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Brian Coltrane

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Everything posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. That's a great quiz!! What a riot. Surprise to no one, I rated as a Coltrane. In a word...KHEE! Thought the quote at the end was appropriate, too. Heh heh. I'm not gonna give anything away here, tho'. Any of ya'll who ain't done so yet, go take the quiz! Inga, thanks for sharin' that! Lotsa fun.
  2. What?! Doc, you're crushin' my black-clad heart. I suppose I'll have to go out there and prove my prowess as a bad guy. Show my criminal talents. Fair enuff. Brian
  3. Assumin' I live?! Listen heah, smarty-cop. If me, and the rest of my kind weren't here, nobody'd need ya, and you'd be an extra on "Hee Haw." Brian
  4. BAHAHAHAHA!! Yeah, and they'll probably mix up which one wears the yellow shirt. Don't be too pessimistic, tho'. Remember that Dukes o' Hazzard has survived sripts like, "Strange Visitor to Hazzard" and "Robot P. Coltrane." So whatever they do to the movie is unlikely to be worse. Unless, of course, these happen to be the two episodes that the movie script writers have actually seen. AAAAAAAH!!!ACK!!GAH!! @$%&*!! Got Maalox? Heh! Brian
  5. GAAAAAAH!! That's a disturbin' thought, MaryAnne. 'Cept I don't think Starsky & Hutch would be lookin' to take on any apprentices. Then again, Bay City always needs more meter maids.... I'm sure they'd find an assignment for ya. Heh heh. Brian
  6. I always have fun watching Starsky and Hutch episodes. It's edgy and melodramatic. Also had it's share of humorous moments. Paul and David had a good rapport both on the screen and off; and that chemistry added nuances to the show that scripting alone didn't create. Sometimes the show fell into a pattern, where the bad guys du jour were trying to find interesting and creative ways to eliminate a cop. You could summarize some eps in the following: Starsky gets captured by a cult that intends to make a sacrifice out of him. Hutch panics. Starsky gets captured by a bad guy who slowly poisons him. Hutch panics. Hutch is missing after a hitman shoots out a tire and his car goes careening off a cliff. Starsky panics. Hutch is missing, and poisoned, and captured by a bad guy. Starsky panics. I'm poking a little fun at them here, but the above descriptions more or less give an accurate ep synopsis. But in truth, it was the bad guys that usually had to panic. Pound for pound, I think the detective duo killed more bad guys outright, than they ever arrested. Talk about a homicide unit. I recall one ep, where Hutch was kidnapped by bad guys ( and yes, Starsky panicked ) and once Hutch was thrown out of the car, Starsky took a few crazed shots at the fleeing vehicle's gas tank and blew it to firey smithereens. I think he got three or four bad guys right there. Which is why I avoid Bay City at all costs. No wonder so many bad guys find their way to Hazzard County! Brian
  7. I'd have to say my favorite charater is ol' Rosco P. Coltrane. Then, followed by some of the more charismatic bad guys. Snake Harmon, Jason Steele...
  8. Name your price!!!
  9. I agree, Inga. And for your amusement, just imagine the sight of KITT slamming into poor Herbie the Love Bug at about 180 miles an hour. WHAMMO!! *crash tinkle scrrreech* Of course, with KITT being the polite sort, he would issue an apology. "Pardon me. You obstructed my trajectory, and I did not detect you in the roadway." Then, KITT would run over the pieces and scatter them as far as possible... BAHAHAHAHA!!
  10. Man, I think we all have some strong opinions on the casting...but ya know what, WB doesn't care what the fans think. They are approaching this movie with one objective only. $$$$$ And ya see, they already know that the fans of the original series will go see this movie. We're locked in. What they need in order to make obscene amounts of money, is to add with some headline names from the pop world. They'll get some young 'ens that may never have seen the original show, and score the widest demographics that way. I'm not saying I agree, but this is how it works. The best we can hope for, friends and cousins, is that whoever stars in this flick can STAND one another. If the actors have no chemistry together, it's over. So whoever plays Daisy, and whoever plays Bo and Luke, is an academic debate. It comes down to whether or not these people will have any real camaraderie. What made the original show work, was the real-life chemistry and rapport that Tom and John had with each other, and that Sorrell and Jimmie had with each other, ect. Any readers of the DOH Unofficial Companion book will remember that the casting of Luke took some time; they could have thrown anybody into the role, but they didn't. Holding out for the right personality proved wise. I can only hope WB will employ the same strategy when casting for the movie. Let's all keep the channels open, and share any news we can find.
  11. In case yer interested....Amazon.com has the first season of S&H available on DVD. There's 23 episodes for about $35.00. Somethin' to keep ya busy while awaitin' the Dukes DVD's.
  12. Maybe it was "Jessica" not Jennifer...ahhh, whatever.
  13. Heard a tidbit on the radio while the local DJ was going over the celebrity gossip. I apologize for not having the name of this singer accurate, I think it was....Jennifer somebody or another, who's got a current hit on the charts. (I confess I've got no earthly idea about who this chic is, this broadcast was halfway through by the time I got the radio volume up.) Anyhow, this singer had apparently shown interest in playing Daisy Duke in the upcoming Dukes movie. Reportedly, when Britany Spears heard this, she thew a fair-sized fit and was quoted as saying, "That role is MINE! I'M going to be Daisy Duke!" I've been digging around for casting info to try and confirm or renounce this, and haven't come up with a damn. Near as I can figure, here's what's happening, based upon nothing more than a gut hunch: 1) WB is being tight-lipped about the casting because the script isn't done 2) WB is being tight-lipped about the script because the casting isn't done 3) WB still doesn't know what the hell The Dukes of Hazzard is really about, even after 20-odd years of making money from it. To which I offer the following statement: GAAAAAAH!!!! Anyhow, I've been tracking the box office receipts on Starsky & Hutch, figurin' that WB is watching this one as something of a cash-o-meter for DOH's movie moola potential. Of course, Dukes has been more widely recogized and merchandized, but if S&H totally flopped on the big screen, it could cool the enthusiasm of WB execs. That bein' said, S&H was comfortably in second place in the movie ranks throughout this last week, and as of last night, had gross receipts of $35,482,630. ( That's in millions, y'all.) Not bad for the first week. We'll see how it holds up against the new releases this weekend. That's the word on the street. And you didn't hear it from me. Brian
  14. Good article, Inga! Thanks for sharin'. I'm not surprised at the General Lee bein' number...01 on the list. Khee! Some of the other rankin's are subject to dee-bate. Seems they surveyed an older crowd; I'm sure most of y'all nevah seen "Bullit" . (That has one of the most famous car chase scenes in all o' movie history, but I'd question if the rest of the movie has anythin' goin' for it.) I'm surprised that KITT didn't make the list but Herbie the Love Bug did? Gah. At least the Bandit Trans Am made it on there. An' ya know, sooner or later, I expect a Chevy will make the famous list. I guess there's so many great Chevy's out there, it's hard to narrow 'em down. Tho' of course I've got some bias on that subject. Heh heh. Brian
  15. BABY!!! Sign up anytime. KHEEHAAAA! Have ah mentioned that the first lesson is always free? Brian
  16. Howdy, Miss Amanda! I didn't study Coy n' Vance much, but I remember 'em takin' off in a yellow Mustang in the episode "Welcome Back Bo & Luke." Just to add to the confusion. Heh! Well, continuity was nevah a sure thing on the show, anyhow. Maybe that's why Bo and Luke always wore the same shirts, day in, day out. In order for casual fans to keep track of which one was which. Come to think of it, Uncle Jesse nevah varied much in his outfit, either. Nor did Cooter. Boss Hogg definately stuck to a color scheme he liked. Tho' one assumes he musta had a dozen or so of them white suits. Poor ol' Rosco, he was so broke that he got down to one last uniform shirt. And after all them frequent dunks in Hazzard Pond, that shirt faded from a bright blue to a Woolite-washed pale blue. Daisy, howevah, seemed to have more clothes than anybody else in Hazzard. Counted it once, she changed outfits 4 times in one episode. Anyhow! Welcome to Hazzard, Lady Amanda. N'joy yer stay. Brian
  17. Actually, Pendragon...every so often, one of 'em trips over the cord and then there's a short dee-lay while the affected site gets hooked back up. Any in-con-venience is temporary but unavoidable. Heh heh.
  18. Doc, with a little work n' practice....you could be ALL bad. In fact, ah'm available for private lessons. You should consider mentorin' with a professional such as mahself. Kheehaaaaaaaaaaa. Brian
  19. Doc, now that was un-called for. I don't find the thought attractive of bein' stuffed into the trunk, or...tied to the grill like a prize buck. 'Specially with Hazzard traffic bein' what it is. Heh heh. Besides, none of that is necessary! I assure ya. Trust me. 8) Brian
  20. Skyler, you silly cuss....if yer answers ain't available, why'd you write 'em out in such e-laborate detail? But hell, if you wanna be known as "Bit o' Outlaw" it ain't no nevahmind to me. I'll call ya "Bit" for short. Welcome to the wrong side of the tracks, Bit. Oh, an' about that honest thief thang....ah suppose I'll come out and admit that I am the Lord of the Outlaws in these parts. There, now that's out in the open. And it's about as honest as I'm gonna git with ya. Kheehahaha! Brian
  21. I think you rated "Lumberjack" on this quiz, Sky. Kheehaha. This multiple choice thang generally means that ya pick an answer from what's available. Otherwise, it's kinda like bringin' a brown-bag lunch to a buffet. You could do it, but what's the point? So ah'd have to say that your answers of "E" stand for "Evasive." Heh heh. But seein' as how most of your answers fit into given scenarios, I reckon that puts you smack-dab in the middle of the road in the badguy department. "C", with a couple of "A" and "B" tendancies. It ain't too late to repent. Brian
  22. Doc, I for one will be on mah best behavior. Howevah, I can make no warranties, expressed r' implied, for any circumstances surroundin' me. I'm also free of liability for natural disasters and any other Acts of God that may eradicate the town in yer absence. I figured these statements outta give you comfort during your trip. You can be assured that things will be just as calm n' peaceful while you're gone, as they normally are while yer here. Glad ah could put yer mind at ease. Brian
  23. Well now! I ain't gonna spoil the movie for any of y'all who haven't seen it yet. But I just wanna warn ya, within this movie I saw shades of what the Dukes movie could be like...an' heaven help Hazzard. The Starky & Hutch flick is enjoyable, tho'. You just gotta go into it expectin' a parody of the original series. Some of it is right down sacriligious, especially if yer thinkin' this to be anythin' in the way of a tribute. It ain't! But it falls just short of a complete insult. Khee. There were definately some unexpected moments that are worth the price of admission. If you've got an adult sense of humor, and you don't mind seein' a whole lotta license taken with the characters involved...then g'wan n' see it. Besides, it may prepare ya for what lies ahead for the Dukes movie.
  24. Animal sitting?! Unless it's a horse, ain't that kinda mean? Tsk.
  25. What time?
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