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Val Strate

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Everything posted by Val Strate

  1. Val Strate


    Ok, I know there are other DOH fans out there besides me who like anime. Don't be shy now. My favorites are the following, Cowboy Bebop (My all time favorite anime. Oh yeah, Spike Speigel is one awesome fighter and Faye Valentine would totally get along with Daisy Duke. I plan to have a crossover on this with Dukes someday. I know it sounds impossible but trust me it can be done.) Noein (I like the Sci-Fi stuff that's tied into this one and how it's a mystery you just have to keep watching to figure it out.) Death Note (I liked until they killed off 'L' then I stopped watching. Light is so creepy by that time.) Claymore (I haven't seen all of it yet but I think it's pretty cool. I like the whole sword battle stuff and how they have the concept of the 'Black card'.) Soul Eater (I haven't finished this either but I really think it's alot of fun to watch. A good comedy anime but don't have the kids up to watch it.) Those are some of my favorites. Now let's hear yours.
  2. I hope you enjoy your time here.

  3. howdy, Welcome to Hazzard net

  4. i1976 is right. Thanks i1976! This person is spamming and in a harmful way. I've found at least 8 bad posts to this individual. I'm sure you guys can handle it. As far as the Kudos, hey they belong just as much to you guys who run the place and keep it clean and fair for all of us who enjoy Hnet. Thanks for all your hard work Brian, MM and MaryAnne. Part of keeping this joint a great place to be is keeping the sense of community here and you all do a great job at that. But thanks for the cookie !
  5. I’m on page 10, which means I’ve past the beginning point and I’m into the fic’s middle. As long as the muse juice doesn’t run out and I don’t get lazy, we’ll be fine. I got a creature feature going for my story. So far the protagonist just found out he is the antagonist. Talk about Jerry Springer! This guy gots issues! In more ways than one. I guess being a Halloweenie baby gives one energy for this time of year. Now if I can just find a radio station that plays all Metallica all the time, I’ll really have the muse juice pumping! Ah, Brian you’ll be fine. You work best under stress. I got faith in ya man. You’re panicking which means things are going fine for ya.
  6. Not much. What's up with you Emy-Rae? How's things going?

  7. Wasn't there one episode where Lulu put Boss on a diet and he hid food all over the house. It showed Boss hiding pancakes I think under couch cushions?
  8. Well careful though! Ya don't wanna hurt it!
  9. Yer so baaaaaaaad, yer good! ;)

  10. Dang you're fast MM.
  11. Alright, seeing that someone has recently thrown down the gauntlet at me about this challenge in a private meeting, I have no choice but to answer the call. To answer your question Alex, I'm not chicken. I do not lay yellow eggs. I'm actually a turkey and this turkey, I, Valerie Marie Strate accept the ghost post challenge and plan to turn in a story by the due date or I will be used as a Thanksgiving sacrifice. *Plttth* So there! I will answer this call or so help me you may make me into a ghost by serving me for thanksgiving dinner with a side of MaryAnne's buns! Bahahaha!
  12. *Listens to Deputy make declaration.* Gee, we are gettin' o-fficial! *Puts finger in collar of own uniform shirt* Umm Umm... Should I or shouldn't I? Reminds me of the public servant oath ya have to take to work in the courthouse!
  13. Or you can avoid becomin' a Ghost and don't commit to the Post! Hee! Hee! *sits at wildlife desk being lazy*
  14. Hey all, I was wondering if anyone had seen Trick Pony's Music Video 'The Bride'? John is the groom in the video and it's pretty funny from what I have seen. I only got to see the first minute of it because for some reason youtube and other places I go to see the vid, give my computer fits. Gene Simmons from the rock band KISS, is the preacher which makes the whole thing funnier too. Never thought I'd see the day when Bo Duke is married off by one of the singers of KISS. *laughs*
  15. *Munching on cheesecake* Thank you MaryAnne. It was right tasty! Good thing I didn't order whip cream on the cheesecake! Gotta watch my calories!
  16. Ooooooo! Cheesecake! If you're takin' lunch orders MaryAnne, I'll have chocolate cheesecake with a side of cheesecake and a cheesecake smoothie to drink. Oh and don't forget the chocolate milk!
  17. Addictive isn't it?! I use to play it all the time when I was in college. Never beat it, mainly because I wasted enough time on it as is that I figured I don't have to waste more.
  18. Yes, I happen to like this song. I'm not from MI but I'm rather close and the culture here is pretty close to MI. For me the song brings up old memories of a time that was very simple, fun and helped me to grow up. I agree with Capt. I don't like the 'smoking funny things' in there because it makes it sound like everybody smokes or that everyone has tried Mary Jane and it's ok to try it once. I'm not a prude but come on, not everyone has smoked funny things. The funniest thing I have smoked was a menthol cigarette. I didn't see what was so cool about smoking it so I never got into the habit of smoking. However, I like the song. It hits home for me. If only life could sometimes be that simple and fun all the time.
  19. Yeah Laura, I did my fair share of showing cattle. I was a 4-Her for nine years and a FFA member for five. I did a lot of showing cattle when I was younger. It's a lot of fun yes and it can be a lot of work, depending on how much you want to put into it. Sure it looks like 4-Her's make money with cattle when you go to these fair auctions and see people paying top dollar for the grand champion steer. However truth be told those grand champs aren't making as much money as what you figure. You have to put in the price of corn that it takes to feed the animal. Then if you bought the steer or feeder, you have that price tag to deduct from it. Then you have pasture expenses, usually that comes to a dollar a day. Plus, if you hire a professional groomer to groom your animal or if you do it yourself, you have to deduct the cost of the fancy shampoos and hair products you use to make that animal ready for showing. Also if you put the steer/feeder in a 'cold room' to make it's hair grow you have that expense. So really when you get done with that $20,000.00 state fair champion steer, you have an expense amount of $19,975.25. This leaves you with a profit of $25.75, (Those aren't real dollar amounts they are just hypothetical to give you an idea.) Oh, and I forgot to tack on travel expenses and the amount of gas you use to fill up that big one ton pickup and trailer you use to haul your steer everywhere. Which we all know about the price of gas lately. Don't get me wrong, showing cattle is a lot of fun and teaches youngsters a lot about caring for things such as livestock and gives a young one a sense of responsibility and duty. However if you're looking to make money off of it, you're in the wrong business. I had a lot of fun showing cattle. We never made any money but the trips I took with my family and our cows were priceless. The Junior National show was my favorite trip and I spent a whole week with my dad and our two steers. I got second in class and probably 11th over all in a National breed show. So yeah, I had fun. Plus, I love grooming cattle and any time I can pull out my clippers and play hairdresser on the cows is a delight. Plus there are more joys out of cattle besides just the showing part. If you raise mamas you get to see babies born and get to learn about biology and play doctor to them when they are sick. So yeah, if you have any questions about cows, 4-H, or any of that, I'm more than happy to talk about it.
  20. Yes, I have to agree with Roger on this one. The press is just uniformed as usual and the majority of common reporters don't understand some science concepts and basically dramatize things so they can get headlines and sell stories. Yeah, Lukas, I kind of agree with you there about skepticism. Well our next chance to be skeptical is Dec. 12, 2012 when the Mayan calendar runs out. Supposedly it's suppose to be the 'end of the world' then. In the year 1900 there were tons of people thinking the world was going to end then and look where we are now. It's 100 years later and we have communications with people who are on the other side of the planet in the blink of an eye, and transportation is next. Just give us another 100 years and see where we are. There will probably be a new threat that future reporters can use for a 'end of the world' headline, like an attach of killer tomatoes, or the sun being ready to change phases in it's star life, or a 100 foot Staypuff marshmallow man.
  21. Ok, I seen that there are horse people on here but has anyone ever gotten into showing club calves or feeder calves, or show steers. Anyone who is into this will know what I'm talking about. The reason I call it a hobby and not a business venture is because anyone who's in it knows you don't make a dime off of doing it but it's fun. What breed of cattle do you show if you're a purebred breeder, or do you like crossbreds? What kind of trips have you been on? Did you get to go to the National Angus or Shorthorn conventions? Did you win any state fairs or jackpot shows? And for anyone who's wondering, yes I am still alive.
  22. I love Denver C. and General Grant's statements! Yes, I would still go as well if there wasn't any General Lee's or patrol cars. The one statement I love the best though is by Denver C. You're right, if the car was the star of the show, Coy and Vance would have been successful. Also if that statement were true the two new movies would be considered Holy Grails and it wouldn't matter who played Bo and Luke, Daisy, Rosco or any of the cast for that matter! Personally, the car is awesome. I would love to have a General of my own that I built or worked for myself. However, the General Lee is not the only reason the show was successful. It was a number of reasons. However to make a long story short, I'm not going into the cultural significance that 'The Dukes of Hazzard' has had on America or the world for that matter. We who are all Duke fans know it's importance and if not, wiki it up or take a college level pop culture class. So at least there you can at least talk about what came first 'The General' or 'The Cast'!
  23. Ok, I usually post something funny, thoughtful, or quirky for Earth Day. I know I was behind this year. Sorry I fell asleep at my desk. Blame it all on Enos for making me read those Japanese comic books he found! Anyhow, yes... Earth Day! I hope everyone had a happy Earth Day! Hope you all recycled, but remember there is more that people can do besides just recycling. Visit and donate to your local parks are one good deed. If you live in an area that has ditches, gather up a community group to clean the trash from the ditches. You can buy products that have less packaging. When buying cleaning products, look for environmentally safe labels. Give to Goodwill instead of throwing things away. Buy from Goodwill or from second hand stores. Some of the items are gently used and the money goes back into the community. So those are some helpful Earth Day tips.
  24. Hey! Alex! *sighs* Well MA, guess I don't got a Pepsi for ya anymore but you can have half of my Clark bar. Hope your birthday was great.
  25. MA! Happy Birthday! Hope it was a great one! Thanks for all you do around here. Oh by the way, I saved you a Pepsi from the vending machine.
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