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My first impressions of the teaser trailer...

Bo - not bad, but what's up with the beard? He should be more of a heartthrob, ladykiller. And the Led Zeppelin T-shirt is too much. Wrong, wrong, wrong. The Dukes are supposed to be country boys through and through... and I even LOVE Led Zeppelin.

Luke - Hard to match up to the original, but I like Knoxville, and he could turn out okay. At least he wears a checked shirt (although admittedly not blue.) Hate the Top Gun sunglasses, though.

The two of them together - they seem to have a good chemistry. But my issue is with their characterization. They're supposed to be "good 'ol boys, never meanin' no harm." As somone else on here said, they seem to be looking for trouble.

Daisy - Will never, ever live up to the glorious Catherine Bach. However, I must say when I heard about this casting I was appalled. "Daisy is NOT a ditz!" I must have said a hundred times since the announcement. Well, thank goodness, she doesn't seem to be one in this movie. I really enjoyed the bar scene, where she lays the smack down on that inconsiderate hick. A Duke protects her honor. I am very impressed with her southern accent. Just over-the-top enough. I hate the blonde hair, but as I said before, no one will ever top the incomparable Catherine Bach. I can understand Jessica Simson wanting to keep her traidmark coif. She's pretty hot, but I wish her legs were longer.

Boss Hogg - Terrible. Nothing against Burt (he should have played Roscoe) but he's too tall, too thin and too sinister. The original Boss was mean and selfish, but he was more of a comedic antihero... a bumbling n'er-do-well. Not really a vengeful man. I know the movie doesn't have to follow the tv show exactly, but this was a crucial hire and portrayal that was messed up.

Uncle Jesse - Perfect hire, but I'm hoping the portrayal is a little more cranky and virtuous than the trailer showed. He seemed a little sheepish in the muffin scene and I can't see the original Uncle Jesse throwing a Molotov coctail at another man, even a cop. I can see him leading a cop into a crumbling barn, but not the outright violence of an explosive.

Roscoe - Not in the trailer, but judging by other roles that the actor has played, I'm anticipating the same problems as the Boss Hogg role.

Enos - Hard to mess this one up too bad. He seems pretty good to me. Does anyone know who plays him?

Music - great.

Hazzard - great.

Boars Nest - Beyond great. Awesome. I love the shot where you're looking up at Daisy and see the dollar bills on the ceiling. Classic.

Dynamite - Glad they kept this crucial trademark, but the scene where the dukes and their big friend get blown backwards looks cheesy and too computer-animation for me. And again, the Dukes don't seem the type to shoot a bomb into a car's radiator.

Jokes - All the jokes associated with Daisy were great... The Double-D, the Special, the Wait Till I Leave and the Undercarriage jokes were spot-on. I also liked Luke's "No, but do you have an application," and "I never get tired of hearing him say that." Everything else sucked. ESPECIALLY the japanese stuff, the shrimp-on-the-barbie stuff, and the stupid "White after Labor Day" joke.

And Last but not least...



Awesome. Incredible. The stunts look AMAZING! I'm SO glad they went with real stunts. The first jump is so LONG! The last jump is so HIGH! Holy cow. I got chills! Thank the gods of hollywood that they made the right decisions here... not the least of which were the confederate flag on the roof and the "Dixie" horn. I was really, really, really, really worried those would be axed in the P.C. world we live in. I loved all the classic shots of spinning tires, eroded-creek jumps, road block busts, smashed cop cars and especially Bo sliding across the hood. (Did you notice that scene is reversed? Look at the "10" on the door and the "EEL LARENEG" over the window) My only problem was, in one interior scene you can see a modern stereo head unit. That sucks. But at least there's a CB underneath it. And, if it's true, I'm glad the moviemakers are going to tell the backstory, where Cooter soups up the car, repaints it and welds the doors.

Random thoughts... The token black cop. Linda Carter looks great. Love the shot of the guy flying into the rack of bottles at the Boar's Nest. Whoever plays that fat cop could have played Boss Hogg. This movie looks like a lot of FUN, although nothing will match the original show.

Just my two cents, er, dollars I guess.

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My first impressions of the teaser trailer...

Bo - not bad, but what's up with the beard? He should be more of a heartthrob, ladykiller. And the Led Zeppelin T-shirt is too much. Wrong, wrong, wrong. The Dukes are supposed to be country boys through and through... and I even LOVE Led Zeppelin.

Luke - Hard to match up to the original, but I like Knoxville, and he could turn out okay. At least he wears a checked shirt (although admittedly not blue.) Hate the Top Gun sunglasses, though.

The two of them together - they seem to have a good chemistry. But my issue is with their characterization. They're supposed to be "good 'ol boys, never meanin' no harm." As somone else on here said, they seem to be looking for trouble.

Daisy - Will never, ever live up to the glorious Catherine Bach. However, I must say when I heard about this casting I was appalled. "Daisy is NOT a ditz!" I must have said a hundred times since the announcement. Well, thank goodness, she doesn't seem to be one in this movie. I really enjoyed the bar scene, where she lays the smack down on that inconsiderate hick. A Duke protects her honor. I am very impressed with her southern accent. Just over-the-top enough. I hate the blonde hair, but as I said before, no one will ever top the incomparable Catherine Bach. I can understand Jessica Simson wanting to keep her traidmark coif. She's pretty hot, but I wish her legs were longer.

Boss Hogg - Terrible. Nothing against Burt (he should have played Roscoe) but he's too tall, too thin and too sinister. The original Boss was mean and selfish, but he was more of a comedic antihero... a bumbling n'er-do-well. Not really a vengeful man. I know the movie doesn't have to follow the tv show exactly, but this was a crucial hire and portrayal that was messed up.

Uncle Jesse - Perfect hire, but I'm hoping the portrayal is a little more cranky and virtuous than the trailer showed. He seemed a little sheepish in the muffin scene and I can't see the original Uncle Jesse throwing a Molotov coctail at another man, even a cop. I can see him leading a cop into a crumbling barn, but not the outright violence of an explosive.

Roscoe - Not in the trailer, but judging by other roles that the actor has played, I'm anticipating the same problems as the Boss Hogg role.

Enos - Hard to mess this one up too bad. He seems pretty good to me. Does anyone know who plays him?

Music - great.

Hazzard - great.

Boars Nest - Beyond great. Awesome. I love the shot where you're looking up at Daisy and see the dollar bills on the ceiling. Classic.

Dynamite - Glad they kept this crucial trademark, but the scene where the dukes and their big friend get blown backwards looks cheesy and too computer-animation for me. And again, the Dukes don't seem the type to shoot a bomb into a car's radiator.

Jokes - All the jokes associated with Daisy were great... The Double-D, the Special, the Wait Till I Leave and the Undercarriage jokes were spot-on. I also liked Luke's "No, but do you have an application," and "I never get tired of hearing him say that." Everything else sucked. ESPECIALLY the japanese stuff, the shrimp-on-the-barbie stuff, and the stupid "White after Labor Day" joke.

And Last but not least...



Awesome. Incredible. The stunts look AMAZING! I'm SO glad they went with real stunts. The first jump is so LONG! The last jump is so HIGH! Holy cow. I got chills! Thank the gods of hollywood that they made the right decisions here... not the least of which were the confederate flag on the roof and the "Dixie" horn. I was really, really, really, really worried those would be axed in the P.C. world we live in. I loved all the classic shots of spinning tires, eroded-creek jumps, road block busts, smashed cop cars and especially Bo sliding across the hood. (Did you notice that scene is reversed? Look at the "10" on the door and the "EEL LARENEG" over the window) My only problem was, in one interior scene you can see a modern stereo head unit. That sucks. But at least there's a CB underneath it. And, if it's true, I'm glad the moviemakers are going to tell the backstory, where Cooter soups up the car, repaints it and welds the doors.

Random thoughts... The token black cop. Linda Carter looks great. Love the shot of the guy flying into the rack of bottles at the Boar's Nest. Whoever plays that fat cop could have played Boss Hogg. This movie looks like a lot of FUN, although nothing will match the original show.

Just my two cents, er, dollars I guess.

of course there is a modern stero unti in the car, the movie is set in 2005


I've got no problem with the movie being set in today's society. I had just hoped the General would stay classic, and not updated. For the most part it wasn't updated - just that modern stereo head unit.


From what I can make of it, it sounds like Kid Rock. I know that he does the song at all his concerts in the middle of American Bada$$.

I saw him at the Voodoo Music Fest in Oct 2004 and he made mention to the movie and song...


Alright everyone. I am back after my new computer crashed one month after getting it. But that is another story for later.....

I was watching CMT's Top Twenty Countdown with Buddy Jewell last week when they showed the trailer. I have watchede it over and over again on CMT and on the internet.

Thanks to bucknbn for giving me a template to work off of. Sorry I stole your format.

My take on it, if ya'll can take at least one more opinion. I think the movie will be better than what was expected from everyone on here.

Bo - I think SWS will be a great Bo. I like that he is a little more wilder , at least on the trailer he is.

Luke - Johnny Knoxville might have gotten the bad rap from everyone on here because of Jacka$$ , but I think he pulls it off . Maybe he is not the serious type or the voice of reason like Tom Wopat was , but he will a great compliment to SWS.

Daisy - I still would have preferred Gretchen Wilson as Daisy. With that being said, Jessica Simpson seems like she will make a good Daisy. She does look hot and does show some smarts. I will wait and judge when the movie comes out.

Uncle Jesse - I always thought Willie Nelson was great choice. His trailer spot proves it to me. Although he seemed a bit too flirtatious than what we are used to, it might not be a bad thing if he still has his values and respect we all come to expect.

Boss Hogg - Another choice I was happy with. It will be different seeing Burt Reynolds as JD Hogg. He will be the opposite of what we are used to. Maybe that might be a good thing.

Enos - Looks like a good choice in the little bit they show.

Roscoe - Can't tell yet. Not in the trailer.

All in all it looked great to me. Seeing the "General Lee" fly through the air with the dixie horn actually got to me. That was pure enjoyment. I think SWS and Knoxville seem to have the chemistry in the little bit of the trailer. Jessica sounded good as Daisy with her sarcasm and remarks. And the music , especially the new version of Good Ol' Boys sounded awesome...

Everyone has to understand that this is set in 2005, so Bo and Luke will be more of a product of today's world, not a quarter century earlier. I just hope people who made the movie decide to NOT include the scene explaining the Confederate flag , as we have discussed on here before.

One other thing that they have to have in this movie or else it loses a star automatically - THE BALLADEER.


Despite what I've read in interviews about the movie not being a comedy, the trailer itself seemed to play up the comedic aspects/scenes of the film.

I just hope that Bo and Luke are portrayed smarter in the movie than they seemed in the trailer and that Uncle Jesse is still the cornerstone of the Duke family.

EDIT: also, about Daisy being a blonde - didn't the producers on the show originally want a blonde to play the part? I recall Catherine Bach saying something about that on commentary for episode 1 on the 1st season DVDs.


I have to say something because it really buging me. People are say some of us are making to much of nothing, well I just dont want a good thing to be distroyed. People are saying that it will bring a younger generation to the dukes. If they want to get a new generation into the duke they need to stick to the origianl guidelines. The movie might show them as something there are not. I have always seen the duke as a close family with morals, thats loves life. The dukes where good clean fun on t.v. You dont see that anymore. This movie could change the look for the dukes for the new generation. I know dukes where make 20 some old year ago and you cant recreat everything, but come on it Hollywood they can do anything. Why give someone a fales impression.

(Dukes Don't Lie)


I agree with you Lostsheep22, though, it being set in 2005 I can see some changes but the characterization should not have been changed so much as I said before it makes it look like they go lookin gfor the trouble and cause it to get Boss mad. (thats NOT the DUKES). As for the new generation, :-? I was not around for the original airing o fthe AWSOME series but love what it was and is now. With that said, I am still eager to see the new movie, it looks like it will be funny, and still good just not what everyone expects of the Dukes of Hazzard. After all they is just keepin it b'tween the ditches. :wink:


Libraries are a wonderful thing.....I finally saw the flippin thing.

I still dont think Bo should have facial hair. Or Enos for that matter. Its just wrong.

Jessica sounds like she has a fake southern accent. Isnt she southern? Damn that girl can't do anything right.

Burt Reynolds just isnt Boss Hogg. Hogg..its a play on words...the original was fat..how can a Hogg be skinny?

Johnny Knoxville might be able to pull this off.

I still dont see the point of the Japanese line though?? "We converted?"

My first impressions of the teaser trailer...

Bo sliding across the hood. (Did you notice that scene is reversed? Look at the "10" on the door and the "EEL LARENEG" over the window)

I thought I was the only one who noticed that.


More thoughts, after the 100th viewing...

I watched this thing so many times and tried to figure out what it was I liked so much about it. It was something that had to do with the classic show -- something carried over -- and I couldn't lay my finger on it. Well I finally did.

Its the rockin' CAMERA ANGLES.

I love the super-close-ups of the side of the car, taken from way down at ground level, where all you can see are the wheels spinning and a little bit of the scenery up in front.

I love the super-low camera angles at the bottom of the ramp when they hit it and white smoke billows out from under the car.

I love the classic one, where the camera is actually ON the ground and the car passes over it, spewing leaves.

I love the one in the first jump where it's on the landing bank of the river and the car is flying toward and slightly to the side of us (that one's especially good, because of the way the car is leaning... that's classic, too.)

There's one incredible shot (very short, you have to pause the video) where the General is being chased by the cop cars. It really shows off the great suspension and handling of the General. The back wheels are off the ground and the front wheels are not just turned to the right, but ANGLED in under the car. It just makes the General look like it is... a POWERHOUSE of a machine, that isn't happy unless it's going full throttle and on the edge of out-of-control.

I love the shot of the General and the cop car side-by-side after they show the cop the keys.

I love the shot of Bo through the windshield as he's turning the General in a tight circle.

I love the shot that's taken very high up, where the General is jumping near the white buildings. It crosses across the screen, very high, and on the same level as the camera.

Of course, as I said before, I love the shot from the floor at Daisy, where you can see the ceiling of the boar's nest. For that matter, I love the shot of the Duke boys on the ground during the bar fight.

Enough about camera angles. You get the drift.


Random thoughts II ...

The girl on the bed at the sorority house looks like Laura Dern, one of my favorite actresses.

I miss the old Hazzard jail. There was something really cool about the cell right there in the office, with the key on the hook on the wall.

I hope the fat guy with the punk glasses who gets blown backward by the dynamite isn't Cooter.

I love the visual motif of the engine parts firing, the license plate and the front grille while the title comes on. I hope they do the entire opening credits that way.

There DEFINITELY needs to be a Balladeer.

I hope the farm the Dukes are on when they're surrounded by cop cars is not the Duke Farm. It's too big and nice-looking.


Things I hope to see in the movie:

I hope there's a moonshine element, or at least a reference to Jesse and JD running 'shine together in old days in the movie.

I wouldn't mind it if J.D. Hogg's twin brother, A.L. Hogg made an appearance, although that could probably be saved for a sequel. (For those that don't know, J.D. stands for Jefferson Davis, the first president of the confederacy and A.L. stands for Abraham Lincoln. He lived up north, wore all black and was a goody two-shoes) That was one of my favorite storylines in the show.



My thoughts on the trailer....

I agree with everyone else, the shots of the General were terrific! I will go see the movie, for that alone.

Some of the jokes were downright horrible. What I don't get is that this movie was so concerned with being PC that they were considering not using the flag on the roof, but just in the trailer alone were two rather non-PC jokes...what's up with that?

A few of the jokes weren't so bad, but again, I don't particularly like the characterizations in this movie...however, this is going to be something that primarily upsets long-time Dukes fans. Those of us who grew up on the show, who still watch the show frequently. Those of us who know the characters of Bo, Luke, Daisy and all the rest as practically family. We're the ones who are going to be most bothered by the new Duke's being out of character.

I think that the best thing that those of us who are concerned about the movie not fitting what we know as Dukes can do is watch the movie for itself (and for the General). If we try to compare it to the original, it seems like it will fall way short. But, I think that it is worth seeing just to see the General jump on the big-screen, I have wanted to see that for many years...and for that I can't wait.



Wow this could cause some damage. I hope this doesn't sound like back tracking, but I would like to apologize to each and everyone one of you for this.

I made a big mistake by leaving my PC here at work open, waiting on a customer and then going home while still logged into Hazzard Net. With that mistake I left myself open for a mischievous co-worker who knows Im a professional writer, a HUGE Duke fan (hell Im restoring a 68 as the General Lee now!!) and he likes to egg me on by saying he hates the Dukes of Hazzard and claims the only time he ever saw a Dodge Charger was in his rear view mirror getting smaller. Anyway... no need to go into an elaborate excuse, I would just to give a very big SORRY!!!

He really doesn't know how much he has effected any or what little creditability I had with you folks.

I just hope you all can forgive my mistake and still let me show my face here. Again thanks and Im sorry. :oops:


first of all the car looks like that way bacause that's how they find it. later it becomes the car we know

second the jumps are real

3 the general Lee is on the car

and that is'nt his son sing it's a band called cage9 im sorry if it sounds like im yelling i'm just giting tired of telling people who song the theme


MarkVanWoert, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. If you would have read the restof the interviews and done research like the rest ofus, you would have already known that all of the stunts in the movie are doen with real cars. Yes, they onlygot about three cars in greatcondition from the WB company that were in the original show. They made the stipulation that those cars were not to be used for any stunts. The rest of the cars that they used on the big jumps were also from the show. They rebuilt them just so that they could crash them again.

If you watch the show carefully, you can also tell that not every car they drive has the flags by the cb antenna, or the charger badge. Hell, if you listen closely, sometime you can hear the door slam when the boys get in the car off camera. John Schnieder has even said this himself.

General Lee is written on it, but if you knew the car better, you would realize that the words are written at the very front of the car, conveniently where thoseguys' ebows are placed, therefore covering it up.

Also, I hate to burst your bubble, but that last jump in the trailer, yes...It IS a real jump. The director talked about that jump in one of his interviews about how when they jumped it, it hit the median and broke the car.

And like dukesran said...this movie starts out with the general being corroded and junky. It is only after they wreck it that cooter fixes it and makes it what it is.

MC Gainy is not fat. He is very muscular and intimidating. Not like the real Roscoe, but wouldn't you know, this movieisn't the television show.

The next time you decide to talk completely out of your ass, please at least have some credibility to your statements. Although it has been fun nullifying all of your arguments, I odn't like dumb people trying to spread stuff about a movie they havn't even seen and is pissed because its nothowthey think it should be.

A fat Rosco, and a skinny Boss Hogg???? True fans are buying in to this pile of meadow muffins!!!


Now you can like me or you can hate me... but I am a TRUE Duke fan and this could be a cool movie... by another name.

Sorry guys.

Wow. Just... wow.

I think true fans research their information from more credible sources. You were wrong an almost all counts here, buddy.

Sorry guy.


EVeryone pleae reread the post by MarkVanWoert. It appears that a non duke fan tried to play a dirty joke on him. He has edited the post and apologized for the posting of his coworker under his name.

MarkVanWoert wrote:

Wow this could cause some damage. I hope this doesn't sound like back tracking, but I would like to apologize to each and everyone one of you for this.

I made a big mistake by leaving my PC here at work open, waiting on a customer and then going home while still logged into Hazzard Net. With that mistake I left myself open for a mischievous co-worker who knows Im a professional writer, a HUGE Duke fan (hell Im restoring a 68 as the General Lee now!!) and he likes to egg me on by saying he hates the Dukes of Hazzard and claims the only time he ever saw a Dodge Charger was in his rear view mirror getting smaller. Anyway... no need to go into an elaborate excuse, I would just to give a very big SORRY!!!

He really doesn't know how much he has effected any or what little creditability I had with you folks.

I just hope you all can forgive my mistake and still let me show my face here. Again thanks and Im sorry.


The only thing the trailer does is emphisize what the John Schenider, Tom Wopat, Ben Jones, etc have been saying about the "remake" and why they won't do a cameo in the movie. I can appreciate Dukes fans wanting to see the movie because it's the "dukes" (a very watered down version), but I would hope they would realize that the movie does nothing but make a farse of the good ol' boys, and what the TV show was about.

...I would watch another season of Vance and Coy, before I waste my money on this.



After watchig the trailer a couple of times I think those of you who are knocking the movie may be forgetting something--the first four or five episodes of DOH (the Covington GA, shows). They were much edgier (like the trailor) than the rest of the episodes. They were much more of what the creators had in mind. Hollywood stepped in once the show was a hit and actually watered it down. And as far as Bo being dumb-seriously have you ever seen an episode of the Dukes? Bo was dumb.

I guess my impression was that they captured the spirit of the show dead on. The one thing I fear is that Jesse will not provide a moral center, which in my mind is key and I would prefer Boss be short and fat but can certainly live with Burt.


Hey Bo anit dumb. He aint all that fast, but he aint dumb. There are many time where Bo has been right on track with Luke & time where Bo has finished Luke sentences. So you need to take that back!

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