feel otherwise, I'm sorry. Of all the things Dukes of Hazzard was about....it was NOT about a division of people. Bo and Luke didn't stroll around hatin' Yankees. We don't, either. BrianReally?? *rolls his eys* Well now, Suppose they were real people, how the hell do you think they'd feel about their car having no flag? Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted August 16, 2004 Posted August 16, 2004 If they were real people, it wouldn't be an issue. There's plenty o' folks today who drive around with rebel flag license plates, and have Dixie horns wired to their car. Not to mention the few hundred General Lee replicas that are out there. Give or take any other make n' model of car painted with the flag. The nifty thing about the First Amendment and freedom of speech - which you have enjoyed rather liberally here - is that self-expression is still permitted, even if it does offend a few folks. Hollywood, tho', has it's own agenda. I think the whole Dukes thang is strong enough to survive whatever the General Lee is painted, and whatever the movie does to it. It survived the Coy and Vance era. It survived the distain of critics everywhere. It survived TNN cutting the reruns to ribbons to make room for numerous commercials. More, it survived bad plots like "Strange Visitor to Hazzard" which would have killed an ordinary show. I don't expect you to believe me, though. So let me add, in closing, the most compelling remarks I can offer regarding your concerns. THHHBPTH!! =PYers truly,Brian Quote
R.J.1984 Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 Being new to the forum makes me a little nervous about giving my own opinion. I for one think thst the General Lee should stay the way it is. Otherwise you may as well just make it black with a 01 on it and it would almost be no different than the car from the fast and the furious. Just leave things as they are - the way people remember them. The good ol' days just like the good ol' boys - never meanin no harm. Quote
Eddiemunster Posted September 4, 2004 Posted September 4, 2004 I feel the car should stay the same, with the flag and all. That's how I remember it on the show, so it should be in the movie. Removing the flag is totally redundant. It's the same difference if you have to remove your last name because it might offend someone. It's your family name, and if you are proud of your family name, than you have the right to keep it no matter what anyone says about it. Quote
dgilbert Posted September 22, 2004 Posted September 22, 2004 We are all looking at the General Lee with the "Stars and Bars" as being part of the history and heritage of the show, which it should remain. Let's look at the General Lee from a different standpoint; as a personally owned customized car. Think of Bo and Luke customizing a car to represent themselves. A 1969 Muscle Car to represent the "ridge runner" moonshine heritage of the South, paint it Bright Orange so everyone will notice them when they drive through the county, put a push bar on the front to help out the stranded cars along the various dirt roads, definitely a CB antenna to communicate with family and friends ala the '70s & '80s timeframe, the "01" on the side so that everyone knows who has the fastest car in the county, and the Rebel Flag on top to signify being proud of their Southern heritage and being rebels themselves by not being afraid to stand up to crooked law enforcement. And finally, name it after one of the most respective generals the United States has ever had and he just happened to be from the South.Now there was nothing Politically Correct or Incorrect for that matter in my paragraph, it makes perfect sense from that point of view, and shouldn't offend anyone.So with that being said, keep the "Stars and Bars" on top of the General Lee!Dan Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted September 23, 2004 Posted September 23, 2004 Dan...Great perspective on the General Lee. Let's just hope someone associated with the movie will look at it that way. I know this has been referenced numerous times on other posts, but look at the Starsky & Hutch movie, they used the car that is familiar to the original TV show. That car, a Ford Torino, was a part of the series as much as the characters. I feel the same about the General Lee, it is apart of the show as recognizable as the rest of the cast. Back when it was on and when TNN was showing it , but I don't recall any backlash from civil rights groups about the car being offensive, I was a little kid when it was originally on.Other than what has been cast , has there been any definate plans for the General Lee yet? Darrell Quote
travelerF150 Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 The only thing I've really heard about the appearance of the General Lee is hinging on one question. When is the movie going to take place. They're considering two options. One is that the show will take place in the late 70's and the cars will look pretty much the same as in the show. The other is that it will take place in the present and if that's the case the writters may take more creative liberties with the car. I personally think that the General Lee is the one part of the show that really can't be changed. The core audience for this movie will be the hard core fans that will not only get all their friends to go see it but will go see it several times themselves. I think they have much more to lose by changing the car than keeping it the way it is, or as close as possible. If they change the car it won't be the "Dukes". It'll just be some generic rip-off of the show that will cause most of the true fans to lose interest. With out the true fans total support behind the movie it will surely bomb. Plus if they keep it the same and there is some comotion over it, they can always fall back on the fact that it's what the original car looked like. It's not like they're all of a sudden putting a rebel flag on the car, they're just helping with the nostolgic feeling that is gonna make this movie a success. If they're smart they'll cater to the real audience for this movie, and not to a bunch of people that aren't gonna go see it no matter what the car looks like. Quote
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