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Everything posted by StonewallBrigade

  1. Well I just saw the movie, and I guess the "flag scene" wasn't all that bad. I didnt know there was going to be two scenes though. The first scene, to me showed both views of the flag...the people who see it as a symbol of the South, and the morons who think its a symbol of the KKK. The second scene where all the black guys in the city come up to the General and the two boys and threaten them because of the flag was pointless. All it did was reenforce the stereotype of a bunch of black guys hanging around the city and threatening people with violence. Like some of you already said, it makes the "anti-flag" people look like the morons. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but thats how I saw it.
  2. No friggin' way Ashton Kutcher should play Luke. He's too much of a fairy boy.
  3. Name-AJ Age-25 Location-just moved back to New Jersey from Gettysburg,PA Single, no children Favorite Bands-IN FLAMES, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Pantera, Sabbath, Ozzy Favorite Movies-Shawshank Redemption, Batman, Gettysburg, Platoon, The Cable Guy. Favorite TV shows-Dukes of Hazzard, Quantum Leap Sports-Baseball(NY Yankees), Hockey(NJ Devils) Interests- music(guitar), the American Civil War
  4. Thanks for the responses everybody...I think I will see it afterall(plus I want to use my free ticket). The scene doesnt sound as bad as I thought, and like some of you said, it actually makes the 'flag-haters' seem like the ones who are the ignorant morons. btw, did anyone else notice that in the MTV special, when they reenacted the first ever General Lee jump, that the General was missing the flag from it's roof? That's MTV for ya.
  5. I havent seen the movie yet, but heard a while back about the scene that touches on the Confederate Battle Flag on the General's roof. Could someone please explain this scene to me...what is said and what exactly happens. This scene is one of the reasons I havent seen the movie yet. If it degrades the flag in any way I probably wont go to see it. Thanks.
  6. Thats great news if the flag is to be replaced. F#&K the NAACP. It should never had been removed in the first place.
  7. Thats great news if the flag is to be replaced. F#&K the NAACP. It should never had been removed in the first place.
  8. If you like those bands, I HIGHLY recommend trying out IN FLAMES. My two favorite albums by them is Reroute to Remain and The Jester Race. If you want to download a couple songs, try any of these: Cloud Connected, Moonshield, Gyroscope, Goliaths Disarm Their Davids, Dead Eternity, The Jester Race, and December Flower.
  9. If you like those bands, I HIGHLY recommend trying out IN FLAMES. My two favorite albums by them is Reroute to Remain and The Jester Race. If you want to download a couple songs, try any of these: Cloud Connected, Moonshield, Gyroscope, Goliaths Disarm Their Davids, Dead Eternity, The Jester Race, and December Flower.
  10. I agree that they should have done the whole Coy and Vance thing in a different manner, but I think they were hoping to just slip them in and hope nobody would care that much and the show would continue like nothing happened. They did they same thing when Roscoe left for several episodes...they just gave a quick explanation why he wasnt present in that particular episode, then went on with the show.
  11. I agree that they should have done the whole Coy and Vance thing in a different manner, but I think they were hoping to just slip them in and hope nobody would care that much and the show would continue like nothing happened. They did they same thing when Roscoe left for several episodes...they just gave a quick explanation why he wasnt present in that particular episode, then went on with the show.
  12. I think that had there never been a Dukes of Hazzard and never had been a General Lee, we would not be seeing the Dodge Charger being brought back in 2005. If it werent for the General Lee, I'm not sure I would even know what a Dodge Charger looked like.
  13. I think that had there never been a Dukes of Hazzard and never had been a General Lee, we would not be seeing the Dodge Charger being brought back in 2005. If it werent for the General Lee, I'm not sure I would even know what a Dodge Charger looked like.
  14. I thought the episode without Bo was fine. I think they added a few extra jumps to make up for it. 4 jumps! Good episode.
  15. "Uncle Boss" They always tried to frame Bo and Luke, but this episode was ALL about framing them. I thought that was kinda rediculous.
  16. The jump throught the barn is one of my favorites.
  17. For all you DOH fans who are also metalheads, what are your favorite metal bands? Mine: IN FLAMES (old)Metallica Pantera Iron Maiden Black Sabbath Ozzy Dark Tranquillity Megadeth
  18. That would be kind of ironic considering Boss's name is "Jefferson Davis" Hogg.
  19. The Major Motion Picture Gettysburg, starring Tom Beringer, Martin Sheen and Jeff Daniels was filmed on location, on and around the battlefields of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
  20. 1. ...It doesnt make any sense.
  21. I just found this link to buy the movie: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/6301432819/yahoovideo2-20/ref%3Dnosim/002-6393896-1310447
  22. Uncle Jessie annoys the heck outta me sometimes(yeah, you heard me right). With all his rules and his preaching(Carnival of Thrills a good example). Sometimes I wish he would just shut up! Am I alone on this one?
  23. Mine came with the free movie ticket. I got mine from www.overstock.com for $26.99. Here's the link: http://www.overstock.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi?SEC_IID=8770&keywords=dukes+of+hazzard&y=0&N=20211+2016602266&CART_ID=85407315&x=0&PAGE=ENDECA anyone find a cheaper price than that?
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