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Everything posted by LizzyJackson-Davenport

  1. Wait a minute here something just came to me. It's been stated in Ashley and Jack's baby that Daisy is pregnant again but when we get to Ashley and Matt's love story four years later She's still only got the five kids. Clay, Vidalia, Byron, Lydia, and David. Did something happen to this other kid or what?

  2. "Yeah I heard. I think I'm gonna go see Aunt Lizzy." Amber says.
  3. "You have to change your attitude. You can do this I promise. You can make this work. Keep telling yourself this. Tell yourself you can do this and you'll be amazed at what you can do." Cooter says. "Besides I know my little girl. She can't resist a challenge."
  4. "Wait. You're the only one that will help me." Brian says.
  5. "People lie Bo. Evidence doesn't. If you remember from ten weeks ago the SEA kit proved she wasn't raped. Maybe your sister's a slag and got pregnant by someone in Hazzard but you know what I don't care. I just don't care." Lizzy says hanging up the phone. Cooter looks at Daisy and sighs. "You'll make it through this Daisy. I know you will because you are stronger than everyone gives you credit for. Show Lizzy you can do this. Don't cancel because if you do you're proving that you can't do this and I know you can. Daisy you have plenty of help and if you pull this off you'll show Lizzy that you're strong enough to handle this. When you show her this she'll come back. She'll be unable to stay away because if you beat the odds she can too. Please don't give up Daisy." Cooter says.
  6. "So how do you feel about your new baby sister?" Amber asks.
  7. When she gets there Cooter pats her on the shoulder. "You're free to use anything here. It's not your fault Daisy. It'll be ok." Cooter says.
  8. "I'm sorry Daisy. I can't. I wish I could but I can't. I'll talk to you later." Lizzy hangs up and turns the ringer off and continues her drive.
  9. "I'm sorry Daisy I never wanted to hurt you or break my promise but I just couldn't take it any more. With everything that's going on with Julie...I'm sorry but there's no changing my mind. I wish there was. I'll see you at the wedding if the invite is still open." Lizzy says.
  10. "I sure hope so. When Agent Roach finds out about this they'll be forced to drop the charges." Lizzy says.
  11. At David's Lizzy carefully takes a sniff of the bottles in the back of Brian's car then grins. "You little stinker." Lizzy mutters. "For what?" David asks. "You know how I asked Brian to bring me a couple things of water because our well had been having problems? It's all here." Lizzy says.
  12. "Look Daisy all the info you need is in that folder. Betsy and Maria are gonna take care of everything. It'll be alright." Lizzy says.
  13. "She did. She just left and wouldn't tell me where she was going. I couldn't stop her. But she wanted me to give you this." Cooter says handing over the folder. Says it's got everything you need to know for the next couple of weeks. She wanted you to know it had nothing to do with you. She...she didn't leave because of you or Bo and she hopes you understand."
  14. Lizzy tossed her last suitcase into the back of the Mouse and sighed. "Liz this ain't right." Cooter says catching her arm. "Maybe not but I can't deal with all this. You heard the call from Rack just as well as I did. Julie's pregnant now great. That'll mean she'll try to push for a rape charge and there is no doubt in my mind that the guy's lawyer is going to plead consensual and the DNA is only going to prove it's his kid. Who knows maybe she's been sleeping with someone here in Hazzard but they'll never prove rape with a DNA test alone." Lizzy says. "What about Daisy? She probably thinks that she's the one driving you away." Cooter says. "That's why you're gonna give her this." Lizzy says pushing a folder at him. "What is it?" "This is everything I said I'd do for my best friend. The baby shower is all planned and Maria said she's set everything up and take care of it. The bridal shower Luke's girlfriend Betsy said she's take care of it though most of it's done. The wedding everything's been done except for the date. Daisy just needs to call the numbers on that sheet and tell them the date and they'll get to working. I've left some stores in there that will have the kind of dresses she's looking for and if not I left Great-grandma's pattern in there. And you'll give Bo this." Lizzy says handing him an envelope. "What is it?" Cooter asks. "It's a letter." "Well duh." "It explains things that I've been thinking of lately." Lizzy says. "But that's not gonna stop Daisy from thinking..." Cooter starts. "Probably not. But it has absolutely nothing to do with Daisy. That letter says it all and I hope Bo understands. If...If Julie and all her drama weren't part of the picture I'd stay and you know it. Julie and I have never gotten along even if it was for Bo's sake. I don't think we ever will. I wish have to leave her but...Part of me knows I have no choice. If things are gonna settle down around here I've got to leave. It's the only way." Lizzy says. "I wish you wouldn't. I know you think you do but I wish you wouldn't." Cooter says. "Stay in touch?" "Always." Lizzy says. "I love you Dad." "Love you too sweetie." Cooter says. Lizzy drives off and Cooter sits on the front porch wondering how to bring his little girl back.
  15. Lizzy stopped at the door and listened to the conversation.
  16. "Yeah but if I hadn't dumped him he wouldn't have done it in the first place. I don't know what to do Daddy. I don't want to come between Daisy and Bo but if I go out with Bo Daisy will think she's coming between us and...I feel so lost." Lizzy says.
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