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Definatly Luke he is great, sweet, handsome, smart, handsome, strong, and has a great body (even today) oh yeah and hot. haha. well Bo would be my next choice then Cooter then Enos. All would be a very fun time each to their fav place around Hazzard. Just picture it.....

  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry folks, I gotta go for Luke. he's always been my favorite. Even when he's a jerk. But thats consistant with those I date anyway...

Bo..? Well he looks like a softy and I'd get bored easily.

Rosco? Cooter? Nah.... i'd be thinking of Luke the entire time.

So...... LUKE it is! He's handsome, as previously mentioned, and intelligent. He's got a rough edge about him and he's older.

I'd rather be Bo's friend.


Flash!!!???? Isn't flash a girl?????? But anyway, I'd like to add to who I would choose. I would have a tough time deciding between the Duke boys, I like them both. Bo would be awesome, so much fun and he'd say things to make a girl giggle. But Luke is intelligent and more mature he'd say things that would make you melt. I don't know!!! :(

They'd both be great!!! :D

  • 2 weeks later...

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