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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. "Well, is that how it is now? When'd y'all tie the knot? And why wasn't I invited?" he jabbed Bo in the ribs.

    "Well, we were kinda in a hurry, if you get my drift," Bo replied.

    Mr. Crouse smiled knowingly. "Oh, so that's how it was."

    "Due in June," Beth said, looking up at Bo with a smile.

    Mr. Crouse shook his head. "You kids are somethin' else. But... congratulations anyway."

    Beth smiled. "Thanks, Mr. Crouse."

    "No problem. Now, you better let your husband get to his first class."

    Bo smiled wanly. Unfortunately, his first teacher was hardly Kool-aid. More like Lemon Juice. Mrs. Carson. Algebra 2. Bo hated math.

    Bo slipped in the door, and sat down in his desk, glad to be sitting beside his friend, Brody, one of the few black people in Hazzard High. "Hey, Brody," Bo whispered to his friend.

    "Bo Duke!" Brody said. "Reckon the honeymoon went well?"

    "Yeah. Too bad it's over."

    Brody grinned. "Yeah... Miz Carson's class sure ain't no honeymoon."

    Bo laughed. He couldn't disagree with that. Mrs. Carson had to be the meanest teacher in the Hazzard County School System, and she had always especially disliked Bo, Luke, and Cooter. bo was barely passing her class, and she wouldn't explain anything to him to make it easier. Bo wished he had Kool-aid with Beth first period. They only had one class together, English 4, which was an honors class for Beth. She had good grades in everything. She would have been going to college if not for the baby. But that was all over, and she was just settling in to being Bo's wife and the mother of his child... or maybe, children.

    Beth usually enjoyed Mr.Crouse's class, but this particular day was rough. Especially when she heard a girl sitting a few seats back say, "......

    Cue Dixie

  2. Dixie smiled. "Don't worry, Beth. We just have a few extra visitors coming over."

    "Oh?" Beth said.

    "Some girls who work with Luke. They've come for the wedding, and knowing Hazzard County, the hotel's already full."

    Beth smiled. "Well, we'll just tidy up Bo, Jr.'s room, and he can stay downstairs."

    "Well... his five housemates are coming, too."

    Beth's eyes widened. "Good Lord!"

    Dixie smiled. "Oh, well. We can make do, can't we?"


    Dixie nodded. "It's OK, then," she said to Luke.

    "Alrighty. I'll see if Lisa and Casey think they can find it on their own, and I'll call back if not."

    "OK, honey. Love ya."

    "Love you, too."

    Dixie grinned when she heard the guys on the other end going, "Awwww!"

    She shook her head. "See ya later."

    As she hung up the phone, Beth jumped into full on busy mode. "We've gotta go put new sheets on the other beds. They've gotta have clean sheets."

    Dixie laughed at her friend as they headed up the stairs.

    Cue Dixie

  3. "Honey, if they say anything, you just let me know... Nobody talks too much crap about the Dukes without having to deal with 'em."

    "Bo, you can't just go pummel somebody for talking about you. It's not..." she shook her head. "There are better ways to handle things."

    Bo shook his head. "If you think of one, let me know."

    Beth let Bo put his arm around her. "Honey, please don't do anything dangerous... Don't get in trouble over it. Words are just words. If someone tried to hurt me or the baby, that would be one thing, but we're talking about words. They hurt for a little while. Besides, it's like you said... The people who really matter are the ones who love us anyway..."

    Bo smiled. "Sunshine... Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without you."

    She turned to look up at him. She smiled, thinking about how tall and handsome he was. "I love you, honey. I really do. More than you'll ever know."

    He pulled her close and kissed her. "I love you, too."

    She tasted the moonshine in his kiss. But she didn't say a word. Just reached up, and pulled his head down to kiss him again.

    He grinned. "Hm... I reckon we better get home. We've gotta get ready to go back to school in the morning. It was nice being out for a whole 2 weeks... Too bad that'll never happen again."

    "Oh, hush! You're a Sr. You'll be out, soon. I'm stuck for a whole nother year after you get out."

    "So! I don't like it... and a school year's still a long time."

    Beth smiled. "Well... I still have to finish that essay for English."

    "What essay?"

    "It's supposed to be about the most important person in your life. I'm writing about you."

    Bo smiled, suddenly shy. "Aww.... you didn't have to do that, honey. I'm not..."

    She pressed her fingers to his lips, then kissed him passionately. "Yes, you are."

    He smiled, then lifted her into his arms and carried her home.


    The next morning....

    Cue Dixie

  4. Beth sat on the examining table at Doc's, after he had given her a check up. Bo sat in the chair beside her. "Well, Beth, Bo..." Doc said. "It appears to me that Beth here just has a simple case of morning sickness. She'll be fine soon enough. Now, you, Beth, you just eat healthy, and that baby's gonna be fine."

    Beth smiled. "Thanks, Doc."

    Doc smiled. "Now, Bo... I've got some jobs at the house I could use your help on... You think you could get away from the farm long enough to do them for me?"

    Bo grinned. "Should be able to... What kind of work are you talkin' about?"

    Doc smiled. "I'm not much with workin' fences, but my wife wants to keep cows around the house. She takes care of them and such, but she can't rightly fix a fence. She loves fresh milk and all... But one of the fence lines is down, and I need somebody to fix it... we blocked it off, but the cows are liable to get out at any time..."

    Bo smiled. "I'll be over first thing in the morning."

    Bo paid Doc for the checkup and he and Beth went outside. It was a warm day for fall, and Beth breathed the fresh air. Bo put his arm around her. "How are you feelin', now?"

    "Tired. But better than I did this morning. I just keep getting sick."

    "I'm sorry, babydoll," he whispered, holding her close.

    "Don't be sorry... Just be here for me..."

    He smiled, "Love you."

    "Love you, too."

    She looked at him lovingly. "It's gonna be OK, honey."

    "I know," he said.

    They sat down together on a bench to wait for Luke, who was in Rhuebottom's picking up some things. Before long, he pulled the truck around to pick them up. They hadn't driven the General at Jesse's insistance that a pregnant lady didn't need to be climbing in and out of windows. Beth and Bo climbed in without noticing several cans of paint in the truck bed. When they go home, Bo and Beth went inside, but Luke went to the barn with the cans of paint. He set to work there on his and Jesse's gift for the baby. It was the crib Bo had slept in as a baby, which had been saved by Jesse, sanded and soon to be repainted by Luke. He smiled as he painted, and knowing how much Bo and Beth would appreciate it made him feel good.

    Luke worked hard on it, but kept it hidden in the barn... which meant that keeping Bo and Beth out was imperative... This might take some doing.


    The next day at the Duke farm...

    Cue Dixie

  5. "Honey," he protested. "I didn't drive that car... Luke did."

    "I don't care who drove the car. Any of you could have gone to jail... You were all drinking... Even the boys... which... If you weren't going anywhere, I wouldn't mind AS much, but... Bo..." At that point, Beth lost it and burst into tears. "Da-- hormones," she thought.

    Bo opened his arms, and Beth couldn't say no, she just stepped closer to him and let him hold her. Bo just stood there helplessly, stroking Beth's waist-length brown hair. "It's OK, honey."

    She was still crying. "No... I need to..." she sniffled. "control my tem... temper. I'm... I'm not... your Mama..."

    Bo smiled. "Good thing. I like you better as my wife."

    Beth sniffed again. Bo was so sweet to her, that it made her feel bad, but still, they shouldn't have been messing with something like racing when Luke was getting married in 2 days. She hated her hormones... why couldn't a pregnant woman think clearly?

    Bo pulled her close. "I love you, sweetheart. Now dry up them tears, because this is supposed to be a fun night for all of us."

    Beth smiled through her tears. "OK. I love you, honey."

    "I love you, too."

    Beth directed the girls back to Bo, Jr.'s car. "Son?" she said, tapping Bo, Jr. on the shoulder.


    "If y'all are comin' on, I'll leave Stormy and take the Camaro. That OK?"

    "Yeah. Sounds good. Uncle Coy's got the keys, though."

    Beth shook her head. "All these crazy Duke boys drivin' my car all over creation."

    Bo, Jr. grinned. "It's OK, Mama, she's still in one perty piece."

    Beth smiled. "Love ya, son."

    "Love you, too," he replied.

    Beth expertly swung a leg over into the window, followed by the other leg, then slid in behind the steering wheel. She led the parade of Dukes back to the garage, being followed by the guys, who knew they were in trouble if they didn't follow suit. Beth gave Bo, Jr. his keys and took her beloved Camaro back to the relative safety of the Duke farm. Bo, Luke, and the rest were all relieved that the police hadn't come in on their fun, but Bo for one, knew he'd be living hard for a few days, once Beth returned to her senses.

    ~~Cue Dixie~~

  6. To Beth, it was still night. The sun hadn't come up yet, but at the Duke farm, that didn't mean much. The Dukes were always up before dawn, eating breakfast and getting dressed... there was so much work to be done. And especially for Luke, who was in big trouble. Plowing the back 40 was no easy task. Nor was it necessary in all honesty. But those rocks taught the boys many lessons. Many many lessons.

    As she washed her face, she found herself wondering about her baby... what it was going to be like... How she was going to feel when she saw it. She couldn't believe that she and Bo were having a baby. She waited a little bit, and then she was hungry. By the time she got to the table, the rest were finishing off cups of coffee... all except Daisy, who had been serving the boys and Uncle Jesse almost constantly, and was finally getting to settle down to her own breakfast.

    As the boys left the table, Bo walked over to Beth. "Are you OK, honey?"

    She nodded. "I'm fine. I reckon you better get to work, though."

    Bo grinned. "Yeah." He leaned over and kissed her cheek before walking out the door.

    Beth sat down, and looked at the food. She shook her head. She knew she'd never be able to hold the big country breakfast down. So Daisy grabbed her the box of Saltines and poured her a glass of Cola. Beth ate slowly, and the crackers stayed down, thankfully. "Thanks, hon," Beth said, smiling at Daisy. "You're a godsend."

    Daisy smiled. "I wouldn't go that far."

    "You are, honey. You're sent straight from God to make my life easier... I don't know what I'd do without you and Bo and the rest of the family."

    Daisy shook her head. "I don't know what I'd do without them, either. When our parents died, Uncle Jesse took us in without a question. He wouldn't let us be raised outside the Duke family. I love Uncle Jesse. He's like a father to us all."

    They were silent for a few minutes, when Beth said....

    Cue Dixie

  7. Luke looked at Dixie in shock. "I... uh..."

    "Luke, are you crazy? Our wedding is in less than two days, and you're trying to get your a-- put in jail."

    Luke didn't say anything. He couldn't come up with anything to say. Not in the face of the kind of anger Dixie was showing at this particular moment.

    BJ and Enos were standing side by side, Daisy staring them both down. "Now, you two, especially you, Enos, ought to know better than that. Luke's wedding is Saturday, and you're helping him get himself in one bad situation. What if he'd been caught, and had to go to jail. Oh, boys, how could you?"

    BJ looked at Daisy for a long moment. "You know what... You're right. I'm sorry."

    "Me, too, Daisy," Enos added.

    Daisy shook her head.

    Beth was standing with her son and her husband. "What is wrong with you

    people?" she asked, driving her finger into Bo's chest.

    Bo grabbed her hand, trying to stop her, and hopefully butter her up at the same time. He gently stroked her hand with his thumb, and said, "Nothin'. We were just relivin' old times."

    She snatched her hand away. "Don't you turn your Duke charm on me, Beauregard Jackson Duke. I'll have none of it."

    Bo shook his head. "OK. Whatever you say."

    He stood there silently as Beth said, "Bo, are you crazy? Reliving old times should not include drag racing 2 days before your cousin's wedding. What if he'd gone to jail?"

    "He didn't, did he?"

    "Bo, don't even pull that crap with me. It doesn't matter whether you got caught or not."


    "No buts. Just get back to the garage before I kill you. All of you."

    Bo, Jr. grinned at his mother, but immediately took on a solemn look when her look told him he was asking for it.

    Debbie, meanwhile, was still sitting in Stormy, wondering what she should do. That was when she noticed a laughing Jeb Stuart Duke....

    Cue Dixie

  8. Beth shook her head. She was so sleepy. Bo smiled. "Go back to bed, honey. I'll be there in a minute."

    Beth smiled. "OK." She walked away quietly, back to their room. Daisy followed her out the door.

    "Well, honey," Daisy said, "How are you likin' married life?"

    Beth smiled. "I know it's just fine so far, but give me a while to get into it."

    Daisy smiled. "Bo's a good guy. I know he'll treat you right."

    Beth nodded. "I know he will, too."

    She went to bed, as Bo had insisted she do, and waited for him. When he finally came back to bed, he was grinning from ear to ear. "What is it?"

    Beth asked.

    "Just Luke. He's mad now, because he embarassed himself... and because Jesse knows he was out partyin', now. Jesse's gonna tack Luke's hide on the wall."

    Beth smiled. "Poor Luke."

    Bo put his arm around Beth, and the two of them went back to sleep.


    Early the next morning...

    Cue Dixie

  9. Beth shook her head. "Well, whether my son likes it or not, we're takin' his car to investigate." She took the keys to Stormy off of the keyhook, and went outside, followed closely by Daisy, Dixie, and Debbie. All four women jumped into the car, Beth in the driver's seat, with Dixie in the passenger's side, Daisy and Debbie in back. They headed out to the lake, hoping that they wouldn't find their husbands, or children, or future husbands... or anyone else... in the back of a police car.

    Beth drove like a Duke... that was for sure. She was at the lake in record time. And when she heard the sounds of roaring engines, one she recognised as that of the General Lee, and another she didn't know, she picked up the CB in Bo, Jr's car. "This is Sunshine to everybody on the Hazzardnet... and I hope you know you're all in one h--- of alot of trouble."

    Bo, Jr. was sitting next to Luke's truck, which had been supplied with a CB, complements of Cooter. He heard his mother's message over the radio, and jumped out to run over where his father was standing. "Daddy, if we don't get this thing over with before Mama gets here, we're all screwed."


    "Mama just sent out a message on the CB... And if we don't get this race over with quick, she's gonna kill us. All of us."

    "Oh, Lord," Bo said. "They're racin' to the end of the road and back... did she say when she'd get here?"

    "No. But she was peed off."

    Bo shook his head. "We're in more trouble than I can even imagine."

    Cue Dixie

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