Julieduke Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 Top Ten Signs Your Might Be a Dukes Fan1. Your moved to "Hazerd, Ky" because it the closet to Hazzerd County you could find.2.You was disappointed when the 2006 Dodge Charger came out with Four doors, instead of Two.3.You Tell People leaving your Home "Keep It Between the Ditches".4.You Go to the Cleveland National Air Show and the Thunderbirds didn't impress You.(I did go the Airshow on Sunday, and I thought that everybody on the HazzerdNet would Like this one right here.)5.You own all the Dierks Bentley Cd's that are out right now.6. Your Doors Works Perfectly on your car, but you prefer using the windows.7.Your Still Looking for the "Boars Nest".8.You Claim to people that you have never seen "Knight Rider" in your Life, and ask what the show was like just to mess with People.9.You can hoodslide perfectly across the hood of your car.10. You watch "Smallville" for "Jonathan Kent/John Schendier" and that' the only reason you watch the show.Somebody give me a drumroll her now.If You have anymore to add to this just add the right on, Oh by the way I got this from how David Letterman has his Top Ten List on his late night show.For Example of One from Last NightTop Ten Signs you've Choosen the Wrong School8. 'Kollage" is Spelled with a "K'. Quote
Julieduke Posted September 9, 2005 Author Posted September 9, 2005 I just had to had this right here.Jed: How come Californy don't have a ice?Jethro: Don't look at me I didn't take it.Jethro : Smog , I reckon that's a Small Hog.by for now Quote
Julieduke Posted September 9, 2005 Author Posted September 9, 2005 I had gotten two samples of "Skoal" and don't anybody that uses smokeless tabacco so I donated it to the U.S.O. people for the care packages. Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted September 10, 2005 Posted September 10, 2005 You know you're a Dukes fan when:1) All the alarm clocks in your house are set for the time DOH comes on2) You can whistle all 12 notes of "Dixie"3) You go outside your house and look at the street everytime you hear a siren4) You drive out to the country to look for old chargers just sitting around5) You know the words to all of Waylon Jennings songs6) You can correctly qoute from every episode7) You try to jump speed bumps in your car, or bike8) Imitate Rosco P. Coltrane when your excited, "I love it! I love it!"9) You quote Jesse Duke when your kids, or any kid you know gets outta line10) You drive through the back alleys trying to drift around the corners11) You name your car (mine's Gemini aka Betty)12) You routinly dream about Bo, Luke or Daisy or dream you are behind the wheel of the General Lee(Thanks Dan and Den for your help!!) Quote
Julieduke Posted September 11, 2005 Author Posted September 11, 2005 Those are real good ones that was last posted. Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 18, 2005 Posted September 18, 2005 That is so me....I definitely fit right in with all that....I just love them Dukes!!! Hee...Hee...I love it, I love it!!! Quote
Julieduke Posted September 19, 2005 Author Posted September 19, 2005 Hey true story here, my co-worker Mike knows the lyrics to the Good Old Boys word for word including the third verse. Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted September 22, 2005 Posted September 22, 2005 *sings*I'm a good ole boy!Ya know my momma loved meBut she dont understandthey keep a showin my handsand not my face on tv!That's the third verse! And the version on Waylon's album is different then the version on the show! Just thought I'd let ya know!!! LOL Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 23, 2005 Posted September 23, 2005 Haha. Yup that's me! lol.You know your a Dukes fan when:1) You call your dog velvet-ears2) Your answering machine is Cooter's famous CB line3) You wake up in the middle of the night when you hear a siren, thinking its Rosco4) You paint your car orange 5) Your mailbox has a mini Genearl sticker on it with 01 on the flap6) Your doorbell is "Dixie" tune7) You yell yee-haw when ever you see hot pursuit goin' on.8) You spend hours online on e-bay looking for DOH merchandise9) You'd rather be in a garage working on your car instead of shopping10) You'd rather stay home on a Friday night to watch DOH then go out and party11) You can remember what episode is on what season, what side of the dvd disks, and what # it is12) You name your kids/pets Bo, Luke, and Daisy Quote
AmandaRobson Posted September 23, 2005 Posted September 23, 2005 Those are good ones!How bout putting a dixie horn on your car(any car!) That's what I'm doin!! (and my velvet ears says hey to everybody!) How bout you know your pets are Dukes fans when....They run around the house when they hear Good OLe BoysThey lick the tv screen when they see the DukesThey bark at Boss when Flash doesThey come when you whistle "Dixie"(oops I was throwing my dogs ball for her and it broke my model of Daisy Jeep)Bad dog, you dun scuffed my jeep!OK sorry ya'll I feeling crazy right now! Quote
Daisy_Duke_Girl Posted September 23, 2005 Posted September 23, 2005 awwww that stinks that the ball dun scuffed ur ve-hicle. i see ur pretty new to hazzardnet so welcome!!! LOL!! Quote
Daisy_Duke_Girl Posted September 23, 2005 Posted September 23, 2005 Wow those are all really good ones i'm a lot of em'You know your a Dukes fan when:1. your computer theme is all DOH2. you try to act and or look like one of the characters3. you name your pets after a character (i named my dog Daisy and my horse Bo!)4. you quote rosco anytime you get the chance5. you call your dog velvet ears and tell (him or her) to buckle up for safety6. you collect the DVD's and other memorbillia7. when you see a police go by (espesially a sheriff) you say "there goes Roscoooo P. Coltrane"8. you dream about the show9. you spend a ton of time doin somthin that has to do with DOH10. you watch at LEAST an episode a day of DOHthose some ones i just made up."kew kew kew, i luv it i luv it" Quote
AmandaRobson Posted September 23, 2005 Posted September 23, 2005 He he! Those are really good! All of em apply here, except the sheriff one..we don't have Country Sheriffs in Canada. And Daisy Dukes Girl...thanks for the welcome..but I've been around longer than you have...just another name...thanks though!! lolYou scour hobby shops looking for the Dukes vehicles (which are very hard to find..lemme tell ya!)You routinley use the General grant tactic RETREAT You talk in "CB trucker's jive" Over the phone and any walkie talkies you come acrossYou attempt (key word) To pull 180's in your carYou put the hammer down over speed bumps and yell YEE-HAW out the windowYou write DOH character names, actors, DOH locations and related words into the sunday crossword when you can't get any more answers (I once filled the entire new york times like this!!)When your friend is going to be pulled over by the cops, you say "Maybe we can loose em' at the bridge up there!"When you think you can do a jump with your car and it will still run afterwards (As soon as a car jumped...it was totaled....) Ok..well theres some more that goodolboy85 and I compiled... Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 23, 2005 Posted September 23, 2005 Haha those are good ones.When you wear a DOH kiddie watch to work (hahaha)You have a DOH partyYou blare the DOH Cd in your car and yell yeehaww out the windowYour room is painted orange and a big 01 on a wallYou spend your weekends remodeling a 1969 Dodge ChargerYou have "Bo and Luke Duke" tattooed onto your back/armYour mailbox says "Dukes" on it...even though your last name ain't DukeYou have one room devoted to DOH merchandiseYou'd rather tote a very fashionable Dukes bag with a Genearl Lee on it then a Coach..Yup, that's what I can think of for right now.. Quote
Daisy_Duke_Girl Posted September 24, 2005 Posted September 24, 2005 those are really good ones and ur welcome AmandaRobson, and LOL!!!! here's one that applies to everyone of us....................you have an account on Hazzardnet!!!!!!LOL!!!! Quote
The Silver Cobra Posted September 24, 2005 Posted September 24, 2005 Wow that is interesting. 1. I was dissapointed when the Dodge Charger came out with 4 door instead of two2. I prefer using the windows of my pickup3. I have never seen Knight Rider4. I can whistle and sing all of "Dixie", as well as salute the Confederate flag5. I am always looking for old Chargers6. I imitate Rosco P. Coltrain all the time. (I love it, I love it)7. My truck is named The Silver Cobra, which is where my online name is from8. This one is really interesting. I dream about the Dukes all the time, and usually that I am driving the General Lee. 9. I yell yeehaw often when I am driving.10. I would rather be in the garage than shopping11. My dog is named Daisy12. I often act like Rosco and Boss Hogg, not always on purpose.13. I watch at least one episode a day.I guess I'm a Duke fan. There are two mentions of dreams about Dukes. I noticed that I dream about the Dukes at least once a week. Usually I am in the General Lee, being chased by Boss Hogg and Roscoe. Quote
Julieduke Posted September 26, 2005 Author Posted September 26, 2005 Wait a minute I did ride in a Charger , and 80's Charger back on the first day of my Freshman year of High School. Quote
Julieduke Posted September 29, 2005 Author Posted September 29, 2005 If You ever wonder What Would Cooter Do? Quote
Daisy_Duke_Girl Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Julieduke wrote:If You ever wonder What Would Cooter Do?LOL!! that's a good one!!! Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 You might be a Dukes fan if:You stand in line for 4 hours in the blazing hot sun to ride for 2 minutes in a General Lee. (I did at DukesFest this year). LS3 Quote
MinDuke Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 You might be a Duke fan if...You have one blond son, and one brunette son and named them Bo and Luke .. or... you give birth to twin boys and name them Bo and Luke! ROFLMAO!! Jax Quote
Daisy_Duke_Girl Posted October 3, 2005 Posted October 3, 2005 ......or if you have a brunette daughter with long legs and name her Daisy....LOL!!! Quote
starkist72 Posted October 29, 2005 Posted October 29, 2005 1) You moved to Hazard because it was almost Hazzard2) Your boss hates when you call him “Fat Little Buddyâ€3) You were disappointed that the new charger has 4 doors4) You depart by saying “keep it between the ditchesâ€5) You insist on entering and exiting your car via the window (although your doors work perfectly fine)6) You can miraculously make your tires squeal on dirt roads7) You have perfected the hood slide, and do it even when there’s no one around to impress8) You are looking for, or have found, the boar’s nest9) You whistle Dixie in the grocery store10) Whenever you hear a siren you sprint to your car11) You try to get air off of speed bumps and curbs12) You thought your rusted-out Toyota Corolla was the coolest car in the high school parking lot because it had a Dixie horn13) When using a rotary, you must circle at least 3 times14) Whenever your excited you say “I love it I love itâ€15) You yell Jessie Duke quotes to the neighbors kids16) Whenever you take a corner, you blow sideways17) You asked your mom if she would paint her station wagon orange18) A cop pulled you over for driving on two wheels19) You bought a Nextel, and pretend it’s a CB20) Even your doorbell whistles Dixie21) Your idea of a party is inviting all your friends to work on your charger22) You couldn’t believe your car got scratched when you crashed through the neighbors fence23) Your work includes of fixing fences you’ve driven though24) You seriously considered naming your children Bo, Luke and Daisy25) You walk like John Schneider26) Whenever you see flashing blue lights you think (or say) “Ros-coe P Clot-raneâ€27) The first thing you do when it snows is pull 180s and 360s in the nearest parking lot28) Whenever a cop pulls out behind you, you say “what did we do this time?â€29) Following your friends to the next bar includes a hot pursuit30) You think that you can jump your car over a creek while not wearing a seat belt, bottom out, still be in your seat with perfect hair, lose the cops AND keep on going… Quote
EJD Posted October 30, 2005 Posted October 30, 2005 I can whistle Dixie, and I do a VERY good impression of Roscooooooo P. Coltrane!1. You spend hundreds of pounds on BuildAGeneralLee.com for decals etc. on your car, even if it's no Charger!2. You go to DukesFest every year (I wish I could).3. You spend hours and hours every day constructing a General Lee body for your RC car from scratch.4. Every time you go over a bridge, you keep nagging Dad to floor it!5. You own every single video, CD, DVD, etc.6. You keep bugging the DukesFest officials to let you jump the General Lee!7. You spend hours building a sturdy ramp, and try to jump over your local pub.8. You paint your RC Plane like the General Lee! (I did that... )That's all I can think of for now... Quote
Beauregard Special Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 Where CAN I get a Dixie doorbell? Quote
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