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I went to yahoo and rotten cause those are the ones I tend to go to. Force of habit, nothing more nothing less.

Common. You cant compaire SW to DOH. No offence but DOH doesnt hold a candle to SW. There are hardcore SW fans who would poke out their own eyes just to get a glipse of what George is doing on a movie. SW has a huge following with his own massive convention, thousands of websites, hardcore fans who RP and make constumes.

And sorry but I do agree with some of the things they said. The action did suck. Jessica does suck. Willie was OK, and a lot think Burt was great but I found him horrid.

It was OK, I'm not dead or anything. I'm not wanting those 2 hours backs. I just think it could have been better with a cast that knows how to act. The plot in my own opinion was fine. Broken lizard however....eh..not so fine.

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I went to yahoo and rotten cause those are the ones I tend to go to. Force of habit, nothing more nothing less.

Common. You cant compaire SW to DOH. No offence but DOH doesnt hold a candle to SW. There are hardcore SW fans who would poke out their own eyes just to get a glipse of what George is doing on a movie. SW has a huge following with his own massive convention, thousands of websites, hardcore fans who RP and make constumes.

And sorry but I do agree with some of the things they said. The action did suck. Jessica does suck. Willie was OK, and a lot think Burt was great but I found him horrid.

It was OK, I'm not dead or anything. I'm not wanting those 2 hours backs. I just think it could have been better with a cast that knows how to act. The plot in my own opinion was fine. Broken lizard however....eh..not so fine.


Well DOH is no star wars for sure, but the fact is movies can be hated on the net but still do good numbers, I mean titanic is another film that you almost have to pull a persons teeth to get them to admit they like it, but made a lot of money.

Punisher is another movie that made less than $35 mil and was bad mouthed by many but is a suepr hit on dvd showing fans did find the movie and supported, a sequel is in the works now.

Campbell Soup company once said that a person who hates something will tell 40 people, some one who lieks something may not say anything, bad news travels better, I feel that's the problem many times, if they hate a movie the people tend to be more vocal and comnplain more.

So really the only way to tell is to wait and see how the movie sells, so far the numbers have been good even if reviews have not, and i trust the money more, it's people putting their money where their mouth is.


Well DOH is no star wars for sure, but the fact is movies can be hated on the net but still do good numbers, I mean titanic is another film that you almost have to pull a persons teeth to get them to admit they like it, but made a lot of money.

Punisher is another movie that made less than $35 mil and was bad mouthed by many but is a suepr hit on dvd showing fans did find the movie and supported, a sequel is in the works now.

Campbell Soup company once said that a person who hates something will tell 40 people, some one who lieks something may not say anything, bad news travels better, I feel that's the problem many times, if they hate a movie the people tend to be more vocal and comnplain more.

So really the only way to tell is to wait and see how the movie sells, so far the numbers have been good even if reviews have not, and i trust the money more, it's people putting their money where their mouth is.



Third Place

The Dukes of Hazzard $13,030,000 -57.5%

Now while the boxofficemojo boards are calling it the hulks of hazzard and sayign die movie die, that's not bad at all, 3 new movies fighting it out and Dukes comes in third, the drop is big but drops in that range is common for movies now, holds like a wedding crasher is not common at all.

Also it's made $57,478,000 so far so it's 7,478,000 over it's production budget in just it's second week and will continue to make more, i call that good, anytime you make back your money on a movie so quickly how can that be anything but good?

and this is not counting whatever worldwide totals plus dvd sales..I just hope the dvd is out by christmas, i want to see it on dvd badly so i can watch it again and again.


If it has made 7,478,000 over prodcution costs and this is in its second week then yes I smell sequel. No doubt DVD sales will boost it as well, and I have no doubt it will be released in Nov or Dec. before X mas. SW comes out Nov 4th or something like that, so I can only assume that WB will want to cash in on the holiday season.

I wonder how much longer it will last on the top 10 though. Yeah the fall is typical but I wonder if next week it will fall to 6. Who knows.

Has it been released overseas?

It will be interesting to see how much the movie makes.

But yeah...I believe a sequel is coming.


Dont forget......

It cost $53 million to make, with an additional $17.5 million paid in an out-of-court settlement to a group of people who held rights to the underlying "Dukes" TV show.

I just wanted to point that out because I had forgotten about it. Still it should make back that money.



The movie Skeleton Key will kick butt in just about any place but down here. From the previews and word of mouth, it portrays Louisiana as a voodoo-podunk-poltergeist-nothing-here-hick kinda state. I'm still gonna see it though. Just 'cuz I likes the scary stuff.

Just like "Water Boy". We's Cajun peeples be un-edumacated and don't know nuttin but eatin' gators. That's only because mama said so.

As far as part two for DOH? I may or may not have heard a few things from California-way last week. Part two may or may not have already started filming. May have...but what would I know. :roll:


Dukes slid to number 8 this week at the box office.

40 year old virgin was number one.

To date its made: $68,837,000.

Its still on 3404 theaters, more that some of the other movies like virigin which only has 2845.

Including the settlement it cost 70 mill to take(give or take a little) The interesting thing will be to see how much it makes in profit.

This weeks line up:

1. The 40-Year Old Virgin

2. Red Eye

3. Four Brothers

4. Wedding Crashers

5. The Skeleton Key

6. March of the Penguins

7. Valiant

8. The Dukes of Hazzard

9. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

10. Sky High


Most of the profists will be in dvd i suspect and i think it will have a good life on dvd, that's the big thing now, it should end around $80-$85 in theaters and then whatever it gets overseas, so it will be good if not stunning, but dvd will be the one to watch, so many people call the theater runs these days as just extended trailers for the dvd market.

And if dukes does something like have more than one dvd version like un-rated and rated i'll get both, do my part is helping a sequel get made.


From what I understand about what I learned in film school... A film has to make one and 1/2 of it budget to be considered a financial success. So if the figure was roughly about $75 million (after settlement with Moonrunners people) The film would have to garner a total of somewhere in the region of $105 mill. But that would include Domestic, Int'l, and Home Video sales...

Just my 2 cents...

Hey, I think I am gonna pursue that writing job and see maybe if I can make Hazzard a little more recognizable for the fans. An even mix of the original and the new stuff...

I'm gone...


thought id stroll into this one for a quick sec...

Once again like i said before, the critics were wrong. the kids loved it and the people around for the original series couldnt get enough of the general lee. :wink: this movie is far from the profit of titanic or star wars but its still in the lead of the pack and continues to pull in the bacon. :wink: what do i think? will it be a classic, in a way. will it be remembered? Yes, for all those damn fine stunts. :) reguardless it retained a profit, its in the top of its class, the dukes movie did just fine. :)

im gone.


thought id stroll into this one for a quick sec...

Once again like i said before, the critics were wrong. the kids loved it and the people around for the original series couldnt get enough of the general lee. :wink: this movie is far from the profit of titanic or star wars but its still in the lead of the pack and continues to pull in the bacon. :wink: what do i think? will it be a classic, in a way. will it be remembered? Yes, for all those damn fine stunts. :) reguardless it retained a profit, its in the top of its class, the dukes movie did just fine. :)

im gone.


Brad - Damn fine rambling from you..I couldn't agree more ..

I'm gone



Yeah but it slipped to number 10 from the 7 spot last week

Number 10

Last week Number 7

This weeks gross $3,045,000


Weeks 4

Total screens: 2891

Once again Virgin was on top. Its a funny movie too. :lol:

1. The 40-Year-Old Virgin

2. The Brothers Grimm

3. Red Eye

4. Four Brothers

5. Wedding Crashers

6. The Cave

7. March of the Penguins

8. The Skeleton Key

9. Valiant

10. The Dukes of Hazzard

  • 2 weeks later...

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