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Swamp Molly

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Everything posted by Swamp Molly

  1. Aww. God bless her, she should have been in more than one episode. I think her and Peggy are in good company up there.
  2. Okay. Will do. Haven't been on in a few days.

  3. Orange
  4. This one is definitely a 2 door Impala; haven't found out about the other one yet. Probably this weekend. I've been swamped with school (no pun intended). lol The Ghost episode aired last night on CMT, and I seen that Roscoe slammed into it with his patrol car. It makes me wonder how many times that happened and how many of them may have been used in taping. That might be part of the reason why there's a shortage? lol
  5. Daisy
  6. Thank you Roger. Yeah, what really got me in the episode was when Jesse walked across the floor, after hearing the news, and he sat down; Roscoe sat down next to him.. Roscoe goes on to say how he had to get after the boys a little, and how he thinks they liked it a little and he did too, but there was never any harm meant. When he says how they and he both liked it a little, I always cry and laugh at the same time. The kicker after that is when he puts his hand down next to Jesse, Jesse puts his hand on top of Roscoe's. Roscoe actually shows remorse for what's happened. Sure wish I could say the same for Boss. I know that Boss being callous in front of Jesse was part of the storyline, but it tugged on my heart strings a little because of him and Jesse going so far back, timewise. Although, there are other episodes where the boys were in danger and Boss was worried for them.
  7. Watch
  8. Well, I know she has a couple of good guys up there that are probably pretty happy to see her. RIP Peggy, Denver, and Sorrell It really is unfortunate when good people that once graced our screens pass on.
  9. The Boars Nest
  10. It is a really great song! I haven't seen The Good Guys; I'll have to check it out. Is that the one with Mark Wahlburg and Will Farrell?
  11. Sad to hear the news. I loved Peggy Rea as Lulu; and I always loved Lulu's love for the Dukes. I haven't read it anywhere else online yet, but on Wikipedia, it says she was 88 - she lived a long and beautiful life, I am sure. RIP
  12. The episode of Alice in which Boss and Enos appeared; Boss Hogg was actually a relative of Jolene.
  13. Denver did portray ornery old Mad Jack on Grizzly Adams. He was pretty good friends with Adams', and he had his donkey named "Number 7". Grizzly Adams was a great show. We used to curl up on Sunday nights and watch it when I was little.
  14. Thank you Daney!!
  15. Thanks for the pics, Hoss. I am definitely sure it is a '65. Although, it might be a Caprice though too. They are almost identical. I'll have to show a picture to my dad. lol He's about the only person I know that can pick it down and tell me the differences. After my brother's passing, his best friend bought a '65 Caprice four door. I myself couldn't see any differences between them - but Dad could. lol They are beautiful cars though!! 1965, my brother used to say, first year of the wide body.
  16. Thanks for the link!! I never knew this group existed! We're in the process of restoring the Impala, so maybe this would help. It's hard to find parts for them. Well, some parts; some are a dime a dozen, then there are some things that are nearly impossible to find without paying an arm and a leg. We keep the Impala going; I take it to car shows and put his name on it. The car community in our county - they grieved his loss very much. Our mayor, right after he passed, at a car show dedicated the Mayor's Choice award in my brother's name; he told the crowd, "He was going to be one of the great car restorer's among us." My brother spent time with my dad in the garage from the time he was a baby. My dad has been painting for 40 years now. My brother placed 3rd in the state at a welding competition amongst all the schools in Michigan. He also had a '73 Marathon Checker Cab he was restoring, but Dad decided it was too much and sent it off to the yard. My brother was a complex person. He was into his cars, always running in and out of the garage working on something - almost like a mad scientist. lol Through school, he had no mufflers on his Impala and had long hair... He graduated with honors. Then he decided to go into law enforcement, cut all his hair off, and started going to college. He was only with us for 19 years, but he never sat idle - he was always making the most of his life. He died in July 2007 from a pulmonary embolism; it was unexpected and devestating. We still grieve him very much. You will hear me make a lot of reference to him. We were like 2 peas in a pod. Thank you for the condolences. I watched the episode on my computer last night and I do think it's a '65. I'm looking too at the picture Hoss posted.
  17. Thanks!! I love Molly and I thought her banter with Jesse was real cute. It's too bad they didn't have her around more.. I read up on the actors and actresses and seen that Mary Jo was the voice of Mrs. Puff - that's awesome!! I also seen that she was on Different Strokes too. I vaguely remember the part though. I also seen that Neva Patterson passed away this past December. She was 90 years old!! I was just reading what you and Garrett were writing; didn't get to Molly and Alice yet though. That's really cool there's a fan fic section. I might have to try my writing out in there some day. I've been writing since I was 11; it's what I'm going to school for.
  18. Midnight Rider, done by the Allman Brothers - but ALSO done by Waylon Jennings! Reminds me of Jesse in his ridge running days. Some words of the song wouldn't really apply to that - but mostly the part "Not gonna let 'em catch me, no; not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider." Well, I’ve got to run to keep from hiding, And I’m bound to keep on riding. And I’ve got one more silver dollar, But I’m not gonna let them catch me, no, Not gonna let ’em catch the midnight rider. And I don’t own the clothes I’m wearing, And the road goes on forever, And I’ve got one more silver dollar, But I’m not gonna let them catch me, no Not gonna let ’em catch the midnight rider. And I’ve gone by the point of caring, Some old bed I’ll soon be sharing, And I’ve got one more silver dollar, Repeat three times and fade But I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no Not gonna let them catch the midnight rider.
  19. Thank you so much! I love yakking about the DoH. Glad to find other people that are just as interested in it as I am.

  20. I noticed in The Ghost of the General Lee, and I think in a few other episodes too, there is a white Chevy Impala; in The Ghost episode it's parked downtown when the General is 'driving itself'. Can anyone tell me for sure if this is a '65? It looks like a '65 four door, which is a hard to find car. My brother had a '65 Chevy Impala four door; he passed away a few years back at 19. We still have his car, and we collect anything we can that is a '65 Impala - especially if it's a four door. Just a random thought, if anyone wanted to give some feedback.
  21. Fishing!
  22. I actually liked the reunion movies. I am glad that Denver Pyle was able to be in the first one. My only gripe with the first movie though was I wish they hadn't just acknowledged Boss had passed away and left his 'empire' to Roscoe. I think they should have had everyone come back to Hazzard because Boss passed away, to pay their respects. Boss might have caused a lot of chaos over the years, but him and the Dukes went way back. I also think Uncle Jesse deserved more mention in the second movie, after Denver had passed away. He was mentioned briefly for his recipe. He deserved a lot more than that.
  23. Thanks for the welcome!! It is the best show out there. I love watching it every night, and even sometimes when it's not on - we pull out the DVDs.
  24. It's nice to meet you. I'm really liking this site!
  25. Thanks! I loved the Dukes when I was young, and my kids have sparked my interest back up. Years ago, we didn't have the technology we have today. I'm glad to have found HNet! Good to meet up with so many other DoH fans!!

    I wanted something different - and I really liked Swamp Molly! Wish she'd been in a few more episodes!

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