I grew up watching the Dukes. I remember watching it with my family growing up. I loved it. Now that I have two boys of my own, I am really happy that CMT is showing old episodes of the Dukes. I have gotten the first two seasons on DVD too. My boys LOVE it! I love it that there is something on television that's good that I can watch with them. I also love it too that lately when I've listened in when they're playing, I hear "You're Bo and I'm Luke" and "Hey, let's go get Cooter." I think my boys have finally found something they and I all agree on - The Dukes of Hazzard is good and fun! I miss the days where TV was good and wholesome and original. Today's shows are mostly reality, drama, or just don't sit well with me. I don't understand in today's world - people have to go to school to learn how to write - and they don't even write with imagination or originality. Years back, it wasn't uncommon for a show to go on for more than a couple seasons, and they were good to watch! Not too many shows now days.. My favorite episode of the Dukes is The Ghost of the General Lee. It made me cry and made me laugh. I thought seeing as how it was done in the second season, it was done real well - Sonny and Ben and Cathy were awesome. Denver - such a beautiful man all the way around! Now... can anyone tell me how I get my avatar up? It's not letting me.