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I dunno, I thought Jessicas acting sucked. But I am pleased she was in it for just a few seconds. From what we have seen so far I thought there would be more of her. Yay..there wasnt

I thought Burt did a crappy job of Boss. It didnt work for me. It just didnt.

Rosco was OK. Enos was decent...cooter did seem like the original.

Bo was funny but not like the original..thats for sure.

The car chases were awesome!!!!! They blew me away. I am pleased they didnt do any of that crapy CGI stuff.

I dont get why Uncle Jesse had to keep telling jokes with his How many does it take....etc...I thought....whats the point of this? Cnat he just talk..I mean after the second time he did it ..it got lame.

Honestly the movie seemed like a long episode.

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I dunno, I thought Jessicas acting sucked. But I am pleased she was in it for just a few seconds. From what we have seen so far I thought there would be more of her. Yay..there wasnt

I thought Burt did a crappy job of Boss. It didnt work for me. It just didnt.

Rosco was OK. Enos was decent...cooter did seem like the original.

Bo was funny but not like the original..thats for sure.

The car chases were awesome!!!!! They blew me away. I am pleased they didnt do any of that crapy CGI stuff.

I dont get why Uncle Jesse had to keep telling jokes with his How many does it take....etc...I thought....whats the point of this? Cnat he just talk..I mean after the second time he did it ..it got lame.

Honestly the movie seemed like a long episode.


I'm gonna write a longer and more thought-out review at a later date. Reason being, I did see the movie half-drunk, as I'd planned, and some of the details are foggy. I'll go see it again, sober. Meanwhile, here's a few thoughts:

A big YEEHAAA for the stunts. Tho' the camera angles were weird at some points; I would have liked to have seen more car-roof vantage points, kinda like in the original series. Some of the close action scenes

were frantic and side-viewed, and the result was a blurry madness that I couldn't quite decipher. Or maybe that was the Mike's Hard Lemonade workin' on me. For the most part these scenes were epic and worth the admission fee right there.

A big BAHAHAHA for the new Bo. SWS was an outrageous nut. This is Bo Duke on crack; wired, emotional, and twitchy. We still saw a kid with a racing dream, though, and that was cool.

A big CHUCKLE on Bo's discovery of the Dixie horn in the repaired General Lee, and his repeated use of it to Luke's annoynance.

A big BOO HISS on the drug innuendo. It didn't add anything to the movie; it didn't need to be there, and it wasn't funny. I get the feeling they toned it down from the original script, but it should have been OUT. I know that drug humor is a Broken Lizard staple, but damn, you'd think they could give up this old crutch for one movie. Especially this one.

A big THANK YOU for leaving Cooter the hell alone and not making him a raving maniac. I think the "Sheev" character took on some of the character elements that were originally intended for Cooter. Good call.

A big YAWN for Rosco. He was mean, but hell, most cops are mean. Big deal. Take Jackie Gleason in "Smokey and the Bandit." Beauford T. Justice was mean, but he was also a creative cusser and a ridiculously tenacious chaser. The new Rosco, in comparison, lacked the comedic, fun-loving and sputtering nature of the original - and brought nothing else to replace it.

A big ERASER for half the script and the characterizations. The core "save the farm" plot is fine; but what we didn't see, is any purpose for most of the characters. Uncle Jesse didn't offer sage advice or a moral compass; his most Duke-like line was a remark about only leaving the farm if he was taken away in a pine box. The rest was a bunch of pointless one-liners that had nothing to do with the scene at hand. Why not try exercisin' some wit involvin' what's happening at the moment?

A big "Shame shame" for the fact that this Duke family showed no real respect for one another; no manners; no pride in southern heritage. (Had the flag not been pained on the car by somebody else, they wouldn't have thought to put it there? Hmph.) Yes, they cared about their town enough to save it, but they spent the first half of the film beating the hell outta each other. (Which was funny, from an alternate universe perspective, but you dig what I mean.)

Overall, I enjoyed the movie as a guilty pleasure, again because of the stunts, and because I went to it liquored up, and also because I took it as a "Twilight Zone" version of the Hazzard I knew.



I'm gonna write a longer and more thought-out review at a later date. Reason being, I did see the movie half-drunk, as I'd planned, and some of the details are foggy. I'll go see it again, sober. Meanwhile, here's a few thoughts:

A big YEEHAAA for the stunts. Tho' the camera angles were weird at some points; I would have liked to have seen more car-roof vantage points, kinda like in the original series. Some of the close action scenes

were frantic and side-viewed, and the result was a blurry madness that I couldn't quite decipher. Or maybe that was the Mike's Hard Lemonade workin' on me. For the most part these scenes were epic and worth the admission fee right there.

A big BAHAHAHA for the new Bo. SWS was an outrageous nut. This is Bo Duke on crack; wired, emotional, and twitchy. We still saw a kid with a racing dream, though, and that was cool.

A big CHUCKLE on Bo's discovery of the Dixie horn in the repaired General Lee, and his repeated use of it to Luke's annoynance.

A big BOO HISS on the drug innuendo. It didn't add anything to the movie; it didn't need to be there, and it wasn't funny. I get the feeling they toned it down from the original script, but it should have been OUT. I know that drug humor is a Broken Lizard staple, but damn, you'd think they could give up this old crutch for one movie. Especially this one.

A big THANK YOU for leaving Cooter the hell alone and not making him a raving maniac. I think the "Sheev" character took on some of the character elements that were originally intended for Cooter. Good call.

A big YAWN for Rosco. He was mean, but hell, most cops are mean. Big deal. Take Jackie Gleason in "Smokey and the Bandit." Beauford T. Justice was mean, but he was also a creative cusser and a ridiculously tenacious chaser. The new Rosco, in comparison, lacked the comedic, fun-loving and sputtering nature of the original - and brought nothing else to replace it.

A big ERASER for half the script and the characterizations. The core "save the farm" plot is fine; but what we didn't see, is any purpose for most of the characters. Uncle Jesse didn't offer sage advice or a moral compass; his most Duke-like line was a remark about only leaving the farm if he was taken away in a pine box. The rest was a bunch of pointless one-liners that had nothing to do with the scene at hand. Why not try exercisin' some wit involvin' what's happening at the moment?

A big "Shame shame" for the fact that this Duke family showed no real respect for one another; no manners; no pride in southern heritage. (Had the flag not been pained on the car by somebody else, they wouldn't have thought to put it there? Hmph.) Yes, they cared about their town enough to save it, but they spent the first half of the film beating the hell outta each other. (Which was funny, from an alternate universe perspective, but you dig what I mean.)

Overall, I enjoyed the movie as a guilty pleasure, again because of the stunts, and because I went to it liquored up, and also because I took it as a "Twilight Zone" version of the Hazzard I knew.



Greetings from Hazzard Tn.

With reluctance and yet curiosity, I went and saw the Dukes of Hazzard Movie Friday night in tradition with the night the show originally aired with a college buddy of mine who is also a Dukes fan. We also hooked up with another friend of mine, Billy Stephenson, who was an extra on the set and was very visible in the scene at the race track. Billy is seen walking up the bleachers. Anyway, please note that my review is my own personal opinion and I have no intentions of getting into some flaming arguments. If you disagree with me, that okay, because like one previous poster said, it's our God given right. With this disclaimer aside, here is my review:

My opnion of the DUKES OF HAZZARD MOVIE is... NEUTRAL:

To quote what others have said, to view this movie and get some enjoyment out of it, you have to view it as something original. If you try to mentally compare it to the original TV series, you will be disappointed. I'm going to start with my negatives and get them out of the way.

What really killed this movie for me is Jessica Simpson. I'm sorry folks, but I just downright HATE her. To me, she did a godawful job as Daisy Duke. While Cathy's Daisy also used her beauty and feminine wiles to distract men, Jessica's Daisy just came across as an awful tease. She reminded me of a few girls I've encountered throughout my life whom I now despise. I never liked Jessica prior to this movie and I still don't like her now. To quote or misquote Shania Twain "She don't impress me much".

The other thing that ruined it for me was the language or at least one place where it was wrongly used. It didn't bother me as much for Bo and Luke to be cussing given that it's Sean William (Stifler) Scott and Johnny (Jackass) Knoxville in the roles, but the fact that Uncle Jesse, whom I'm used to being the moral backbone of the series said the blasphemous gd word one time. I actually imagined Denver Pyle turning over in his grave when I saw that part. Sorry folks, but I am siding with Ben Jones on this one. It is not a movie to take your kids to if you want to shield them from bad language. Now don't get me wrong. I can handle raw language in some movies like military, police, or comedies like Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, but there ought to be a time and place for everything and the Dukes movie shouldn't have had the bad language or at least not too much of it. Again folks, this is only my opinion, don't take it as a fact or personally. The only other character that bugged me was Enos. He looked like a total dork. There is no way Daisy could have been attracted to this Enos. He makes the original Enos look like Mr. Olympia. And this Sheev guy I did not care for. I keep thinking he was the crazy cop that went postal in the restaurant in Super Troopers.

As for anything else negative, that's it believe it or not. Now for the positives. Aside from Jessica Simpson, Enos, and the negatives, I actually enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would.

THE DUKES OF HAZZARD MOVIE reminded me more of Moonrunners and Smokey and the Bandit and to a lesser extent, the first five Georgia filmed episodes of the Dukes TV series. I liked the locations in which this movie was filmed. It had a realistic tone and I am so relieved they did not use the Burbank lot in California. I enjoyed the narration of Junior Brown. he did a great job as the narrator. I am glad they showed respect by playing a portion of Waylon's Good Ole Boys and the beginning.

The one original cast member in the movie was the General Lee. I was actually impressed at how it was a more junky car in the beginning with no flag or name tagging on the side and the 01 looked like a grade schooler painted it. I also enoyed the rebirth of the car.

BO AND LUKE DUKE: I must admit it will take some getting used to, but I got a kick out of SWS and Knoxville's performances. Bo Duke was a total idiot! But man he was funny! Stifler always makes me laugh no matter what he does. I especially chuckled at the fact that even though Bo had a girlfriend in the end, he was in love with the car and even talked to it like it was a person. LMAO!!! On the series, I liked how Bo was the girl chaser while Luke had more serious relationships. In this new movie, Luke was a womanizer and it kind of reverse manner, when it came to women, Luke got em in trouble and Bo had to get em out of it with his driving skills.

UNCLE JESSE: Even though he was vulgar with his language, I must admit, I loved how his first set of jokes was purposely used to lead up to questioning Bo and Luke about the botched shine delivery.

BOSS HOGG: Burt Reynolds reminded me more of the Bandit gone into politics. His Boss Hogg was more evil than Sorell Booke's boss and the part where he grabbed Rosco's nose with the kitchen utensil was the only thing that reminded me of their relationship on the series.

SHERIFF ROSCO P. COLTRANE: I was dreading MC Ganiney's Rosco because he wasn't played for laughs, but I will give him credit, Rosco as a mean sheriff reminded me more of the neighboring sheriffs on the series, like Sheriff Little, Sheriff Emmett "Spike" Loomis, and Colonel Cassiuss Claiborne.

COOTER: This guy did a fairly good job as Cooter and was the only cast member to remind me of the original Cooter only without the CB handle.

THE GENERAL LEE: I loved the car chases and jumps and the way the car was handled. Whoever said the stunts were more spectacular was right.

WONDER WOMAN!!: I loved Lynda Carter as Pauline. She was great. Though I am bummed out that the muffins dialogue was deleted from the final cut.

One more: The addition of Flash!!! That was awesome!!!!

And that is my review in a nutshell. How do I compare the movie to the TV series? Give me the TV series over the movie any day. I liked the movie to an extent, but there were several things in it that will forever keep my from fully loving it. Regarding the language, I am siding with Ben Jones on that one.

The Dukes of Hazzard was a fun movie, but as far as I'm concerned, I've seen my favorite movie of the year after seeing Batman Begins three times.

So once again, my overall feeling the DUKES OF HAZZARD MOVIE is



Will Rodgers

The Voice Man


Greetings from Hazzard Tn.

With reluctance and yet curiosity, I went and saw the Dukes of Hazzard Movie Friday night in tradition with the night the show originally aired with a college buddy of mine who is also a Dukes fan. We also hooked up with another friend of mine, Billy Stephenson, who was an extra on the set and was very visible in the scene at the race track. Billy is seen walking up the bleachers. Anyway, please note that my review is my own personal opinion and I have no intentions of getting into some flaming arguments. If you disagree with me, that okay, because like one previous poster said, it's our God given right. With this disclaimer aside, here is my review:

My opnion of the DUKES OF HAZZARD MOVIE is... NEUTRAL:

To quote what others have said, to view this movie and get some enjoyment out of it, you have to view it as something original. If you try to mentally compare it to the original TV series, you will be disappointed. I'm going to start with my negatives and get them out of the way.

What really killed this movie for me is Jessica Simpson. I'm sorry folks, but I just downright HATE her. To me, she did a godawful job as Daisy Duke. While Cathy's Daisy also used her beauty and feminine wiles to distract men, Jessica's Daisy just came across as an awful tease. She reminded me of a few girls I've encountered throughout my life whom I now despise. I never liked Jessica prior to this movie and I still don't like her now. To quote or misquote Shania Twain "She don't impress me much".

The other thing that ruined it for me was the language or at least one place where it was wrongly used. It didn't bother me as much for Bo and Luke to be cussing given that it's Sean William (Stifler) Scott and Johnny (Jackass) Knoxville in the roles, but the fact that Uncle Jesse, whom I'm used to being the moral backbone of the series said the blasphemous gd word one time. I actually imagined Denver Pyle turning over in his grave when I saw that part. Sorry folks, but I am siding with Ben Jones on this one. It is not a movie to take your kids to if you want to shield them from bad language. Now don't get me wrong. I can handle raw language in some movies like military, police, or comedies like Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, but there ought to be a time and place for everything and the Dukes movie shouldn't have had the bad language or at least not too much of it. Again folks, this is only my opinion, don't take it as a fact or personally. The only other character that bugged me was Enos. He looked like a total dork. There is no way Daisy could have been attracted to this Enos. He makes the original Enos look like Mr. Olympia. And this Sheev guy I did not care for. I keep thinking he was the crazy cop that went postal in the restaurant in Super Troopers.

As for anything else negative, that's it believe it or not. Now for the positives. Aside from Jessica Simpson, Enos, and the negatives, I actually enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would.

THE DUKES OF HAZZARD MOVIE reminded me more of Moonrunners and Smokey and the Bandit and to a lesser extent, the first five Georgia filmed episodes of the Dukes TV series. I liked the locations in which this movie was filmed. It had a realistic tone and I am so relieved they did not use the Burbank lot in California. I enjoyed the narration of Junior Brown. he did a great job as the narrator. I am glad they showed respect by playing a portion of Waylon's Good Ole Boys and the beginning.

The one original cast member in the movie was the General Lee. I was actually impressed at how it was a more junky car in the beginning with no flag or name tagging on the side and the 01 looked like a grade schooler painted it. I also enoyed the rebirth of the car.

BO AND LUKE DUKE: I must admit it will take some getting used to, but I got a kick out of SWS and Knoxville's performances. Bo Duke was a total idiot! But man he was funny! Stifler always makes me laugh no matter what he does. I especially chuckled at the fact that even though Bo had a girlfriend in the end, he was in love with the car and even talked to it like it was a person. LMAO!!! On the series, I liked how Bo was the girl chaser while Luke had more serious relationships. In this new movie, Luke was a womanizer and it kind of reverse manner, when it came to women, Luke got em in trouble and Bo had to get em out of it with his driving skills.

UNCLE JESSE: Even though he was vulgar with his language, I must admit, I loved how his first set of jokes was purposely used to lead up to questioning Bo and Luke about the botched shine delivery.

BOSS HOGG: Burt Reynolds reminded me more of the Bandit gone into politics. His Boss Hogg was more evil than Sorell Booke's boss and the part where he grabbed Rosco's nose with the kitchen utensil was the only thing that reminded me of their relationship on the series.

SHERIFF ROSCO P. COLTRANE: I was dreading MC Ganiney's Rosco because he wasn't played for laughs, but I will give him credit, Rosco as a mean sheriff reminded me more of the neighboring sheriffs on the series, like Sheriff Little, Sheriff Emmett "Spike" Loomis, and Colonel Cassiuss Claiborne.

COOTER: This guy did a fairly good job as Cooter and was the only cast member to remind me of the original Cooter only without the CB handle.

THE GENERAL LEE: I loved the car chases and jumps and the way the car was handled. Whoever said the stunts were more spectacular was right.

WONDER WOMAN!!: I loved Lynda Carter as Pauline. She was great. Though I am bummed out that the muffins dialogue was deleted from the final cut.

One more: The addition of Flash!!! That was awesome!!!!

And that is my review in a nutshell. How do I compare the movie to the TV series? Give me the TV series over the movie any day. I liked the movie to an extent, but there were several things in it that will forever keep my from fully loving it. Regarding the language, I am siding with Ben Jones on that one.

The Dukes of Hazzard was a fun movie, but as far as I'm concerned, I've seen my favorite movie of the year after seeing Batman Begins three times.

So once again, my overall feeling the DUKES OF HAZZARD MOVIE is



Will Rodgers

The Voice Man


I read one reviewer who wondered why the Super Troopers had cameos in the movie. He thought it was lame. And I'm like..THANK YOU!!!! Yes it was lame...and pointless.


I read one reviewer who wondered why the Super Troopers had cameos in the movie. He thought it was lame. And I'm like..THANK YOU!!!! Yes it was lame...and pointless.


Hey Ya'll! I just wanted to put in my two cents about this FRICKIN' AWESOME movie! Yeah, I loved it. It seemed like I laughed all the way through. The General on the big screen was even better than I could imagine. The car scenes and stunts were incredible! The camera action couldn't have been any better in my opinion.

I went into this movie with the attitude that I would not try to compare any character to the original. There just is no comparison. I mean the only character that they needed to get right was the General Lee anyway, right? Even Hollywood had enough sense not to change the car. We would have all stayed home.

There are a couple gripes I have, though. I can handle the four letter words but taking the Lord's name in vain is going to far. Also, the girls in the room smoking the bongs could have really been cut out.

There is always something in any movie that you could have done without. Overall this movie ROCKS!!! I saw it Friday night with my wife and sister and Sunday afternoon with my 59 year old dad(who couldn't stop laughing), and I hope to make it again. The General Lee on the big screen is enough to give me chills. Bring on the DVD!!! Relax Cooter! This movie can only be good for the show.


Hey Ya'll! I just wanted to put in my two cents about this FRICKIN' AWESOME movie! Yeah, I loved it. It seemed like I laughed all the way through. The General on the big screen was even better than I could imagine. The car scenes and stunts were incredible! The camera action couldn't have been any better in my opinion.

I went into this movie with the attitude that I would not try to compare any character to the original. There just is no comparison. I mean the only character that they needed to get right was the General Lee anyway, right? Even Hollywood had enough sense not to change the car. We would have all stayed home.

There are a couple gripes I have, though. I can handle the four letter words but taking the Lord's name in vain is going to far. Also, the girls in the room smoking the bongs could have really been cut out.

There is always something in any movie that you could have done without. Overall this movie ROCKS!!! I saw it Friday night with my wife and sister and Sunday afternoon with my 59 year old dad(who couldn't stop laughing), and I hope to make it again. The General Lee on the big screen is enough to give me chills. Bring on the DVD!!! Relax Cooter! This movie can only be good for the show.


I thought Sean and Johnny were awesome! They were different from Tom and John but they had chemestry together. Bo was insane and I thought that's the way he should be. Luke was level headed but a little sly which was good too. I was surprised with Daisy. I felt Jessica did a pretty good job but I agree that she didn't have enough screen time to make an informed decision. Wasn't that impressed with Burt's Boss Hogg take but it wasn't terrible, just different I guess. I thought Willie did a good job. Roscoe needed to be funnier. I didn't mind that he was meaner and more of a brute but they could've made him funnier. I though Cooter was really good, he was the closest to any of the characters from the show. Could've done without the Sheeve character but he did get a couple laughs. I thought the campus police scene was pretty funny too, especially with the Super Troopers guys. The car scenes were freakin' awesome!!!! Especially the rally scene at the end and the chase through down town Atlanta. I don't think I blinked once through either of those scenes.

Basically the movie was a lot funnier than I thought it was gonna be and the car scene were just as awesome as I hoped they'd be. I give this movie 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.


I thought Sean and Johnny were awesome! They were different from Tom and John but they had chemestry together. Bo was insane and I thought that's the way he should be. Luke was level headed but a little sly which was good too. I was surprised with Daisy. I felt Jessica did a pretty good job but I agree that she didn't have enough screen time to make an informed decision. Wasn't that impressed with Burt's Boss Hogg take but it wasn't terrible, just different I guess. I thought Willie did a good job. Roscoe needed to be funnier. I didn't mind that he was meaner and more of a brute but they could've made him funnier. I though Cooter was really good, he was the closest to any of the characters from the show. Could've done without the Sheeve character but he did get a couple laughs. I thought the campus police scene was pretty funny too, especially with the Super Troopers guys. The car scenes were freakin' awesome!!!! Especially the rally scene at the end and the chase through down town Atlanta. I don't think I blinked once through either of those scenes.

Basically the movie was a lot funnier than I thought it was gonna be and the car scene were just as awesome as I hoped they'd be. I give this movie 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.


Wish I had not spent the $9. There were a few entertaining moments, but they usually involved the General Lee or the music. I don't feel the cast matched the characters of the original at all, especially Jessica Simpson. Whole movie was over-sexed and had too much foul language. The best part of the film was the out-takes during the credits, and even they got too crude. Give me the 'good ol' original boys of Hazzard County'!!!


Wish I had not spent the $9. There were a few entertaining moments, but they usually involved the General Lee or the music. I don't feel the cast matched the characters of the original at all, especially Jessica Simpson. Whole movie was over-sexed and had too much foul language. The best part of the film was the out-takes during the credits, and even they got too crude. Give me the 'good ol' original boys of Hazzard County'!!!


I just learned today from an insider that the "Campus Cop" (with the shades and mustache) was the director, Jay Chandasjuvuhrlueer. I can't say it let alone spell it...give me a break.


I just learned today from an insider that the "Campus Cop" (with the shades and mustache) was the director, Jay Chandasjuvuhrlueer. I can't say it let alone spell it...give me a break.


I remember thinking just how damn bad this would be, the cast looked horrible..but you know it worked out, funny but without going into american pie gross out humor, tons of great chases and jumps, junior brown as narrator was great (even heard his song in the background once) and the theme song was in there..perfect.

it seems a blend of the original moonrunners movie (damn they need that on dvd!) so that's very good, it could have ended up trying to out camp the original series and try to make fun like the brady bunch movies, but this felt like being in hazzard with a new set of dukes for a new age.

and the local schools had brought a lot of kids that day so the the place was packed with some seeing CATCF and some seeing dukes, about an even split, everyone seem to have a great time, lots of laughs, cheers and everyone stayed through the credits to listen to the music.

I have never seen a theater act like that, most times they are very low key, it's hard to get a chuckle out of people there, but this time everyone was happy, i even joined in, it was amazing really, but i guess the reason is i live in the country and so do those who saw it that day, and we love cars here, the mucsle car show room is part of the theater and the annual car show is always big, so the car movies like this are winners here.

and the music was great, I wish more of the songs were on the movie soundtrack, i love southern rock and country so this was great.


I remember thinking just how damn bad this would be, the cast looked horrible..but you know it worked out, funny but without going into american pie gross out humor, tons of great chases and jumps, junior brown as narrator was great (even heard his song in the background once) and the theme song was in there..perfect.

it seems a blend of the original moonrunners movie (damn they need that on dvd!) so that's very good, it could have ended up trying to out camp the original series and try to make fun like the brady bunch movies, but this felt like being in hazzard with a new set of dukes for a new age.

and the local schools had brought a lot of kids that day so the the place was packed with some seeing CATCF and some seeing dukes, about an even split, everyone seem to have a great time, lots of laughs, cheers and everyone stayed through the credits to listen to the music.

I have never seen a theater act like that, most times they are very low key, it's hard to get a chuckle out of people there, but this time everyone was happy, i even joined in, it was amazing really, but i guess the reason is i live in the country and so do those who saw it that day, and we love cars here, the mucsle car show room is part of the theater and the annual car show is always big, so the car movies like this are winners here.

and the music was great, I wish more of the songs were on the movie soundtrack, i love southern rock and country so this was great.

I remember thinking just how damn bad this would be, the cast looked horrible..but you know it worked out, funny but without going into american pie gross out humor, tons of great chases and jumps, junior brown as narrator was great (even heard his song in the background once) and the theme song was in there..perfect.

it seems a blend of the original moonrunners movie (damn they need that on dvd!) so that's very good, it could have ended up trying to out camp the original series and try to make fun like the brady bunch movies, but this felt like being in hazzard with a new set of dukes for a new age.

and the local schools had brought a lot of kids that day so the the place was packed with some seeing CATCF and some seeing dukes, about an even split, everyone seem to have a great time, lots of laughs, cheers and everyone stayed through the credits to listen to the music.

I have never seen a theater act like that, most times they are very low key, it's hard to get a chuckle out of people there, but this time everyone was happy, i even joined in, it was amazing really, but i guess the reason is i live in the country and so do those who saw it that day, and we love cars here, the mucsle car show room is part of the theater and the annual car show is always big, so the car movies like this are winners here.

and the music was great, I wish more of the songs were on the movie soundtrack, i love southern rock and country so this was great.

That surprised me too that the theater I saw it in was so into the movie . Laughing at the jokes and doing the YEEEHAAAAW a couple of times. That was awesome that almost everyone was into it like that.

I took my kids to see the movie , I went openeing night with my wife and friends. It was my son's (2 1/2 years old) first movie. When he first saw the General jump in the movie he did a YEEEHAW . That made the movie for me right there, seeing how he enjoyed it (til he fell asleep about 2/3 of the way in) .....

I'm gone


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