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Brian Coltrane

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Everything posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. She was threatening you, man, but I know a good deal when I see one.
  2. YEEEHAAAAW! Alex, I think you'd better just slide on outta town before MaryAnne catches ya. I'll handle things here.
  3. Ah, so you turned over a new leash. Oh, and Alex? Don't you have somewhere else to be? Like... a private island somewhere?
  4. Then...yer you're own grandmother! Whatevah. Are you wearing that black collar these days?
  5. BABY!!! So do I!! Oops, now I naughty'd too. Shame on us. *GRIN*
  6. Aw, I don't bite. Very hard.
  7. I'd letcha out to play.
  8. GAH!! Well, for once I ain't the one in the most trouble here. I will NOT be hangin' around when MaryAnne sees that one. Alex, I'm gonna miss ya, ol' buddy.
  9. Alex, she won't take you to jail. She'll just shoot ya. If yer lucky.
  10. Well, that would be a dream come true for ya, wouldn't it Alex?
  11. Alex, I'd say this sums up that: http://sounds.wavcentral.com/movies/smokey/lackrespect.mp3
  12. Oh, the chat room squeaky noise is called "Daney."
  13. Almost forgot! Alex, as a bonus, I'll throw in this WAV file as your new signature. http://www.citizenlunchbox.com/toys/toyofthemonth/squeakypig.wav
  14. Alex, we'll go a step better. We'll replace some of our community memebers with balloon animals. Take a look at your new avatar! I'll fix your profile later.
  15. Nah, that'd be fine, so long as it was a teeny lil' hat. You could sit the little critter on the desk in front of MaryAnne's computer and nobody'd be the wiser.
  16. Hmm...yeah, that's liable to make a hellacious pop, ain't it. *POW!* We could always put a little star-sticker on it. That would do. We could even put a small collar around it, with MaryAnne's name embroidered on it.
  17. Good! Ya see, I was thinking that to make this challenge interesting, we should find a way to give MaryAnne a hard time if we don't get in any stories. So I was teasing her about the perm and poodle cut, but then she suggested a rather distressing costume for me in retailiation. But if the upping of ante came from you, Mufn, MaryAnne couldn't object. Rank around here being what it is. MaryAnne and I have challenged each other back and forth before. This time, you threw out the challenge, but nobody's really on the hook for it. (Tho' your dog Sadie wants her new collar, of course) I think with just over 2 weeks left we need to give MaryAnne some performance incentive. What say, if we don't get in enough stories, we replace her with a balloon animal.
  18. Anything to keep him busy. We shouldn't be pickin' on him, tho', when he's not here to defend himself. Ya know, all this time I spend pitching rocks on the forums, I could be using to work on the challenge story. Wanna pick on MaryAnne too since she's not around either?
  19. Maybe we should chip in and get Alex a nice set of cocktail napkins, eh? He could put one under himself every time he's about to sit down.
  20. Well, that explains the little paper umbrella he tucks behind one ear.
  21. You've blinded me with science! Now, can you explain why Alex is a fruit loop?
  22. Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you already had a costume just like this. Do you have the matching bra? Can I borrow it?
  23. GAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I'd be my own Fairy Dogmother! No no no no no no.
  24. DUDE! There's somethin' wrong with you, man, if you think: 1) I'd look good in it 2) it turns you on. You sick puppy.
  25. It's due the end of this month. As usual tho', we'll accept the stories after that. There's not a whole lot riding on this deadline, other than MaryAnne gets a perm and a poodle cut if nobody turns in a story.
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