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JDhoggjr last won the day on June 24 2021

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    Film Student

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  1. And overalls...having trouble finding overalls that are similar to the color...
  2. No problems. I was busy the entire month of March with the anime convention. Just let me know. I am also willing to sign a nda or non disclosure agreement, for your piece of mind and protection of your intellectual property, even though neither of us can claim "real" copyright...lol. let me know what up and i will send you my email in a private message.

  3. Sorry for taking so long to respond. I have been so busy that I just have not had the time to respond. I am very much looking for any help with script writing. We can talk at a later time and discuss working together.

  4. Just wondering how the script is going? I am an amateur screenwriter with a film degree and thought I would offer my assistance if needed.

  5. I would have loved to meet him. I started watching the show again right after i graduated HS. I was b. Bummed because my three of favorite celebrities passed on during this time. Sorrell Booke, Jim Henson, and Alan Hale Jr. (Skipper Jonas Grumby).
  6. Oh well. As for seasons, i was just at my local sams club the other day and i saw seasons 3-7 for about ten bucks a piece. If you are willing to pay forty, someone is shuckin n jiving you for something that came out years ago.
  7. I meant authentic not athletic
  8. Where can I get my hands on a an athletic looking replica of Boss Hogg's Hat and pocketwatch. I would really like to have them before I attempted the cosplay again...if anyone can help, it would be most appreciated.
  9. Started Season 1 ep. 1 on Thanksgiving night. Watched 1-2 eps a day. My current place is in the subject line. Has anyone ever noticed one of the opening credits from season 2 or 3 has Rosco's car doing the BIG jump (the record one that was reuseed in the first reunion movie) instead of the General. I have also. been slowly working on my Boss Hogg impression...its coming along...still haven't perfected his cackle of his...
  10. Charlie Daniels should have been Uncle Jesse in the Feature Film...but then I remember what a turd it was and am glad he didn't sully his name by appearing in it or the lame pseudo sequel they gave us on ABC Family.
  11. Hey y'all. I have been absent for quite some time and am still trying to sort out my life. I have moved more times in the last three years than I can count. I have survived a near fatal rockslide, being unemployed and being homeless, back injuries, knee injuries, and carpal tunnel syndrome. I would like nothing more than to finish this and a few other stories that I have ideas out there for. I just moved in to a new place and acquired an old laptop. As soon as i can get internet access, i will start posting more often. But for now, just gotta grin and bear it, and just remember that everything happens for a reason...right?
  12. Where can I get some Pickled Scuppernongs? I really have a hankering for them. I enjoyed them, non pickled, of course, but I would like to try them pickled and would like to try and create a bbq sauce with them... Please let me know. Thanks, all Jd jr.
  13. Just Mebbe there was a Duke and a Hogg, fer that matter, that was among them original settlers...who knows...
  14. Wow. That's all I can say...
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