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Everything posted by MaryAnne

  1. You mah friend, are a redneck. Yeeehaww!
  2. I assumed the purpose of the poll was to see what other tv shows we watched back in the day besides the Dukes. So I ignored the Dukes in the listing and voted for the A-Team although several of the shows I watched pretty religiously as well, including the Fall Guy and Simon and Simon. Putting the Dukes in the listing of a poll on a Dukes related board is like having an election where several candidates of several parties are on the ballot but only one party is allowed to vote. Guaranteed winner. ROFL
  3. Mahoney's job as a parking attendent.... "Park the car, butt breath." "Butt breath?" ROFL And then after the manger tells him to park the car, despite the lot being full, Mahoney puts the Trans Am up on two wheels and squeezes it between two other cars. "It fits!! The damn thing fits!!" ROFLMAO. Terrible thing to do to a Trans Am but the dude that owned it didn't deserve that car anyway. LOL ** "Po-lice worrrk is what youuu arrre heeere forrrrr. There will be a serieees of ex-am-in-a-tions which you....must....PASS!!" ** "Guns! Guns!! When do we get guns!?!?!" "Next!" ** "DROP THAT STEREO BEFORE I BLOW YOUR %*@ DAMN HEAD OFF @$&*%!!!!" "Tackelberry!!!....we have got to talk." ** "DON'T MOVE DIRT BAG!!" ** "Is this a trick question?" "No, this is not twick question!" ** ROFL...I've seen just about all the movies (except the last one...Mission to Moscow??? Or something). Anyway! The guy that played Tackleberry was in an episode of the Dukes. He was the driver for that fancy pants collector looking for the Canterbury Crock. Leslie Easterbrook (sp?) "Callahan" was also in the Dukes episode "The Fortune Tellers."
  4. I think the re-recorded theme towards the end of the trailer is Shooter Jennings. I think. LOL. I say this because it sounds like the same verison CMT used during the closing credits of their Inside Fame program. Definetly they have Waylon's original single release version of the theme in the background. It was good to hear that. The stunts alone are gonna carry this movie. THANK GOD they went with real stunts and not computer generated crap. YEEHAA!
  5. “So whats the plan deputy? I’d be obliged if you let me escort you back to town...†He sighed and shook his head. “I don’t want to take a chance of those yeller coyotes circling back this way to have another try at you.†"I appreciate that, Chet. Thank you..." MaryAnne nodded to the rustler and then watched as Phoenix continued to drink from the creek water. “What the hell do they want with you anyway? Who the hell are they?†Chet questioned, his mood as usual. Unhappy, annoyed and right down dark clouded temperament. MaryAnne looked up at Chet and sighed. "Black Jack Dakota," she said. "About six months ago I gunned down his younger brother Domino at the Boar's Nest Saloon. The kid was a idiot, plus he was drunk and he came up the brilliant idea of drawing on me first. Seems he had a problem with a female deputy... "Anyway, obviously Black Jack is looking to settle the score." She looked at Chet a moment. "Listen, once we get back to town, I'll understand if you want to split. You're certainly not under any obligation to help me beyond this point, although I appreciate what you've done. I ain't holding that sentence I gave y'all either. I'm declaring amnesty. Not that you'll probably wanna ever come back to Hazzard, but if you do I won't hang ya." Movement on the trail caught MaryAnne's eye and she turned to look, seeing two riders approaching. It took a moment but as they came closer she recognized Enos and Val and breathed a little easier. She waved to them in greeting. (cue Chet and/or Enos n' Val!)
  6. How about leave the Rockford car and add a row six?
  7. The original Daisy was more a role model than that. Sure, she paraded around in a bikini and whatnot to distract the baddies or whoever but that wasn't all she was good for. Daisy was smart, sexy and could fix a biscuit and fix a car. She was tough without compromising her femine aspects. How many girls do you know can change a flat on a pickup truck in a pair of high heeled sandals?
  8. *ahem* Sorry...as a Firebird owner and fanatic this bugs the hell outta me. For the record, KITT was a Pontiac Trans Am and Jim Rockford's car was a Pontiac Firebird Esprit. Don't let the model name fool you. The Esprit was a less aggressive looking Firebird but still could pack a punch. Which saved Jim from having to pack a punch because other wise he'd break his hand. ROFL!!
  9. MaryAnne slipped the Winchester back into its holster and looked back once more as Alex rode off with Black Jack and the remains of his posse. She turned back forward in the saddle as Chet took the riens of Phoenix and the two horses picked up to a trot. She made a face that reflected her thoughts. Black Jack's timing of coming to town couldn't have been worse. She had sent three good guns off in seperate directions with the knowledge that should the three return at the same time she'd hang 'em all. Technically, she should have been dead by now. But Chet had helped her, when he didn't have to. He could have easily rode off, saying "See ya sucker! HA HA!" and bang, there'd be one dead deputy in the road. On the other hand, had that happened and Black Jack was unknown to be the killer, everyone would have assumed Chet did it. Obviously Chet knew this and this was why he had stayed and helped. His own hide was on the line in more ways then one. The dynamite explosions had obviously gotten Alex's attention and he was probably no more than riding up to find out what was going on and ended up neck deep in trouble. Black Jack's offer was the kind one didn't refuse. Now Alex had to ride with them....and who knew what Black Jack would try next. He wasn't about to give up that easily. Black Jack could be very persuasive and force Alex to do just about anything. Of course, Alex really had no allegiance to Hazzard or any reason to really want to see MaryAnne spared......did he? MaryAnne's attention came back to the quiet of the trail and the tired horse below her. She glanced at Chet, who looked preoccupied with his own thoughts and then looked back behind her one more time. She and Chet would have to get back to town, alert everyone....and then wait. (cue anyone!)
  10. Oh no. We've created a monster. Khee! Actually Alex, that Prelude to Mass Confusion was Brian and mine's creative way of advertising our then-new series of fanfic called the Kin Series (insert shameless plug here: Check it out! http://www.dukesofhazzardfanfic.com/Fanfic/thekinseries.htm Keep in mind it's Coltrane driven. You know where that can end up. KHEE!) So you missed on the initial advertisement there but, all things considered, we're still in a state of mass confusion. KHEE! Anyway, checked out yer site and what the heck. I'll play!
  11. Actually the letter was TO Ben.
  12. MaryAnne took a quick look back when she realized Chet wasn't riding at her left side flank. She saw the outlaw back a ways, sitting straight up in the saddle of his thoroughbred, guns in hand, ready to fend off the oncoming posse and take as many of them with him as he could. "*%(!$!" MaryAnne pulled the reigns hard again and Phoenix screamed as she stopped and turned around. The Appaloosa was getting damn tired, MaryAnne could tell. Tired of running and probably tired of the quick stops. MaryAnne made a mental note that if they survived this to treat the horse to a good rub down and a lot of sugar and oats. Phoenix however, knew her duty and she stopped at MaryAnne's command on the reigns. MaryAnne pulled her Winchester rifle from it's saddle holster. The three member posse was thundering closer. A fourth rider was back a distance. Chet pulled the hammers back on his guns. MaryAnne brought the rifle to bear at the three riders with one thought in mind.... ...That she and Chet quite possibly were about to fire their last shots.... (cue anyone!)
  13. Digusted? PO'd? Madder n' hell? Drunk? ROFL I agree tho'...I would think WB would be pulling some of the better stuff from their archives. It's good to see Tom involved with the extras this time around!
  14. Chet's well timed use of the dynamite had bought both him and MaryAnne crucial time. The three remaining riders, including the leader of the pack had to riegn in their horses after the mighty explosion all but shook the saddles right off the horses. MaryAnne pulled up hard on the riegns of Phoenix bringing the horse to a stop after the explosion. She turned in the saddle and saw the chaos the three riders in the pack were dealing with. Chet was coming up fast on Red. The leader of the pack was still in his saddle, she saw. Black Jack Dakota was his name. He had a younger brother, Domino, who'd met his end at the business end of MaryAnne's .45 six months earlier. Obviously Black Jack was looking to collect on that little debt. Domino was the type of outlaw that was destined to meet his end from a bullet anyway. He had figured he was worth something as an outlaw because of his brother. Problem was he had no skills. He could ride a horse, but he was too slow at drawing a gun and his card playing skills were pitiful. In a word, he was stupid. And the day he drank beyond his limit at the Boars Nest Saloon and then challenged MaryAnne to a gun fight was his shining moment in stupidity. His brother, on the other hand was no slouch. Black Jack Dakota had terrorized most of the southern territories from Georgia to East Texas. MaryAnne had no idea the day she gunned down Domino that his brother was Black Jack Dakota...or that the feared outlaw would be bringing his own posse into Hazzard to settle accounts. MaryAnne gulped and looked at Chet, waving for him to follow her. She kicked Phoenix's flanks and took off for town. Hazzard would need all the help it could get to fight off what was left of Black Jack's posse. (cue anyone!! WE'RE BAAAACK!!!!!!)
  15. Waaalll, ah'll certainly try! As Brian said, Daisy appeared in every episode of the Dukes, except for one. I had to look in one o' mah reference books heah to find the title. It was "To Catch a Duke." So if you're strictly a Daisy fan, you'll have to skip this episode, cuss it all t' tarnation. Other notable episodes in addition to the one's mah cousin mentioned include also "State of the County" "By-Line Daisy Duke" and "Sadie Hogg Day." If your lookin' for all the best bikini/bathing suit episodes, that would be "One Armed Bandits" "Daisy's Song" "Nothin' But the Truth" and "Miss Tri-Counties." (Ah know that's whatchu fellas all dig, right? Fry mah hide!!) MaryAnne
  16. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. My car has this wonderful feature. Also the radio is possessed. It works, but the stations change on me at random. I never know what I'm gonna be listening to once I turn the radio on. ROFL
  17. Sure... Hell yeah! For speaking your mind. Hell yeah! For being a die hard Dukes fan since day one. Hell yeah! For all of us proud Americans who speak our minds and have the freedom to speak our minds. Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion and we've heard it all here on HNet. And the fact that this forum is open and allows both sides to express those opinions, I give a hell yeah to as well.
  18. I think I figured out the name that Daisy says that got changed to Lorretta Lynn. Tammy Wynette. I watched the episode a few dozen times today while working on a lil' experiment and I kept watching the scene where Daisy does her shuck n' jive to Lester Star to listen to her tape and without the sound playing I kept watching her as she spoke. At first I was trying to see if it looked like she was saying Dolly Parton....but her mouth does not appear to be saying that. I really think it looks like Tammy Wynette. If I'm right, I find it interesting because Ms. Wynette would end up being one of the singers caught in Boss's Celebrity Speed Trap later in season three (I think it's three LOL). Anyway, just thought I'd share. 8)
  19. "Money to Burn" In the coffin works... Rosco (in casket): "Boss, how high do you want me to stack these bills?" Boss: "How high? Well how high are those gallon jugs we use to run shine in?" Rosco: "Oh, about this high." *measures with hand* Boss: "Than that's how high we can go under the false bottom, jackass!" Rosco (bending down into casket): "That's Sheriff jackass." And... Rosco: "This my cut Boss? There's an awful lot of ones here...." ROFL
  20. Boss: "Rosco! Can't you keep your mouth shut! In a public place!!" (after blabbing himself about getting his liquor money back).
  21. Night Court!! (Got the first season DVD for my birthday). ROFL!
  22. Well I voted for comedy but I like all three.
  23. They could buy the seed corn or they could buy enough food to last them a few days. They only needed five bucks (I think) for the entry fee for the race. I think the prize money was $500.00. "Money to Burn." LOL
  24. Hi Darwin, welcome to HNet! Given that the background music in those early episodes was done by Waylon's band, The Waylors, it's probably expected that it's in the similar vain as Waylon's material between 1976 and 1979. I've always thought "Rainy Day Woman" was very similar to the style of music of the background music as well. It would be neat if a recording of the background music could be found somewhere. Tho' I suppose if somebody had the capability, they could sit through the first five eps and lift the various music off it and loop it together. LOL
  25. Ask and you shall receive. EvilErnie13 went through and collected a lot of the various links that have been posted here to HNet regarding pics and vids during the filming of the movie. It was then suggested a sticky topic be made and given that we're up to something like 5 pages worth of topics and posts....I thought it was good idea! ROFL So, thanks to EvilErnie13 for gathering together a lot of these links (all of which were found right within the forums here). Any other links y'all find that were missed, add 'em here! PICS CajunDuke http://www.ccc-la.com/gallery/index.php At this link, there are three seperate albums with pictures from the Dukes of Hazzard movie filming... 1) Racing scenes on Hwy 10 near Clinton 2) Four days of filming at State Capital Raceway for the beginning & ending of Hazzard rally race 3) More filming and the damage results of 30 days of using rented race cars to race with the Gen Lee: EvilErnie13 http://www.insomniacmania.com/news_default.php?id=1701 http://movies.monstersandcritics.com/archive/moviearchive.php/The_Dukes_of_Hazzard/1398/images http://www.moviesonline.ca/movie_gallery_pic.php?id=74 http://public.fotki.com/tvandmoviecars/dukes_of_hazzard-1/2005_movie/ http://www.ccc-la.com/gallery/albums.php http://forteriedave.com/gallery/DOH http://www.sweetkisses.net/images/dukesjan27/ http://www.tashastevens.com/00_general_lee/index1.html http://www.tashastevens.com/00gl2/index1.html http://www.hazzardnet.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=916 http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohmlan1.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohmlan3.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohmlan4.JPG http://www.eonline.com/Reviews/Movies/Megaplex/Flick/050105f.html http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohml1.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohml2.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohml3.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/doh1.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/doh2.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/doh3.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose1.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose2.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose3.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose4.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose5.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose6.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose7.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose8.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose9.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose10.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose11.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/DOH1.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/DOH2.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/DOH3.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/DOH4.jpg More pics of Simpson as Daisy Duke http://www.up4u.net/movie/index.php?gallery=D/DukesOfHazard http://www.up4u.net/movie/index.php?gallery=D/DukesOfHazard&startat=15〈=en_us Synopsis of the movie trailer with pics http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=19839 VIDS Here are some killer vids of the General in action: http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/001ashlyrides.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/002ashlyrides.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/003ashlyandtashaswap.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/004tasharides.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/005tasharides.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/006firstjump.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/007aftermathoffirstjump.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/008secondjump.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/009aftermathofsecondjump.MOV
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