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Hey Y'all!

Denver C. a fellow Jeepster! I am giving you the Jeep wave right now! That tire cover sounds really neat! I wish I could think of stuff like that! When you say custom paint job, do you mean that your sister painted it on there? I really think that sounds cool! I hope if I ever get stopped by the local law it is to admire my vehicle. Which isn't likely because I (in reality) will probably never be able to afford a real nice car, like the General Lee, but a person can dream!!!! Anyway, you all sound like you have nice vehicles.

Anyone name their vehicles? Our Jeep is Miss Daisy, the Blazer is Blaze, the Expedition is Eddie, and the Bronco is just Da Bronco!

I'll catch y'all later!

General Grant

I named both of my cars. LOL. My Firebird is "Maverick" my Saturn is "Sassy." LOL

Vehicle I drive, got four legs and neighs!! lol I ride my horse mostly... I aint old enough to rip up the roads yet sos I get the next best thing, my horse!!! I live on a mountain so its better in the winter time too saves a whooole lotta gas!

Ya know, this ain't such a bad idea, given gas prices as they are! LOL


Hey Lori, I was thinking of you when watching the national news tonight. They showed rescue crews pulling a horse out of a well (or something like that) in Boone County Kentucky. I hope that wasn't one of yours!!


Hey Y'all!

I sure missed a lot! I know what you mean about horses! I would love to ride mine to get around. But it takes a half hour to get anywhere driving, and I think if I actually made my horses work they'd buck me off, leave me in the middle of no where and high-tail it on back to the barn! I'll take payin' for gas as opposed to payin' the hospital bill! Khee! Khee!

MaryAnne... you have a firebird,too?! I said it several times and I'll say it again, I wish I had a firebird! Any reason behind namin' them Maverick and Sassy?

General Grant

Hey Y'all!

I sure missed a lot! I know what you mean about horses! I would love to ride mine to get around. But it takes a half hour to get anywhere driving, and I think if I actually made my horses work they'd buck me off, leave me in the middle of no where and high-tail it on back to the barn! I'll take payin' for gas as opposed to payin' the hospital bill! Khee! Khee!

MaryAnne... you have a firebird,too?! I said it several times and I'll say it again, I wish I had a firebird! Any reason behind namin' them Maverick and Sassy?

General Grant

Yes I do have a Firebird! It's an older one tho', 1986...


I named my Firebird Maverick because I like actor James Garner who drove a Firebird on The Rockford Files in the '70's and back in the '50s was one of the leads in the tv series "Maverick." :) (My fanfic character, MaryAnne, drives a '78 Firebird also called Maverick. I'd like to have a '77 or '78 one day too. Khee!)

As for Sassy... I was trying to think of a name and my dad said something to the effect of "the sassy Saturn." Voila!


Thanks for the picture MaryAnne!

That is a great looking car! I have said it before, and I will say it yet again... I wish I had a car like that! It is even black! If I was driving down the road and saw that I'd probably end up in a snowbank because I would be wishing that was me behind the wheel of it! What a great car!

If you don't mind my askin', how is it on gas, and is it a comfortable ride?

I absolutely love that picture, it is a great car. I am sure you are happy to drive that around!!!! How many people stare at that car?!

General Grant

That is nice to know. How does it run? If you use it to get to and from work you must use it quite a bit.

General Grant

shes runs good, hardly any maintainance and shes got me to and from work for a good 3+yrs now, as well as to quite a few out of town locations, a trust worthy vehicle indeed. so far anyway.

Thanks for the picture MaryAnne!

That is a great looking car! I have said it before, and I will say it yet again... I wish I had a car like that! It is even black! If I was driving down the road and saw that I'd probably end up in a snowbank because I would be wishing that was me behind the wheel of it! What a great car!

If you don't mind my askin', how is it on gas, and is it a comfortable ride?

I absolutely love that picture, it is a great car. I am sure you are happy to drive that around!!!! How many people stare at that car?!

General Grant

Occasionally I have folks take note of the car, but 3rd Gen. Firebirds and Trans Ams are the Rodney Dangerfield of the model line. They don't get no respect. LOL

It does okay on gas. I mostly drive around in the city with it (I don't have to travel long distances) and one time I measured it and came up 14 miles to the gallon. Granted, that's not really that great but I've heard of worse gas mileage on newer cars. LOL. Now, it's also a standard transmission and I probably don't drive it as efficiently as I should be. Highway miles are probably a little better but like I said, I don't travel long distances with it. All in all, it's a V6 so it's not a complete gas hogg...er hog.. LOL

It's actually pretty comfortable ride, although you do feel every rut and hole in the road. It handles nice though. The seats I have are pretty decent, even for being over 20 years old. There's good support for the back.

It's a nice cruiser car. I've been working piecemeal at minor restoration of it. Within the next couple of years I hope to have bodywork and paint done. I'm debating whether to keep it black or go with another color.


Hey Y'all!

That is great to hear. 14 Miles per gallon isn't too bad. I have hear worse. I heard somewhere, and I am not sure that it is true, that the original General Lee gets between 6 and 8 MPG. So, all in all, the Trans Am isn't too bad. Good luck with your restoration job. I am sure it will turn out great.

General Grant

  • 2 weeks later...

Hy drive a 1986 Ranger XTS 2.9L 5 speeds,1985 1500 4x4 chevy truck for snow removal,and dam do we have lot of snow this year in Montréal.Hy am rebuilding a 1980 chevy truck 4x4 350 4 bolt main with 1998 camaro piston,and school bus cam,the truck is gear 4,11 ham gona get 5 g rom 0 to 50.hand for the famaly its a 1998 venture.For racing got a 1970 monte carlo.

Annnnnd hy am still looking for a 1969 charger.


Hey ya'll.

I drive a 1992 Buick Century, its a V6, got it last June.

*Grins.* Hey dont laugh, that bucket of rust is paid for! :-P


P.S. I own a Cutlass Oldsmobile, Rodester Limited Edition, but its in storage, needs an engine. *winks.*

Hy drive a 1986 Ranger XTS 2.9L 5 speeds,1985 1500 4x4 chevy truck for snow removal,and dam do we have lot of snow this year in Montréal.Hy am rebuilding a 1980 chevy truck 4x4 350 4 bolt main with 1998 camaro piston,and school bus cam,the truck is gear 4,11 ham gona get 5 g rom 0 to 50.hand for the famaly its a 1998 venture.For racing got a 1970 monte carlo.

Annnnnd hy am still looking for a 1969 charger.

Hey there! Montreal here too! The snow removal business is in full swing this year huh? LOL! Welcome!

I hope you find your charger. I saw a car painted like the General here but not the real deal.

For the record (if I haven't already said so) I drive 2007 Ford Focus. Good engine, great handling and not too expensive. I bought it used.

Hey ya'll.

I drive a 1992 Buick Century, its a V6, got it last June.

*Grins.* Hey dont laugh, that bucket of rust is paid for! :-P


P.S. I own a Cutlass Oldsmobile, Rodester Limited Edition, but its in storage, needs an engine. *winks.*

Hey I like your car it sounds cool both cars.

  • 2 weeks later...

driving down the road

behind a pickup truck

he's going really slow

oh what rotten luck!

We gotta get to Deb's

or she will have our heads

We oughta trade this chevy in


OHHHH Jingle bells...Jingle Bells...Jingle all the way!

Oh what fun it is to drive an old blue Chevorlet!

I own an ford Esocort zx2 and amanda now drives a Honda Wave motorcycle she wanted a Harley but the teachers said they never get the students off it.

my dad drive a Ford and my drive a PT cruier so we really dont have any loyalty to any brand of car along as it runs my chevy lumina needed to many repairs didnt help that ran it into ditch last winter.

I drive a green, almost 14 years old, Fiat 500. But I guess I'll have to change it next year, for "environmental problems"

And me, a Fiat Punto. But I'd like to buy the new Fiat 500. Bella, eh? :innocent:

And me, a Fiat Punto. But I'd like to buy the new Fiat 500. Bella, eh? :innocent:

Can you post a picture, I'm getting a ride from my brother in his 2006 Nissan Sentra in Black or getting a ride from my parents in there 1999 Ford Crown Victoria, or catching a bus or walking.

  • 7 months later...


Here's my current ride. I really like the dodge although my husband had a laugh when I told him I wanted to paint it orange with an 01 on the doors. My family has always had classic cars. My first car was a 1968 Pontiac, my older sister had a 1970 Monte Carlo, both had 350's in them. My parents have two oldsmobile super sport convertables. One is a yellow 68 and the other is a dark green 69.


This is as close a picture of it as I could find. I loved that car but I had to sell it. The guy I sold it too totally restored it so I"m glad he got it.

  • 5 months later...

Well I have a 97 camaro rs new paint job(done by my uncle and I) and My wife has a 01 jeep grand cherokee lerado 4x4, I had an 06 gsx-r 600 but I sold her after I got my last car.



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