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Hobie Hartkins

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Posts posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. On ‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 8:17 PM, RogerDuke said:

    A lot of folks think this is just a preview of the one world government predicted in the Bible. Thinking like a race, nation, community, family or individual will not be permitted. We will all be forced to think and act like the global government wants us to and it will be easy to watch us since we put all our finances, hobbies, social and medical issues, family stuff, fears, hopes and thoughts on the internet.

    BINGO!!! You got it!!

  2. They don't even SEE their hypocrisy! It's like watching the 3 Stooges....how could anybody be that blind/stupid in REAL life? As far as buzz words that have no meaning, like " Racist", let's do a little etymology....( how's that for a fancy word from a prejudiced, racist red neck " Hater" ?)



    Race- The Phenotypical ( There I go again,  with one of those fancy red neck words of mine!) designation of a human being, e.g., negroid, Caucasoid, Orientaloid, and Aborigine. ( The ONLY 4 races of man)


    ist- a suffix meaning,

    Belonging to or being a member of a certain group or party.

    So....by definition, if you are a member of a certain race YOU ARE A RACIST! Our enemies want no races. All of us should become the "UN Tan Man"!  You know, blend together and lose our identity and our sovereignty like Southern tradition, etc.   

  3. I have heard him talk down about TDOH and I'm thinking....." Dude that's where you got most of what you got!" Besides, those farming people in the small towns were and are the backbone of this nation!  ( Remember Uncle Jesse's speech about how the farmer is the backbone of the country without much thanks or money for it? .....it was the one where Daisy got her jeep and helped those two youngsters get married...can't remember .....the name...help somebody ....?)

  4. If people would just sit back and think and IF they have any common sense, they could see, that the flag, the war, etc. had NOTHING to do with slavery, racism etc. The war was about states rights vs. Federal government " Big Brother"! The people in the wrong won the war and as they say, the winner writes the history!

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