Well, this ain't exactly a redneck sled, but it's fun when your bored at work! lol I work at a ski hill and we have platter tows. (You put a stick with a plastic circle on the end between your legs and it will pull you to the top of the hill) Anyways, it was realllyy slow today, so we had competitions between most everybody employed at the ski hill to see who could get the furthest up the hill standing on a shovel. Then we got too good at that, so we sprayed the bottom of the shovel with WD-40, so it was really slippery. That was a little harder! lol Also, a guy I work with and I rigged-up a sled out of old broken snowboards. we pretty much just lashed a bunch of boards together like a raft and took the bindings off so you could sit on it. We could fit 3 people on it. and you get going! Trust me! Lol Something else that has been labeled as redneck round here (also made me and my neighbors famous for awhile. We were the talk of the town for a few months! LOL) I live in an area in Northern Alberta known as Dunvegan. It's pretty much a great big valley that the Peace River runs through. The valley is pretty steep where the main highway goes through. So this summer, my neighbors and I went out a bought three of those little plastic kiddie tricycles and rode down the Dunvegan hill on them! It was sooo fun! There's a video of it on Facebook, I don't know if Dan put it on YouTube or not. I'll ask and if he did then I'll put a link up. But it was sooooo fun! We got going REALLY FAST! We were going close to 55mph by the time we hit the bridge at the bottom of the hill! So that's my redneck sledding adventures..not all of them involde sleds, but they all involve going up and down hills fast! LOL