Julie says "Bo, I don't care what Micheal says the Foundation has a huge budget I don't and besides I got bills to pay and everything else and could you image the damage he's done to Kitt over the years. Hey, look my daughters cellphone I found this just now she left it in the kitchen." Bo says "We were a little hard on her, but that kind of reminds me of the time I told you that drove like Rosco. I beginning to think that of Angel, he gets his patrol car repaired more than Enos does." Julie looks at her cellphone and Angel has a new boyfriend and she hasn't let her mother meet him yet and she's going through the photo section and she see's a picture of her boss talking with Garthe Knight and she says "Hey Bo, this is why my daughter has been acting the way she has they must know about the photo I wonder if you can send this to a email address. Hold on I'm going to send this to my email address and print this up and take this to Rosco eventually and Luke wow this guy looks just like Micheal he didn't want to talk about but there not twins or even brothers I wonder what the deal is with it then. And here's a picture of the truck that he calls Goliath, wow I would scared of that behind my bumper as well and it looks just like Kitt's paint job." cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Emy-Rae Duke