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Skipper Duke

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    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in Smokey And The Bandit   
    Just FYI, the Snows are Cledus and Waynette.
  2. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in Word Association   
    Cletus Hogg
  3. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Word Association   
    put a tiger in your tank....you're telling off on your age there, bud!   
    ( of ccourse now....I'm telling off on MY age....!  )
    Beer   ( liquor, beer....we're getting into Hobie's  area of expertise!)
  4. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Favorite Song on The Dukes of Hazzard Soundtrack CD   
    I think, without knowing...it's been so long since I've listened to it ( I'm going to have to find my cassette copy of it and play it soon)  my fav,. would be Flash.
  5. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    I ended up adding a shot of whiskey to a bottle of Jones RootBeer that night.
    Always remember what we say here around the car lot....shine will do you fine!   ( Just look what it's done to.....for me!!  ) 
  6. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Word Association   
    It probably wouldn't be noticed, because when you say it out loud, it's usually undecipherable  between patty and paddy.
  7. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in NASCAR news   
    When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a circus
    This is MOST excellent  cousin Hoss!! I'm going to have to remember this one!   
  8. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to Kait_Tucker in Gilligan's Island(1964-1967)   
    Yes, definitely..that is a great idea!
  9. Love
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from Kait_Tucker in Gilligan's Island(1964-1967)   
    I will gladly accept the entire Fun World Gilligan's Island Skipper's Costume from William to have the extras of shirt and pants. ❤ and get the Fun World hat faster.
  10. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in NASCAR news   
    I didn't get to see any of the action, but it sounds a mess. I'll have to read up on what they were trying to achieve.

    F1 wanted to increase the number of sprint race qualifying events from three to six this year, saying that they increased audience figures and income, but several teams wanted the budget cap increased before agreeing, so they'll probably only be three again this year. I can't say that I was a huge fan of them.

    There's only just over a month to the start of the 2022 F1 season, and I'm not feeling any of the usual excitement and anticipation this year. I should've been looking forward to seeing a great fight between two Britons at Mercedes: 8-time World Champion Lewis Hamilton and very talented youngster George Russell, but Hamilton was denied his 8th title in the debacle at the last race of 2021 in Abu Dhabi (see my previous posts), and he hasn't even decided if he's racing this year. After following the sport since the mid-80s, I may have to find something else to watch.
    You reminded me of this proverb which I came across last week. I've no idea if it's genuine, but from the context, I think it was directed at the British PM:

    "When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a circus."

    Disclaimer: I'm aware that we don't discuss politics here. I gave the context for reference, but did not include my opinion!
  11. Sad
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in The last 24 hours   
    Officially we got 12.8 inches at the Airport weather station but outside my front door is just 9 inches, majority of it Thursday. The one local tv station is now running an ad with pics of the snow "We don't want to alarm you just inform you". Yet Tuesday they were saying "This is the big one folks, could be the biggest one in history. We could see 22+ inches." They're not saying anything about how far off their predictions were.
    My dad finding out that I have a snowblower turned out worse than I thought so now I'm thinking about getting rid of it so I don't get called every time we get a little snowfall. Friday the elderly lady that lives next door to him wanted me to clear the 2 inches that fell after I cleared her driveway Thursday afternoon. I just shoveled it instead of getting the snowblower out of the garage and going through the whole startup procedure and waiting for it to warm up and anyways I left the key to it at home. My dad seen me shoveling and came over and gave me 10 minutes of grief because I wasn't using the bleeping blower, I turned my music back on and went back to shoveling and he eventually figured out I wasn't listening anymore and went back home. Turns out he didn't clear a path to get the trashcan out and wanted to use the snowblower and I said no. After I got done with the neighbor I shoveled a path for his stupid trashcan and instead of a thank you I got "what'd you get the snowblower for if you're not going to use it". I get home Friday and tell the wife I'm just going to sell the dang thing so she's pissed at me after we got in a fight about it....so yeah it's been a great weekend . I ended up adding a shot of whiskey to a bottle of Jones RootBeer that night.
  12. Sad
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in The last 24 hours   
    Forgot to mention it looks like the lady next door is going to be one of those long haul Covid cases. She's still suffering effects from it and the minor stroke it caused.
  13. Love
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from Kait_Tucker in Gilligan's Island(1964-1967)   
    Y'all if William's Fun World Gilligan's Island Skipper's hat comes before Theresa's, I should wait for hers to use for Skipper tribute scenes? I don't want her to see the William hat, and hurt her feelings because I found a 2nd source to get it from. If I use his for tribute scenes, she would be crushed.
  14. Love
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from Kait_Tucker in Gilligan's Island(1964-1967)   
    Update y'all. I'm Getting Fun World version Gilligan's Island Skipper's Hat from another source. Tired of waiting on Theresa.
  15. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in Smokey And The Bandit   
    You missed out some of Buford's best lines from that scene! It's when Buford and Junior find Carrie's abandoned car, which is in the process of being stripped by three punks.
    [Buford and Junior approach, unheard by the punks. Buford lights a cigarette and then loudly snaps his lighter shut]
    Buford: Hold up on that car wash, gentlemen.
    [To the first punk] Come here, son.
    [He knees the punk, who falls to the ground] Whoops! You look tired, boy. Rest yourself.
    [To the other punks] You punks look tuckered out, too.
    [All three punks turn and place their hands on the car. Buford kicks the third punk's backside] That's an attention-getter. Now, a lady in a weddin' gown.
    Punk #3: Yes, sir.
    Buford: Get in a car?
    Punk #3: Yes, sir.
    Buford: See who was drivin'?
    Punk #3: N-no, sir.
    Buford: Licence plate?
    Punk #1: Y-yes, sir. Georgia plates. "Ban-one." B-A-N dash O-N-E.
    Buford: All right. Now, you boys just stay here and watch the car. There might be some vandals around who wanna steal somethin', so you boys just stay here and keep your hands on the car until one of my associates arrive. And don't go home, don't go to eat, and don't play with yourself. It wouldn't look nice on my highway. Oh, you can think about it, but don't do it.
    [Buford and Junior leave]
    Punk #3: Hey, man, he's gone. Let's get outta here.
    Punk #2: S**t! You do what you want. I'm stayin' right here.
  16. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in Word Association   
    What a coincidence - I only read that story after my previous post. The owner apparently drove off with the tiger in his SUV, which would suggest it's not completely wild. I remember "Put a tiger in your tank", but this is a step too far!
  17. Wow
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in Word Association   
    Interesting you mention that as there's supposedly a tiger on the loose in Houston Texas.
  18. Wow
    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in Word Association   

    (apparently, 3 leopards have escaped from a Chinese wildlife park, and only 2 have been recaptured!)
  19. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Word Association   
  20. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in Word Association   
  21. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Word Association   
    road rash! ( That will give you Road Rage!)
  22. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Word Association   
    Linda Carter ( Wonder Woman)   ( She has a good one!....Rack that is!     )
  23. Care
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    I have no idea who these people are that you are talking about....and I don't want to know. They sound like a bunch of humans that make a lot of mistakes. Now, as for  the folks of Hazzard County, they couldn't be more awesome.
  24. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    Trip to Akron went well. I got out tonight and did some cold cold star gazing and now I'm checking out the dirt bike races. We have grandkids spending the night. 
  25. Sad
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    Cousin Hobie yeah. Luke turned into jerk in the episode Dr. Jekyll Mr. Duke. Insulted Uncle Jesse's cooking etc.
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