travelerF150 Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 Brian Coltrane wrote:But when viewed from an alternate-universe perspective, it might be interesting to see Bo and Luke as edgy, wayward, rebels-without-a-clue. They're grittier, nastier, and dumber, but when their main purpose in the movie is to get shook around in the car like two peanuts in a tin can, who cares? Amen brother! That's exactly what I've been saying. Quote
01 GENERAL LEE 01 Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 Th' General may not have been th' star o' th' series as proven by Coy & Vance, but it will definitely be th' star o' this flick. I seriously can't believe I'm gonna pay to see a SWS movie. I paid fer another Knox one in th' form o' MIIB. Quote
fathead Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 Not to steal wLc's thunder or anything (God love 'im), but I was diggin' around for a hi-res Quicktime version of the trailer and came up with this... Quote
Conundrum Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 I think the jump and the end with "Dixie" going was sweeeet! Quote
Dale The Bold Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 The didn't actually use the same joke. In DUmb and Dumber, the line was like this.Woman: I'm from AustriaJim Carrey: Well then, G'Day mate...lets throw another shrimp on the barbie.What makes that funny is because the woman isn't from Australia at all. However, I won't write off your statement completely because the first time I saw the trailer and that part came up, my mind also went to dumb and dumber.Yeah, the Dumb and Dumber joke is slightly different, but it's actually funnier.This will be a fun movie, though. Seeing the General Lee in action is what will make it cool. Everything else needs improvement. At least they got the General Lee right. This movie will do well, and that car is the reason. Quote
Divia Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 <---owner of a crappy computer.Can someone give me some screen shots of Enos and Daisy please? I can't download the stupid thing. Quote
MaximRecoil Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 Not to steal wLc's thunder or anything (God love 'im), but I was diggin' around for a hi-res Quicktime version of the trailer and came up with this... anyone wants to directly download the high resolution version (the biggest one, marked "Fullscreen") from that page to their hard drive, right-click on this link and select "Save Target As..." - is 32 MB so it will be a long download without a broadband connection. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 It will probably take the whole film to get use to Bo havin' facial hair but seein' the General fly on the big screen is going to be great! =) Daney Quote
Officer Barbrady Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 C'mon....where's Rosco? And Cooter? That said, there were parts that had me going "yee-haw!" (pretty much anything with the General) and some that almost made me put something through the monitor (most involving Jessica Simpson). The siblings, the offspring and I commented that Burt Reynolds is wrong as Boss Hogg. We just laughed at Willie Nelson.This movie kinda scares me, but not enough to plunk the eight bucks or so on a trip to the theater. I already promised the nephew I'd take him, and a Duke never reneged on his/her word. (and that influenced this lady here) Quote
wLc Posted May 7, 2005 Author Posted May 7, 2005 Not to steal wLc's thunder or anything (God love 'im),I have no thunder to steal. I'm not in this for the glory, I'm in this for sharing information between fans. Quote
Virgin Enos Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 Call me crazy but cosiddering the director wanted to give the new duke boys more of a bad boy image SWS amd Knoxville may have not been a bad choice. Coy and Vance falled because they where too much of a spoof of the origanal .If i where the director I would keep that in mind.The only reason people complain about the new new movie is because its different.The director wasn't intrested in finding actors who could impersinate the originals. Like Knoxville said "where not trying to impersinate those guys because they will be the dukes of hazzard because they will be the Dukes of Hazzard forever. Whale it may not be the best representation of the origanal it will be entertaining to its targeted audiance. I guess the point Im trying to make is that the fact that its differnt may be a good thing Quote
Virgin Enos Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 Call me crazy but cosiddering the director wanted to give the new duke boys more of a bad boy image SWS amd Knoxville may have not been a bad choice. Coy and Vance falled because they where too much of a spoof of the origanal .If i where the director I would keep that in mind.The only reason people complain about the new new movie is because its different.The director wasn't intrested in finding actors who could impersinate the originals. Like Knoxville said "where not trying to impersinate those guys because they will be the dukes of hazzard forever. Whale it may not be the best representation of the origanal it will be entertaining to its targeted audiance. I guess the point Im trying to make is that the fact that its differnt may be a good thing Quote
Ron_69 Posted May 9, 2005 Posted May 9, 2005 I like the idea of the new movie its kind of a contemperized verion of a classic. Hopfuly this movie will open up the Dukes to a new Generation.Oh and by the way the Version of the theme song was a single version by Waylon Jennings. The only real difference is the tempo is a little slower, theres background vocals, theres is a guitar solo, and an extra verse. I had it download a while back, but had to get my computer cleared out and I haven't found it after. Quote
lostsheep22 Posted May 9, 2005 Posted May 9, 2005 Part of me cant wait to go see the movie, but the other part dosen't. The car stunts look great and it great to the general flying around again, but as far as the actors go it going to take a whole lot a acting to pull it off. So far all they have done is make Bo look like a dork. Quote
Craig M.D. Posted May 9, 2005 Posted May 9, 2005 Wooo! My first post here. Shiny.Well, along with a couple other movies this year (Sin City, Star Wars, Serenity) I've been keeping track of the new Dukes movie but didn't know what to expect. I kept waiting for the trailer to debut to get a feel for what the movie would be like.First of all, it does strike me as heading into "comedy" territory just a little too much. The tv show had its light-hearted moments, but it was more "fun" than "funny", with the exception of Enos and Roscoe, and sometimes Boss Hogg. In the trailer, even the Dukes look like they'll be played dumb, though I hope that its just a couple of scenes and not the whole movie that they act like this.Second, Warner Bros. seems to be trying to sell two things in this trailer - first, Jessica Simpson as Daisy Duke (shorts, bikini, etc.). Sex sells from what I'm told. Second - The General Lee. From the interviews I read I knew CGI wouldn't be involved for the stunts, but I didn't know how good the stunts would look, but from what I've seen they look really good.Third, the Duke boys. SWS and Knoxville (as I said above) seem to be playing the Dukes as reckless morons. I hope what we saw in the trailer is not indicative of their performance in the whole movie. Hopefully there's some character development that gets them out of it In the series the Dukes were good guys that just got themselves in trouble becauset they weren't afraid to stand up to the corrupt law enforcement in Hazzard.Still, the trailer looks pretty good. Quote
scdukeboy Posted May 9, 2005 Posted May 9, 2005 Hey, I think some people need to lighten up and take this movie for what it is. It's definetly not an exact remake. The movie has a good cast that will draw people to see it. I think any real Duke fan should be excited over this movie. The ratings on CMT ought to skyrocket once the movie comes out. It will generate a lot of interest in the younger generation. The only complaint I have is the awefull 01 on the stunt car and the cheap wheels. That's the first thing my wife even noticed and she normally doesn't even care about things like that. I mean that's easy stuff they could have fixed. Quote
travelerF150 Posted May 9, 2005 Posted May 9, 2005 In the beginning of the trailer the 01 is different then in the rest of the movie because the hasn't become the General Lee yet. The first clips of the trailer that show the car being chased in the woods, the car has a different 01, doesn't have rims on it, just plain black wheels, not to metion it looks like a rust bucket. I don't even know if it has the flag on it or not at the beginning. The car becomes the General in the beginning of the movie after the boys wreck it and have to rebuild it. That's why it looks funny in the beginning of the trailer. Quote
Craig M.D. Posted May 9, 2005 Posted May 9, 2005 Yeah, spoilers have it that the Dukes take to Cooter and he fixes it up for them at the beginning of the movie. He paints it, puts the Confederate flag on the car, and soups up the engine for them. He also welds the doors shut for some reason. Apparently all references to the General Lee being a stock car are gone. Quote
GeneralLee01 Posted May 9, 2005 Posted May 9, 2005 I know im gonna have a new favorite movie after I see it! I love the trailer and watch it over and over. Also I have never seen the General Lee look so good. Quote
lostsheep22 Posted May 9, 2005 Posted May 9, 2005 I have to say something because it really buging me. People are say some of us are making to much of nothing, well I just dont want a good thing to be distroyed. People are saying that it will bring a younger generation to the dukes. If they want to get a new generation into the duke they need to stick to the origianl guidelines. The movie might show them as something there are not. I have always seen the duke as a close family with morals, thats loves life. The dukes where good clean fun on t.v. You dont see that anymore. This movie could change the look for the dukes for the new generation. I know dukes where make 20 some old year ago and you cant recreat everything, but come on it Hollywood they can do anything. Why give someone a fales impression. (Dukes Don't Lie) Quote
travelerF150 Posted May 9, 2005 Posted May 9, 2005 All I have to say is that people shouldn't trash something they haven't seen yet. I know this movie won't be for every Dukes fan but no matter what they do with the concept they can't change the original show. I'm looking at as two completly different things. You have to. The only way that this movie could be true to the original show would be to have the original cast in it and lets face it that would be impossible. Not only because the cast has gotten older but what would the Dukes be with out Uncle Jesse and Boss Hogg? The first reunion movie was good, the second was ok at best. But lets face it, they're not making this movie for the hardcore, purist Dukes fan. They're making it because they have a cool concept for a movie that will be entertaining and make money. Quote
scdukeboy Posted May 9, 2005 Posted May 9, 2005 I just think if this movie will help a few more tune in to watch the Dukes on CMT then it can't be a bad thing. Anything to spark interest and help keep them on the air. Quote
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