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Emy-Rae Duke

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Everything posted by Emy-Rae Duke

  1. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  2. come back in i was distracted

  3. CONGRATS! one more year again then FREEDOM! :D

  4. hey you hope everythings cool :D

  5. we all live in a yellow submarine
  6. Birds gotta fly
  7. Suthern Comfurts?
  8. hey your screen name attracted me, is fonzi your real name or do you like happy days as a kid?

  9. Lawman of the year ( Helps alot when you LOVE COY and VANCE )
  10. why dont you come in the chaat?

  11. righteous dude have fun ^_^

  12. its cool we wont and yea it does suck talk to you later and sorry for getting mad at ya i kinda havwe a dendancy to fight to the death for what i beleive in

  13. not sure but is it boars nest bears?
  14. I aint mad, i left because i have a reputation on this board I could get banned easily so i really act like i have no opinions on this board because the majority dont agree

  15. thanks I did and hope you did too :)

  16. I have all the Dukes seasons and smallville seanson 2 I wish all the Gene Autry show episodes were on dvds
  17. yea he did a good job as our beloved deputy. I HATE Cletus, I don't know why he just doesn't seem as nice and lovable as Enos
  18. Congrats dee!!! *HUGS* I knew you could do it
  19. After Dinner Bo James and Sifu sat around a table in the study. " Ok we shall be traiining everyday, Im told you grew up on a farm, so waking up at dawn is something you are accustomed to, our day starts at 5am,you clean yourselves up and meet me out at 5:20am for tai-chi, then we have breakfast then we study about dragonhistory, then later we start fmartial arts/dragon fighting." Sifu began. " there are currently 2 natrual enemies of the dragons one is bajedis and domudys. the good thing is neither of them are intellegent but they always stick together, you see one you know the other can't be far behind."Sifu continied. bo yawns trying to keep awake
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