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Redneck girl 01

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About Redneck girl 01

  • Birthday February 26

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  • Biography
    Howdy Howdy Y'all...Im just a down home country/redneck girl...I got a hug from John Schneider:D!!
  • Location
    Hazzard County
  • Interests
    horses,4-wheelin,rodeos,bein outside,workin,readin,fair,DOH,writin,trucks,softball,school,etc...
  • Occupation
    Staightnin' the curves and Flatnin' the hills

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  1. Just walking around singing... "Eating rainbow stew with a silver spoon, underneath that sky of blue, we'll all be drinking that free bubble up and eating that rainbow stew."

  2. Hello Garrett!! How are you? I feel like it has been forever since I visited this place....

  3. Hey there! I had to disappear again due to sick kids :( I hope we'll be able to kick that out of the way soon. How are you doing?

  4. My friend actually had me listen to a few of her favorite songs....I almost hate to admit it, but I really like this one: Die for You- Otherwise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyq196qnEeo P.S. I hope this is the right song...I'm at home, so there is no way for me to load the video...I'm just gonna hope for the best...I'm pretty sure it is the right one....lol
  5. I'm doing good :) How're you doing?

  6. Glad you are liking it and that it is close to home...makes it easier. :)

  7. I sure hope so...course usually when I plan to do things one way, they turn out a different way. And Thanks, so far I really do love it...I enjoy it, everyone is nice, it is close to home, it isn't hard at all.

  8. We miss you here too...glad to see you planning on coming back more often. ;) Congrats on the new job. Hope you love it!

  9. Hahahaha I know! I'm just kidding around!! :D I am trying to make this place my second home again, but since I actually finally got a job, it seems I can only get on from about 9 till midnight...lol....I miss it here.....

  10. Stranger? Who me? Naw I've been here off and on for some time now...think it is you that is the stranger. :D Not much here. How about you?

  11. Sooo I keep hearing how great Duck Dynasty is, and how it has some really funny moments. Though I was under the impression that it was on the somewhat vulgar side, but after reading what you wrote Roger, I decided I would check it out. I went to my libraries website to place a hold on the season they have, there is 15 hold requests on it right now!! So it must be quite popular. That means I won't be seeing it for about a month. A week check out period, with three copies available, brings it down to roughly 5 weeks until I can get it. Hope it is worth the wait!
  12. Heeeey!!! How are yooou!!! :)

  13. Heeey stranger whats happening? lol :D

  14. Guess you're really mad at me, I'll just leave then...

  15. Been pretty good. What have you been up to?

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